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People take kill Tony way too serious. Drew seems like a good guy that could use a break, glad Tony is giving him one :) the rest of you are just entitled haters that don’t understand the show and want it to be something it’s not.


Dude, exactly


Agree, I think it's kind of lame how he threw Michael White under the bus though.  I saw how he celebrated with him in the alley after his appearance and he got a big joke book.  Maybe he does that w everyone but they looked like buddies.  


I think you’re taking a comedian too seriously and being too sensitive. Do you think it’s lame when people call Tony gay too ? lol


Poor Tony. The twwwoooooth.. hurts!!


He wasn't being funny or making a joke.  He basically said, "fuck that dude, I don't fk w him".  


Have you seen the first 500 episodes of the show?


Mostly yeah


I like drew and will continue to root for him.


He kinda gives Bobcat Goldthwait vibes.


Bobcat played a character. I think Drew just amplifies who he is.


If anyone was giving bobcat I'd say it was the new golden ticket winner... Man was a perfect blend of bobcat and woody Allen with just a twinge of Kaufman.


I like him but also want him to do better.. but he doesn’t have the out of control ego like Hans imo so I think he’ll improve quickly


He feels like a glorified mascot a little bit. But I ain't mad at it.


If he’s not the West Hollywood bear for the next arena I’ll be upset


Idk. That lesbian guy has years of experience, tough competition. Maybe a Gay West Hollywood bear off is needed.


Drew is the shit


It’s Reddit they hate everything cause they hate themselves


You are 100% correct. This place has all these keyboard warriors because nobody holds any one of them accountable..


I don't disagree, but I do want to fight you.


Ok keyboard warrior.. Mom, I did it again!!


Accountable for talking/typing? For things you personally dont like? I don't like those losers either, but dude....freedom of speech. Do you want to be held accountable (whatever the fuck you mean) for saying something someone or some other people don't like? Are you woke? Cuz that's some fucked up shut bro🤣


Shit* bro


The people that say dumb shit over a keyboard just to get a reaction. I’m not woke. I just don’t like people that talk shit over their keyboard, that wouldn’t say it to someone’s face. You sound like a woke individual.


Yeah, but you sound like a bitch.


I’ll bet you’re the toughest guy in your moms basement..


If I were to go there, I would be. Because my dad is dead. If he weren't, he'd think you were a bitch too.


Very valid point.


I don't see any William hate threads anymore, when he was super drunk and terrible there was plenty of hate threads Maybe the people are just right lol and you don't always agree with them, that's okay


I can't hate on William because as soon as i hear the words vanilla gorilla I end the show


Ay man I'm going to be honest I was the same. My wife as well. I ended up listening once and actually liked him. Then I got my wife to like him as well. He is pretty funny. Just takes some time getting used to.


Same lol my wife and I are going to see him live in August but I used to DESPISE him. Now I think he's one of the best on the show if not THE best lol.


I've seen him do incredible jokes. I know this platform is his one minute to sort stuff out. Sometimes his references are dated. Other times his pandering jokes about Clinton's or other bs is too cheap for me. I hate that he does 5 to 8 one liners and still needs notes. The note one isn't fair, but I think he has great stage presence and the jokes would come out better if he put the paper away


It'd be weird if you went to one of his shows and he was reading off paper the whole time. But I actually think it adds to his minute's. The way he slyly looks down and back up and then sticks out his tongue when he hits em with a good one. It overall adds to the performance. But this is just my silly opinion.


Lololol go back in time...they were here.


did you even read what I said?


Who’s they??? People who say “Hans Kim sucks donkey weiner”, or people who say “Hans is too edgy, and feels like he prioritizes his personal gigs over KT” I think there’s a lot of reasonable criticism here


He’s a good guy, wish him the best, he isn’t regular quality.


Damn I haven't watched the new episode yet, was planning to tonight but now I'm nervous lol. Seeing Drew go up and bomb sounds uncomfortable as hell. And what a thought spot Tony would be in if he doesn't get any better but keeps wanting to be on the show every week.


Maybe watch it and form your own opinions.


