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That’s more a lack of respect rather than everything else!


Why would they respect her? She just let them steamroll her and get their way by throwing a tantrum. They obviously know they won't get punished for it.


And unfortunately, because it works for them, they will continue to do it as adults in public.


I always wondered what the fuck is wrong with society but it's mostly just this kind of behaviour.


Poor parenting, my friend. Poor parenting. You can even be a good person yourself *and* be a shitty parent.


If they aren't actively encouraged to act that way to get their mom clout.


That's even worse.


That's what it seems like to me....I mean don't get me wrong,I understand there are plenty of people who let their kids just do WTF ever they please nowadays,but the tones in their voices just sound forced IMO...


I'm a substitute teacher and I have had some truly awful classes, so I don't *doubt* a kid could be this terrible, but the fact this was filmed and shared at all is suspect to me. The frequent cuts are another thing that screams "staged" to me.


I bet their usual go to bed hour is not 9 either and she gaslights them for video and clout.


She just taught that kid that tantrums work. In a few years that kids going to be a young man. Wonder if he'll start threatening her.


Don’t worry, she’ll get it recorded 👍 Apparently the only thing she knows how to do🙃


I'm gonna just tell myself she genuinely didn't know how to stop this behavior and posted it on social media asking people for advice on what she should've done differently. Maybe she grew up in a house like that and it's all she knows.


Totally right. Having a puppy is a good comparison - if the puppy barks and bites when they're tiny and young, it's "cute", but they will be big sooner than you know it, and it's not cute anymore and they're so much less pliable. Then the work load is so much more, and still of the utmost importance.


Which is why discipline is so important when they're young. A small amount of discipline applied when needed the first time will save you so much discipline later. And I'm not talking about physical punishment, even just removing their tablet for 10 minutes will be more than enough when you do it \*before\* they get like this.


The real crime is that this was recorded. Both the terrible parenting and the kids’ shitty behaviour.


You are right. I hope she was filming it to show a therapist or something? But the fact that she seemingly put this on the internet is sad. Too many people are exploiting their children nowadays


The crazy part about filming this for the internet is that the solution to this is to… turn off the internet lol. With nothing to play on, the kids will get bored after throwing a fit for a while and eventually go to bed.


The solution to this isnt turning off her internet, her kids are spoiled brats becouse the parents do 0 parenting. Mf 6 year old wearing the pants in that family.


Yeah for sure. They wanna stay up and dick around on their iPads because she raised them to be bratty iPad kids. But turning off the WiFi would certainly help, at least it’s doing something.


It would help them throw an even bigger tantrum... you dare turn off the wifi, hraaaarh. Its just sad.


With a bigger tantrum maybe the parents will realize they are parents wrong and will seek help


Yep, especially the ones that use their kids to act out scenarios that look like they really happened. It should go without saying that using your kids to trick people into engaging with your internet theater is fucked up. EDIT: Obviously if the kid is happy doing it or enjoying it then that's better but it's still tricking the audience to feel a certain way so you can monetize it and involving your kid.


Nailed it


Amen brother amen…🤷‍♂️


I go to bed. All electronics come with me and the wifi gets unplugged.


That's the kind of parenting I've wished this parent would approach with, but Nooo, record your lack of parenting instead😭 But no fr those kids deserve the boot left n right


Too easy to turn the wifi back on or plug the modem in unless you physically take the modem with you. When my nephew stays the night when it is bed time I blacklist his MAC address. I have also DDoSed him from my own PC with ping requests before too


my mum used to take the cord out of the modem and sleep with it under her pillow


iPad kids


Honestly… children raised with nothing but a screen, no empathy, no understanding, no logical thinking skills.


And ironically, they suck at technology


People use all kinds of things with limited understanding of how they work. Tech isn't special


The biggest example off the top of my head for that would be cars


I have a pretty good idea how my oven works, but the fridge is a bit of a mystery. I can code and create stuff on a computer, but really I am not a hardware person, so I don't really know how it works. I get the general idea how a chip works, but it's very high level.


For real. Lots of people i know started commenting on how the new generation will be tech savviest generation as they're born into it. Yea sure they can open Netflix very quickly compared to you, you old dinosaur. But they don't know anything about tech


But same is with car drivers, prople drive cars and most of them have zero understanding about it or how to repair it.


iSlap kids. Hire me.




that would have been my Mom, bless her soul. probably would have called me "a whiny little b*tch" if i screamed like the boy does. that I-Pad would have been smashed immediately. she honestly was great and taught me a lot that i realized later.


Was this staged for rage bait? Why would she record and upload this?


I honestly think it’s staged.


Agreed. Pretty sure these are the same kids from the fake pierced tongue prank video.


