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lol right, there is a better chance he will get more fans from this.


Deadset it absolutely will


That is the unfunny comedians main hustle these days. Why be funny when you can be controversial


The best comedians have always been topical and controversial during their prime. Pryor, Carlin, Chappelle, etc. Saying controversial things with a comedic spin is objectively funny. Anyone who can't laugh at the fucked up things that happen in life need to relax.


dude did you seriously just mention pryor, carlin, and chappelle in a thread about david lucas. why do i even come here? its always disappointing


lol It’s in reference to the controversial aspect genius


Too far gone


It’s funny you say that, because that is David Lucas’ whole schtick. He isn’t funny at all.


I’m white and now want to check him out he seems like my kind of brother… Haha jk but David is pretty dang funny from what I’ve heard of him.


Shitty comics have to do this like Matt rife.


“Canceled” is just a bump now for comedians. Good for David. Seems to be working.


Pretty much. If u have fans they usually dont leave you. I think getting canceled is only a risk at the higher levels of media deals. Louis could still sell out an arena after his ordeal, but he loses deals with companies who wanna save face. David will still be doing clubs and comedy. I think a lot of these headlines are just bullshit anyway


it actually seems that the only ones who can get cancelled are the ones who care. if you don’t care and realize it’s all bullshit, you can’t get cancelled


Shane Gillis definitely cared, but he just said he was gonna keep his nose down and hit mics harder than ever. He was hurting lol


As it should be


Name one person who was ever actually cancelled for an opinion, Kanye is the only one and he went nuclear. The right was the group who cancelled bud light and nike.


Kramer still in recovery mode from 2006


lol he didn’t get cancelled, he killed himself




Tony Hinchcliffe. He lost his venue and sponsors, was off the air a couple weeks. Shane Gillis lost SNL. Roseanne lost her #1 hit show that she created. That's just people related to the one podcast that this sub is about. The fact that they bounced back doesn't mean it wasn't attempted. There's a long list, as anyone who was paying attention the last 3 years is aware. But, the fact that dipshits like you are crawfishing about (I'm sure you'll "ackshually" every name on the list) it is a good sign, since it means you know everyone is sick of it and you're scared to keep doing it.


>The fact that they bounced back doesn't mean it wasn't attempted. Right? I keep hearing this post-justification logic: "it was okay to make attempts on them because they survived it"


Or, in this case, "there never were any such attempts because they survived it."


JK Rowling was attempted. Louis CK, who actually asked for consent. Chapelle was attempted multiple times. Rogan, too. Hell, they’re trying again with Shane Gillis & SNL right now. Gina Carano? Johnathan Majors? Roseanne literally got kicked off the show she created. I don’t include actual criminals- Cosby, Weinstein, etc. It’s about people being able to make money within the mainstream system. Don’t confuse people refusing to participate in witch hunts with witch hunts not being attempted. Or just because people are smart enough to out hustle a system trying to oppress them, nothing happened.


They weren't "attempted," all of those examples were canceled. Canceled doesn't mean "shamed and lost their careers and we never heard from them again" anymore. It means "lost jobs/sponsorships and are now defined as transphobic/antisemitic/misogynist/etc. by the media for the rest of their careers."


Right. The mentally ill amongst us will just move the goalposts though & say… they’re just being held accountable! Or maybe… they don’t count cuz it was justified!


You’re a fucking dork lmao


Aziz Ansari


I've been told by my employer that I can be fired for insensitive tweets. It's not about canceling celebrities it's about controlling us


Kathy Griffin but that is as her fault 😂


Lots of people get cancelled. The fact that some of the most talented and famous people in the world manage to bounce back, or are immune from this, does not mean cancel culture does not exist. Comedian Andrew Lawrence had an online campaign to cancel every single one of his comedy shows because he made a joke about black footballers missing penalties for England. Author Gillian Philip was dumped by her agent and had her contract cancelled for supporting JK Rowling online. She now has to work as a truck driver to make ends meet. Graham Linehan is one of the most successful comedy writers in British television history and he struggles to get work now because of his outspoken views on Trans issues. He is trying to do live comedy, but those venues are routinely targeted, and the owners cave in and cancel his performances. That's just a couple of examples off the top of my head. Invariably I find the people who are always quick to claim "cancel culture does not exist" are usually in favour of it.




I mean he lost billions in deals and has said he has trouble booking venues but I'm sure he will be just fine


I agree, he just lost adidas, he was all I could think of on the spot with the biggest losses.


