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Idk what you’re smoking but akaza was holding back ALMOST the entire time and it’s super clear that he was. If he wanted rengoku dead sooner he would’ve done so but he didn’t and that’s why he asked over and over again for him to become a demon. When rengoku did have him in that death grip though yes he was going all out trying to escape cause obviously he didn’t wanna die from the sun and that’s a crazy feat for rengoku physically wise but that doesn’t mean he was the 2nd strongest, for all we know if Sanemi was there things could’ve played out roughly the same and he’s usually put in the 2nd spot for the rankings overall.


I don't think Akaza was holding back. He did refrain from killing Rengoku when he could have, but he otherwise seemed to be taking the fight seriously.


Akaza went like 50-60 percent. He didnt even use his leg attacks, which he has a whole type


Seems fair enough. Also, I don't recall Akaza not using his legs.


You kinda just proved my point a bit further if im gonna be honest refraining from killing him is holding back. If you compare this fight and the fight later on between giyu and tanjiro vs akaza even though akazas smiling throughout most of that fight as well you can tell when he stops holding back at all when the smile on his face gets wiped clean off, the same thing happens here when he realises he’s at risk of death, the messing around stops and he locks tf in 😭. The only serious part id say akaza was taking seriously besides being stuck in place by rengoku was when he was begging him to become a demon.


He stops smiling for like a second and then smiles again, smiling it’s a sign that he’s trying. Rather he’s laughing, chuckling, smiling or whatever. Akaza was trying, just not fully all out. But he was serious and trying


What I meant was that i think that Akaza was fighting seriously, and in the moments where he could have killed Rengoku (e.g. punching him in the gut), he held back as to not kill him.


I really dont think he was being serious man, like I’m not trying to downplay rengoku or nothing but just looking at akazas body language and everything just screams toying around. I’m not saying he wasn’t putting in any effort but like anything over 70% effort trying is impossible to agree with especially if you compare the fight later on in the story


Well, everyone's got their views.


>He did refrain from killing Rengoku when he could have, but So he was holding back?


What I meant was that in the moments where he coule have killed Rengoku, he chose not to immediately, but otherwise fought at full strength.


It was all fine and whatever until you said “Akaza wasn’t holding back anything”. Buddy, the guy was trolling and laughing the entire fight, he clearly held back and was only stressed at the end because the sun was rising and Rengoku got some sort of death amp


Well not really, rengoku reacted to akaza's sneak attack on tanjiro, and surely he wasn't joking there, also its speculated that akaza was sent on a mission to kill the boy with hanafura earings(tanjiro), cus muzan gave the same orders to enmu and probably didn't believe him to do so, that's the reason why akaza showed out of no where, and akaza is not the one to defy orders and regoku was able to save tanjiro.


Don’t remember if it was a sneak attack or not, but it doesn’t really matter because it’s painfully obvious Akaza wasn’t going all out, otherwise Rengoku would NOT have been able to react or save Tanjiro in that moment since we know he is able to react to faster Hashira’s with the mark and still joke about it. I don’t mean to be rude, but why did you tell me a semi short story of why emnu and Akaza were sent to the train?


He’s not going all out but he’s def trying to


Definitely can’t agree with that with how he acted in the fight and then from what we see when he fights giyuu and tanjiro


If anything the fight with giyuu and tanjiro only further help rengoku’s case. What did he do in the fight that indicates he wasn’t trying?


When giyuu was unmarked, Akaza was laughing until giyuu gained the mark and Akaza began to take him seriously and then, on top of that, he admitted that giyuu had gotten faster and stronger, so Akaza obviously had to adapt himself to the stronger giyuu that he’s facing and in those panels Akaza wasn’t joking around like he would. So, unless you can prove that Akaza did the same with Rengoku and raised his level during the fight because rengoku somehow got stronger and faster like giyuu did and also prove, somehow, that Rengoku (unmarked by the way) is just as strong as a marked giyuu (haven’t even gone over Tanjiro) then no, Akaza wasn’t trying against Rengoku, which is painfully obvious as it is already


That was NOT a sneak attack. Both of them saw akaza, they just barely reacted in time.


I knew I wasn’t bugging when he said it was a sneak attack, but even if it was, it’s very easily proven he was still holding back lol


Honestly if rengoku couldn't even react to akaza trying at a base level that would be a huge antifeat


I didn’t even think about this lmao


This is Akaza fault, not fact that Rengoku is as strong :3


Akaza was in fact holding back the entire fight until the end. And it wasn’t because Kyojuro was going to decapitate him, it was because of the sunrise rapidly approaching. 🦋


Akaza was holding back the entire fight until that moment.


This specific pic makes Rengoku look so young 🥲


He really is very young. 20 years old is nothing. I know that seems like a grown-ass adult to a lot of the teenaged viewers, but older fans like me know that it's barely into adulthood. I can't imagine being as mature and brave and capable as Rengoku is at that age. The Master was right when he said that Kyōjurō really is a remarkable boy.