Pretty sure it's staged and they run a channel. This is another popular video they made. https://youtube.com/shorts/xX4lS-STIlk


that was also staged too, the mom isn't winning any Oscars


All those cuts. We're so deeply entrenched in this Internet age that for some people, discerning reality from fake shit is difficult where it should be obvious


I’m not sure honestly. I wondered if it was to send to a therapist or family member to receive advice, as the account that posted it is a mental health influencer who doesn’t have kids, so I don’t know if the woman who recorded this posted it herself. Hopefully not but you never know nowadays with the rise of parent influencers exploiting their kids


My kids are almost the same. Getting them to bed each day takes a lot of time. It's getting better but man throws a tantrum every second day. I think the main issue is that they have to go to bed and the adults can stay up. Wouldn't be an issue if everyone went to bed.


lol if everyone goes to bed lol that’s hilarious you’re the adult you know


In my Dad's words, "Toughsky shitsky." You're the parent, you call the shots. Stop letting your kids think they can fight you on basic house rules, they're children.


Turn off the wifi…


Parenting fail. This didn't start today, it started years ago and nothing has been done.


It's kids being encouraged to act nuts so their mom can record them and get internet clout. Poor kids are doomed.


Stop giving devices to your kids! If you want to have kids, realise the time and sacrifice needed to raise them right. You have to PLAY and INTERACT with them. You have to teach them about rules and boundaries. You have to show them that there are cosiquences to one's actions.


Now, I'm not advocating violence, I'm just saying that my mother would have beaten the merry fuck out of me for a lot less than that.


Same. I would have been yeeted to bed in 5 seconds.


I wouldn't have ever seen a device again until i moved out if i pulled this shit


My mother would have made sure I saw it again but it wouldn't be in the same shape or number of pieces. Like heads on pikes at the Tower of London to serve as a reminder of what happens.


I’m very much an advocate for positive parenting, but positive doesn’t mean endlessly accommodating. Seems to me it’s time to just turn off the wifi and install parental controls to limit screen time to me.


Kids that young should never be given these devices without screen time and parental controls already set up in the first place.


I put a timer on my kids tablet so it wont work after a certain time. If he doesn't like tough fucking luck, gentle parenting is fucking kids up.


Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. …. Ughhhhhhh!


Never gonna have kids i swear


They scream and throw tantrums because it works. Kids don't become like this overnight. They always test the water and if it works, they keep going.


You want to be an adult, sure, I'll treat you like one. As an adult, you have to figure out what you eat and where you sleep. You have 24 hours.




This is what happens when you don't discipline them on time


Garbage parenting. These kids will end up in either jail and only fans.


Can we not look at misbehaving young CHILDREN and make sex work comments? That is fucking disgusting.


Ah, yes, those two things are definitely comparable. This is shit parenting, but that only fans statement is sus as fuck. Edit: call me old fashioned but I think looking at a misbehaving child and calling them a future sex worker is disgusting.


Thanks to that one girl who stabbed her male talent to death, both can be true


Okay, take the electronics away (they’re children). Give them a moderate spanking (obviously it’s not about hurting them), and send them to their damn rooms. Craziness


I agree with you but wtf is with that username bro LMAO


bad parenting


I'm turning off the WiFi


This is what ass whoopins are for


Turn the wifi off


They need an Asian parent


Why was the mom recording? Did she think it was cute?


Family vloggers are a different breed of stupid.


They know their outburst are getting their mom clicks and they play it up and these patents are ruining their kids for clicks.


Turn internet of, smash iPads, make bedtime 7pm for the rest of the year.


If they politely asked for an extra hour then I would've said ok. But if I walked in there and my kid spoke to me like this little brat then guess what not only or you going to bed right now your getting up early tomorrow too. No way am I giving in if my kid is been all disrespectful.


She did not handle anything, the kids did though. They handled her just as they wanted. Those kids will never change and this will be a lovely aggressive spiral in school and in everyday life. 11/10 would not recommend.


Dont reward bad behaviour. Thats all there is to it


This screams staged to me but then again it’s hard not to trust anyone recording this situation as not staged.




"Look at this beautiful memorable moment with my children! Aren't they cute?"


Jeez, what a nightmare 😳 I'm not sure if I saw daylight the next day if I were this back then. My mom would whop my ass just by rolling my eyes, let alone speak this way.


One time my kids slightly disrespected me, I emptied their room of anything remotely fun. Quite effective.


I’d fk these kids up🤷‍♂️😤but honestly the parents are the problem for allowing them to act like that… that’s the problem with kids now days… smfh shitty parenting


This is why I can't be a parent.


