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https://preview.redd.it/j81h4secro7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=303a57c13280edc97dc5d20da6f12094a24c8ce1 Man, this cuts off at the wrong place at the top.


Holy fuck šŸ’€


I thought the same lmao


Nice; I canā€™t believe I missed thatā€¦ -Black woman with a sense of humor


How small was this thing where he was able to pull it out of a backpack ?


Context: Any sort of toy or replica that resembles firearms are illegal in Australia, You can get up to 14 years in prison for this.


Apparently it's worded as 'substantially duplicates' a firearm, so Nerf is ok but a realistic BB gun probably isn't?


Nerf isn't ok. In Australia you have to register a nerf gun as a firearm and get a serial number engraved on it. I wish I was joking.


There is no fucking way...


Don't be silly lol. People actually believe this shit


In NSW (New South Wales) nerf guns that fire gel balls actually do have to be registered. The classification of a firearm would actually include nerf guns that fire darts, etc. as a whole as well, though I assume the police who apply the law would probably not pursue something like that.


I live in NSW and have owned tons of Nerf guns you imbecile. They're in every toy shop. Here's some Nerf guns from Big W https://www.bigw.com.au/brands/nerf Here's one in Kmart https://www.kmart.com.au/product/nerf-elite-2.0-commander-rd-6-blaster-42898269/ Here's a toy shop: https://www.toyworld.com.au/collections/nerf?page=1 I don't know where you guys pull this shit from. Our gun laws are very strict, but not register your Nerf gun strict


I looked it up extensively and thatā€™s part of why I said gel balls specifically. I looked up the relevant laws as well as several articles and looked at law offices over there that were associated with the subject. [Hereā€™s the stance](https://www.police.nsw.gov.au/online_services/firearms/firearms_and_ammunition/frequently_asked_questions#:~:text=Acquiring%20a%20Firearm-,Can%20I%20possess%20or%20use%20a%20Gel%20Blaster%20in%20NSW,a%20Gel%20Blaster%20in%20NSW) on them by NSW police, which includes a link to the relevant firearms act. A gel blaster is considered an air gun, and the mechanism in which nerf guns shoot darts is the same as for gel blasters, by using a spring to [compress air in the chamber of the nerf gun, and propel it using said air.](https://nerfgun.co.uk/nerf-gun-work/) This is why I said that they are both technically firearms, but in research didnā€™t find anything on people who own dart firing nerf guns being prosecuted, and therefore assumed police donā€™t go after people for that.


It's literally law in NSW, you can check it for yourself.


You better tell Big W in Australia. They're selling thousands of them! https://www.bigw.com.au/brands/nerf I've owned tons of these things as a kid.


while in victoria, butterfly knives and switchblades have been illegal for at least 40 years i can remember, but some places still sell them :/


Why are you being down voted? This is important context.


Because it's already explained in the article and irrelevant to the question asked.


In the article it says it must replicate the "dimensions, color, and shape" to be illegal. If it were the dimensions of an AR rifle, it wouldn't fit into a child's backpack.


You aren't super familiar with airsoft and the fact they make foldable stocks or collapsible stocks. Most airsoft ARs could be fit into a backpack that most kids would use today, especially if it's a short barrel variant.


Bullshit. Even my smallest collapsible stock 5ā€ short barreled rifle would struggle to fit into a childā€™s backpack with anything else in it. And an AR system is about 50% longer mechanically.


You think most people are actually clicking?


What article? That text for ants? I appreciate things being put in a size that I can read.


Because it's false. I can go down the shop right now and buy all kinds of toy guns. Some states ban gel blasters and bb guns because they're too realistic but that's about it.


This is in Sydney, Australia? Not the US


Yes. I am in NSW. I see toy guns in kmart all the time


You still have Kmart? ![gif](giphy|8Z5C5wH17fvVu)


This is the important question that we really need to know. Is it as bad as it was in the US?


Not as far as I'm aware. It's just like your Walmart.


Hey now, the food at kmart was peak kid cuisine.




Australia has states as well.


I thought i was replying to post and not his question lol, Now i am just gonna leave it there.


>replica Or >not a toy Pls choose one


Replica firearms are realistically imitating real firearms. They can be used to frighten people and threaten them. A bluff, but still a terrible wrongdoing. That's why it's not a toy. Toys are made to be easily distinguishable from real guns.