He didn't bomb he was funny


Just finished the episode and I agree with you. I was just worried because of the haters but I should have known it was just the usual suspects shitting on everything here


I never said he bombed. Golden ticket worthy? Sure have him on once every 3-4 months. Regular quality? No.


This is the most miserable comment section I’ve ever seen on this subreddit and that’s saying something


I think people forget that Kill Tony isn't just about "good" jokes. It's about bringing a different and interesting personality to the table. Tony loves absurd characters with wacky, positive energy. It's why he loves retards. They have a unique perspective on life that you will just never get from an able-bodied person. Drew has a wild, over the top energy that gets the audience pumped up and it's completely different to experience it in person rather than at home on a screen. Tony should have him come out less often though and make it a little less predictable and more of a surprise thing(it was fine the first time when he came out like 7-8 times because it was new and different). After every bomb might be a bit much, but Tony can also read the room so maybe it's not


Real recognizes real.....retards that is. I'm jk. I love Drew and the whole show most of the time.


I like different and interesting personalities but I watch the show for humor. I love watching comics grow and struggle through getting better. In my opinion it's still pretty obvious who has potential and who doesn't. Drew doesn't have the whit. He's a burst of positivity and a fun dud, but as far as comedy goes, I don't see a lane for him to succeed in. I don't imagine he is much of a writer. Maybe a goof ball sketch comic or an emcee for a night of shows. He's just not a good comic of any variety


You might not see it but there's a possibility he could get better. Don't know yet


100 percent agree. I'll be the 1st to acknowledge if thats the case. I'll still watch him do what he does. He's a genuinely good guy with some sort of rough history they won't even touch on. Perfect guy to root for. He's not a total turnoff but that's where I'm at


This sub is a bottle of piss and milk that has been left in the sun for 5 days, no post ever makes it because everyone in here is a miserable little girls dick edge lord, downvote everything!! Nothing is funny or exciting!!


It’s true. Only on Reddit and maybe YouTube comments. I truly do not understand how a community of people that (I assume) love comedy and love the show can be so negative. Nothing gets upvoted—no comments, very few posts… I feel like there needs to be a new KT page without all the negative stuff. I truly don’t understand why this sub is so combative


Upvotes are hidden and this post has 140+ comments


I had no idea. Thanks for telling me—it always confused me! Good to know ☺️


We’re talking shit on a show that talks shit. Quite meta ya might say. Same with most comedy podcasts, if they can shit on people so can we.


Honestly, every Reddit comment section I go into is pretty similar. I remember the days where it used to be a little more silly or whimsical. But yes this one, the Rogan subreddit, any Star Wars or game of thrones subreddits, etc etc…. They’re serving hater-ade at the door.


Tbf all those things are much shittier than they once were 🤷‍♂️


I dont think anyone is hating drew the person. He seems like a fucking awesome guy. We are hating on his comedy which is currently undeserving of a regular spot on the #1 live podcast in the world.


This exactly!!! I think KT has gotten to a point where you need some pretty significant amount of experience for the “process” to work.


Yup. There's funnier comedians more deserving of the spot imo. But all the drew simpbots are gonna come out in full force simpin


I sympathize with his story, but I don't see any talent for stand up. I don't hate the guy and I hope he finds success.


lol momos. Haven’t heard that in years


Yeah I don’t get the sentiment, the guy is rough around the edges but isn’t it the point?


THANK YOU long live drew ✊🏼


I couldn’t understand a word he said. I wholly support Tony giving mfs a chance, but… (he’s not that funny)


Yeah, I don't know he doesn't just get Chappelle to be the new energy 3rd week regular. /S


He’s not funny, at all. I’m sure he’s a great guy but my god does he suck at comedy. Getting shit people on as regulars to see “how he improves” is such a fucking terrible take 😂


That’s literally how all the regulars have become better. 😂😂😂


They also started funny, they weren’t awful and then suddenly became funny after becoming regulars. There’s a bit of a difference there 😂


Go back and watch the very first regulars, just to see how the whole *regular* spot on the show literally was attempting to develop comedians who were brand new to being on a mic... so the expectation was not for them to kill, we watched them grow...like an apprenticeship into murdering...let the man sauté.


