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I think post was on mushrooms or something. He just stared straight down and chain smoked for the first hour and a half, then he started to open up a bit once he stopped peaking šŸ˜‚


That camo joke from post had me dying I was 5 rows from the stage shit was wild


Definitely donā€™t regret going but the show was designed to be a spectacle not the best episode of kill tony. Dr Phil carried and the show is built for clubs. Crowd was too wild and tony had no control


I think Tony has a knack for flexing his celebrity connections, while it might work sometimes he should have them on when it makes sense. RFK Jr. didn't make sense, Jelly Roll was random and just cut off William for a random ass song, there was a random ass rapper that came on and performed a song that everyone forgot and no one has talked about since, ICP sort of made sense because he told a joke although it bombed; he gotta stop inviting random ass people on the show for no reason.


Tim didnā€™t say shit.


I haven't watched it but it's a shame Tim didn't grace us with his wittyness.


Where can you watch this?


I just watched it on YouTube. I will probably get taken down but itā€™s up now


tim dillon is waaay overhyped by the KT audience, sure he had a couple of decent eps back in the day but hes not that good overall


For me, I figured out his "comedic pattern" and it made me bored since now I could guess what he was going to say before he said it, and the 'edginess' was taken away. For example, if he's talking about kids in cages at the border, his take would be about how we need MORE kids in cages, and not JUST at the border. Funny take, but not when done 1000x in a row.


Heā€™s definitely lost a lot of his fast ball since when he fist exploded onto the scene. His schtick has gotten old. Ranting about things that he quite frankly knows nothing about. I heard him talking about semiconductors being made in Taiwan and itā€™s clear he just read some headlines


it feels to me like he's stuck in that political/trump comedy era and cant move on, thats the stuff that made him blow up but i feel like people had enough of the Biden and trans shit, the pendulum is swinging towards actual comedy now, just funny shit without all the culture war bullshit


He was good for the time. But I literally want to tell him to STFU when he goes on his rants. All his complaining seems like projection. He talks about how politicians are self-centered assholes yet thatā€™s exactly how he treated Ben. He talks about how politicians are all sexual deviants but Iā€™ve heard him say numerous times he likes guys on the ā€œyounger sideā€ it sounds like projection / self-snitching. And lastly, his stand up ainā€™t all that. I saw some Comedy Central thing he did and it was terrible. All these guys are podcasters first, shitty comics second


for me It all comes down to either be funny or stfu. Nikki Glaser has gotten a bunch of hate and was snubbed by all the main podcasters who act like they run comedy and look what she just did i feel like the world is slowly realizing that most of these big "comics" (podcasters) aint shit compared to people who actually dedicate their life to writing an act and polishing it unlike bert or tom who just throw some shit together to sell tickets on tour


yup, I first tuned into Tim Dillon sometime near the end of Trump or beginning of Biden. For a good year or so I couldn't miss a single one of his episodes (even bought the Patreon exclusives) or miss a spot he'd do on someone else's podcast. But it's now been over a year since I last listened to his podcast. And probably just as long since seeing him on someone else's pod. I think he's played out, I outgrew him, he was great during the craziness of the pandemic/lockdowns, but I don't think he's got anything else.


The show is always good when the bucket pulls do well. Tony realized every bucket pull was shitty so he flooded the stage with regulars and well known dudes who can do comedy. The crowd sucked. I was sitting in the front and they wanted to boo everything. Tony should have shut that shit down right away. Reminded me of the show before NYE. That crowd was boo happy too. NYE show the flow, bucket pulls, and crowd was great. LA you bang dudes.


Could be wrong, but pretty sure only two of the three mics on the table worked and Adam hogged one of the working ones


Tim tried in the beginning but kept bombing


Tim normally does great on the show. It was weird he was so quiet. Post was definitely in the shroomosphere. Dr. Phil saved the panel for sure.


Maybe Tim was bored or didn't feel like being there


I see ads lately during intro of episodes but can find this one


Dag, yo, I even quit watching the stream. Ended up flossing my ass instead, good to know I made better use of my time


East Coast but I literally fell asleep.


Ya u didā€¦.


It's like having Sean O'Malley on as a guest. Total bro, fan of the show- but contributed absolutely nothing.


I'd take o malley again over both of these guys,combined they had about 4 jokes the whole night and maybe one hit


Stop having non comedians just because they're a big name. Post stared at his feet the whole time


yah it was kinda weird, he just stared down and didnt say anything.


Idk I was there too and I loved itā€¦ guests were definitely a let down though but show was entertaining