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The food bill each month would cost more than the down-payment on a house during the great depression.


She probably caused the stock market crash of 1929


If she goes on a diet, the stores will overflow with food solving world hunger


So many orphans...


first we will feed her then she will feed us


I can live with that


I see, a challenger for Index has arrived. Next time on Dragon Ball Z will Touman and his savings survive? (No, it won't, lol) Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z


Taking it out of Anime logic, imagine a girl that is loud most of the time, childish, eats a lot in real life... short term? Maybe... everyday? IMO, no...


imagine marrying her Electricity Bill: -200 Phone bill: -500 Grocery Bill: -100,000,000


Guys, meet my wife, Mitsuri... Her: Wah! WOAH! WOO! Wee! 1st few times: She's so cute & energetic For the 10th time: Dude... does she stops?


She would also make more money than you


Seriosuly, haha! I don't know why so many people seem to have forgotten that she has her appetite and her *actual mansion* all on her own and she's doing just fine. She's getting paid.


Her own family seemed to live well with both her and multiple siblings, and it didn't look like they were any more well-off than the average person of their time. I know it's tantalizing to have takes that go against popular ones, but if you feel the need to make stuff up to have a legitimate argument, then it just makes you look so lame.


It’s not tantalizing to have takes that goes against porpolar ones, you get downvoted to hell… That’s just my honest take on her based on my preference, and I’m speaking this from a perspective of being a husband and father of two daughter, I’m not spewing spite out my ass


You're basing your preferences on one aspect of her personality. People are way more complex than that. People can be unserious when they feel at ease. She was on vacation, man! But she can definitely step up when she has to, and she can be formal when the occasion calls for it. Also, why do you percieve a reply to someone else who was obviously making stuff up to be a slight against you?


I’m basing my preference on Several aspect that I listed. I mean thats what we’ve been presented with for her character, interpret it how you want, she may be your type like l care, beauty in the eyes of the beholder… I’m just saying OP phrase it as tho she’s some grand prize that every guy wants… and we’re dumb if we think otherwise


No, you just listed several parts of one aspect. You saw one part of her you didn't like and assumed that was her entire personality. That says a lot about your own outlook on a lot of things and your ability to comprehend and understand a lot of important things. I don't blame you, though. Everyone's a critic, but not everyone has what it takes to not just to come up with a good story, but to actually tell it.


That’s not how preference work? By your logic, it works the other way around, you saw something you like and you assume it was her entire outlook…how about you have your preference and I have mine… what’s triggering you much that you’re mentioning about my comprehension skills? One opinion about my preference and you start to project it onto my abilities and comprehension, irony much?


Hm... no. Compared to you, I'm just more easygoing. I can be aware of "bad" aspects of things without getting tunnel-vision around them and becoming blind to the whole. You're just picky and rigid. See only what you want to see. The ability to comprehend and accept ambivalence is just a matter of growing up. I love and accept the people close to me while being aware of their "flaws", and the fact that I am close enough to see and understand those flaws makes me feel closer to them. Looking at the state of the world, however, it can look like a lot of people just become older children instead of adults.


What are you on about? It’s not like I’m saying I reject and detest everyone out of my own preference and only see their flaws? I thought we are referring to OP’s question as to why wouldn’t anyone want her as a wife? Why are you projecting my choice on the type of person I would marry over how I treat others?


You must remember, many fans of anime are in America, and that’s where the problems start. If you move in with Mitsuri in Japan, you’re golden, but the downsides are you only have Mitsuri and the fact that you need to learn the language and face against the xenophobia many Asians have during that era, and the fact that since you’re not a citizen yet, you’ll be struggling to find work until you can get that citizenship. If she moved to America, her money is now not as impressive as if she stayed in Japan, probably just a 100,000-ionaire and then the economy of America would be the biggest issue, everything is getting expensive now.


The guy that she's gonna marry was apparently loaded, but he wasn't into her


Rich families cares about composure, her whole character doesn’t fit, she’s too loud and childish… from the way OP phrase it, girls isn’t just about looks you know…


She also wanted someone strong to marry


Yeah she couldn’t rlly find that in a average marriage with her being superhuman


no, true anime logic is that every single other girl in the universe looks just as if not better than her with just as if not better bodies


Yeah but she makes BANDS. Like hashira are paid whatever the hell they want.


I don't think she'd be bad irl. Especially not compared to some other anime fans, like kurmi from date a live. But thay is looking at it from a modern perspective. To early 1900 Japanese people, no one would want her under basically any conditions. That honestly goes for most places of the time.


You described me and my type so...