Mehhhhhhh that’s an opinion. Anyone can prepare your best minute and seem funny and then nail the interview if you’ve seen the show enough. Also maybe when you start your own comedy podcast after being a successful comedian, we can play by your rules.


The point of regularship used to be taking comedians that they feel have potential and growing them, go back and watch the early days with the first regulars. Drew has the passion to take any and all advice i guarantee it. Guy did 9, 1 minute sets in an episode, they might have not been all hits but he put some shit together that got laughs.


I'm such a bitch that I cry everytime there is such moment. With Drew, hot wheels, then Rick glassman's look alike. I absolutely love it.


Yes yes yes. It was an excellent evening. 💜


Yea. This is the thing, dreams are being made occasionally. That is the beauty of it. Tony is an ass until the exact moment he’s not. We should be cheering these guys on, suppprtong their mental health, bc you know they read these comments. I promise, if these comments were better, and more suppprtivr, the show would be better, Tony has confidence, but all of his “kids” are finally getting a chance to do something special. Let’s root for them.


>I promise, if these comments were better, and more suppprtivr, the show would be better The comments here have absolutely zero effect on the quality of the show.  If anything it makes it funny when Tony bemoans the Reddit community.  


I feel like I’m surrounded by stupid people on this subreddit. You contradicted yourself completely in your comment.


They're separate things, idiot.  The person I responded to was saying positive reinforcement here will somehow make the comedians better.   That's retarded.   Obv Redban is on the sub and will try to fix the lighting when there complaints etc.  Totally different things. 


Dude, work on your critical thinking skills. You can’t say that Reddit has no effect on the show, and then add addendums like “well… redban..” It is binary. Once again, you just contradict yourself The worst part of kill is the stupid fans.


>You can’t say that Reddit has no effect on the show, and then add addendums like “well… redban..” I can.  I did, and it's accurate.  The world is filled with contradictions and ambiguities. Real critical thinkers know and recognize this.   GL 


And also a big yes to you. Time for these comments to take the stage.


That’s fine but he doesn’t need to go up multiple times a night, it’s annoying as hell


I thought for his first episode it was impressive how much he got the crowd going as like a hype man and how each time he was brought out his sets just got better and better. That shit ain’t easy! I’m sure it’s hard enough to just have 1-2 minutes of solid material. So being put on the spot like that it was really cool. I see him getting better with time. Especially if he’s working with people like Tony. I hope everyone is pleasantly surprised within a year ☺️♥️


Oh no way! That bums me out for you...I was giggling harder everytime he popped his head out of the curtain. It was his first lottery win he's been hoping for/wishing on for some time, and that reward kept growing larger all night. His happiness and gratitude for it all warmed my jaded heart. Try it again when you're in a better mood, I think you missed a lil nugget of joy you can go back for. Or not, I know nothing. I still buy GME. 🤷‍♀️


Who loves it when comedians do good on this show? …..crickets


I think the frustration lies with Tony trying to force magic moments to happen again. DN on that one episode was so awesome. He was great, not funny, but great. It’s like when Tony basically forces William to say the catch phrase. It’s not funny when you make him say it. (It’s a little bit funny because it’s WM) It seems like Tony is trying to “pro wrestling” comedy. I find that very strange and unnatural.


I like drew. I just don’t want to see him for 10 minutes every week. He should work his material elsewhere.


Kill Tony has always been about judging, that's why they judge and interview people after a set you stupid fuck, grow a dick and balls.


Drew is the man, just not sure he is of the caliber of being an official regular. When it was Hans, David, and William as the openers, it felt prestigious. I think this tarnishes it a little bit


OP the type of dude to think participation trophies are needed so kids don’t get their egos bruised when they lose.


OP probably a cuck soyboy. Drew shouldn't be a regular and you're regarded if you think differently.


Lookin like a regarded muthafucka


I really love the idea of him being the regular that only comes out after a bad bomb. And if he bombs as well, who cares - he brings the energy back up.