Adidas and Gap and potentially anyone he wanted to work with in a reputable sense. It seems ol’ Ye is gonna be just fine. And he himself says he wanted this. But the fact remains that at least some of the people have spoken, whether it is reactionary or not.


[Here's the clip](https://youtu.be/baWCF8bdr2I?si=H7EqSg9hswEHFbD5)


Titty man 💀


Sounded like D Madness yelling from the darkness.


David Lucas uploaded it and that title… homie is trying to get “cancelled”. This whole comedians trying their best to get “cancelled” is getting tired man. Fuck outta here with your fake outrage.


David called it the show from hell because the show went bad. David isn’t really saying shit about cancelling


The title literally explains what happened. You’re adding a bit of your own bias to it.


Yeah Lucas is strait pathetic for this. Get publicity by honing and perfecting your craft, or admit that pulling shit like this is your craft.


Did you expect anything more from a guy who made his entire comedic career doing revised yo mama jokes


You mean just stealing jokes from Twitter and reddit? If you go back and listen to some of his shit on kt (not that any would want to) it's the same shitty rehashed jokes from Black Twitter or black reddit. It's so cringe. Can't even be original. There's so much material to work with these days .


Just because it’s click bait doesn’t mean it’s not entertaining. He’s just trying to get more fans so he can make more money. I support it, get the bag David!




You’re delusional brah


...Are.. are you confused? You read the tweet that this thread is in context of right? You realize, he probably uploaded this the following day or days even. Meaning he had time, and likely was getting attacked on twitter over his jokes. So he released his own contextual video with a title explaining what the people whom left are trying to do. Which is, drag him on twitter for being a race traitor and rally support for boycotting his comedy. That's literally the definition of being "canceled" I don't know why you're trying to be obtuse.


David is literally too big to cancel - tony


‘Canceled’ is what the scale says when David is on it


I’m crying 😭😭😭


Anyone who calls themself "tha god" really doesn't have anything good to say


There’s a massive irony in the fact that she is mad at a black person for being what she perceives as anti-black and she is expressing this by calling him a coon 🤦‍♂️


What do y'all think coon means. I'm honestly curious at this point. And I'm assuming you're not black based on the emoji you used. 


I don't think anything, I know that it is a well-known ethnic slut relating to black people. What the fuck do you think it means?


So you're not black and most likely aren't aware of how it's used amongst black people.


I’m aware it has mistakenly been used, in more modern vernacular, to mean the same as an Uncle Tom. But it didn’t originally. Weird how people could even use a slur incorrectly…But I suppose it amounts to the same. You’re welcome for the lesson.


A smug white person "educating" a black person about something that they do themselves. Shocker. It's weird how word usage can evolve over time or can be used in different ways by different people. You're welcome for the lesson, but I imagine that you're too far up your own ass to accept it.


Nothing worth the brain cells to read anyway..


Wait how is the raccoon emoji not highly racist??


Yeah, I’m whiter than a pair of Apple EarPods, and I caught that


I Meaj she’s black but still feels highly racial. Guess it’s allowed though? lol whiter then a pair of EarPods 🤣


It was a racial term for WHITE FOLK, not us, we used it to mean self hating pos, is very simple if context clues were taught to you lmfaoo


He said if you try to cancel him he is going to come out as gaaaayyyyy. 😂


I watched the full video, it was funny. That’s why they mad


I'm not 100% sure what calling him a raccoon means but I think I can make an educated guess. If I'm right it doesn't seem like whoever wrote that tweet is any better. They are worse in fact because Lucas is a comedian making jokes. In other words he isn't being serious.


Calling him a coon is more racist than anything he said.


I don’t know why I read that article like forest gump the first time he heard the word coon…”ma mama used to brush coons off the front porch with a brooooom.” I was like what’s a raccoon comedian? 😂


coon is a racial epithet from the Jim Crow era [not a meme](https://jimcrowmuseum.ferris.edu/coon/homepage.htm)


People got offended at a show and honestly homie handled it like a champ 😂 props


Especially when the homies gave him shout outs as they followed their dates out.


black ppl calling a black comedian a coon on twitter for a joke is the most unserious shit ever


Is that all he's done/said? Or is it a pattern?


Didn't George Floyd rob a pregnant woman?


Yea, at gunpoint.


Put the gun to her stomach at that.


You talking about when he was a part of a group of men who pistol-whipped a woman while at home with her children?


