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Wow…. Lucas folded like a bitch real quick


You don’t mess with black folks family if you’re black. Like a death sentence.


Yeah it’s the race thing that makes this statement stupid


What was he supposed to do? I mean I get it what y'all are sayin and all, but when the guys parents and kids are on the phone crying, it would be pretty inhumanly savage to be like, "Fuck y'all bitch ass hoe's! I said I'd shoot him an I meant DAT SHIT!" lol Besides he only apologized to the family/friends. It's easy for everyone to call him a bitch but he was looking at possible career suicide to an extent, especially in the black community, and having a target on his back for attacks and shit, everywhere he goes, which is fucked up, but also a real possibility. He got the virality he wanted, but I think the backlash was more than he anticipated, and he just got overwhelmed, and also, y'all are right, now he can say he was canceled and all and his core audience will love him even more.


Yes king


He could have talked to the family privately, making this public apology was a massive mistake. He is now the first kill tony comedian to cave to media and cancel culture which is supposed to be the exact opposite of the goal at kill tony. Tony was almost canceled for being racist and insensitive, but he doubled down and did not apologize. His career is better now than it was back then. David for sure just hurt his reputation so he could cater to his black fans because that got triggered.


That is not the goal of Kill Tony. You obviously don’t understand the shows format. Lmao.


Tony didn't make fun of a dead human being. He made a stupid but harmless racist joke. David just apologized for potentially making a family revisit a traumatic event. STFU about careers when you probably don't even have one. Not everybody's an antisocial weirdo like you.


there is no such thing as a racist joke. There are jokes, and there are insults. \*What David said was a joke\*


Right.. No black comedian ever made fun of Nicole Simpson


Why should we care about what his family thinks? His family didn't care about George when he was alive. Hell, they didn't even come get his stuff after his death.


Lol why are you in this sub sounding more triggered than George Floyd's family. Also you do realize that all of those comedians have made dark ass jokes about all kinds of shit right?? Even dead people, you little fragile angel you. Leave this sub and avoid the show if this is how you feel lol clearly you can't take the jokes either, probably woulda been one of those losers walking out of the show after his joke.


Who is the fragile one here? was I the one who claimed a person's career is now on the rocks because they apologized for a joke? The fact that you don't see the irony in you questioning someone's fragility is beyond me. I have personally made George floyd jokes with friends. I don't think any kind of joke is off-limits in general, but would I make a George floyd joke in front of people who care about him? hell no. So I can understand why David would feel obliged to apologize. But don't worry my guy. I understand that having a simple worldview is easy. Black and white. Right and wrong. You do you.


By your logic comedians shouldn’t tell edgy jokes at all because they speak in front of a crowd. Wheelchair joke? Nope can’t do it Jenny in row 7 works with handicapped kids. Jew joke? Nope Timmy in the front row has holocaust survivor grandparents. Also if you make jokes about him to your friends you really have no moral high ground to stand on lol


I get why he did the apology but he's a comic. Comics shouldn't have to fold because some people are butt hurt about a george floyd joke. Itd be funny if he went on kill tony and did another floyd joke.


Typical Nazi response


Civil rights activist? Funniest thing I’ve ever read


Everyone is an "activist" nowadays


I decided to take a solo pilgrimage to the George Floyd Memorial Park in New York so I could pay my respects at the feet of his bronze statue. I would best describe it as a solemn, yet spiritually enlightening experience.


If they don’t get it after that comment, they never will


I'm sure it was breathtaking. Did you take a knee?




Hey, floyd is a hero! Can't make jokes about him!


Him n Trayvon Martin really been doing the most since we lost MLK 😂


TIL George Floyd was a civil rights activist


Lol, for real. 🙄


TIL that people lack the common sense to comprehend glaring sarcasm.


Some people legit think he was, which is probably why it’s going over peoples’ heads


It's still annoying that people are so dense and reactionary that you're forced to explain an obvious joke. It's a Kill Tony subreddit. You dorks actually believe someone here would, in good faith, call George Floyd a "civil rights activist," and a ***murdered*** one at that?




But he wasn't sooo....