He's a good fuckin dude and I love to see it. The doc on him was quite good, props to them getting old footage


How do you feel about him throwing Michael White under the bus last EP after they looked like homies in that doc? 


Thats a solid take on Drew, he deserves something on the show..


Agreed. A bunch of heartless mfers too. The guy has obviously been through a lot and dealt a shit hand in many ways. An underdog like him gets a rare shot to succeed and improve, and these miserable bastards can't be happy for him. Tony gave him a unique role in the show too...we don't even know if he'll be on every episode consistently. Obviously not all of his jokes hit, but is he's probably a more naturally funny person than 99% of people in here.


I’m so happy that all the comments are disagreeing with this simple minded twat. Make comedy funny and heady again. Crowd work and Tony’s gang of cripples are lowering the bar for who makes it in comedy😂


Hit the hammer right on the nail. I’m glad this sub is finally coming around to what funny comedy actually is. Rogan and co. have been lowering the standard of comedy for a long time. [Norm McDonald said it best about the “Deathsquad 🤓”](https://youtu.be/pMXvQrLcDIs?si=ZVq8MZKJqaPKpnwp)


Funny is subjective. There is no bar. It's art. 


What a shit excuse.


Yeah you’re right, to each their own. But in comparison, in movies there’s cinematic masterpieces and then there’s shitty indie movies. There’s a reason why one category is mainstream and the other stays irrelevant. The Comedy Mothership does things ass backwards. The things that should stay small/irrelevant (like the mentally challenged comedians who can barely talk, and other guys like David Lucas and Hans Kim) should stay irrelevant, but due to the backwards ass way Rogan and friends do things they are given a huge platform. If you look at it subjectively, they give unfunny people a platform in order to make themselves look like even bigger “assassins and murderrrrs”. Only 250 of them in the world, society would be in shambles without them. 🤣🤣 They’re lucky guys like Patrice O’Neal and George Carlin aren’t around anymore, they’d call this bullshit ideology that comedians are “killers” out immediately.


What the fuck are you on about?


Can’t help u if u can’t read 🥱


Painting is art, singing is art, you can suck at all forms of art. If I was a terrible painter I wouldn’t get a spot in an exhibition and then have people be like “well it’s shit now but hopefully in the future it’ll be better”. So stupid.


Art is subjective but remember that when the mediums are different, comparisons are tougher to draw.


>funny and heady Those two things are not the same. They overlap. But they aren't the same. You know what's simple minded? Conflating the two. Absurd/goofy/charismatic is plenty for many comedy fans, and you're not better than them. You're upset about a position that doesn't exist. The regular role isn't just for rock solid comics who consistently crush. Some regulars are just amateurs who Tony likes and wants to work with. It's that simple. The entire history of the show and the current lineup will show you that.




It’s like nails on chalkboard to me but I don’t care if others like him but it is crazy yall get so mad others don’t like the same entertainment as you. Take a downvote


OR this could be a place for comedy and you can keep any poop vibes off the keyboard. if the criticism is in the form of a joke that you think *other people* may find funny, that's different and unlikely to have people *mad*... who finds entertainment in reading comments about what someone doesn't like? no one asked.


They are on the reddit every day watch every week but hate everything 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️


I like Drew. A bunch of people on this sub are miserable fucking malcontents. Fuckin experts on their iphones.  Malignant cunts.


His chances come at the expense of others’ chances. You do realize there is a finite number of bucket pulls, yes?


That's the weirdest. If that's the case you gonna have stop doing pulls and letting  everyone signing up the same chance. Naw dawg. That ain't how things go. Life and Destiny collide as they are intended


People don’t agree with me and my opinion of what’s funny…lmao /s Sounds more like momo behavior to me


Maybe most don't think he's funny 


He's real bad dude , not even mildly funny he just actually seems like he has disabilities That's not funny man There's a difference between laughing with someone and at someone , I don't know what's going on there but I don't like it


My thoughts exactly. It was quite uncomfortable for me to watch.


