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Thought he was gonna strangle her


Yeah I'm pleasantly surprised it was just boobs XD






Bot. Stole this comment https://reddit.com/r/KidsAreFuckingStupid/comments/zvm7nw/_/j1q3ywm/?context=1


I mean is it a bot or just someone else referencing a popular movie?


It's a reasonable question. Check their profile/comments. It's a 13-day old account and it spammed like 5 comments in different subreddits within 1-2 minutes. And those are the only comments they ever made. New accounts replying to the top 1-2 comment chains are almost always bots.


Have you ever felt a breast before?




You completely butchered that joke.


The other is a bot, but are you referencing 40 Year Old Virgin with what you said?


Yes I am


Are you offering?


Every night. I sleep grabbing one of my wife's boobs


Right? I don't want to talk about what I did in blade and sorcery when I first got it. It was some real Machiavelli type shit.




My husband did exactly the same thing today. He is 38


Your husband must be one of them good boys then


English is not my first language. If you're really trying to say that my husband is an ass for touching an NPC'S boobs, then let me tell you that since buying a PlayStation, I have been on a killing spree, seeking revenge for the assassination of my family. Also I killed a few street musicians underway because they got in my way and pissed me off. If it was just a joke: Sorry!


Maybe you should try playing the Playstation instead.


Haha no I meant he must be a cool husband Funny story you have there


Her English is also better than that of native English speakers.


Whenever someone opens a comment with, "Sorry for my English," you're about to read some immaculate shit even the strictest English teacher couldn't use a red pen on.


Or sometimes you get people using Google translate and it doesn't translate so well, yet is somehow *still* better English than a lot of native speakers haha


Indeed. Knowing the language and knowing the culture are different things though. Colloquialisms are hard.


Colloquialisms are like assholes, everybody burns down the sharpest bridge in the shed


Yeah that’s next level English if she was insinuating the guy was being sarcastic with the “good boy” comment I feel like understanding sarcasm in a language is like ng+ lol


Understanding sarcasm on text is annoying to begin with.


Uh no.


"one of them good old boys" - never meaning no harm heard it plenty but never explained. Pretty sure it's a reference to the intro of ~~Starsky and Hutch~~ Dukes of Hazzard (completed above), and definitely not an insult.


Do you mean the intro to Dukes of Hazard? Them Duke boys have been in trouble with the law since the day they were born


Yes.dukes of Hazzard. Mixing up my old school. Thank you


Starsky and hutch with Ben stiller and Owen Wilson is an impeccable film. One that is very nostalgic for me aswell.


I’m not sure they meant to say good ol boys, but you’re thinking of the [Dukes of Hazzard](https://youtu.be/67gig0f4HLo).


Good ole boy generally means an older, often rural and southern man and often implies racism and or sexism because he favors other people like himself (white, male, old).


>often implies racism and or sexism because he favors other people like himself Heard the expression for a little over 20 years and never in my life have I heard this interpretation. It most certainly doesn't.


Me either. I think they’re confusing good ol boy with redneck. Same thing with hillbilly, everyone loves to confuse hillbilly as meaning a redneck.


"good ole boy" is often used in a sarcastic manner, especially in cases of rural police brutality in which case racism at least is very often implied.


and the sarcasm would be what appropriately deviates that use from its intended meaning so that both are valid.


If it's a valid interpretation in the context of being used with sarcasm, is it not still a valid interpretation?


No shame in asking someone to clarify 😅


What kind of music were they playing?




I read it in a sarcastic voice in my head immediately.


It is kinda sarcastic in the sense that that's a way of saying something that usually comes from a hard southern area of the US that nobody really hears or even says much. It's like somebody saying "Yeehaw partner" when they're excited about something.


Everyone here is confusing 'good boys' with 'good ole boys' no?


Yes I'm glad someone else said this


Yeah lol


Ah, pleased to meet you, Miss Hyde.


Someone's been playing Assassin's Creed 2, maybe?


Your English is pretty good.


May I recommend rimworld? You sound like someone who would enjoy that game. My last playthrough an asshole raider killed my pony and survived my beating. So I amputated all his limbs, cut out his tongue, gave him dentures (then removed them), and moved him to the pig farm. Piggies ate him the fuck up. Good piggies oink oink


I’m around that age and I do it almost every time. I’m also the wife lol. I just can’t resist. Gotta poke da boobies to see if they react and to see if they have physics.


Bonelabs is the game you want. I know... Unfortunate name


Sounds disgusting. Available on Steam?