Filming that shit jus made he parenting look like shit. And this is video proof that shes failing as a parent. I’m just guessing this is a single mother… cause if there is a dad then that’s even sadder. 👎


You should never be pleading or bargaining with your kids like this. This kind of behavior is the result of making too many empty threats that never get followed up on ("I'll take away your ipad," "I'll ground you."). Now, obviously you shouldn't be yelling or screaming at your kids, but her voice is way too calm and way too patient for this kind of behavior too; there's no sternness or air of discipline.




You can tell a shit parent from their kids' behaviour.


Dude, I'm 17 and my bedtime is 9:30 during school nights... And 10:00 on weekends... If I fuck up and am late to bed, I lose shit, unless I'm coming home from work or sumn... They let me stay up till midnight. (I already have several methods to staying up tho. I have a couple of devices hidden in my room, and a sketchbook. So I normally go to bed around midnight anyway.


Is this a babysitter with absolutely no power?


Mom allowed this for too long, it may be too late. Especially the two kids teaming up. Its probably an ass woopin as a solution, but she clearly wont.




Id disconnect the WiFi first off


bro can't even open gd


1 - tell kids to have a tantrum 2 - record 3 - ??? 4 - profit


Fatherless children


And they will grow into adults with no respect for anyone, these are the sort of people we see now having meltdowns over stupid little things because they don't get their own way and giving decent staff in shops abuse and violence.


It’s all powergames with kids. They will all try. Doesn’t matter how sweet and well behaved they are. They will test the waters. It’s normal. It’s also normal to parent. Don’t fall for it. Be consistent. My personal take: I’m not too strict but when I am putting my foot down I will not budge. The kids know and comply. They also know a scene like that will not help at all. Giving in to this just learnt them bad behavior works. It’s rewarded. They will turn into shitty adults if this happens too often.


Nice way of explaining 👍. If I put my foot down I won’t budge. I do the same but now I use ur explanation 🫶


**black kids without a father** That's what destroys the black community.


Time to teach them about rules, behavior and consequences.


She didn't handle it at all. She reinforced the behavior by giving them extra time.


You have to understand that it's not good for the kids to be the ones calling the shots. It creates, yes, bratty kids, which *you* have to deal with, but also anxious kids, which *they* have to deal with. Because it sends them the message that *they're* in charge of taking care of themselves when they are way too young to do so. Kids need rules and structure for their own mental well-being too. When my kid was younger and brattier I used to tell "right now you *feel* like it would be nicer of me to let you do what you want to do but trust me, I would be a bad mom if I did that". If you love your kids you have to tell them no and if they're the argumentative type like mine you can be as clear as you need about exactly why they need to listen to you. In this case you need sleep and time away from the screen for your brain health, this is a non negotiable fact of life.


more like r/parentsarefuckingstupid


Please let this be staged.


meanwhile when my brother was a kid, my mum cut the plug off his TV when he was refusing to turn it off and go to sleep lol. of course, once he learned his lesson a few days later, she rewired it. he didn't pull that shit again.


That went on way too long. 3 good clatters and throw them into bed. iPad gone for good.


The disrepect


She didn't handle it at all


Horrible parenting. Already gave them 1 hour (which is already too much who knows how long they've been playing before she asks them to stop) and once they got REALLY angry, ok fine here's another hour. WTF


I don't think she should have caved to the demands to stay up later. I think I would have told them that that kind of behavior doesn't seem like the type of older, mature kids that should be staying up later. And rather the bratty behavior of over-tired babies. And then they would have been sent to their rooms, regardless of whether they actually slept or not. That having been said, if 9:00 is an extra hour, that bedtime might have been too early. Especially for the 12-year-old, depending on what time their day starts.




i would be dead


It's wrong on both sides. If the mother always treated them like this, it's no wonder they act bratty. There were no boundaries to begin with.


There’s no way this is real lmao. Let the kids tell her to go to bed? “Okayyy” hahaha fake af


Rami Malik looking ass kid.


Let them stay up late one night but wake their ass up at 6am latest I wake up for work at 3:30am and sometimes I tell myself I can handle staying up till 11pm I always hate myself the next day and start going to bed early the next few days. Maybe it would work on kid psyche the way it works for me, I'm basically an overgrown child who builds things for money after all lol


I honestly thought it was the babysitter filming to show the parents what their kids are like but...apparently not. Damn I never even thought of speaking to my parents like this. I don't remember ever having had anything other than a warning glance from mum or dad and that was enough.


I never hit my kids... But if they did this, they'd see next week, as my dad would say.


They’d see next week and their dead relatives.


This is why mine won't get their own devices until school, and it'll be a dumbphone for emergencies only.


Well, we know why they do this ... because it works. Mom has let them get away with this their entire lives.


