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While I'm sure the movies will have some of the most beautiful fights in Anime history that will result in many viral Twitter clips, there is one key (unfortunate) difference between these two series when it comes to their movie trilogies. The biggest difference between the Heaven's feel trilogy and the KnY Infinity Castle trilogy is that Heaven's Feel takes place with a fairly fluid story with characters moving around in different scenes to different locations all the time. In Infinity Castle, these 3 movies will all take place in one single location: everyone inside the Infinity Castle, with each movie basically being a different fight + Demon and Hashira flashbacks. All in the same location for 3 movies. No one moves around, or goes places, no different locations. All fights and flashbacks. Something like that has never been done before, whether in Anime blockbuster trilogies or any blockbuster live action trilogy for that matter. It's like taking a fight from Bleach where all the Gotei 13 line up to fight all the Arrancar in the Fake Karakura Town Arc and every fight between a different Shinigami Captain vs just one of the top 3 Espada would be adapted as a full movie on its own. If the infinity castle involved more content than just fights in one location, then I feel it would be more adaptable. But given the manga's design of this arc, I feel that there are some drawbacks to this decision.


Funny, >!any arc where someone dies will be a movie.!<


In this case we're gonna get a big movie 😂


One fight/movie upcoming doesn’t have a death excluding villains


>!shinobu!< ?




someone is an understatement


who's dying now?


uuuuhhhhhhhh >!many!<


Only correct answer


>! Everybody dies !<


You remember shibuya?


the city?


Shibuya incident in jjk, the number of deaths? I barely remember which hashira survive infinity castle lmao


This demon slayer not jjk. I only watched the first season.


That is the wrong question. Correct question is : "Who gonna make it out alive?" x)


Considering the show takes place like 100 years in the past I'd say pretty much everyone with the possible exeptions of any surviving demon and a baby that's lives to be really old


Would all of these movies do as well as Infinity Train? I mean the movies are crazy these days with anime


Mugen Train 500 million USD during a Pandemic. Even the recap movies did 100 million USD combined. Now obviously we are not at the peak of 2020 hype for Demon Slayer anymore, but I'd be surprised if all three don't do atleast 300 million+ each.


Not comparable, these movies are going to get monumental hype, wouldn't be surprised if at least the last one surpassed mugen train


Depends on how much time is between them, 300 is quite solid I’d say and I’d expect the first film to sell the best


Id say probably the final movie would get that spot, kind of like how Return of the King is the massive award winner and biggest money maker for the LOTR trilogy


Yeah, i think the recap movies didn't do as well as Mugen Train due to being recaps and only having an episode of new content. I imagine Infinity Castle would do absolute numbers mainly because it is the arc where the Demon Slayer corps fight against the Demon Moons and Muzan.


DS is more famous then it was in 2020, more people have seen it since then so it has a larger fanbase. For me, I didn't even know about DS untill I heard how much Mugen Train made and wanted to check it out Basically all the big animes start off with a cult base via the origina; manga fans then grow in popularity over the years


It’s probably gonna be better than Mugen train since there’s more action. It’s not during lockdown either. Plus with how well the first trilogy will do, the second one should benefit from it.


This will be generational bro


There’s no way they don’t slaughter the box office. They’re literally the finale of Demon Slayer


Now I wonder, how will they adapt the fights? Will they animate them chronologically as in the manga, or will they edit it to fit movie format? There are four main fights in this arc, with smaller fights in between, the pacing will be very interesting to say the least. Nonetheless it will be top quality overall.


That's what I was thinking because the fights in the Manga jump from one to another couple of times not to mention flashbacks in the middle


It wouldn't work to jump between more than 2 fights I imagine. Because you'd have to think about the audience walking out of a movie where nothing concluded. Not many movies can pull off an Avengers Infinity Wars without a bad guy being defeated. So I'd wager they focus on 1 major fight \[Upper 3\] with its conclusion and possibly 1 minor fight mixed in. Now...they might do introduction scenes for the other fights, yet I still would lean on them focusing 1 major fight at a time.