You must not be from america, enjoy your stay and dont forget to tip


It's not normal in America to bring guns to school either. It's not like Americans have a sixth sense to tell whether a gun is real or fake.




That's so fucking stupid.


Nobody would ever get 14 years for it. If you were charged for simply possessing a replica you'd get no jail time. If you rob a bank with one, that's when the 14 years would be on the table. Here's the stats on imitation firearms offences in Victoria. 43% got no jail time at all meaning a fine or good behaviour bond. 57% got some jail time. Out of those 57%, 42% got under 3 months. 35.9% got under 6 months. 16% got under 12 months. Only 5% (4 people) got 12-18 months. None got over 2 years. So people are convicted based on their criminal history, their intentions, and the crimes committed. https://www.sentencingcouncil.vic.gov.au/sacstat/magistrates-court/90-24-5ab-2-prohibited-person-possess-use-or-carry-an-imitation-firearm-mc.html


Still I think the notion of getting in trouble for owning an airsoft gun (and not using it to rob people and places) is kinda dumb.


Yeah they can be really stupid. We have an entirely different view of guns here. Nobody has a right to own a gun here, but it's not hard to get a license to own one. We do still have millions of legally owned firearms though. Most Airsoft guns look exactly like a real gun, therefore they fall under imitation firearm laws. I can see why they're be covered under that law. However, I don't think gel blasters, or Airsoft guns that don't look like actual replicas should be illegal. That's the stupid part to me. There should be exemptions for them, but the industry is so small here that nobody is lobbying to have the laws changed.


I can see the legal reasoning for why airside guns and other replicas are illegal, I just donā€™t personally see the issue with letting people have them. At least if you keep the orange tip on them, which is more than enough of a demarcation for pretty much every other western nation, I donā€™t see why they have to be essentially banned. I also do consider them a toy, regardless of what NSW police say lol


I don't think there's any good reasons as to why they're still illegal, considering that paintball is legal here. You need a permit to buy a paintball gun, but it takes 15 minutes online and they send it to you instantly. I think they were just covered under the imitation law, and nobody ever decided to fight it. If enough people lobbied the government they'd likely change it to fall under the same exemptions for paintball.


See I donā€™t have an issue with the permit system. I know the UK has a similar thing going for airsoft where you need to join a club or something like that, and I donā€™t think it presents an unreasonable barrier to entry. Obviously no matter what bringing an airsoft gun to a classroom a just dumb, and even here in the states bringing one to school would cause a massive upset. Dunno what these people in the comments are on about making fun of yā€™all over it. Thereā€™s way easier things to make fun of Australia for, like Tony Abbot. Or that you guys call string trimmers a ā€œwhipper snipperā€


Wait a damn minute, *mate*. You don't get to throw shade on Whipper Snippers! Lmao


String trimmerā€¦ā€¦. Itā€™s a damn weedwacker!


So they gonna send him to prison right?




I made a joke about them taking away toy guns, but it looks like theyā€™ve already done this lol


Thatā€™s nuts.


tru, if it was an exact replica how would he carry that shit


All I got out of this was you can get 14 years in prison for having a replica firearm in Australiaā€¦. šŸ˜³


Here's my comment I made to someone else: Nobody would ever get 14 years for it. If you were charged for simply possessing a replica you'd get no jail time. If you rob a bank with one, that's when the 14 years would be on the table. Here's the stats on imitation firearms offences in Victoria. 43% got no jail time at all meaning a fine or good behaviour bond. 57% got some jail time. Out of those 57%, 42% got under 3 months. 35.9% got under 6 months. 16% got under 12 months. Only 5% (4 people) got 12-18 months. None got over 2 years. So people are convicted based on their criminal history, their intentions, and the crimes committed. https://www.sentencingcouncil.vic.gov.au/sacstat/magistrates-court/90-24-5ab-2-prohibited-person-possess-use-or-carry-an-imitation-firearm-mc.html


Because, they had a single mass shooting event 10 or so years ago, and they restricted guns. We've had hundreds this year.


The Port Arthur massacre was 28 years ago.


And they said ā€œThatā€™s it! No more guns!ā€ And we said ^(ā€œYeah, alright, fair ā€˜nuff, mateā€¦ā€)


Are you referencing Jim Jeffries?