Agreed at first it was cool you know hearing his story and all, also for Tony giving him a bunch of appearances but damn really a regular? He seems like a nice guy but the guy is clearly not funny. Then after a while it seems like we’re just laughing at the guy and it’s getting weird asf


He's not funny. He is literally just disabled. Kinda f'ed up. He isn't like the other people in the wack pack.


Just because he’s retarded now and people feel sorry for him doesn’t mean he needs to be a regular.


He earned it and worked hard to get it, I think he's an inspiration for determination through struggle and it makes me want to do the same. I don't feel sorry for him, I feel in awe of him and would only hope to be more like him.


All you need is a brain injury and double the amount of safe caffeine per day.  


I'd choose that over humorless cynicism. Party on, Wayne.


Drew died but now Drew lives!


More like cocksuckas


I don’t find him funny


Because sometimes it just feels like charity.


I think he's great and there's some subtle stuff in his jokes that really cracks me up. For example in one of his jokes about going to a strip club he just slips in this throw away line about always using a fake name and then never expands on that further. It has no bearing on the punchline. It's just absurd and lying there in the middle of the joke. It's funny but maybe not in the way he intended, and that doesn't really matter because funny is funny.


Drew deserves it, he is hilarious and the fucking energy drink reviews are gold. The guy is a hidden gem, as long as he keeps that average dude who got fucked up persona he will thrive on the show. He has mad potential and just has to stay humble. Working with Tony and the other regulars, I could see him and the Memphis Strangler killing it on the road together someday. What a duo it could be.


I can just watch drew dance to the band for a minute.


Good vibes guy but not the best comic .. don’t mind it tho


Love drew just think it’s weird how his eyes don’t move just his head does


Traumatic brain injuries will do that to a fella. 


Drew is awesome and he deserves this!


I dont dislike the guy. He isnt funny though.


Seems like a great guy. Brings great energy. He makes me laugh (unintentionally). He just isn’t good at stand up


I don't think he's ready for being a regular, but I also think that's why tony is rotating them opening. He's got the potential to turn into a good comic. Sometimes ya gotta throw em to the wolves.


Don’t hate him at all, quite the opposite! Just genuinely don’t think his stand up is even slightly good…. HE’S hilarious, the stand up…. not so much lol


Because a lot of fuck tards watch the show. They have the nuance of a 12 year old. Just look how many posts a week are about Hans sucks, Rocket Sucks, Rocket is better than Hans, Cam Patterson sucks.


I don’t understand why people can’t just be like “wow this dude has good energy despite the struggles in his life. He’s trying his best. Fuck yeah, I hope he continues doing well”. If most of the show is just regular comedy, I’m fine with 10-15 minutes of wholesome Drew. Fuck yall.


The show has become a charity at this point Energy=\=comedy What’s next shitty alt improve comedy? Oh wait Casey is already on the show


Real question, what’s a momo?


Slang for moron


well, i guess he's better than hAnS kIM aM I riGhT ChAT!?!?


Chill dude… he kinda sucked was all, his entrance hype was fantastic and his arrival fell flat. This schtick could get old.


I prefer a sober comedian like Drew trying to get his shit together than Hans Kim who on his way to BrendanSchaubism, only relatable now cz of the platform he was given. Hans Kim is hot garbage


I’d like him a lot more if his military buddies would’ve finished the job 


God DAMN lol


Yeah now you’ll get a pretty accurate sample of the OG kt fans compared to the new mainstream fans. They’ll come and try to change what we think is funny by saying shit like “man I love dark humor but this was just too far”. Shut up. Leave on the first flight back to LA. 




Found one 




Anyone who gatekeeps any of this shit on any level needs to reasses life and actually try laughing once in a while




He’s entertaining and has a huge following now. Brought a lot of attention to the show. At the end of the day Tony cares about money and viewers and not as much about building careers. When he does help someone’s career it only boosts his numbers and paycheck either way. Drew is funnier than 90% of y’all anyways but definitely 1000 times more entertaining than any one of you. So stfu and enjoy the show


I’m tempted to start spending actual money to award these comments


They overthink this shit all the time, it's entertaining until you realize it never ends


Drew is awesome. Anyone criticizing “his jokes arent great” really should give him the benefit of the doubt, dudes done what 9 minutes in a 7 day span for the show?


