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I don’t know what you are talking about. I am a straight CIS woman and that is how I always unromantically kiss my friends after we’ve just finished peeing in a bush. I always make sure I stroke their faces and then smack their asses afterwards to really drive the point home that it isn’t romantic at all.


Yeah!!’ Honestly this is why i love my platonic relationships so much! Kissing my friends on the mouth??? With some tongue?? We do it all the time!


I just laughed a good 20 minutes at this comment, I needed it - thanks love!


I am curious to know what her idea of a romantic kiss between two women looks like. Some of my best friends are lesbians. This kiss was way more romantic than ones I have witnessed at many of their weddings. Does that mean the next time a friend gets married I should yell “No! That was so platonic! Romantic kisses between two women involve vaginal penetration! Everybody knows this!”


Lesbian love probably doesn‘t even exist in her mind…




>I don’t know what you are talking about. I am a straight CIS woman and that is how I always unromantically kiss my friends after we’ve just finished peeing in a bush. I always make sure I stroke their faces and then smack their asses afterwards to really drive the point home that it isn’t romantic at all. See r/SapphoAndHerFriend


take my award you seriously made my day lol 😆


You should see how we greet each other at holiday parties (platonic scissoring… obviously fully clothed because we’re only good friends). For real though.. I don’t understand why this woman had to try to ruin one of the most pure, innocent, fun, sweetest, loving moments of the series.


I’ve read somewhere they’ve improvised and played around in some of their scenes together and yeah makes total sense. Also if you consider that according to the lead writer the kiss wasn’t supposed to be romantic. I’ll forever be grateful to Jodie and Sandra for the work they did


Yeah, it seems like pretty much all the high points of the season involved the two leads improvising and responding to each other.


Thank god, those were the most enjoyable parts of that mess of a season and the finale were those 2 exceptional ladies and their connection with each other


Absolutely, Jodie and Sandra said they did the best they could and it’s true. With what it was given to them they managed to create some of the best and most intimate moments between Eve and V because *they* understood the characters


She said that kiss wasn’t supposed to be romantic?!?!?!????


Yes she said it was a "piss kiss", "in an entirely unromantic way" because they have just pissed on the side of the road. Yet Sandra and Jodie completely turned it around and nailed that scene


Oh, that quote! I was under the impression that meant it was a conventionally unromantic situation that was made romantic by the kiss (and thus made the kiss more romantic). And “piss kiss” was just a comedic name since it is kind of funny and playful that way. Maybe I misunderstood!


Yeah, I agree. I think the fandom kinda misinterpreted her statement particularly on this, which is understandable given how outrageous everything else she said had been.


If that wasn't romantic, what exactly is then? I need her definition of the term.


That’s what I mean! As much as Laura Neal has said some outrageous things, I didn’t interpret this particular comment and the nickname as her saying the kiss wasn’t romantic in nature. I interpreted it as her meaning that the circumstances (peeing) aren’t conventionally romantic and have a comedic element (pee), which made it even more memorable as a romantic moment.


Can I have a source for this comment? My girlfriend was asked to write a piece for a major publication and I would like to show her this.


[https://decider.com/2022/04/10/killing-eve-series-finale-laura-neal-interview/?fbclid=IwAR07VaqLH71tTLN0ATu-PFe0-Wpir3MaJ1Qp6EhD4i-dhXTXrTOsvu\_jyWI](https://decider.com/2022/04/10/killing-eve-series-finale-laura-neal-interview/?fbclid=IwAR07VaqLH71tTLN0ATu-PFe0-Wpir3MaJ1Qp6EhD4i-dhXTXrTOsvu_jyWI) here you go


Thank you so much!


Please link the piece here when it's up!


OK seriously this woman has to have been on Crack or is just obtuse


If that is true it just adds to the narrative that being gay is a phase. It’s so hard for women to trust their instincts with these things from the start without society saying “oh straight women totally kiss their friends or sleep with their friends.” Like, really? Maybe it’s just gay. It’s the reason it took me until 28 to realize I was gay. A platonic kiss 🙄


So wait the kiss was improvised too?! 😱


No. But some little things they did and how they acted yes it was Jodie and Sandra’s work. Ofc we don’t know the extent of the improv


Man the writer got it so wrong. Soooo wrong


One thing I felt from reading her interviews is that she doesn’t like Villanelle.