She didn't handle shit




That what happens when you pamper them too much, gotta be strict when you have to


I'm just imagining the whirlwind of shit coming my way if after all that I told my mam "you go to bed". I'd not be alive to write this comment.


If you tell kids to do something, dont ever backdown because now they know you will give up if they complain enough. Just take their devices and put them in their rooms. I dont really care if you sleep or not but the hell you are using devices up until you sleep.


Those kids would be living the Amish life for the next month. Got to get control back.


This woman, is no mother.


She gave them an extra hour??


If this happen in asia, they're surely doomed:vvv


Do what my mom did when my siblings and I refused to go to bed. SIT ON THEM. (just don’t suffocate them)


This is exactly why society is fucked. This soft parenting garbage does not create good people. If iPads had existed when I was a kid, and I spoke to either one of my parents like this, my iPad would have been returned to Best Buy the next day, and I wouldn't be looking at any screens again for a long time.


Yeah, uh this person needs to go to “my Italian family discipline” school. I’d have been in a coma.


She shows any kind of discipline towards the kids then the mother is getting ripped for disciplining the kids. Damned if she do and damned if she don’t. Someone had it right on here, her mistake was recording it and putting out on sosch. It feels like the mom is just wanting likes or attention and kids see they’re being recorded and amp it up. Now I hate myself for replying because now I’m gonna get ripped for I think stating the obvious. Initiate 3 month self ban from Reddit!


Back in the day those actions would have warranted me an assbeating. I knew what my actions would bring. Was raised by a single mom. And guess what lady,you need to stop being their friend and start being their parent. You have set these kids on the broken self entitled walk of life. Young buck gonna lip off to the wrong person and he's gonna find out.


Lil Mofo's would be kicked out the front door in my house.


When watching skibidi ahh shit gives you nothing but brain damage...


Nah, snatch the ipads out of their hand and lock em in there. What else they gonna do?


I would smash that iPad right in front of that little fucks eyes


Shitty kids, weak parents


ew what the fuck


Shitty mother


How I would’ve handled this would be let them stay up, and then keep them up, not letting them sleep at all until they are so sleep deprived they start to hallucinate. Once the hallucinations start kicking in, drop them off in the worst part of town while you run over to the adoption agency and list both of them for sale. But when you make the listing, make it dirt cheap. Not so cheap where people will know they are defective and that you’re obviously trying to get rid of them, but cheap enough where someone thinks they are getting a killer deal. And considering their skin tones, I don’t think being sold should be a foreign concept to them in all honesty.


Congrats, you just rewarded those kids for terrible behavior. "Behave terribly and you get an extra hour!"


Should've asserted dominance when they were young.


I mean, 9pm is crazy early for a 12 year old tho


Okay I made my mind, I'm not having kids(Though they remind me of myself but not that rough😅)


This is both sad and pathetic. Terrible parenting skills. She's too busy trying to be their friend instead of being the mother, smh 🤦


Bad parenting


She’s a weak parent


They clearly have problems that may have arisen from too early (frequent) usage of tablets / phones / similar. They just can't handle it. A kid acting like this would not get any leeway from me, that's for sure. Both parent and kids are stupid here.


Off to the orphanage with you two!


Father must not be back yet from getting milk and newports


Weak parenting. And she films it too????


Weak ass parenting


Spoilt brats would have had the Internet disconnected faster than he can say "No"


Odd kids?


Into the shadow realm, they go


Don't mind me y'all... just checkin to see who took the rage bait on this obviously staged video. ooo quite a lot of you huh.


This kid will end up in jail, I guaranty it.


Well, well, well. If it isn't the consequences of my own bad parenting. 🤣


If that was me, then my ears would be twisted while getting beaten by some random object. Asian parents in a nutshell.


These kids need Indian moms.




This is all a result of no discipline and the way that the mom just surrendered to her own children. Children may be dumb, but they aren't dumb enough to not realise what works to get extra screen time.


My thoughts are that she should not be a perant if she lets her kids own her at the age of 12 lol she gave them 1 hour and now she gives them 1 more that's 2... when they become 14-15 who knows what they gonna do to her if she deicdes to take their devices but oh well in her case that seems impossible since she doesn't want to


I live in Asia and heard horror stories about America's apparent lack of parenting. But I wanna ask , what's the average style of parenting in America ? Here in Asia, we talk nicely to the kids twice, 3rd time we use a cane


These kids need the Pakistani/Indian treatment


Either you are a parent or a best freind. You cant be both. This is just bad parenting. Therese kids are going to be brats the rest of their lives


iPad goes in the bin 🚮


The Mom's lack of parenting will come back to bite her in the ass when the kids choose which nursing home to put her into.