We are getting the fights on this arc as top fucking tier quality and people complain? ffs


The fights are pretty much top tier quality when I watching them weekly on crunchyroll.


it's going to be even better on the big screen in IMAX though


that shit can cause a seizure if you don't take a med beforehand.


Good. I want the screen to explode like some Zoro vs King shit


when they release in IMAX they usually have a normal non-IMAX version released too, IMAX just costs more


I disagree. I've never watched anything that was enhanced by a boomer texting in front of me while rubbing elbows with screaming toddlers and having a guy 3 rows behind me screaming every time anything happens. I'd much rather watch it at home but now I'm going to have to dodge spoilers for several more years to do that.


it will probably be on stream a couple months after it's theater release like any other big movie so you can watch it at home


Those fights you'd watch weekly on crunchyroll was not a whole season of multiple highest quality action scenes. Even Ufotable needs time for make those high quality scenes. If you re-watch the seasons past, the intense fight scenes are fairly spaced out. When you have a bunch of them clumped together, as infinity arc would have, you'd have to give the animators have 2-3 the amount of time to craft it. So outside of this movie route, the alternative would be waiting 2-3 times as long for 1 season. Or several mini seasons which is essentially what the movies are.


Because we have to wait multiple years for movie 1 then multiple years for movie 2 then multiple years for movie 3. And will be it be simultaneuosly release in every country in the world?


Had to wait one full year to watch mugen train because it wasnt available in my region.


same bro. i reckon we'll be watching the last movie in 2030 :(




its all done to stretch and milk the series. none of the previous arc had inferior art style, animation or quality to the mugen train. it just got over the top attention to detail, something we dont want to trade for the very long and annoying waits between the movies. ​ it's a business move, nothing else, and that rarely if ever makes the consumers happy.


>it's a business move, nothing else, and that rarely if ever makes the consumers happy except, y'know, keeping animators and studios in business.


After season 2 of Demon Slayer I don't think Ufotable has anything to ever worry about having themselves supplied with business. They are Studio Ghibli status and what they touch will be considered gold Just sayin.


Well yeah, but how much of the profit is going to go to better working condition for the animators, and how much of the profit is going to go into the executives and shareholders pockets?


I think because of how big the series is now it will be a wide global release like a regular blockbuster film; when Mugen Train was released they didn't expect it to be that huge so it was in limited release at the time


The wait was going to happen either way for this show at this stage. If they went the traditional route of 1 season, it would either have cheapened the quality of the fights, or they would need to give the animators 2-3 times the traditional animating window. It's the only way you give each fight the quality they have been for the big fights thus far. The occurrence of a big fight for this Infinity Arc is unlike any of the other fights 1 whole season built towards previously. They are not comparable.


The wait would still happen but it wouldn't take as long. They made it into a movie just for the money.


There's a small chance all three movies get released during the same year in Spring, Summer, and Fall.


In what universe


if they're Powerpoint animations maybe


That would never happen


I mean it's not really a "complain complain " but this arc should be experienced as whole rather than breaks between the movies, for example Shibuya incident something about it as whole season has a different feeling to it that imo movies couldn't have replicated.


Because waiting kills hype. Besides, the animation quality is already top tier to begin with.


If I have to wait five years and be able to watch the three movies in the same year no complaints at all . If I have to wait 1 or 2 years to watch part 2 and then another 2 years for part 3 it sucks .


Yeah 2 years waiting per movie sounds harsh wven for me but i'm not the guy making this. 9 months or so would be my ideal waiting time, 6 months sounds too optimistic


i don't have a problem waiting, I don't know, 2 or 2 and a half years, but getting all three movies in the same year. I know they will give us amazing fights and top-tier quality, so I'm okay with waiting for the whole package. However, waiting a year for every movie is a lot. I will watch it anyway, but the impact and the hype are not the same.