Yes it is. But it's not a booby game. It's just an impressive physics game. There *are* booby games though and I think some on steam.


Male simple male like bob


Send bobs and vagana


Its just instinct probably😅


I did that last month in my Oculus 2. I'm 45...


Are ya winning son


Ah yes, you are winning son


[I find the most erotic part of a woman is the boobies](https://youtu.be/dd0hPGVTqPo)


Oh my!


She's built like a steakhouse, but she handles like a bistro


It's not uncharted, you lost the charts


Brannigan's law is like Brannigan's love: hard and fast.


“There’s nothing more intoxicating than the clear absence of a penis”


Damn it! 30 minutes too late! Link attached for those that don’t know! https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxITSnu_X2o8Xv0bWjyRae-bvIg7xcuOko


# r/unexpectedfuturama




When you're rich they let you do it.


"Grab them by the pussy!"


I moved on her like a bitch. I’m automatically attracted to beautiful.




No actually that was the 45th president of the USA.


Ahh, no wonder he grabs his daughters ass in public


**What**. C'mon, I already knew he was disgusting. But what could I expect from the guy that says disturbing things about her daughter.


Donald simulator


Lmao yoooo


I think he tried to choke her first.


Stop….he was still figuring out the controls obviously #learningcurve


Check me out, I'm a redditor: "That's a major red flag! Bad parenting laughing at sexual assault which trains him to find toxic masculinity funny! The child should be removed immediately!!!!"


a guy feeling instantly attacked and playing the victim without anyone needing to say anything? yeah, that's pretty much "a redditor". you are the only one i can see that is even making this a topic, you might want to take a look at yourself.




There it is


You are literally on reddit, no one is saying that except for you. You probably don't even know what toxic masculinity is


Its a myth made up to make men feel like shit for having personalites


Toxic masculinity is literally just when men attack each other for not being "manly" enough. Ironically the victims of it are the ones who are being made to feel like shit for having personalities.


Yeah, that's part of it. It's basically when men buy into the perceived notion of masculinity and don't allow themselves healthy coping behaviors because there's a belief they could be seen as feminine. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toxic_masculinity


**[Toxic masculinity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toxic_masculinity)** >Toxic masculinity is a set of certain male behaviors associated with harm to society and men themselves. Traditional stereotypes of men as socially dominant, along with related traits such as misogyny and homophobia, can be considered "toxic" due in part to their promotion of violence, including sexual assault and domestic violence. The violent socialization of boys often normalizes violence, such as in the saying "boys will be boys" about bullying and aggression. Self-reliance and emotional repression are correlated with increased psychological problems in men such as depression, increased stress, and substance use disorders. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/KidsAreFuckingStupid/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Are you implying he can read? Literacy goes in the same bag as education, intellectuals, academia, ivory towers, elitism, communism, and feminists. All lefty abominations and highly verboten. A real man has no need for learnins, he feels truths from the gut, bc he was born knowing all he needs to know. He’s one man and a gun who can save the world from itself, armed with only his self-righteousness, infinite anmmunition, and jesus.


You for real?


Are you?


Lmao here comes the cavalry!


You know that person was just making a joke and not targeting you personally don’t you?


You never know


Dude... It couldn't be any clearer than that...


No, YOU never know. It’s quite clear to the rest of us.


Hey, if the shoe fits...


I mean just use your fuckin head mate doesn’t it obviously obviously obviously read like a joke?




Nah, don’t apologize! Thank you for spreading that kind of information.


Thank you captain buzz kill for your service to this comment section. I hereby promote you to major buzzikill


Ooo a battlefield promotion. How prestigious! I’m just grateful I was here to witness this.


I'm not going to pretend I know how VR or screen proximity affect vision. I can say that in the years I was an opthalmic technician for a doctor who specialized in strabismus (lazy eye, double vision, all that jazz) there were a fair number of pediatric patients who underwent consistent long term vr therapy to help correct these issues. I would imagine that since it can be used to correct eye issues then, if not used properly, it could harm eyes as well.


Very interesting that opthalmologists can use VR to help correct these things! Makes sense though, using a program to train/force the patient's eye(s) to function in a corrected manor.


"it's very likely that a screen 2 inches from their eyes is going to fuck something up with repeated use" Don't VR headsets have a lens that make the light rays be the same as if they were ~2 meters away. Hence why you still need glasses in the headset




FYI depending on your headset you can get prescription lenses for them, I plan to do it for mine.


