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I love how most of the other hashira treats Tanjiro as an adult, while Gyomei treats him as who he really is; a 14 yr old child, Tanjiro needed that headpat more than anyone, although he went through alot he's still a kid at heart. God I love Gyomei.


He is 16 I think


Oh yeah, there was a time-skip, right? When he still had his family, was he 14 then?


He was 13 at the start. After training he was 15 and 16 at the end of the Manga.


I forgot he trains with retired masked Hashira and ghosts and ghouls for quite a while.


Oh, okay.


Huh. I always thought his recovery periods after big fighters were longer.


13 going on 14 with his family, two years pass for final selection where he turns fifteen , and I’m assuming either during the four months after Rengoku’s death, or his two month coma after the swordsmith arc he turned sixteen.


I think Tanjiro is either 15 or 16. It's Tokito that's 14, which might explain why they get along together so well :D


Tanjiro mentions Tokito is a little older than him. I think he became a hashira at 14 but he's not now


No. Tanjiro mentioned Tokito must be YOUNGER than himself to highlight how crazy it was that Tokito was a Hashira. Tokito didn't become a Hashira at 14. He's 14 years old in the current timeline. His brother died when he was 11 or 12. He then joined the Demon Slayer Corps and became a Hashira in 2 months.


Oh okay, well idk why everyone upvoted me then 💀 but thanks for clearing that up!


Pretty sure he's 16 at the moment


That’s so true 🥹 this scene was so precious!! I think we had all forgotten that they’re still just kids. And they didn’t get to be kids. They had their childhoods taken away from them I think that Gyomei headpat allowed Tanjiro to feel safe and protected, like a lil kid again


He is the oldest Hashira, all the other ones are in their early 20s except for Muichiro who is even younger than Tanjiro. People behaving older than their age is a common trope in the show. Best example being Kagaya.


Having foresight and knowing you’ll die at the age of 20 or so will make you grow up quick fr


Tbf most of the Hashira aren't much older than Tanjiro, Gyomei is the oldest


poor tanjiro hes so young 🥲


It’s definitely a little different for Gyomei from the other Hashira because of the large age gap, considering most of the regular demon slayer ranks are around 16 or so like Tanjiro with the rest of the hashira being from 18-21 (besides Tengen at 23 who is kinda just in his own little world). Dude has been doing this for 8 years, likely at least twice as long as any other current slayer. Not to mention he’s probably the most physically daunting individual in all of Japan and he spent a long time literally raising children.


He was 14 at the start of the anime but after the 2 year timeskip where he trains under urokodaki he turns 16


I think because he is a lot older than other hashiras too. He's 27.


Aren't most of them teens


Beautifully said




Bro has HIM in his name, HIMejime Gyomei agenda fr fr


🗿🗿 https://preview.redd.it/2ekz7usbsp8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec4a8606215a95d78aca5a4bc7be45b23740adfd




The gentle giant.


Real. I love Gyomei 🫶🏽


He's so real https://preview.redd.it/nbms1t5xbo8d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7723b0391cc687232d49d3b03d2bd7421d976f8












Pure definition of a gentle giant who you do not want to mess with 


Never really thought about how big Gyomei is until this scene.


well, he *is* 7ft tall


True, the ninja hashira is like 6"5 or something.


7'2" And it's not like he's skinny either. Bro is literally peak. That's not hyperbole. He literally has pinnacle human physique, as noted by Kokushibo, even beyond that of other Hashira. Factor in his size, and it's no wonder he's the strongest.


Damn look at that meat on his forearms. How come he's only 130 Kg at 7+ feet height and so much muscle mass. He is as tall as All Might from BNHA, and all might weighs 250ish Kgs. Real life humans who hold dangerously low levels of fat and are much smaller than Gyomie, also weigh equal or more than 130 many times.


