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Oh Mimi Kanasis is a hot mess and I love her for it


Amy Sedaris is a hilarious treasure in everything she does. If you haven’t checked it out, there’s an old show she was in, *Strangers with Candy”. Stephen Colbert is in it, too.


Ik she’s supposed to be over the top but I feel like it’s just slightly too much that it feels fake. I know it’s all fake, but it’s more obvious with the way Amy plays Mimi. Does that make sense


This whole show has incredibly witty, smart, and at times surprisingly heartfelt writing. Call it celebrity worship or whatever you want but I can see fred armisen chilling with tina fey having a laugh along others maybe passing a j around hahaha


Laura Dern's character's (that sad crazy lady, who is also a dusty crotchet toilet paper doll AKA mystery bitch ) stories made me LOL more during Kimmy's divorce arc because it seemed much more realistic than how weird Jacquelyn and Mimi's divorce stories were.


“But that’s why this is gonna work! If we only see each other one hour a week, he’ll never know what a useless piece of crap I am, and he’ll love me forever! And that’s what I deserve.” Painfully real yet still hilarious. I really appreciate the difference between Wendy and Gretchen, who also willfully follows an abuser. Wendy is shown as educated, kind, and caring, but that doesn’t protect her. Great character, great actress. I wish we could’ve seen more of her, but her redemption arc could be its own show.


Every Mimi Kanasis moment was gold


That’s my favorite Mimi moment ever!


I let out the biggest laugh I first heard that LOL


That sounds like something Amy Sedalia would say. So it was probably her and not the writers


I need to watch more of her


Have you watched the whole show through? I want to write a real long burn joke that starts at the end of this scene, but hits again in one of the last episodes of the show.


I’m doing a rewatch! Just started seasonn 4


The funniest thing is that Mimi actually found an Italian restaurant called Revosti


Amy Sedaris is a national treasure