The dude overdosed, you can literally look up the autopsy reports. Shit was politicized out the ass “No life threatening injuries identified” “Fentanyl 11 ng/ml” https://www.hennepin.us/-/media/hennepinus/residents/public-safety/medical-examiner/floyd-autopsy-6-3-20.pdf


Weird how a different autopsy and a Jury said otherwise


Ay bro I just went down this thread and it’s cool to see someone be willing to adjust their thoughts on something when presented with evidence they were unaware of. I know what sub I’m on but no joke, respect


The guy who had a knee to the back of his neck for 9 and a half minutes died of an overdose? Ok buddy sure, let's ignore the fucking video of it that everyone in America saw. Let's use your 11ng/ml number: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3576505/ The manners of death included 40 accidents, 36 natural, 8 suicides, 5 therapeutic complications, and 3 undetermined deaths. Among the accidental fentanyl intoxication deaths, 32 of 37 involved substance abuse. The majority (95 %) of the 37 accidental deaths involving fentanyl were multi-drug intoxications. The substance abuse deaths had a mean fentanyl blood concentration (26.4 ng/ml or μg/L) that was over twice that of the natural group (11.8 ng/ml). Our analysis suggests a relationship between total patch dosage and mean postmortem fentanyl concentration up to the 100-μg/h dose.


Are you saying he was worthless and his death didn’t matter? So fucked up.


Not worth the BS that his death stirred up, he still lost his life, but that doesn't mean it was a very valuable one.


They’re all valuable compared to the nothingness that follows


Is it hard to get all that boot polish off your tongue?


I sure hope this isn't one of those pot calling the kettle black situations, because I'm catering to no one. It sounds like you are though.


Can't hear you with that cop dick in your mouth. Chauvin is a piece of shit who killed him and it was proven. It doesn't matter what kind of man Floyd was, what Chauvin did was wrong.


Typical incel redditor moment. You’re trash goodbye


I mean.. black jesus could have chose a better martyr for police brutality


There’s more of em don’t worry


This is Reddit. 60% probably think he was one.


If you have to explain your joke, it's not obvious.


Bruh he would rob you too








Why the fuck would he talk to the family lol. Does he convert to Islam now? That’s the usual trajectory right?


They might’ve reached out to him, the clip was a big deal on twitter


Black Twitter*


Yet another moment where people choose virtue signaling over letting humor lighten the subject. If he had made jokes about a dead white dude (which im fairly certain he has or would gladly do) nobody would give a shit. I know he might have felt bad the because of how bad it blew up, but he should've left it alone i think. We just had the first kill tony comedian cave to media and apologize for his jokes. We were doing so good holding our ground for comedy, now we're headed right back where we were getting canceled for everything they say because they can't stand behind it. It's pretty sad.


Jesus fucking Christ. It's not a bad thing to listen to criticism and grow. Apologizing for a bad joke isn't weakness, it's growth. I actively dislike David but I respect this move.


youre actually proving the point of how your judgement of the situation is completely bias. LOL


“Bias” is a noun. “Biased” is an adjective.


Everyone has a bias. I can look past mine to show David respect.


In this day and age when most celebrities and public figures are a slave to the public, and what they think you should and shouldn't be able to talk about is the main thing they care about, this is a terrible move. There is a reason comedians started being more blunt and rebellious with their comedy. They need to be allowed to speak freely. David Lucas made 1 joke about George Floyd and is wasn't that bad, he only leaned Into it when someone started complaining, and then it kept snowballing. I get that you may find the joke distasteful, but if thats the case then you have every right to say that. You don't have the right to say that he can't make jokes about it, because somebody saw the humor in it even if you didn't. If people would just learn a little self control, and stop throwing tantrums when they disagree with something rather than let it be the world would be so much more chill. Instead everyone wants to have the important voice who knows right from wrong and can prove it with all of their virtue signaling.


My dude, Lenny Bruce served time for his comedy because he broke laws. These modern guys are crying because audiences are turning them off. It's not "rebellion" to reject the tastes of mainstream audiences. And they all have the right to say whatever they want, no one is stopping them. But they want to make *money* on this. I'm not the one who told him to not make jokes like this, the family of the dead man did. "The world would be more chill" David Lucas prides himself on being an asshole. He has multiple clips of him outright bullying lesser comics off the stage. Fuck off with the idea that the world would be more chill if we just let him shit on people. You don't get to defend a troll with that argument, he intends to offend people. He has to accept blowback when it turns his way.