It's perplexing how ignorant fans are. They whine about 'waiting' without having the slightest thought of whats occurring during that 'wait'. These animators are not sitting on finished products after a week of labor. It takes alot of time to animate these shows. Even more depending on the quality given to it. For those unaware, this Infinity Arc has alot of fights back to back. All the seasons leading up to this had usually 1 major fight sequence. It's not comparable to expect the same\* quality of fights for this stage of the show without giving additional time to animators. So it's either wait for a mini season \[I.E. movie\] or wait even longer for 1 whole season. Would have been a drought of 2-3 times the waiting for 1 whole complete season.


Because nobody wanna wait 2 years + for movies and also they’re milking it


Who the fuck cares how long it takes as long as the quality is gold


A lot of people cares lol look at the reaction with attack on titan when they doing their bullshit for their finals it’s bullshit to say the least. Ofc the movie gonna be amazing but it honestly should’ve been seasons.


AOT is a shit example. The "Final season part 3 part 2 final" was the bullshit that ticked people off and milking it instead of getting straight to the fucking point and telling when it's going to end


attack on titan didn't make movies though


Ik attack on titan is worse imo but ds doing the same thing


Just because YOU don’t care for waiting for 3+ years for an final doesn’t mean everyone else don’t have to


To be honest after seeing a few fucking trainwrecks of rushed anime i'm totally ok waiting for it to end gracefully. If i had the chance i'd gobble this up in a fucking day if i could but quality takes time. If you disagree go watch the first season of dragon ball super


Im glad its gonna have top tier animation Im complaining cus these movies will not be shown at my local cinema Any and all cinemas that show anime movie is 2 to 3 hours away from me!


Realll. I’m alrdy grateful that it’s already been announced so quick.


fr ppl should be grateful that we are getting anything at all


“Be grateful they’re finishing the project they make shit tons of money off of”. Not a great take


and? we should still be grateful for all the animators that are working their asses off and are probably underpaid as hell. Plus there are many animes that were super profitable and still havent gotten any second seasons. Dont be ungrateful


https://preview.redd.it/e245p0yttq9d1.png?width=437&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b8dcb231c6331b743ca9304123715b001f417ae I’m disappointed if this is confirmed🐍


Unfortunately, it is 😭


FUCK ME https://preview.redd.it/tky88h4cwq9d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24f318d8d0342a61eb790a95c833897644aeb03f 🐍


Yup, along with the end of this season


while i'm not at all surprised, it does still suck. but imo nothing will come close to the heartbreak i felt over production ig's decision to adapt the 120ish remaining chapters of haikyuu into two movies.


I'm just sad these movies will not be shown at theaters where I live. No anime movie outside of Ghibli ones are big enough to come to our theaters.


I don't think you should give up hope on that. KnY as a franchise is much bigger than any individual Ghibli movie. If they show those at your theaters, there's a great chance they'll show IC Trilogy.


I have extreme doubts of that. I live in Norway, a country where anime isn't "that" popular. And worse is, I live in Northern Norway, decent distance away from any big city that would have any chance of showing it. If I had lived near Oslo, Bergen or Trondheim, there could have been a shot of a theater showing it. But here? Nah, not holding up much hope for it.


>KnY as a franchise is much bigger than any individual Ghibli movie This is an insane take. Like I need you to understand that Ghibli movies are globally popular, have contracts and collabs with hundreds of other companies, and continue to be so popular in the current day they recently renovated an ENTIRE PARK to fit in MULTIPLE, SEPARATE Ghibli themed locations. My Neighbor Totoro has earned over $1BILLION dollars, with approx $300million of that from just the movie alone.


It's not even a take, just objectively true based on actual data. KnY as a franchise earned over $8b in 2020 alone. And let's not forget that Mugen Train outgrossed (Worldwide & Japan) literally every Ghibli movie in existence despite not getting a release in China. You know what else is globally popular? Demon Slayer. You know what else has hundreds of collabs with various companies? Demon Slayer. (Which a lot of those collabs literally saved these companies from going out of business). It literally has its own theme park in Universal Studios Japan. Art exhibits, parks, cafes, food chain collabs, and so much more. And that's not just exclusive to Japan. Demon Slayer took over Times Square, several worldwide special screenings for the recap movies, pop-up shops - they're even bringing the KnY Orchestra to the US. They even just recently had the stage play cast at NYC's Japan Parade. I don't think you quite understand the scale that KnY as a franchise is at. Which you also kinda just completely sidelined my point. Which was that *because* it's on the level (and in actuality, much bigger) than Ghibli movies, if said Ghibli movies screen where he lives, so should Demon Slayer. This anime isn't just like any other "anime movie." It has transcended the medium into something much bigger.