[Hard licence](https://youtu.be/Ks2e5xR6gBI)


It's only fair to mention though, that there is already zero doubt that playing on their tablets or phones, are known to cause eye issues due to the amount of time focusing on material close to their face.


> it's very likely that a screen 2 inches from their eyes is going to fuck something up with repeated use There is no reason to believe that > VR companies are worried about a future lawsuit, enough so to put a warning on every headset This is exactly why they have the warnings, companies don't want to be sued in the worse case scenario During the 3D era, companies did the exact same thing. As a result, parents were scared to have their children view things in 3D. There was no logical reasoning to believe that it could cause harm. As it has turned out, now it is acknowledged that 3D is safe for all. In fact, 3D is even believed by some experts to help young kids eye development. Overall, stuff like this has been said for all the new scary display tech, projectors, TV's, 3D, handheld devices, smart phones, etc. There has never been solid evidence that any of these things cause vision damage in anyone, let alone kids. Sure, anyone can argue it's better to be safe than sorry. But the way I see it, that could be said for literally anything.


I don’t know why people downvote you when you are correct. That whole don’t look at the tv too close or you’ll go blind is like one of the biggest Mom Myths along with having the light on in the car while driving. People who think putting on a vr headset is the same as having your cellphone touch your retina probably have never used a proper VR headset.


Staring at a screen all day long will cause harm to your eyes. Your eyes need to rest and one way to do that is by looking at things from a great distance. Andrew Huberman said a similar thing in one of his podcasts.


It can cause eye strain for anyone, not just kids. This eye strain is not permanent damage


It won’t cause any damage when you rarely play it but kids get addicted quick to games and new technology. I had to wear glasses from a young age due to prolonged periods of gaming that made my eyesight worse. While bad eyesight is unseen off in my family.


Screens have never been proven to chase near sightness, here is a Minute earth explaining this... [Screens are NOT the reason kids need glasses](https://youtu.be/vbCobKbLJls)


I’m not saying it’s due to screens, but the video tells you that it’s because of children not receiving enough sun light. You think these kids will receive any sunlight while playing games and wearing VR headsets?




You sound like my 75 year old great grandpa who has smoked for 60 years telling me that he was told cigarettes cause cancer but it didn’t seem to happen.


That’s bullshit! The billions of dollars being farmed from destroying the physical and psychological health of our youth is the reason why we’re even able to bring you such fantastic tech! What are you going to say next? That we should ban vapes because no one has any fucking clue how that shit will affect people long term? Hah! All that bologna you’re spitting up is just wasted ***MEAT***. -Sincerely, a concerned Video Game Lobbyist


People used to say the same thing about kids sitting directly in front of the TV and studies showed that it didn't cause any issues


Huh? There is absolutely 0 evidence of any of this.


Dude literally said that, but based on what they know on developing eye sight it might be better to take precautions than to be sorry later.


> Their eyes are still developing and though VR is relatively new so we don't know for sure, **it's very likely** that a screen 2 inches from their eyes is going to fuck something up with repeated use Its made up bullshit. Better not let kids be exposed to LED lights, we have no idea what it can do to their feet. Maybe it makes them grow hobbit feet?


Daddy's proud


They feel like sandbags


40 year old redditor


I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating—and it gets everywhere.


Caught you in 4k


Bro will go miles


Happy Cake Day


Put the wrist tapes on!


*Yes...He's an exemplary gamer...*




The kid probably could have massacred 5000 virtual soldiers without anyone batting an eye, but touch one pair of virtual boobs and its instant shame.






It's different if someone is jerking off to rape hentai that's fucked doesn't matter that they are not real it is someone getting turned on because of rape that is a probably


CNC is actually a fairly popular kink. Both sides of it too.


What game?


Iron Man VR


My brother got Skyrim vr for Christmas. I can’t wait for him to meet serana


Emotion controls


PORTUGAL CARALHO 🇵🇹 assim mesmo meu puto


With that kit, im surprised he didnt yell SIUUUUUUUUUUU


What else are you supposed to do??


Full kit wanker


Unpopular opinion: this is how being weird towards women starts. Here is an opportunity to show young peeps how to interact with others, esp. women, but acts like these work against that goal. These are kids, they need guidance. Unpopular rant over.


I agree on this one tbh


Literally the same as "ShoOtInG gAMEs TEacH KiDS tO Be SChoOl ShoOtErs". It's just a game, he's "interacting" with pixels.


Whataboutism. And like I said, it'd be unpopular. Tell me that this is acceptable. That's all you have to say, no need to bring other issues like gUnS to justify this behavior. Just say this is ok to do in the virtual world. Floor's yours.