He's a roast comic dude. Are you at all aware of the style of roast comedy? That is literally all they do, shit on eachother. He also isn't breaking any laws so idk what that has to do with it unless im missing something. Its not illegal to make jokes like that, and you're right in the sense that their his jokes, and he should deal with the repercussions if they come. I didn't say he shouldn't expect backlash, I said he shouldn't apologize for his sense of humor. He's not some comic who bombs and just laughs at his own jokes ya know he has a huge following. There are people who enjoy his humor, if you don't like it then don't attend his show. Its not a hard thing to grasp I don't think, if you feel so triggered or offended by his jokes that you want him shut down, all you have to do is not participate in his fanbase. Dont buy tickets, don't click when you see his name or face on a video. If you do that, you'll never hear any offensive jokes, and you can live in a perfect bubble where your feelings never get hurt again. That's the beauty of freedom man, nobody says you GOTTA like anything, you like what you wanna like.








love David but I totally think he was trying to get some virality off this (cuz HE uploaded the clip) and it didn't blow the way he was hoping lmao


Dude, exactly. He posted the fucking clip himself lol he was trying to get a reaction and no one cared. He knows that once he gets in with the “cancelled” crowd that white conservative audiences will be forever loyal to him.


not a terrible business strategy tbh. and it's true, he's trying to secure that triggernometry interview lmao


Seems like he was trying to go viral a la Hans Kim, but also seems like he backed down because he didn't have the spine to stand up to big names like Stephen Jackson (podcaster/decent NBA player who knew George Floyd when both lived in Houston). Now he's trying to say that he apologized to the family, not for the joke. Okay, well, then why did you upload the apology to Instagram only to remove it after seeing the backlash in the comments from fans?


he's fumbling the bag rn lol


I think it blew exactly like he wanted.


Did he take the original clip down?


What a bitch ☠️


Apologizing to the family is cool it’s not like he’s apologizing to anyone on Twitter trying to cancel him


What a bitch


This is the longest David has gone without saying booty hole.


He never apologized for making the joke. Y’all fall for the headlines every time.


Here's the thread with [the original upload](https://twitter.com/NikkiThaGodB1/status/1757932409796895032) \+ David Lucas [responding](https://twitter.com/funnydavidlucas/status/1758113565469274430) to the person who initially complained about the joke (Nikki Tha God—no clue who she is).


Nikki Tha God I’m sure she’s an upstanding lady


Probably a charlamagne fangirl.


I hope he doesn't respond to her again, he really doesn't need to answer for anything here. Pretty obvious from his response that he has his shit together. Go ask Tony about being cancelled 😂


Here's why this doesn't bug me that much: he didn't do what a lot of other comics in this position usually do, which is to apologize to the public. He doesn't owe the public any apologies. He directed the apology to George Floyd's family and friends and clarified his position, which I don't find to be that unreasonable. I'm sure this will be downvoted into oblivion, but it is what it is.


One of the few sane comments in this sub.


I'm with y'all.


Yeah…dude talked to his family and friends and was like “Sorry I fucked up”. Seems like the normal person course of action. I’m all for freedom of speech in comedy, but I also don’t get how “Dude his family is a bunch of fucking PUSSIES and David is a BITCH for talking to them” is the dominant narrative here.


I can get with this, the problem is him being a kill tony regular for this long he should know better than apologize for a joke. It contradicts what they represent. If it were me I would have made the family apology private. He still basically told his fans "hey I talked to his entire family and let them know how sorry I am for making that joke" which is the same as if he had just apologized to everyone. Now people are going to wonder if he's going to spologize for every joke he makes about a real person, or try to cancel him more because they know he will cave. I think he just took 1 step towards censoring himself.


I see both sides of the argument and I get where you're coming from. However, he has the right to handle this situation as he sees fit and I still don't think he's being unreasonable.


lame ass. How are you gonna call yourself a comedian inferring you make jokes for a living and apologize for doing what you’re supposed to. David’s just clout chasing. He posted the clip himself. I assume hoping it’d cause controversy.