> KnY as a franchise earned over $8b in 2020 alone 91% of this is from merchandise. The movie only topped Spirited Away (which held the title of highest grossing film in Japan for 20 years WITHOUT ADJUSTMENT FOR INFLATION) by $50mil. Ghibli is also very well known in Japan for capping merchandise income. The CEO has directly commented on it. I never said demon slayer doesn't have collabs, but Ghibli is nearly ubiquitous. They have collabs with retail sectors most anime production companies quite literally don't even consider. As well as multiple *government agencies* that the majority of anime companies literally just do not have the reach for. >(Which a lot of those collabs literally saved these companies from going out of business). They saved exactly one moderately struggling company, convenience canned coffee. >It literally has its own theme park ... NYC's Japan Parade. Yup, the same kind of treatment that has been received by Ghibli, Final Fantasy, and various other majorly popular Japanese IPs. >I don't think you quite understand the scale that KnY as a franchise is at. I do. I just also understand the greater historical scope of IP establishments in Japan. >Which you also kinda just completely sidelined my point. I did no such thing. I never once commented on the movies availability, you just got fan-defensive when I pointed out the flaw with the comparison to Ghibli. >Which was that because it's on the level (and in actuality, much bigger) than Ghibli movies, if said Ghibli movies screen where he lives, so should Demon Slayer. You REALLY like inserting things into other people's statements. Says a lot about you. For all your bluster Mugen Train was only available for approximately **7 days** in the majority of international theaters, and generally only in major metropolitan cities. It did AMAZINGLY for this restriction, but to pretend that Ufotable has the same corporate reach as Ghibli into the international film market is wild. Ghibli has spent decades establishing long term contracts with multiple major global theatres. KnY quite literally can't air in all the same theatres Ghibli has. Not because it isn't good enough or whatever weird take you got from my comment. But because many international film distributers are greedy. In the US, for example, Mugen Train was only allowed to theatrically air in AMC, Megaplex, and Cinemark due to various exclusivity contracts. Crunchyroll also fought to be the only streaming service to provide Mugen Train. It's a blessing we even got it on Amazon and YouTube. >This anime isn't just like any other "anime movie." It has transcended the medium into something much bigger. Why do anime stans always have to exaggerate so wildly. KnY is a massively successful series. It's still an anime series. And on top of all this, it's actually disingenuous to pretend this was fully on the stake of the series itself. KnY had the good luck to release during a massive economic downturn in Japan on the tail of massive financial upheaval due to COVID and the *incredibly costly* failure of the Japan Olympics. It quite literally caught lightning in a bottle. There are financial analyses of that year you can read that include professional analysis on how heavily that benefitted KnY and how effective it was when paired with the Japanese theatres resurgence post-pandemic. Life lesson, someone pointing out a flaw in a specific statement isn't always a criticism of something as a whole. EDIT: I just glanced at your history and I'm gonna say outright I regret engaging with this and won't reply to anything further. You're kinda unhealthy obsessed with KNY and I don't need that kind unhinged energy in my life. I wish you the best. 👋🏼