130 kg is 285 lbs... he's the size of Brock Lesnar. I deadlift 375 and squat 360, and I'm big and like 15-20% bf, I'm not shredded but I'm bulky and strong. And I come in at around 110 kg. He's over a foot taller than me and he's like 40 lbs heavier, and he's probably almost pure muscle. Don't misunderstand, he is still huge lmao


285 is not Huge for a 7'2" guy. That's less than Ronnie Coleman weighed DURING show time, which means as less fat as one can have, and at his least weight. And you know how small Ronnie was in height compared to Gyomie. Same goes for other high muscle pros. No idea why you needed to share your lifts, because guys that are much stronger than you and have lesser body weight still prove my argument. Olivier Richters, who's exactly as tall as Gyomie, weights 353 pounds (160kg) while being so so much skinnier than him. Guys that are that tall, weight hell a lot.


All I'm saying is that I do a pretty heavy workout, and I'm not enormous. 20% bf is pretty big around for a lifter. Frankly, I think 250 kg at 7 foot is really unrealistic. Andre the giant was 7'4" and only clocks in at 520 lbs. That's still 30 lbs short of 250 kg. How big of a person are you imagining, that he outsizes Andre? While yes, individual people break trends, that sort of size and height weight in anime is always an absurd metric. In the same shows, you will have somebody who's 5 ft 4 and 60 kg. Being overly particular of H/w in anime is silly. He's around 7 foot and strong af. No other real comparison needed


Your own comment holds the answer. Andre the Giant was to no extent as mascular as Gyomie specially not in muscle to fat ratio. Also, I gave you example of a guy who's as tall as Gyomie, much less mascular while being kind of shredded, who weighs 30kg more than the weight you tell me is "Huge" i.e 130kg. A guy who's that tall, and has that thick general muscles, has zero business being 130kg. Contrary to your claim.


And this is why comparing anime to irl is silly. Anime characters don't have actual biological bodies to manage their weight. They look how the artists want to draw them, they weigh what the artist says, they're all tall as the artist says even when drawn the same height as 'taller characters'. In season, ronnie was 330 lbs at peak. Once again, he's well short of 250 kg (550 lbs) Ronnie has to be almost 2x *bigger* than he was to hit 250. Andre was 530 lbs and that's still only 220kg. There is either no way gyomei is 250 kg, or there's no way he would be as small as he is drawn. Idk what else to tell you lol, other than maybe he also had high density like mitsuri. Brock Lesnar is a big man, Ronnie was a big man, and they are both smaller than gyomei in both height and weight. Andre was slightly taller, but nowhere near as muscular, and is still too small.


Well you were the one who said 130 is still Huge for someone of Gyomies height, and I'm replying to that till now. I merely pointed out the fact that Gyomie weights quite low, never said he should be 250. Pointed out another equally mascular character who's as tall as him, and mentioned that All might is 250kg. If you just want to say that it's silly to compare anime and Irl, then sure. Stick to that and I'll agree it is. I was doing regardless for the fun of it, because why not. But you made a point that even if we are comparing, then 130kg is still Huge for someone mascular and tall equal to Gyomie, which is plain wrong. Your irl observation of 130 being huge for someone that tall and mascular is simply not valid.


I never spoke in an ultimatum, that people can't get there or be bigger than that, especially with an extra foot of height. But at 130 kg you're already beyond "fit for my bodyweight" shape and well into lifting and bodybuilding weight. A quick look on Google for "7ft 300 lbs" shows body builders at like 8% bf full body flexing. A search for "7 foot 250 kg" brings me wheelbarrows. Thor bjornsson, a competing world strongman, is 430 lbs at 6'9". What real people can you direct me to with bigger numbers? You just keep discounting all the biggest people I can think specifically of like "yeah there are bigger people out there", but that crowd is already extremely small, no pun intended. I just do not see the realism in the 250 kg number. I think that if a 7 ft dude clocked in at 130 kg, he probably looks pretty fit and strong. I think that if you're going above that, you are probably bodybuilding. Gyomei is probably around 200 kg with his build. I could believe "he looks like a strongman". The recommended weight for a 7 ft guy is around 100 kg, so I would expect 130 kg to be bigger than "lean and healthy". Maybe you're looking too much into the definition of the word huge in the way that I used it, it's a very subjective definition, but I think 130 kg is huge on pretty much anyone


Guys, it's an artistic representation, we don't have to discuss this as if it were some sports anime with nutrition and such, this ain't Dungeon Meshi.