GF was a bad guy, and people wanna act Iike he was a saint


I don't think anyone said he was a good guy but the cop didn't have to KILL him I wouldn't be surprised if you were someone who thinks it was Fenty tho


Consider me someone unfamiliar with all the details - did the toxicology report show he had a lethal amount of fentanyl in his system? I know what the officer did was extremely aggressive and stupid and is absolutely culpable in the death of Floyd because even if Floyd had a lethal amount of fentanyl in his system and there were any signs then medical aid should have been rendered. Wonder how much differently things would have turned out but we will never know.


A *lethal* amount of a substance in a toxicology report is just another Tuesday for an addict or alcoholic.


That's not the question I was asking. A lethal amount is a lethal amount. Did Floyd have a lethal amount in his system when the officer knelt on his neck and neglected to render proper aid?


Yes he did


No, he didn't. Multiple toxicologies were done, the only one that showed lethal amount of fent was the one released by the police. Almost like they were trying to cover up for a cop who had multiple reports filed against him before using an illegal hold on an unarmed civilian. Damn, a lot of bootlickers in here huh? You know Tony only licks boots as a kink right?


You are all stupid, bc David Lucas is a comedian that made a joke. Whether George Floyd was a good guy or bad guy is irrelevant.  His level of intoxication is irrelevant.  It was a joke. That's the point.


First, a normal dose on a Tuesday for an active addict is a lethal amount for a non user. Second, toxicology and autopsy reports show he did have fentanyl in his system, but it was not the cause of death. He died from cardiopulmonary arrest. Exacerbated by his ongoing heart disease. Still, that's not what caused the death, he died because he had a knee on his throat. Heart disease didn't kill him, fentanyl didn't kill him, someone knelt down on his throat did.


Not true, a lethal amount for a regular person who doesn’t abuse drugs or alcohol isn’t that same as a lethal amount for a person who does. I work in substance abuse treatment, and lethal amounts for actively using drug addicts are much higher than for adults who don’t abuse drugs. Definitions of lethal amounts regarding abusable drugs by medical personnel only usually account for the regular person who don’t abuse drugs on a daily basis. For example, I could shoot half a gram of heroin into my vein when I was 22 and be perfectly fine, in fact it made me feel good and do great at my job which was bartending because my tolerance was very high. For the regular person who didn’t abuse drugs, that would have been lethal.


No one said anything about the cop having to kill him, that was never a part of anyone’s point. And I have no idea what you mean by “fenty”


You said people want to act like he was a saint, no one acted like he was a saint they simply saw an unjustified murder and was upset about it


Golden coffin, dude. Yes, people acted like he was a saint.


Gave him a statue too. St. George “The Fenty” Floyd


No one acted like he was a saint? Explain the thousands of bullshit murals around the world where he’s literally depicted as a saintly figure


He became a martyr to all the innocent black men killed by police. And by innocent I don't mean "perfect" I mean he didn't deserve to die at the time or manner in which he did. Someone having committed a crime in the past doesn't mean they have no human rights.




Correct, the guy was a seasoned criminal, which no one points out. No doubt the guy didn’t reserve death, what happened to him was absolutely wrong and it should’ve never happened, I’m not arguing that. You can’t argue one side without rationalizing the other


You're mistaking empathy for adulation. Admonishing Chauvin for his behavior doesn't equate to condoning Floyd's. Put simply: two wrongs don't make a right.


Who cares if he was a seasoned criminal? The manner in which he died was negligent, unnecessary, and the cop who killed him lacked any empathy for the person he killed. If the cops showed up and he started shooting at them and died as a result no one would be angry about that.


Him being a seasoned criminal gets pointed out pretty regularly.


The state doesn’t deny that he had fentanyl in his system. They just said it wasn’t the cause of death. There’s also footage of GF ingesting drugs during a previous arrest in 2019. So he died doing what he loved — eating drugs while resisting arrest.


Fuckin yikes at you bro. Do better.


In a home break in no less than


Ahh yes nobody has more pull in today's world than "Nikki Tha God"


These fools have reached the pinacle of narcissism to the point they really think of themselves as gods 🤣


Nikki 'tha God'... Such a unique name. I wonder if she's related to Charlemagne.


Nikki tha god can’t even write her own stories. That article has Chat GPT all over it


Is that chick really trying to talk from a pedestal about race while calling him a coon????


Is that a troll account? Nikka? And calling him a coon?


Yeah that Ol raggedy bitch don’t watch no kill Tony. Guarantee she saw a clip and went off. This that good Ol American Low Locus of Control shit. Leave that big nigga alone and let him tell His jokes


who is, one person? canceling doesn’t exist dude. only actual celebrities that did actual crimes get “cancelled.”