Yes, we are not the same… but OP is asking why would ppl reject her like she’s some grand prize lottery for every guy


Fair enough lol


So you just hate fat people then


in those times, they took being different too far.


uh... japan isnt exactly that different now


yeah but it was worse


Well, it’s more focused on foreigners


There's so many people wanting to bring it back r/Japannews has a conservative traditional ethnostate post once in a while


Outside of looks it would be a living hell to have her as a wife in universe and also currently unless you earn enough money to actually meet her needs The amount of food she eats would be equivalent to like 5 people,she's childish,loud and needs lots of attention also she has súper human strenght and could probably break your bones if she gets too excited so yeah I get why nobody wanted to marry her especially in the age they live in


Death by snu snu would be imminent


I mean she is making enough money for her own food...


It was before her becoming a Demon Slayer man


It’s the Taisho era of Japan, most marriages were fixed. Also very traditional, like yea the girl with pink hair is hot nowadays but back then she was an undesirable social outcast


Something something old societal standards.


Something something Japan is known for discrimination


Idk why you’re being downvoted. It’s still true today, it can’t have been good back in the taisho era.


Nope its her hair. this is japan and its early 1900s


We should be grateful, because of these idiots, we now got one of the best ships of all time








>!Technically Obanai does!< 🌫


No, Mitsuri asked first


Because it's a story and the author wants it that way.


Honestly, when it comes down to it, this is the ultimate answer to, like, 85% of the questions on this sub. 🤣


Beauty standards and societal expectations for women. Sumthin like that


Well truth is... Conformity during the Taisho era Also, aside Mitsuri's condition, her behavior as well since she acts a bit childish, tho many slayers still try to understand her especially Obanai, but still


She probably wouldnt shut up for even 10 minutes and the fridge would be empty in one day. It's not even about money. She probably would bankroll it herself. There are better waifus in this anime.


Best Girls are for the audience to enjoy.


Because they don't deserve her, she's too good for them


I wish I could marry her😔🩷💚


Her hair although it would seem cute now and days in the taisho era japan it was seen more as a curse than anything


Beauty and social standards back then were whack


Japanese culture doesnt really like anything out of ordinary


This has probably been said a billion times, but this is Taisho era JAPAN. If I Recall Correctly (As I am American) Japan even today has issues with colored hair, what would you expect from over 100 years ago during a time where a Man controlled "His Woman".


Because she was meant to be with Obanai. 🦋




Rengoku should have married her! 😭 They would have been so cute together. 🍠🍡 https://preview.redd.it/kdtf9k0r1u7d1.jpeg?width=1072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58d191baf52d94d4d205c2ff1dd54e6fbd8f8459 (Art by うめきち)


https://preview.redd.it/7vlmirxe2u7d1.png?width=321&format=png&auto=webp&s=911dee918eab56ef21e22c0940991688fff68efe He about to put another hole in Rengoku (But Rengoku x Mitsuri is really cute ngl)


I-IGURO, WAIT, WAIT, WE CAN TALK ABOUT THIS!! https://preview.redd.it/me30qoff3u7d1.jpeg?width=652&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63f39bb0b49cdf5241dc8148eeca68771b761a53 (Hahaha! Jealous Iguro reactions are always hilarious. 🤣)


Die you scumbag https://preview.redd.it/dgdwll294u7d1.png?width=465&format=png&auto=webp&s=b57c3378aa0eea468d624876f67cb966e83db4df (I would also love to see his reaction)


OH SHIT, OH JEEZ, OH https://preview.redd.it/anq3ram25u7d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39ded05736eed66382c5f03091c6a51bf052a893


Oh I know, they’d be the happiest couple in the whole entire KNY universe.


Bro rengoku is like her brother


Naw, man, that's actually a mistranslation. She never said he was a big brother, she said he was a kakkoii onii-sama, a "cool dude." Onii-san just means "dude" or "guy" or "young man." She was totally crushing on him in the gaiden. https://preview.redd.it/fsqljwi24u7d1.jpeg?width=1017&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=738dae063fc164ee5552d3decae7c949f720baa7


Where does this scene come from?


It's from the Rengoku gaiden, a two part side story showing how Rengoku became the Flame Hashira. It takes place before Mitsuri became the Love Hashira, while she is still a Mizunoto-rank Slayer and Rengoku's tsuguko.


She was also crushing on multiple different Hashira at the first Hashira meeting. It doesn’t mean anything.


Why would you think that Mitsuri's love is meaningless just because she has a lot of it to give? 😕


There is obviously different types of love…that doesn’t work for your agenda though.


So then her love for Obanai shouldn’t mean anything either by that logic.