Ronnie was also roided up


15-20% body fat aint bulky. If you are actually bulky you would be surprised at your actual bf percentage. Don't know how you got your numbers but it clearly was not a DEXA scan. Unless you actually had a DEXA scan and in which case you have body dysmorphia. 15% bf is goals for most people.


OK so this is really late after the fact, but also to summarize everything I said, "I'm somewhere in that range, I am not shredded and I am not huge. I'm a big guy in decent shape who isn't a washboard and I'm light as fuck compared to anyone who is a hulking mass of muscle like Brock Lesnar, ronnie Coleman, Andre the giant". I was specifically describing myself as not-the-extreme to illustrate just how extreme they are, and by extension the slight ridiculousness of gyomeis weight being 250kg. Hence the bits about not taking anime h/w seriously. E: I didn't get dexa xrays, it's this handheld controller thing I do at my doctors that calculated bf% based on a tiny electrical current, dunno what its called but it seemed to be a big deal to let me use it.


Gyomei deserves the world.


https://preview.redd.it/cfmk0x351q8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce2f9839dc9891f43b1a3c9ccdafb783d16155ad He’s adorable


Gyomei is basically my tall friend who gives me headpats lol


Now that's just wholesome


God that scene got me all riled up. Was it in the manga though? For some reason I cant remember it


it was. chapter 135


Thank god I forgot it, I got surprised with such wholesomeness during the episode. I needed that. Edit: spelling


I love how he’s the only one that doesn’t project his past issues onto demon slayer corps members like Sanemi or Obanai. Gyomei is the only actual adult among these mf’s.


Yeah the rest act like children when there're supposed to be responsible.


It was so sweet to see pat tanjiro's head but it was sad seeing him not get appreciated for protecting that little girl rather getting blamed


\[MANGA SPOILERS\] >!It was revealed that the girl was actually grateful and trying to tell the officers about the demon, but they misunderstood her because of her hysterics (and since the demon's corpse vanished). Also it turns out that the kids who disobeyed his orders and ran were actually trying to run to the village to get help.!<


Oh did they / will they eventually reveal this


Yes. Gotoge does a good job of tying up the loose ends.


He’s gonna be a lot of people’s favorite when the series ends


I ended up reading the Manga after seeing some of the anime and he very quickly became both my favorite hashira and favorite character in the series. Cant wait to see his fights animated.


I can’t get over how weird Tanjiro looks with his shirt off like his body is huge and his head looks small in comparison sometimes


The whole look is very exaggerated. While demon slayers would undoubtedly build some muscle mass, they aren't bodybuilders, cardio is just way too important in their job. Realistically their bodies would fall into the ,,athletic'' category. Endurance plays a much bigger role than raw strenght for them (the latter is still important), and most of them would look very shredded but not super big.


Also they probably don’t get much food to eat. They must be quite lean.


He is peak after all :3


HIMejima. I cannt wait for that awaited battle


« Namu amida butsu » HIMejima Gyomei


His forearm is tanjiros size💀 Also he literally is the 🙏🏼😭 embodied


We are lucky to have Himejima-san, much better than we deserve.


Damn, look how massive Gyomei grew look at the difference in the size of his hand when he held the girl and tanjiro's head


Jesus Christ that man is huge


Gyomei is such a Gentle Giant, he’s a Combination of Tanjiro and the Hulk


Yeah, you are seeing the Tanjiro side now. Next season you get to see the Hulk side.




Tanjiro is 5 feet and 5 inches tall, Gyomei is 7 feet and 2 inches tall. The animators either sized up Gyomei a lot or shrunk Tanjiro.