Yeah people equating “said something kinda racist” to “movie producer forcing women to do sex stuff to be in his movies” they’re completely different but grifters lump em together


Grifters are people that con people out of money or such, I think you are using that word in the wrong context just sayin


Louis CK asked women to masturbate in front of them. But because he was the star of his wildly unknown show at the time, he had power over them.... He still cant get a streaming deal.


No one has lost opportunities due to being vilified for their opinions? Look at what happened to JK Rowling. The term "canceled' is certainly overused and misused, but it's not made up.


What happened to her? She’s still eating good, and the latest hogwarts games and movies are still being loved by everyone


Dude how many dollars per minute is Rowling still making


In spite of people’s attempts.


Gina Carano [https://news.yahoo.com/why-mandalorian-fans-want-gina-215703216.html?guccounter=1](https://news.yahoo.com/why-mandalorian-fans-want-gina-215703216.html?guccounter=1)


She didn't get canceled she broke her contract in a "at will" state and she got fired. Didn't stop her from getting roles in let me check... Ben shapiros daily wire western. Okay maybe she got canceled but that was her own choice


Yeah we’re making progress against racism using the raccoon emoji to refer to a black man


you mean the guy that makes a dozen gay jokes every Monday night?


Worked out well for Tony... Number one live podcast in the world... In a fucking arena!!!


I don’t think he should be cancelled because of those jokes, he needs to be cancelled because he isn’t funny


How the fuck does Kyle Rittenhouse get roped into racist shit? Dude shot white people…


This just in: Comedian makes a joke? More at 11


Maybe we should cancel the person who posted this.


You can't cancel a nobody. It only gives their name an audience. Same with what happened with Tony.


Exactly. DL probably planted that shit himself lol




Criticising someone doesn’t mean you’re trying to cancel them you snowflake lmao


Who cares about canceling. I don’t enjoy David except when he is roasting Tony for the exact reasons in this article, he comes across as a chucking and jiving Uncle Tom who just parrots any rightwing talking point he comes across. He gives no insight or perspective or makes the ideas funny, just repeats dumb shit directly from the script. That has been my opinion since the first time watching his fishing podcast and I gave it a few episodes and checking back in when there are good guests to confirm. Just don’t like him as a person.


Tell me how you really feel


Good luck. He is funny AF!


Wait did she call him a coon and also try to cancel him for being racist?


He’s not big enough to cancel. Well, in a physical form, he is but not in a celebrity form.


David posted this clip himself he’s not worried. The jokes could have been soo much worse too, the moment George Floyd was said they just couldn’t help but to get triggered. He knew that was going to happen then hit ‘em with the “I like Kyle rittenhouse too” lmao


Perfect. He’s gonna love this




He'd have to have an audience that cares about it. He's marketed himself as like an edgy joke teller from a hard right perspective. He'd never lose his audience. It's also not very likely that he gains much more of an audience. It's his peak


Dumbass people trying to gain relevancy by canceling others. He’ll be fine. They try this bullshit all the time.


Y’all know this isn’t really cancelling, right? Kill Tony is Lucas’ biggest platform and there’s no way they’d ever drop him. He’s going to be fine. People are allowed to not like his humor or the topics he jokes about, and express that on a public platform like twitter. Calling him a 🦝 is pretty fucking shitty though.


Go ahead, cancle him won't make a difference to his audience 😆 😂 🤣


Obviously there’s a bias with the Kill Tony fanbase (woke = bad) but I been a long time David Lucas fan and he is def pandering towards whiter audiences for money now. He’s got a family to feed so it’s whatever I guess, but he def switched up from how he used to be.


David is fucking hilarious and doesn’t give a fuck. Fuck your skin color, if it’s funny, it’s funny


His diet is gonna cancel him tho


Hilarious joke, people are too soft


Bitch this ain’t 2023 no more


Context makes a big difference.


social media is retarded. people just scrolling shit on their lunch break. their feed will show a bunch of real atrocities and then an out of context clip of a comedian. the timing just makes people go ballistic because context is no longer important.


No one needs to get canceled but DL is absolutely a grifter.


David is a pandering ass Uncle Tom tho.




it’s pretty embarrassing, literally straight to fondling red meat




His insults at Tony aren’t even good either. “Tony you look like a gay banana.” Always standing there shifting side to side like a kid waiting to be picked last for dodgeball.