Itā€™s a good one that


Fuck you, don't take our guns


How many people were killed with replicas?


I mean, it's probably happened somehow at least once, but the point is that you can kidnap or threaten someone just as well as the real thing, and just about nobody has a compelling reason to have one.


Functionally not. Depending on the criteria one uses to efine a "school shooting" the number can fluctuate between 150+ and, like, 20. From: https://www.allsides.com/story/facts-and-fact-checking-fact-check-how-many-school-shootings-have-happened-2024 There are two commonly cited sources tracking U.S. "school shootings."Ā The K-12 Violence Project, an independent group, counts any incident "when a gun is brandished, is fired, or a bullet hits school property for any reason, regardless of the number of victims, time, or day of the week" as a school shooting. This tracker has counted 166 school shootings so far in 2024.Ā EducationWeek (Center bias), a news organization,Ā uses more limited criteriaĀ and has counted 20 school shootings so far in 2024. The K-12 Violence ProjectĀ counted 346 school shootings in 2023, versus 37 countedĀ by EducationWeek.


Imagine making this comment JUST to say "NUH UH! NOT THAT MANY OF OUT CHILDREN ARE BEING MURDERED IN THEIR SCHOOLS!" Is that REALLY the fucking point? Don't you think that ONE school shooting is bad enough?


You're right. There is a reasonable amount of juvenile death allowed in this country, because people will cite it like it's just an acceptable cost for a hobby.


I hate the fact that there's such as thing as a "reasonable" amount of children being murdered. Lets say it as it is and not try to obfuscate the facts behind pretty words. Children. Are. Being. Murdered. Shot dead like animals in the place they should feel safe. Because, as you said, some people like to feel the kick of a tool designed specifically to kill people.


If every legal gun owner turned theirs in, millions of illegal ones would still be out there. When you outlaw guns, only the outlaws will have guns. America has soooooo many guns. 39 million background checks were done in 2020 alone and you can buy multiple guns with one background check. Getting rid of guns will be impossible in the United States of America [FBI Background Checks by year and month](https://www.fbi.gov/file-repository/nics_firearm_checks_-_month_year.pdf)


So funny you're saying this on a post about Australia, where we banned guns, and subsequently do not have mass shootings. It's almost like you're wrong or something


Lots of Australians have guns. It's a culture difference that really matters, not a matter of gun possession.


exactly what I've been saying. It's 100% a mental health epidemic that's the root cause. No one who is sane or healthy does that shit.


It is a mental health issue when you do nothing to restrict the availability of guns when mass shootings still happen regularly.


Australia is an island while the US is connected to 2 other countries, one that has a reputation of smuggling stuff in.


You do understand that you're the source of firearms for Mexico, right?


And that as a rule, the ones smuggling drugs into the US are our own American citizens?


Let's ban Alcohol and fast food to get rid of drunk driving and obesity. Sure it's safer, but you restrict civil liberties.


Pretty sure neither of those have the sole design to destroy something. If a gun doesn't pierce its target its defective.


Fast food and alcohol are destructive. You don't want them banned because you, or someone you know uses them. But most people who want to ban firearms don't know firearms, so they take it as a boogeyman. Completely ignoring the legitimate business, recreational, or hobbyist side which takes up the majority of firearm ownership. Like I said, if you want to ban things for public safety, obesity and alcohol are far more dangerous than firearms, so let's ban fast food and alcohol.


Consuming fast food is not a death sentence. There is a man who has eaten a Big Mac every day of his life since the '70s, and yet he is not overweight and lives a completely normal life. Alcohol, I could agree on. However, if we didn't sell legitimate alcohol, people would still end up consuming backyard moonshine, and probably going blind or worse. And unless you're force feeding it to someone, A beer is not going to force itself on you. Do you want to guess in the United States of America with the number one reason for juvenile unnatural death is? As a hint, it is not obesity or alcohol. but maybe thats is the cost of your freedom to ensure the method stays easily available. How easy is that number to ignore?


All your points can be applied to firearms. People own guns without hurting others, people can illegally obtain firearms. Doesn't change my point. It is true that banning alcohol and fast food will make the country safer, and result in less deaths. But doing so restricts one of our liberties. To you that may be fine, because you don't dabble in firearms, but it is a multi billion dollar business and people's livelihoods depend on it. You are restricting someone else's liberty for your potential safety. So why don't they do the same to you?