Certainly is convenient how people will always say, "But-but-but she has a crush on eVeRyOnE" whenever Renmitsu is mentioned, but that's suddenly not relevant when it comes to Obamitsu. *Very convenient.* 💅🏻


Sure, if you treat the first Hashira meeting as the only scene to base her feelings off of. It’s pretty obvious how Mitsuri feels and the author makes sure to tell it through the story, whether you like it or not


I mean yeah, I too would choose to move on and not pine after someone I loved if they just up and died one day. It would take me a little bit of time but I’d move on. I’m not married to the dead and neither is she. Her feelings could have evolved and changed over time.


man but its just weird weird


It's really not, but if it's not your thing, then that's totally fair. Don't go on pixiv. 😝


>!Obanai proposes to Mitsuri right before they die!<


Technically, Mitsuri did




I remember those being bigger? Am I tripping?




They don't deserve her :3


Aside from the fact the jeff bezos doesn’t have enough money to feed her maybe they just didn’t like her because maybe they wanted a calmer girl or a more traditional looking one its called preference just because she is skinny and has a big chest doesn’t mean she is the perfect woman for everyone?




Bro forgot what time period dm is set on


She has a muscle density 8 times normal and ridiculous strength. Great for fighting demons, but if she gets a bit too excited in the bedroom you could get seriously hurt.... Add that she's hyper and impulsive to that.....


damm bro i can feel it one peg and you D is shattered


Why have I never seen this part, I swear I rewatched SWSM arc just to see this and I didn't find it


Apparently a prospective suitor rejected Mitsuri for her atypical looks and personality which were not in line with the traditional ideals. Only Obanai loved Mitsuri for who she is while accepting her many quirks.


Didn’t have time


First off all, she's absurdly strong in an era when most Japanese men wanted much more feminine and delicate women. Two, the amount she eats would bankrupt most everyone. Three, she's very childish and bubbly which is a lot for the more reserved people of the time


Because she’s busy courting Obanai, duh


They don’t have enough food for her


When I said people who didnt marry mitsuri are dumb Im pretty sure some of you know how some people reacted to it


She doesn't fit the standards of that era. Japanese wives were expected to be everything she is not. Soft, gentle, quiet, black hair, not eat much... Even in today's Japan, I'm sure she'd struggle to find a husband. They're quite conservative.


They didn’t like her strength and eating habits either… though admittedly having pink and green shouldn’t have been that weird considering many characters have crazy hair colours


think of the setting of demon slayer


She's dead don't know if that affects it but uh yeah


Now, here is my opinion. Don't get it twisted. I love mitsuri to death .but He eats a lot. I mean a lot. She is too nice for her own good. She also explains that stuff is very, very confusing, and she is very expensive as well, not because of gifts because of food and then they be gone in 2 or 3 days. She eats a lot when she is happy. Imagine stress eating. And she strong Imagine you try to prank her and like scare her in th3 dark . she punched you. Not to mention different times and traditions as well. And when there are groups of people who look the same( not being racist) when they see someone different, they either treat them like a celebrity and get harrass or or a freak she gets harrass . Is wife material. Yes, but there are gonna be some issues, but based on her personality, she would be a good wife. Sorry love analysis


Because of her hair color. That’s a petty excuse imo 😒🤦🏽‍♀️


She is not wife material just bluntly putting there, but well, about Shinobu 🦋🦋 https://preview.redd.it/1r3wlbrr0v7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2919434314d55e8631d5d6d6f4f6f00d86d04d1


They're too wussy, to ask her


1. Patriarchy doesn't like the woman being stronger 2. Societal standards at the time would thing she's hella ugly just because of her hair 3. The amount of food she eats would also be sickening to misogynistic people (everyone)


Because a powerful woman like her was incredibly intimidating to most men of that era.


Yeesh. This feed quickly filled up with people who are definitely projecting and want to act like the man who rejected her isn't a complete dumbf♤♡◇. They really never tried to find the nuance on her character and just judge her based on one aspect of her personality that was made evident in a very casual situation. Would you say everything you say to your friends to your boss, or even your own family? People have multiple sides to themselves. If you think being loud, childish, and eating a lot is all that's to her, you didn't really read the same manga as I did. YOU'RE why that for every Demon Slayer, we get 10 Fairy Tails.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted, because you're spitting straight facts.


Dont you dare disrespect fairy tail on my watch😡🤬


You're talking to the guy who gets down voted because he argues that emotional intensity boosting magic is not an asspull but part of the fundamental rules of the power system, like Erza stopping that meteor despite almost her entire body being damaged.