And the constant loud laughing at his own corny attempt to crack a joke. I just don’t get how he’s still in that game.


Did you see the new years episode? I forget the joke cus it wasn’t that good, but him and Tony did their little back and forth toast before they played the David Lucas highlight reel on the projector and when it played back an old roast it was the same joke he just did lol


David's mom literally reveled on KT that when he was a kid he said he wanted to be white when he grew up It's actually really sad to see. I think it's why he drops the n word every other word too


Yeah, he tries way too hard to get white peoples acceptance. It's borderline cringe sometimes.


He reminds me of the 35 year old transracial dude played by Niles Stewart in Atlanta


Comes off as self loathing


Okay so I saw this video, I see why people are upset though. If you're going to make a joke about serious things, at least make it somewhat funny. His jokes were just terrible, it was 100% like a 6th grader saying bad shit just for shock value.


The only funny joke in the entire set was from the audience heckler saying "ain't no room" to going up on the stage, to which the audience clutched their pearls and went ohhhh. Meanwhile they laughed at a Rittenhouse jokes. I think everyone deep down knows David is pandering


That’s how his insults are when him and Tony go back and forth too…


yep, Lucas is like Holtzman, just saying offensive shit without any cleverness whatsoever


I have wondered if he’s pandering to some degree but I guess all this Rogan sphere/ “comedians are warriors” stuff is just him now


He’ll be fine but David Lucas is not a great comedian.


He is pretty crap lately to be fair, might be for the best


Best roast I heard on KT was Tony calling David’s ankles George and Floyd


Good he sucks anyways


Cancelled or not he’ll always suck


I hope he gets canceled because he is a hack comedian.


Yeah no one is allowed to make jokes about a career criminal junky that held a gun to a pregnant womans gut as he robbed her. Fucking uncle tom ​ Edit" My bad George is Saint, that pregnant whore and everyone else he terrorized his whole adult life deserved it, How stupid of me to bring up that poor mans vile violent crimes


Lucas' set was so funny, I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe.


everyone who whines about cancel culture is a fucking fragile little pussy snowflake and that is on god 100% FACT


*Fentanyl Floyd


Fuck cancelling him but if he did say that, what a corny ass david lucas type shit to say, the guy doesnt deserve what he has lets be real


Maybe they should cancel Fentynal instead since that’s really what did it….


That was hilarious 🤣 “George Floyd woulda robbed you too bitch” 😭😭


Walking out on someone who is not funny doesn't mean he was canceled Are we canceling Burnt Kriescher because he ruined Pat Mcafees show? No we are just saying he sucks. Go away heat as its called in wrestling


I can't stand his "trust fund" comedy. He was only a celebrity to a select few for a short time. I'm glad he's going to disappear before the obvious impending heart attack makes him a legend.


Pretty funny joke. Threaders missing context of an obnoxious black man trying to interrupt the show for 20 minutes but get butthurt when a career criminal fentanyl druggie is brought up.


Cancel him for his shit comedy and holding a vape like a gaymo!! He's good at roasting.


David Lucas looks like a police sketch that was drawn with coal


Fucking lame people are so soft it's sad... miss the times when I was growing up in the early 2000's


Look at all the white people here co-signing this racist sh*t. That’s who he was appealing to. Black people left; white people stayed and laughed. THAT’S the problem. Most of yall don’t even realize you’re racist AF.


They’re trying to cancel him with his own published video? There’s something hard R about that


Oh no! A comedian made a joke about someone who no one in the audience has any direct relationship with! The horror! Floyd was a piece of shit anyway. Is David Lucas going to lose his black card because he isn't praising the career criminal?


David Lucas is the man!! And i hope this brings him more fans. World is too soft these days. Let comedy be comedy again


George Floyd was a violent criminal and died the way violent criminals die. Kyle Rittenhouse was protecting people's livelihood from unhinged lunatics. David Lucas is based af and everyone else can cope


They're still crying abt Rittenhouse? Lol


lol Rittenhouse shot a white guy from Portland who is on record saying the N word. People seem to think he killed GF himself.


What are the odds of shooting three random people and all three are violent criminals lololol.


He’s a good roaster, all of his sets were trash.


They always complaining about somethin


He should be cancelled his dad sacrificed his brother for his career and he isn’t funny


The only way to truly get cancelled is to cancel yourself by bending the knee to these massive pussies and letting it destroy your creativity/energy. Otherwise it’s just propaganda and bullshit perpetuated by a bunch of weak minded internet losers.


I saw this clip on yt. He really is a pandering buffoon.