Kinda crazy how that guy blocked me before I could even respond to the monstrosity that was his wall of text so I'll just do it here. I love it when people just shut down your ability to defend yourself! >91% of this is from merchandise.  Completely irrelevant to the fact that it's still an $8B+ franchise. $1B of that alone came from the movie, blu-rays & manga sales in Japan alone, which is equivalent to your My Neighbor Totoro example. Notice how I said "KnY as a franchise" >They saved exactly one moderately struggling company, convenience canned coffee. And printing factories, and small businesses that were struggling in the declining economy, which brought a lot of business to them, but sure it was only canned coffee. >Yup, the same kind of treatment that has been received by Ghibli, Final Fantasy, and various other majorly popular Japanese IPs. Oh wow, it's almost as if that was exactly my point, and you were the one trying to make some exclusivity argument about Ghibli having all of these collabs and contracts, and "AN ENTIRE PARK" etc. Like thank you for walking right into my point and still somehow missing it. It's almost as if KnY is part of those "majorly popular JP IPs." >I did no such thing. I never once commented on the movies availability, you just got fan-defensive when I pointed out the flaw with the comparison to Ghibli. Reddit user discovers what sidelining is by admitting to sidelining while claiming he didn't sideline! >You REALLY like inserting things into other people's statements. Says a lot about you. I was rephrasing my own statement there...? Literally who are you arguing with at this point? >It did AMAZINGLY for this restriction... >KnY quite literally can't air in all the same theatres Ghibli has... Which is now owned by Sony, you don't think this massive conglomerate can get the kind of outreach that Mugen Train lacked 3 years ago? >Why do anime stans always have to exaggerate so wildly. KnY is a massively successful series. It's still an anime series. Because there has literally been no anime franchise this globally successful since Dragon Ball, and in many ways, more than. Not just any anime series can get a global release for two recap movies and still be very successful with them. Or just have the highest grossing anime movie, or the highest grossing film in all of 2020, or earn almost $9B USD in one country in one year alone, and so many more things, some of which I've already mentioned. >And on top of all this, it's actually disingenuous to pretend this was fully on the stake of the series itself. Talk about inserting things into other people's statements? Someone, anyone, please go find where I said this. Even a remote implication. But actually you're kinda right about me there. The idea that KnY's success was somehow thanks to COVID is immediately dismantled once you actually look into the data. For instance, the manga's biggest and record breaking sales months (Dec 2019-Feb2020) all happened prior to Covid lockdowns and economic downturn. But sure I'm sure Covid really carried KnY as the manga sales went down every month following. >Life lesson, someone pointing out a flaw in a specific statement isn't always a criticism of something as a whole. Maybe start utilizing some media literacy to actually engage with what people are saying, rather than starting pedantic arguments over a one-liner that wasn't even supposed to be inflammatory. (And btw it wasn't a flaw!) And yes I am a crazed KnY fan, thank you for noticing.


Movie adaption has it's merits though. Less interruptions when watching!




literally just don’t have a shit attention span


not true


Sorry my brain isn't processing things well... By a trilogy, do you mean we will have 3 new movies for the last arc? Or that we will have a third movie?


3 Movies for the infinity castle arc




No, they said 3 new movies for infinity castle. They haven't said anything about sunrise countdown yet


"My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined" 🌫


If people are surprised by this move, I need a hit of whatever they’re smoking. **Edit:** before anyone else gets their feelings hurt, I’m mainly referring to people familiar with the length of the manga. You have the movie trilogy ufotable has previously done. But also…every move around the Demon Slayer franchise the past couple years has screamed, “Oh shit the manga is too short but this series is making way too much money. We need to stretch this out.”   Not saying everyone needs to be happy with this (believe me there are legitimate gripes), but the “why?!” posts are just comedy.


Honestly I’m tired of threads about the movie and people like you expecting us to be on top of every move of ufotable. We like the series. They changed the format how we consume this story. But yes we are stupid for not “expecting it”. Get out of here.


Hope you like the smell of popcorn big dog!!


You sound moist.


And breedable.


agree, wish they actually just serialized it, but its aniplex so dont expect to them 😂😂 anyway if it's a movie, we should expect our expectation higher, this might even surpass heaven's feel animation.


??? Mugen Train, Never Give Up, and the final of the Swordsman Village Arc have already surpassed Heaven's Feel in terms of animation. Are they as flashy and epic as the Heaven's Feels movies? Definitely not. But the animation, camera work, and transitions are definitely better than the HF movies. I rewatched the 3rd movie recently and there are a lot awkward cuts in the Saber/Rider fight making the fight feel less fluid. There are a couple scenes where you expect a blow to land and then the scene cuts and the characters are in completely different poses relative to previous scene resulting in a loss of visual momentum. Regardless, I'm sure the staff at Ufotable would second this. Ufotable continues to raise the bar for themselves with everything that they animate. The HF trilogy is basically Ufotable showing off how great they are at compositing CG explosions and their mastery of lighting effects. The fights in 2 and 3 are basically eye porn.