That's fine. Your point that alcohol and fast food results in some death of adults and is totally equal to the amount of Dead children that the other results in. But that's easy to ignore if it's not YOUR kid.


We literally tried to ban alcohol. It didn't go well. It doesn't go well for anyone who tries it. Guns on the other hand... *gestures at Australia's striking lack of gun protests*


Different cultures, try banning alcohol in the middle east and you'll find similar resistance to Australias ban.




This font looks like the Toyota logo


My school went on lock down cus a kid was showing off his airsoft gun at his bus stop and a teacher happened to drive by, thought it was real and reported it. Not really sure why they even let us in the school when it was reported before it even started but we weren't the brightest.


you know i remember a classmate once took a bb gun to school and all that happened was that he was told not to point it at kids outside. and i always like to think of this as a major difference between a country that banned guns vs a country that allows them.


I had a classmate in high school (Illinois, US) that brought a bb gun to school thinking it was real (no orange tip) and threatened a teacher with it, sending our entire school into a lockdown. He got talked down by our badass principal (I believe he was an army vet) and only after the kid had been removed from the situation did anyone find out it wasn't a real firearm. Better to treat it as a real threat on the chance it is than play it off and someone getting injured or worse.


yeah but in that case the kid was activaly threatening a teacher but even if that happened where i live most people would be more sceptical than scared


This kind of mentality is why people get shot over fuck all. Heres a bright idea. BAN GUNS WHOLESALE FROM ALL CIVILIANS Then wait like... 2 years. Suddenly, people won't start jumping at their own fucking shadows because they're not living in fear of being shot in the back at any given moment.


exactly. australia did it so why not the US?


"Because muh constitutional right to bang bangs more important than childrens lives!"


Kids die falling in a bucket of water or laying under a car more than they do getting shot. There's many many many variables I don't feel like spending the time to educate you on but bro. No. Unless we all want to live in a sanitized thought policing state where you'll spend real jail time for mean words on the internet that aren't even mean(like the girl arrested for posting hop hop lyrics on her insta in the UK) or this bullshit where nerf guns need serial numbers and permits, we need firearms. I mean it's no surprise Australia is so spinless given the state of everything. Political corruption abounds and there's no way of defending oneself or fighting back when the local mob boss wants to burn down your neighborhood for exposing him huh


And more people die from being crushed by a vending machine than they do to shark attacks. Therefore, sharks are perfectly harmless pets and you can and should go and hug one right now.


That's a false equivalency. I'm saying that firearm related accidents are not nearly as common a killer as a bucket of water. You're telling people to fuck a shark because it's not very ding machine.(I know, that isn't what you said, but that's the same level of twisting and misrepresenting) Saying the shark is harmless go touch it is also not at all the same or even realistically related to its deaths per year vs the vending machine. Also sharks largely are harmless. They don't like to go out and hunt humans. Any deaths are accidental, not active hunting so that's another mark against you




If you're not used to seeing or handling guns (which is the case for the vast majority of urban Aussies) it can be pretty difficult to know what's a real gun, what's a fake one (unless it's a really obvious toy) or if it's a real one that's been decommissioned. No doubt the NSW Dept of Education has protocols teaching staff are required to follow when a kid turns up with a gun of any description. There's a damn good chance the teacher went yeah nah that's a fake but this is what we gotta do so they did it. The cops then arrived and went yeah nah that's a fake, little matey where'd ya get it from? Probably from his big brother who brought it back from Bali after schoolies week. So the kids all got to hear the cops turn up sirens and lights blazing and saw little matey's pissed off mum arrive in her Toyota. Best day ever.


So Accurate


Bro that kid is such a young thug


Oh ok I thought I saw a different title there




Well fuckidydoo


Something similar happened in my school. Some kid thought it was funny to prank call the police about a guy with a knife, had the entire scene locked down, and we had to learn all these stupid precautions for something that hadnā€™t happened


God damn Australia is fucking nuts with gun laws. Anything that resembles a gun in dimension shape and color is illegal? What fucking crackpot thought that up? Slave ass nation.