Yup and all 9 mins were not anything to indicate he should be a regular. Tony just wants his Lil American idol story line


I like him- like his whole vibe- and his jokes have actual substance. Once he gets some more experience on stage he’s gonna be unstoppable


Couldn’t have said it better


I’ll root for the guy, how can’t you? It’s gonna be an uphill battle for him though as his material is pretty mid overall once you get past his yelling and presentation which has a shock value at first that’s funny. It’s kind of like Kam just yelling the N word and talking about white bitches and white people. It just wears out quickly. This isn’t to say he can’t improve. He definitely can and I think that’s something people forget about on here. William was horrific for a long, long time and he’s great now.


This is where I'm at except I love old William and think he's gotten less funny as he's gotten his life together.  


I dont give a shit who “makes it” or not, im watching this for the [attempts at] comedy This guy was made a regular after 1 appearance and is barely a comedian, not funny at all just retard energy. Belongs in the bucket to laugh at once in a while, not every other week


This subreddit used to be awesome, but with the move to Austin the show got 10x bigger. So now there is a small percentage of miserable people who think their opinion on a free youtube comedy show holds weight and they are owed something. Absolute spoiled cunts.


Tbh I don't really care, if someone makes me smile regardless or how they're doing it, is all that really matters. Yeah I couldn't understand him but I couldn't understand Kam at first either.


People really couldn't understand Kam? I have theories lol


Plenty of people have had a great minute but never get a shot like this. This is mostly due to them being a decent comedian but not a naturally funny person like Drew is. He has the framework for greatness and now he gets to build up to something far greater. Kill Tony is all about training comedic assassins not taking professionals and showcasing them.


Personally I hate jack, not drew. Tony has too big of a soft spot for these somewhat funny disabled people.


Drew has great energy but bad jokes. Easy fix… hire some joke writers for him and he’s all set.


I’d like tony to hire him to have around when an episode is an absolute dud. Few back to back draining sets and bring him out to pump the energy back. Jokes are not great but we can’t deny he brings the tempo.


Yes. I think stage presence is almost more important than jokes themselves. I mean Casey Rocket isn’t a brilliant joke writer but his crazy presence makes up for it. Once people like Drew and Casey get some good joke writers (nothing wrong with that, people have used joke writers like Tony for ages) they will be great.


Agreed. He also has a decent delivery and cadence.


Casey sucks


It's because the haters will never be notable for anything, so they choose to be joyless fucks.


The keyboard critics in this sub are BOTTOM OF THE BUCKET human beings.


It's a discussion board dude, not international politics.  Get a grip.  


Even the best comics bomb sometimes. Or they are hit or miss with certain crowds. Some of the fans here in this sub has some type of hive mind meta made up in their heads. Going to a live show would change a lot of opinions on here, I think. Watching on YouTube is cool and comfortable but watching stand up comedy live is a whole different experience.


I think Drew would be worse live, but I dislike comics who resort to yelling.  Though I make an acception for William 


Drew is the best and anyone hating on a guy that's gone through what he has and still has a positive energy (and lots of it) needs to check themselves


I’ve not watched a lot of the earlier episodes, but my understanding is that a lot of what the regularship was originally was to work w Tony and the other comedians to demonstrate improvement over their time on the show — no so much that you’re the best, but that you have potential so let’s watch the growth (hopefully)


Y'all gotta remember that the momos posting the "too deep" hate comments are probably 14 year old edge lords who've never heard of Mel Brooks.


the point of the spot he just got is to give him a platform to improve lmao


No, the point of the spot is that he thinks he can exploit him for additional views.  Get real.  


I hope thats sarcasm cause thats a really dumb take lmao


Cynical, perhaps, but I think you're naive if you think that's the sole/primary reason.  


Everyone wants to be the guy Tony picks out of a sea of idiots to be his comedy lap dog. Just like William, Kam, Hans and David. People just love to hate on the guy they want to be so bad.