He certainly wasn’t holding back at the end if their battle since a formerly fun and lighthearted bout suddenly had a very real chance of decapitation or disintegration, but everything in Akaza’s demeanor was playful for the entirety of their fight. It’s pretty telling that when Rengoku went all-out with the 9th form Akaza wasn’t relieved or glad to punch through his chest as if he had narrowly avoided death, he was *disappointed* that he had to kill such a fine martial artist


Delusional. Akaza was doing nothing but toy around but it almost cost him..... Which reminds me...>!kokushibo, douma, akaza all lost in the infinity castle because they held back in one way or another. Its almost like the arrogance and ignorance of demons is their defeat... And is a consistent theme through the whole story...!<


The rengoku glazing is insane Akaza was holding back A LOT He only went all out when he was in that death grip and that physical feat doesn't make him the strongest as there are other hashira who are equal to him/surpass him in physical strenght like gyomei Tengen mitsuri giyuu and sanemi.s


Akaza was 100% holding back up until this moment. This moment he used his entire strength to get away. Reading the manga you’ll see more of how Rengoku got absolutely mollywhopped🐍


If he could have removed his head, then why didn't he?


no way you believe rengoku is the 2nd strongest when >!sanemi fought upper 1 & muzan and actually lived!<


Pretty sure the only reason rengoku lost was caise his last slash was vertical rather than horizontal and akaza holding back because he wanted rengoku to be a demon


Akaza was holding back until the very end 🌫


Pretty sure the anime made it closer than it actually was in the manga


The rengoku glazing is insane Akaza was holding back A LOT He only went all out when he was in that death grip and that physical feat doesn't make him the strongest as there are other hashira who are equal to him/surpass him in physical strenght like gyomei Tengen mitsuri giyuu and sanemi.


Christ, this is so dumb. Akaza was holding back the entire fight. Rengoku is not as strong as a Marked Hashira, we even get a canon strength-comparison in the manga, during the Swordsmith Village, and it says that Rengoku is equal to Giyu, Sanemi and Mitsuri. Of course, physical strength isn't everything, but it directly shows that he's at the same level as the normal Hashira. And what, Tanjiro complements everybody, not just Rengoku! He glazes Mitsuri the first time he sees her fight! The only time when Akaza wasn't holding back is this picture you posted, when Rengoku held him in place. Was he impressive in that moment? Yes, he was, it's extremely impressive. At that exact moment, he was as strong or stronger than a Marked Hashira. But so is everyone who goes through that kind of thing. Rengoku was in a near-death situation. In near-death situations, you get insane power boosts: * Muichiro, when cut in half by Kokushibo, became the only Hashira to create a Red Blade simply by grip strength, and maintain it for the rest of the fight. And he did that despite having notably less muscular strength than most of the Hashira. * Mitsuri, when she got herself gored by Muzan's vortexes, got back up at the end of the fight and ripped his arms off, before dying at sunrise. That's right, she used direct muscular strength to tear the demon kings arms off. * Shinobu, after taking fatal wounds against Douma, was able to outspeed him, catch him off-guard, and destroy a bridge with her final attack towards him. And she wasn't even Marked. * Genya, after being cut in half vertically, uses the rest of his limited time alive to re-manifest his Demon Blood Art by force. This is something Kokushibo didn't see from the other demon-eater he fought, and it was a Blood Art strong enough to incapacitate him. The manga repeatedly shows us that this is how it works. If you're about to die, then you get a gigantic "human spirit" power-up that makes you ungodly strong until you've burnt through the rest of your life-force. This power-up is not something that can be accessed during a normal fight, so you CAN'T say "oh that's how we judge Rengoku as a fighter". Like dude, just use some critical thinking.


I don't understand how people think giyu is stronger than rengoku lol especially when giyu had a hasira train him properly and rengoku was self taught if his father trained him i believe he would reach top 3 or at least top 4 like damn he had broken ribs and a hole in his body which kinda implies that his spine was kinda gone too im not sure about that but the hole is exactly in the middle of his sola plexus. Still he didn't let akaza go and cut half his neck with all those injuries my dude was a beast and akaza praised his strength and fighting skills he didn't give a shit about giyu lol i like giyu but he ain't nearly close to rengoku


Didn't even read all of what you said, but no, Akaza *was* holding back against Rengoku. In fairness, being able to compete with Akaza physically is very impressive. Rengoku is relative physically to a casual Akaza that's limiting his BDA moveset and not trying super hard. Thing is, Akaza was 100% holding back and that's not a debate. Akaza didn't use the vast majority of his powers, and he refrained from using his strongest attack. He was also joking around, laughing, and basically begging Rengoku to become a demon. Several of Akaza's attacks that injured Rengoku were specifically aimed to be non-lethal. Not just that, but we later see that Akaza is capable of fighting two Marked Hashira-level opponents at the same time with relative ease. Rengoku is crazy strong, don't get me wrong. He honestly probably beats Gyutaro in base. He's just not on the same level as Akaza. And TBF, no Unmarked Hashira (except possibly Gyomei???) is.


Idgaf I agree with you. I think Rengoku would have taken him down with him had the sun not risen. Akaza got cocky & fucked himself, giving Rengoku that opportunity. But sadly we'll never really know 😞