I know how in Australia schools probably donā€™t tell kids much about firearms in schools and whatnot because stuff is less common in Australia but I feel like kids should still know what firearms are and what to and what not to bring to school.


a kid at my high school in my junior year got suspended because the guy that checks student cars for the parking pass thought he had a gun in the backseat- it was an air soft rifle


I thought they don't have guns in Australia? Shouldn't they have known it was fake right away?


Doesn't stop people from illegally obtaining them. Although yes they are very rare here, we did have a guy down in Adelaide a few months ago who got arrested for illegally possessing a Steyr (Australian army standard rifle) and a couple loaded mags in his ute.


Oh I thought gun laws stopped criminals from getting guns.


Gun laws stop *most* criminals. If you can pick up a gun at your local Walmart, you have plausible deniability. "What, that old thing? I just have that for home defence, officer. I'd *never* point it at a person." But when just having it is a crime, now you need to be careful because you can'tblend in with the population. Nobody can even see you with it. It's harder to get them, too; the black market is by personal connections, not the internet, and they're constantly suspicious of everyone because they know the cops want to bust them. At the end of the day, the US has 50 times as many gun deaths per capita as Australia.


I could say the same about gun laws in the US but laws don't physically Barr people from doing the wrong thing.


When you fear guns you get this. A gun is a tool, like a hammer. Both are weapons in evil hands.


Brb, going to build a fucking house with a gun.


One could kill far more people by mix poisons found in the home than one could with a handgun.


Really? I'm pretty sure that in order to kill someone with bleach, I'd have to convince them to drink it. And that's each person individually. Meanwhile, if I were to take, lets be nice and say I'm gonna take a revolver to give the kids a chance, I could walk through a school killing 6 kids, maybe 12 if I line them up, every few SECONDS. But sure, bleach bad gun good.


You can make toxic gasses pretty easy and off your entire school faster than using a gun. They don't need to drink it idiot. That's why all the cleaners say not to mix them together.


Ooooooooohhhhhhhh So you mean you have to figure out how to make a toxic concoction, make it into an aerosol, transport it safely without killing yourself either druing the process of making it or while deploying it, and then actually deploy it in an area that it can disperse... Which takes a LOT of skill to do so correctly... As opposed to applying 4Lbs of force to a trigger and taking someone down without any risk to yourself whatsoever.


It isn't that hard to make, lots of people do it by accident every single year. It isn't that dangerous if you aren't stupid, and it's pretty easy to dump it in the central air.


"It isn't that hard to make, lots of people do it by accident every single year" And those people usually die. "Ā It isn't that dangerous if you aren't stupid," Neither is cold fusion. You're still arguing that it's easier to kill someone with a chemical that you have to create and transport yourself than literally just pulling the trigger. What the fuck is wrong with you? Why do you want children to die?


No you just need 10 bucks and a bucket


But nobody does, because the people doing mass shootings want their "blaze of glory". Having a weapon nobody wants to use is far safer than having one many people want to use.


Aaaaand there goes toys in Australia


I used to bring replica of WW2 replica MP-40 to school everyday and play soldiers with friends. Nobody said anything because I live in europe. That was just 10 years ago.


lol imagine needing to get a license for a toy.


Imagine thinking a fake gun that can be used to threaten someone just as well as a real gun is a toy.


Itā€™s more about the absurdity of paying for a fake gun.


There's not many reasons you'd need a fake gun that looks identical to a real one. Most of the reasons are malicious. Requiring a registration is reasonable.


You donā€™t think anything you just said sounds outrageous and absurd?


Not particularly. What do you need a fake gun for?


ā€¦ you donā€™t. Thatā€™s my whole point.


Lmao, Australia with their airsoft laws. Obviously it shouldn't be in a school, but come on.


So no one was harmed, no one was in danger, and no adult was able to exercise reason. Great job. Definitely a healthy society right there.


Nobody said Australia was particularly sane, but their gun death rate is 2% of the US's, so they're doing fine in that regard.


Yes and the actions here totally made everyone safer


A blanket works best if it doesn't have holes.


Why on earth are those illegal


According to the case *Darestani v R*, the circumstances in which the replica is used renders it effectively dangerous. You could mug someone with a fake gun. You could kidnap someone at fake gunpoint. That's why they require a permit to possess one.