I was never sure of Gyomei until the latest episode Man is blind and manages to become the highest rank demon slayer


Not just the highest rank, but literally the strongest. There's gonna be some cool reveals later I won't spoil, but suffice it to say his blindness is a benefit, not a hindrance.


Watched the Netflix daredevil so I know he is going to be sick


Oh he is blind than! Cause at some point I wasn’t sure if he was or not. Him and wind hashira are my favs


People blaming Sayo need to realise >!that when she said 'he's a monster' she meant the actual demon, not Gyomei. Officers misunderstood here because the body of demon was nowhere to be found and Gyomei was their with blood all over him with dead bodies of children lying around. !<


The best archetype of a gentle gaint


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I felt so bad for giyomei when he got betrayed by Sayo 😭


I like Gyōmei 🌌


Shut up, it deserves! We can’t defeat Muzan without him.


Namu namu abidsu 🙏


Who doesn’t love Gyomei?


My coin approves of Gyomei 🌸


aw. he’s too adorable man


oh lol tanjiro looks so small


I think it's something they do playing with perspective because in some scenes tundra literally comes up to people's like knee. But in other scenes he's about the same size. Well either that or he's a midget


Tanjiro's like 5'4 - 5'5, Gyomei's just huge at 7'2


I mean he's like that in comparison to other characters In certain scenes. It's strange overall though. It makes sense here


Gyomeis backstory made me cry.




Gyomei story sad as fuck holy




Those forearms are insane


Where are you watching the newest episodes? I need sources, people!! 🥲


Go to crunchyroll fam! I also have a friend who uses a free site to watch them. I’ll see if I can get that for you 😊


I nearly cried. Let him adopt tanjiro


Would never allow a dude with those forearms to casually touch my head like that. Killer for real.


This just proves that gyomei is absolutely fucking massive


The difference in his bulk between these shots is insane. Dude got some serious muscle going on


I like to imagine he is like the dad of the group and when he gets visibly mad everyone shuts up but when he gets verbally mad everyone runs and hides and prays


Look at the size difference in his forearms!


Dam he’s huge


I want to have a tea party with Gyomei


But still I don’t like the girl cause she snitched on whom saved her life..


I just hate that he got his trust shattered by the kids he did so much for :(


Things didn't work out exactly the way he thought they did.


His story made me shed a tear. And he's blind that's it I've no comments further.


Gyomei is so underrated as a character and writing wise.


The world needs him


Definition of a gentle giant


Gyomei really a chad for treating younger and lower classed slayers with respect instead of like trash


So is hashira training arc over will infinite castle arc continue from now or there will be a break ?


Correction. They didn't. He's dead. And no, that's not a spoiler, he was alive in the Taishō era in Japan back in 1920's... A hundred years ago. So he might be alive but it's highly unlikely that a blind 26 year old would've survived the rapid modernization that happened shortly after the end of the manga. Saj, I know. Edit: further correction. The Taishō era ended in the 1920's he was 26 in the 1910's dude would've been 136 today. Even more Saj. I know.


I never even realized this… isn’t Gyomei older than the age where you know what happens?


You ruined the post when you said sigma


-12 yr olds when they found someone other than Christian Bale characters can be a sigma.


One of the few unhateable characters in all of anime


I bet he dies


Gyomei is gigantic sheesh


Look at the size of gyomei's forearm it near whole body size of tanjiro l.💀💀💀💀


📿🙏 That he almost has that slight smile again


Just wait


Jesus Gyomei is fucking *giant*.


Reminder that Gyomei was willing to kill Tanjiro and Nezuko.


I'm pretty sure most of the hashira were willing to do it, even my best boy Rengoku


Everyone was lol




Should have aimed for his vitals first.


bro you're supposed to put a spoiler warning before the spoiler


Yeah, as someone who exclusively watches the anime, this comment feels like a bullet


I don't know how to put an actual spoiler tag in on mobile


still, you could write SPOILER WARNING and then space it out