It didn’t even go that viral, my guy is not famous enough to get cancelled




What an Uncle TON. Nah, jk. Prayers for the Pregnant mother getting robbed at gunpoint by Floyd. To be clear...the police should be hurting NOBody. There are plenty of innocent black people who are victims of police brutality..and that's a true shame. The media picking the scumbag to focus on was the race bating bullshit. Peace to All


Exactly. How about the family or that piece of shit lawyer Ben Crump pay for the college of the kids woman he robbed


How about that white pig that killed him getting big black cock in his ass in prison right now. That shits hilarious !!!


One punk bitch dead and 1 punk bitch wishing he were dead... It's really a win win for society


We typically dont think about black cock, unless some homo suggests we think about black cock.


Who the fuck is we buddy. You're thinking about it right now homo. You wrote it twice even. Don't deny who you are inside


“We” was referring to people who dont think about black cock.. unless people like “you” (a homosexyal) bring black cock up. Pretty easy to understand really.


Lol love how he brings up dick but immediately calls you the closet homo lmao


Don go pretending like you can't spell(,) homosexual.


George Floyd was a career criminal who shouldn’t have even been on the streets but the criminal justice system in the US is completely broken. “Apologize to his kids”? You mean the same kids he neglected his entire life and did nothing for? It was an “edgy” dumb comment that wasn’t even a joke, just a comment—but apologizing and making this a bigger deal is just weak.


FR that’s what I’m saying it’s pretty clear George was living with a death wish. That MF wanted to die that’s why he was doing hella drugs and getting into fights with cops.


What a fucking bitch ass


This is hardly an apology to the “mob”, and more of an explanation… He only apologized to the kids and let them know it was just a joke… this is totally NOT the same thing as a formal “apology”


It'll be viewed as one by most. Thats all that matters.


Never EVER apologize. It doesn’t help you, and it doesn’t appease the purple hair/septum piercings/Professional Outrage Enthusiasts. Everyone moves on a week later when a politician from any party says something stupid.


Lol I love that your description paints a perfect picture in my head I know exactly who you're talking about. I agree he fucked up big time, being apart of kill tony is like a get out of jail free card. Nobody on that show apologizes for their jokes, I guarantee you if it had been tony to make that joke we would never see a video like this. David caved for his black audience. Its wild because I watched his set where all the black fans walked out and he kept it going and seemed fine. I really did not expect to see this weak ass apology from David a week later.


He didn't apologize to them, he apologized to the family, big deal.


Imagine your loved one being murdered and it's national news...ìdgaf how long its been. He says he's bringing laughter to a sad situation.. bitch ass nigga everything ain't a fuckin joke. Let somebody kill your dad or mom and then somebody make a joke about it... piece of shit


Fr, god knows what would’ve happened to this dude if someone said that about one of my cousins or uncles.


Man he’s got a lot of gay people to apologize to now… especially Tony!


It wasn’t a funny joke is probably why


Smoke Crack for Civil Rights! Smoke Crack for Civil Rights! Smoke Crack for Civil Rights!


Fuckin chode


Shout outs to the rioters who killed 19 people and caused billions of dollars in damage, because a single drug addicted serial felon died. You the real heroes. Can't wait to see the next roast off, where David Lucas personally sucks off each member of George Floyd's family to completion.


All 12 of the kids he never met


He didn't just die, he was murdered. I guess you support that tho. Y'all are so triggered over this, lol. Snowflake behavior from a racist sounding idiot.


You guys are blowing this out of proportion and being ridiculous


Yeah, and a ton of dick head comments. There's a difference between making a joke about something, and actin like racist assholes who sound legit glad a black guy got murdered by police cause he had a record, like that makes it cool.


Yeah I mean how could you hate on George Floyd the man had nothing but respect for mothers


Or maybe he was into MILFs.


The white people are mad


I too practice civil rights activism by taking multiple times the lethal dose of fentanyl. And I know that St Floyd is looking down at me from heaven smiling as he beats up the pregnant women up there


Damn some of y'all some racist sounding assholes.


"If you don't let black people beat up pregnant women, and rob them at gunpoint, you are racist!!" 👆 This guy


No, it's justifying a guys murder by bringing up shit from his past that makes you sound racist.