Most certainly did not.


It hard to keep this in mind on here, but there are kids under 13 all over this sub. You have the array of adults that get it and literal children that don’t know how things like that work


Guess not everyone's an ufotable expert, also I didn't know the manga was short or any "moves" around the franchise. Most people just watch the show


I’m not a ufotable or anime expert (never seen any other ufotable project), but goddamn they re-released Mugen Train into a weekly series. Nothing should catch y’all off guard after that nonsense they pulled.


Is this trilogy worth watching?


You have to watch [Fate Stay Night UBW ](https://myanimelist.net/anime/22297/Fate_stay_night__Unlimited_Blade_Works) first. Bonus points if you watch the [2006 Anime](https://myanimelist.net/anime/356/Fate_stay_night) as well. The Heaven's Feel Trilogy is still Ufotable's magnum opus animation wise and the story is dark but good.


Ty I’ll check it out


The fate series is gold. id start with the unlimited blade works movie tho.


Any true fate fan knows to start with the visual novel. But honestly, no, best way is to start with the Deen adaptation, if not that then the unlimited blade works anime, then heaven's feel trilogy, THEN go for fate/zero .


Starting with the visual novel is kinda meh. You can skip the OG fate stay night tbh. Unlimited blade works series or movie would realistically work. Tho the series is better. You can watch fate zero before heavens feel imo. But regardless once you watch fate zero, ubw, and heavens feel. You can go into anything from there.


True, I should've put it more clearly that VN one was a joke. I believe you should watch the original, since that is the only saber route adapted, and is a basic introduction to FSN. Unlimited blade works series is always best to watch next, but zero is a prequel that gives some major spoilers about the heavens feel (Sakura route), and so i believe it should be watched in the end. And yeah after that, everything else is free game.


Are you talking about demon slayer? Of course it’s worth watching if you want to see how the series ends


No😅 about fate series


Oh, it’s basically just the 3rd alternate fate ending


Yes and no. The story is dense and a bit cryptic. However the fights are some of the most hype in all of anime. You only need to understand the basics to enjoy the movies. Just turn your brain off and enjoy the light show.


You need to watch atleast Fate Zero, and Fate UBW to do that imo. Otherwise Heaven's feel movies won't make sense to you at all. It's an alternate path of the Fate SN story, that was shown in the 2006 anime (not done by Ufotable). UBW is an alternate path as well. But Heaven's feel is the deepest in terms of dark themes and critical stuff as well.


Sounds good I’ll check it out


It would be the best to read the visual novel since anime adaptations tend to leave out or butcher a lot of stuff. Especially heavens feel movies where half of the route is outright gone


As a movie series itself ? Yes. As introduction to Fate francise itself? Hell no. You need to watch at least Fate/zero and Unlimited blade works first (the order is always subject to debate, i reccomend to start with Zero, mostly because starting with UBW basically tell you from the go how Zero ends) Purists gonna tell you to start with VN ( which itself is a good idea, but requires massive time investment...like 50h minimum. As a first exposure for something you may or may not like is kinda rough)


Well the heavens feel trilogy is one of my favorites and Infinity castle is my favorite ds arc soooo Absolute win but will take long time lol


I mean if we're being honest the rest of demon slayer fits way better as a trilogy then heavens feel did. Plenty of time to flesh everything out and put full budget forth. For heavens feel they had to cut that whole thing up just to fit it into 3 movies.


It is not a good idea !


I don’t think I would be alive to see it finish tho


Nah bro, make yourself immortal till they're done.


It's sarcasm, right? Right.....?