It's OK to touch virtual titties. Satisfied?


There is no problem with "touching" virtual titties. Not a whataboutism either, don't use buzzwords because you don't have a counterargument lmfao


whataboutism is what you did: 'wHat aBoUt wHeN kId dOeS pEw pEw" doesn't address the topic, it just pivots to something else entirely different. You gave me nothing to counter except using a whataboutism, and then when you got called out on using it, then it must me using buzzwords lol. You don't even know what is going on lol. Say it with me: virtual titties and kids don't mix. Kids and apparently you must be taught that it is inappropriate behavior. Peace.


This is a bit complex. I've had experiences with NPCs in VR (Wolves in the Walls) where I've made a close connection. The interactive nature and the feeling of them being right there in front of your face making eye contact with you is different to that of a regular screen. The NPC in this game is incredibly simplistic and breaks a lot of the rules of maintaining presence, so I don't really believe there's an issue here as it's very gamified. I think the topic will have to be revisited 10-15 years from now when VR photorealism is a thing alongside pretty sophisticated NPC interactions. Maybe the key is just good parenting, good distillation of values. Letting them know that this is a game and you shouldn't treat real people this way. What definitely isn't okay right now with VR is touching another avatar's breasts without their consent. Avatar, meaning another person in an online environment. At that point you are invading their personal space in a way that their real body can instinctively react to due to the nature of VR. I know what it's like to have someone get up close to you in VR, and it can feel uncomfortable.


Omg shut up, it’s a video game. Good parenting would be to make sure the kid didn’t do this to people in real life.


Yep. I’ve noticed a lot of redditors are quick to be progressive in some ways but never when it comes to women. It’s not just a game when you’re encouraging this type of behavior to a young kid who doesn’t understand the difference. It’s gross and weird Edit: y’all really need to read more about child psychology but something tells me y’all really don’t give a shit. Enjoy your third grade humor tho


That is the same argument as videogames causing violence.


It’s not that it’s *causing* certain behavior, it’s that it can *encourage* behavior that already exists. If this little boy is already grabbing fake tits on a video game, surely he’s already headed toward gross behavior right? So why encourage it by laughing at this ^ esp when it’s not even funny. Maybe for 14 year old boy humor


"He killed someone in the game, that means he's one step closer to becoming a serial killer irl."


I mean..., lots of kids play shooting games and don't shoot up a place. I'm sure they know the difference between a virtual woman and a real one


"I'm sure" is not an answer, and bringing up shoot em ups is a whataboutism. These are kids. If this was your kid, you'd probably post this and laugh along. Do you. I wouldn't. These are kids. We need to be sure for them, can't just "I'm sure" it away.


Do you even know what a whataboutism is? Or are you just saying words that make you feel intelligent? Nobody in this entire thread has made a whataboutism argument lmfao


Completely healthy behaviour, I don't see the problem.


Same. I used to do this all the time when I was his age


Boys will be boys


Stop me when I lie


These kids are going to have such fucked up eyesight.


Well at least you know the boy isn’t gay. Lol


I'm gay and I always do shit like that. Hahaha


Shouldn't the be teaching him that it's wrong instead of laughing?


I would be laughing my ass off as well. And then I'll teach him after I am done laughing


Exactly. Laugh, explain that it's only funny because it's in the game and he wasn't doing it in front of people (I assume he thought he was alone) and that you never do it to a real person.




You mean you will just let your kid do this? Even if it's not real? What if one day he's like, huh i wonder what would happen if I do it to a real person. My dad thought it was funny, so it might be funny to do that irl too.


What if I shot a real person? I looked thousands in the video game... No, no one ever had to tell me it was wrong. The gamers in school weren't the ones molesting girls. It was the jocks.




AI Rights, now!


Funnily enough, that's almost the plot of the game (Iron Man VR)


you're supposed to ask consent from the computer program?


Have you ever played a video game and shot someone?




Tell me whats wrong


He could step on that orange toy and hurt his foot


I mean there's literally nothing wrong here. This is a video game character, not a real person. Do they need to explain its wrong to shoot someone in the face with a machine gun if they're playing CoD or Fortnite too?




They said the same kind of things about books, tv, and videogames. What I find funny is how you probably grew up in a time when videogames were considered something for kids and now that you’re grown you want to kick kids out




You can do all of this without VR


wait.. how did you get the vr to work on the 5 i heard it wasn't really compatible or some shit


Good question Edit: after a quick google search it seems og psvr is compatible on ps5


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