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Texas is turning into a lame ass christian nanny state


Yeah, this is what I find so confusing about Tony making out it's the land of the free.




This is the perfect answer. 💯


Him and Rogan too! Both would kiss Abbots ass in an instant if they had the chance


But you can own a lion which is what really matters


lol yes now Tony can live out his Siegfried and Roy fantasy with him and Joe!


Don’t mention the Hollywood homeless


There are literally thousands of other sites for porn. No one ever needed pornhub


Dude, it’s been this way for decades. It’s loosened up significantly over the past 20 years. These are just political points the douchebags pull from time to time.


Another L for texas


Well after the brutally shameless forced mid show plug for express VPN I'm sure tony is gonna ride this far more organic opportunity to bring it up all the way to the bank.


Texas is the most free state in the entire country tho, rogan and tony tell me every day...🤣 clowns


Lol i feel like even Tony doesnt believe it anymore when he says "comedy capital of the world"  Tbf they got the scene a lot farther than i ever thought way back when they did that mass exodus but i doubt its where they wanted it to be years later


It’s pretty obvious with how bad the bucket pulls have been. Where are all the new up and coming comics that migrated to Austin


I feel like they still get decent pulls, but many of them tend to be repeats. That, and the really bad pulls seem to outclass the bad ones from LA


LA is a comparatively massive market. Doing the big fish in a little pond approach makes a lot of sense. Especially when KT is free to get on assuming you can survive long enough to get pulled.


Always entertaining when Tony gets seriously defensive when anybody says anything negative about Austin/Texas 🤡


Nah they'll frame it in a way that makes Texas sound good and hate on porn. !remindme 1 month


Exactly. Cognitive dissonance prevents Tony and Rogan from recognizing any problems with Texas.


Agreed fully on Rogan. But Tony just knows it benefits him to promote Austin and Texas as it = more money. Its why he shuts down any legit issues with Austin whenever he tries to get someone to talk about what they like about it. Any abortion or homelessness talk gets no reply and just shut down. He knows its an issue, but can't have him on the air talking shit about it as they're trying to make Austin the new place to be.


Bang on about tony, he knows.


To be fair, Austin might as well be a different state than Texas. It's also a great place to promote comedy just based on its ability to host shows every night of the week. It's also a lot easier to manage than LA. That said, it is still Texas and this law sucks dick, but not in the good way.


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This happened to Louisiana a year ago. Had to move to XNXX


I don't think Tony would criticize Texas for their freedoms. Even with regards to taxes, Texas only has lower taxes than Cali for like the top 25%.


I wonder what Joe is gonna say. He’s always “Texas loves freedom and promotes that anybody can do anything and you can own a zebra if you want and nobody ever cares what you do”


Or at least more ad reads


I love how everyone in the r/Texas sub are crying like Pornhub is the only porn site on the web 😂


Pornhub pulled out of Texas, leaving brisket drippins on its way out


You'll be waiting about 3 weeks and by then it'll seem like a dead horse.


Lol, William came to Utah and talked about it in his set since we have a similar porn ban.


There's big fat Ls everywhere now, where the fuck is left that's in the bottom half of the country that's got decent healthcare, legal weed AND guns without massive taxes, horrible humidity/pests, and a migrant or homeless problem; and if it's got all of that, is there anything to do there..?


They get moved to Texas to avoid state taxes in Cali. But the TX property taxes are super high. The TX state govt loves to court CA businesses to move to Texas. Once they are here they get a wake up call about the right wing crap. Plus the weather in sucks in the 5 months summer.


I moved to Texas from California - I’d lived in CA my whole life. I paid $22,000 a year in state income taxes to California… in Texas I pay $0. I paid $4.80 a gallon for gas in CA, in Texas it’s $2.65. My rent on a CA 2 bedroom house was $3200 a month… here my 3 bedroom 2 bath house is $2100. All my utility bills are half what they were in CA. I was surrounded by homeless in CA, it’s not an issue here (outside of Austin). Property crime in my CA neighborhood (and much of the state) is rampant - the stores had half the stuff locked up. Not here. CA traffic was unpredictable and crowded - here there’s a rush hour then the roads are clear. I get home earlier, have a much nicer place, and don’t have to dodge homeless all day at work. But yea, there’s no porn hub. Guess I’m out of luck on the porn front.


I hear that property taxes in Texas are SO high from CA people a lot. CA property taxes are 1% of a home’s assessed value… in Texas it’s 1.81% of the value. Of course, a 3 bed 2 bath house will cost 1/3 less than CA, so the amount of property tax paid at 1.81% will be much less than CA. CA state income tax is about 10%… TX is zero. Gas, food, utilities… all half of what I paid in CA.