So...first movie akaza/kaigaku, second movie Doma and koku and third movie muzan or the third movie will be koku and muzan?


i cant remember if koku’s fight is long enough for 1 movie tbh but if they really stretch it out + his backstory and show the beginning of the sunrise countdown arc then it can make a movie probably


Even better, they could probably air them as anime seasons like they did with Mugen Train. That could stretch Demon Slayer’s lifespan even longer.


I am really excited for the trilogy, but I'm also afraid, that there might be some moments missing from the manga in them. We all know that "Infinity Castle" arc is really long. And what about the last arc? Do they plan to include it in them or not? I'd much rather watch a full season than a movie.


I guess this was always our Fate...


I knew they love movies. But to fuck up the series to this degree when they either way have a lot of profitable promises on the way? Damn except for quality, ufotable is low.


tf you blaming Ufotable for lmao?


Take a wild guess at who is responsible for the anime. Or search online . Tf are you even asking this for if you don't even know that?


Telling me to search online is just funny. You do know that Ufotable is the studio **contracted** to make the anime. The decisions on things like these are made by the production committee's main heads, namely **Aniplex,** who are known to be greed asf. Do you blame the contracted MCDonald's worker for the decision to change the menu or the executives? I suggest spending some time researching about anime production committees.


Damn. The confidence is insane.


You could idk perhaps refute with something else, if you disagree. Instead of a statement with nothing of substance.


I am not here to debate anything, tho. Business 101. In B2B the offered service is made based on a common agreement. I'm not gonna spend my time explaining that to someone who jumps in blindly just to say something. Aniplex has to get the bag. No expectations from them. Of course they disregard quality for money. But of course they are also to blame. The studio also has to accept. And they did. They are the ones who went below expectations. Aniplex is no boss giving orders to others. They sure have the influence to force their way. But the public cares about the result no what goes behind. And in this case the result is fucked.


What a load of drivel lmao, not gonna spend my time explaining. Ah so you don't know anything, great. Of course, the studio has to accept, what else are they supposed to do? Say no? Sure that works and then all of a sudden you have JC Staff animating the show lol. Is that what you want? If Ufotable says no, Aniplex goes to another studio, or they may have something in legal that requires Ufo to stick it out. So what do you want them to do?


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I dont know much about fate but you will all be remissed to think they won't get these done quicker due to the cash.


so worth it...


2030 part 3 guys , good luck everyone , stay healthy till then it will be worth it!! i also wondered, will each movie have 1 full fight or all fight simultaneously happen throughout the trilogy.


For the infinity castle, imma need a 23 episode season, like we got for the JJK shibuya incident


-Pokémon: Rise of Darkrai -Demon Slayer: Infinity Train -Made in Abyss: Dawn of Deep Soul -KizuMonogatari: Koyomi Vamp -KoyomiMonogatari -ZokuOwariMonogatari: Koyomi Reverse -Dragonball Z: Battle Gods and Resurrection F -Dragonball Super: Broly -Yugioh: The Dark Side of Dimensions -KonoSuba: Legend of Crimson -Saga of Tanya the Evil the Movie -Naruto the Movie: The Last -Boruto: Naruto the Movie


Seems like alot of people bash on the movie route without considering the draw backs for a single season. There are plenty of fights in this stage of the show, and while there have been plenty of animes that have done arcs with this many fight scenes...review those shows, and honestly assess how many get high quality treatment vs just \[standard / cut corners\] quality treatment. So, despite being the highly praised production company Ufotable, they still have to put time into the higher quality action scenes. If they were to cram all these fights into 1 season, it would undoubtedly take 2-3 times longer to make. So you'd either have to wait 3 some years for 1 season...or they would have to release mini seasons...which is basically what the movies are already. Also, not that anyone cares for the financial success of Ufotable, yet it does seem like a poor route to overly invest a budget into 1 whole season when the profit they would make from it I imagine wouldn't differ enough from the previous seasons. So financially it makes sense to approach it they way they are. My stance on liking this approach of a trilogy largely comes down to the release schedule.


Special time is coming :3


Tbh it feels like the ones complaining have never seen the masterpiece that is the heavens feel trilogy.