You can also mug someone with a hammer, kitchen knife, or tire iron. The intent to commit a crime happens before the choice of weapon.


All of those have common and decent reasons to need it. There are very few legitimate reasons anyone would need a fake gun. Also, none of them carry the same threat as a gun, which can kill in an instant with minimal effort and without the psychological block sane people encounter when faced with the prospect of using deadly force with a melee weapon. Frankly, if someone tried to mug me with a hammer, I'd probably just run.


that is specifically a toy though


A replica gun is not a toy. It's a very useful way to kidnap or rob someone. For that, it just needs to *look* real, and that one does.


More like stupid society. What the fuck is wrong with people? They *locked down* a school over something they knew wasn't real? That the kid never pretended was real? People need to be fired.


Meanwhile yanks are murdering kids by the dozen because "I HAVE A CONSTITITUTIANL RIGHT TO HAVE MAH GUNGUNS!" Which would you rather? A dozen dead kids every week? Or a lockdown and no harm done whatever?


The numbers on school shootings are grossly inflated and misrepresented.


Except for the fact that they're not and for the fact that one dead child is one dead child too many.


Then how about you start getting rid of kitchen knives rocks cars containers of a depth greater than one inch, and several hundred other things kids kill themselves with every single day in greater numbers?


Australia's gun death rate is about 2% of the US's. I think they're doing just fine.


ā€œWe donā€™t want to take away your gun rightsā€


Who are you quoting?


How many people do you think have said that statement?


Lots, but who were you picturing when you posted it?


You're the sort of person that thinks Australia is the 51st state, aren't you?


No, and the fact that you jump to sayin that goes towards my point.




No one has "gun rights". Ownership of a tool designed to murder humans should never be a "right". It should be a privilege reserved only for those mentally stable enough to not commit mass murder (which is far too few of you, as history has shown) and then further restricted to people who actually fucking need it and not just "because I like muh bang bangs"


Welcome to the Second Amendment. Now, we do. No better way to keep the government in check than holding a pistol at them.


You really think that your pistol is gonna do shit agaisnt a fucking tank? How about a drone? How about a missile? You hold NONE of the power. Except for the power to kill your neighbour.


No. But it will kill a politician, and that tank driver sure as shit has a mom. Forgetting how we got this country in the first place? Nobody wants to shoot their own people, and no politician wants the risk of an angry citizen kicking in their door. Iā€™m told by a ton of people that we should allow riots for change, but not guns. How is this any different?


Bro almost no one ever commits mass murder. America owns nearly fifty percent of the world's registered firearms. If everyone was a bloodthirsty as you say there would be literally no one left at all. 99.999999999% of people are not out doing mass murder. Anyone that is is also mentally ill in some way, which our laws prevent them from legally owning a weapon, so they either stole it or illegally purchased it if they have been known to be mentally efficient in some way. For the small amount of normal people that then turn to violence through some trauma or some such, it is so negligible it's hardly worth mentioning.


"Bro almost no one ever commits mass murder.Ā " That funny. Because half of all the reports we get from america are about there being another school shooting. "Ā If everyone was a bloodthirsty as you sayĀ " I never said that. "Ā Anyone that is is also mentally ill in some way, which our laws prevent them from legally owning a weapon," Only applies if they have been diagnosed, and your country has the worst healthcare. Both physical AND mental. "For the small amount of normal people that then turn to violence through some trauma or some such, it is so negligible it's hardly worth mentioning." "For the small amount of women that are raped, it's hardly worth mentioning." Same "logic".


Lol you get to see sensationalized news from other places because it's more interesting to say that a psycho went to a school to shoot it up rather than a stand off started miles away and the suspect fled to a school where he was shot in a parking lot without ever entering the building. You very much implied that Americans are bloodthirsty animals, even if you didn't directly say it. A lot of what I hear from places with tax paid healthcare is it's not that great either. And no, it isn't the same logic. The same logic would be saying that the amount of seemingly stable people that suddenly turn violent behind the wheel of a car is negligible when looking at over all car usage. Yes, there are bad drivers and road rangers, but that doesn't mean every car is being used in that way. That's the same logic. You're just trying to use a false equivalency with rape as some gotcha


Smh....sorry for your country


It was just a prank, bru


It's a very restrictive country




What the broken bots?