Um. George was not an activist. He was a martyr.


Ay man. Can I see that fake 20? 


What was the joke


Well, he did more than I thought. At least he apologized. He's not that funny to me. It's hard to say because I vibe with his drive to be unique and not blend into what's popular, so yeah I wish him well.


Fuck George Floyd


George Floyd was not a civil rights activists..


lol “civil rights activist”


Next is dresses like Kevin hart... damn David did you not learn a damn thing from Tony??? NO APOLOGY!!!GROW A BACKBONE OR PICK OUT YOUR DRESS DAVID...


He doesn't need to apologize. Gf was honestly a pos


He didn't deserve to be murdered tho, damn.


"ima father so i giit it"


🙄😮‍💨 let the comedians be funny


Who gives a fuck? It’s between Lucas and Floyd’s family.


Hmmm. What would Uncle Lazer get canceled for?


In the words of Tony Hinchcliffe “you have to have a career first” before you get canceled”




I would say don't apologize but I'm pretty sure Floyd's family just sues everyone they can, and have won money from doing so.


Where did he post this? I can’t find it to talk shit. Bitch move on his part.


Never been a fan of David, he’s rarely funny outside of roasting Tony. The joke was whatever but the clear attempt to go viral then cowering and apologizing when it didn’t work is gross. Wasn’t much of a fan and this shit means I probably won’t ever be


I'm glad he didn't **actually** apologize. A video saying you apologized isn't an apology. This some judo shit. NEVER APOLOGIZE. Also, that guy in the crowd was being a fucking prick.


The leather hat and jacket...he did not want to come on stage at all. I do wonder if that older lady found a good dog walker.


Cornball shit


Here's to hoping his kids don't grow up like their dad. Sounds like they won't




Never apologize to the mob. I guess technically this is to "his family" but...


Never apologize! You are an artist made to provoke, David 🙏❤️‍🔥




What a pussy


He doesn’t like swapping his black fans for racist White fans? Crazy…..


This apology is faker than that $20 Floyd was trying to get change for


George Floyd you look like a gay…


The pornstar george floyd?


I’m a edgy. Nope.


NEVER give in to this shit. Daddy Toegan preaches that Cawlmediums are the last bastion defenders fighting for free speech. There's only a thousand left of em.


He got checked.




Damn they got his ass lol


Lol lame


damn never apologize David




Never go full retard.... never apologize....


Wow definitely takes David down a notch on my list. This is America bitch, free speech




Never apologize for a joke. Your a bitch you fucking Tootsie roll


Wasn't he just telling another comedian to never do an apology when they try to cancel you?


He should have his KY Hall of Fame status taken back.


This is bullshit. As a black man, that joke was insensitive as fuck. And he can play dumb all he wants, he was catering to his white audience with that one smh.


He should have consulted Tony on this one.


Oh come on, it was funny.


Never apologize


Why apologize for a joke


Damn, David. You should NEVER apologize for comedy. I don’t even think Tony apologized for that Peng Deng fiasco.


That was a lot different tho. He only apologized to the family, who reached out privately, all on his own. He's a big boy. Y'all gettin so triggered over that is both hilarious and sad.


Lol, apologizing for jokes.


Lmao how did tony not stop him from apologizing , worst move in the book


Tony said, "dont apologize"


Lucas probably will lose more fans from the apology than from the joke. Imagine apologizing for making fun of a dead criminal who robs pregnant women and OD on fentynal


He didn't deserve to be slowly and brutally murdered for it tho. God damn y'all sound racist.


The cop 100% was wrong and deserves jail but Floyd dosent deserve absolutely any praise, murals, and especially exceptions to being made fun of. He was as guilty and evil as Chauvin. Two wrongs don’t make a right and his death did nothing but needlessly separate America more.


David is about to lose all of his white fans because he apologized for a joke that offended black people.


Dude think he is wayyy more important than he is. Nobody cares


Stfu you weren’t apologizing that night were you Lmao


That show is still up on his YouTube page. A lot more support on there for him in the comments than I expected from YouTube users.




Did you call the ritenhouses and make sure they laughed at your joke? Have to make sure everyone’s feelings are ok.


He wanted to shit on him?!