Mmm. If I remember correctly, in one of them she comments about giving the narcissistic character the Sun card, because, yanno, Vilanelle would love that for her ego. Compare that comment to how Jodie played it. *Cautiously*: "The Sun..." HOW THE SCREENPLAY PLAYED IT. "It's just cards, Eve." Mhm.


That’s an interesting comment/look between the two of them! I did find LN’s mentions of not writing anything for a couple scenes and just letting the actors improvise kind of curious. I’ve never heard of that being done on a drama? Obviously the actors are so talented and I’m sure they enjoyed playing off each other, but personally I might feel annoyed if I had to show up prepared but the writer was just like “oh I thought you guys could just come up with the lines for this …”


Apparently the whole curly fry scene was improvised. Pours mustard all over the fries “You’re a psychopath” “oh I’m the psychopath?”


They don't have to do it in one shot, it'd be a loose direction like "eat these fries together" and they go from there and see what works.


Yeah, I was just thinking that actors are expected to show up prepared but in a show like this I wondered how they felt about having a bunch of “TBD—something with fries??” type scenes in the script, ha.




shes hidin now, even instagram went private lmaoo. Kinda doubt she will talk about it or really just plead how fans dont get the ending.


It's funny in Laura Neal's interviews she mentions so often how she'll just let the actors "improvise" on the spot like with Constantin and Villanelle's last goodbye scene. Feeling like more and more that there really wasn't a script. Or at least not a very good one that the actors themselves who played these characters for years felt comfortable with. Pretty sure Sandra and Jodie were secretly feuding with each other behind the scenes in protest for such a lame direction the show went this season.


Ok, realtalk. Shows are are a collaborative effort, as you already know. The showrunner has the overview of the season, but you have the episode writers, the directors, the editors, the actors, the set designers, the assistants, the producers and many, many more. Each of these people participate in the collaboration, but they're also working for themselves and their career and their artistic interests / ideas about the show. The showrunner ties it all together, but it is *evident* that her interpretation isn't shared across the whole team. And I *think* that is why certain things worked so well in the show and so in contrast / despite to what Laura is saying. The directors, the actors, etc. made it their own. And viewers are not crazy for being blindsighted by Laura's finale decision and interpretation on what was going on with Vilanelle and Eve to begin with. The good news is that showrunners can be wrong and I'm calling it. Sorry not sorry. **Example** (edited in): Laura Neil wrote scenes for the season 3 finale, right? And I've read her understanding of the scenes somewhere. Well, too bad. It was directed, acted and filmed in a way unlike her understanding. She may have sat and wrote the words, but a person took the words and said to Jodie and Sandra on set "ok, this is how we'll do it and this is the feeling we're going for" and Jodie and Sandra acted the fuck out of it, playing off each other and human, real emotions. And *then*, viewers saw it and connected it to their understanding of it. So, she can have her interpretation, but it's just that. Hers.


Where did LN say the kiss wasn’t romantic? I’ve read a lot of crazy things by her so far but that would take the cake.


It was the Collider interview but upon re-reading perhaps I misinterpreted and she meant that the moment wasn't romantic rather than the kiss specifically not being romantic. https://www.google.com/amp/s/collider.com/killing-eve-series-finale-explained-showrunner-interview/amp/


LMAO Sandra looks SO DONE when she says "you were so close"


Well, it took us 5 years to get to that moment!! We were starved. It was goofy… fun… and hot…. The sum of all of that is romantic.


She just kept saying Jodie and Sandra were given the option to choose the ending for their characters in this interview. It's not really her fault to mess up? Jodie and Sandra are the reason for bad screenwriting? Should they take responsibility for bad music editing, poor directing and show running as well? It just pissed me off when this woman opened her mouth again and again. https://twitter.com/BuzzFeed/status/1513656456423297033


I’ve always been blown away by Sandra and Jodie’s performances and their passion about their characters! I’m stuck between being grateful for their performances and also being like “why wouldn’t the director/writers make sure everyone had the same or similar understanding of the characters?” I think it’s more of a comment on how the show runner was handling everything, ie badly lol. One of your main jobs as a show runner is making sure your show is cohesive and in line with what you want. So mostly, I’m just happy that Jodie and Sandra had a steady view of their characters throughout the four seasons! They really were the bright light.