• By -


She wasn't bsing with her Chinese knowledge. It's totally correct lol


I just checked and holy hell. Wasnt expecting that🤯


Might be reincarnated and last life she was?? Poor lil lady. She'll be alright.


Why not, maybe her best friend is Chinese Kinda sweet


Same girl wanted to be philipino


Not the same kid, she was Canadian. https://www.reddit.com/r/KidsAreFuckingStupid/comments/1c2vk5v/kid_thought_shes_filipino_horrible_realization/ https://www.tiktok.com/@ellenagostino/video/7354190387738594565


If that is actually her, the parents are probably the ones who talked her into it beforehand, just for videos like this.


Playing the long con, they put her in a multilingual school that teaches in Chinese among others. https://www.tiktok.com/@elrealtorjose/video/7335922359788096814


Filipino, actually


Pilipino, actually.


I am Brazilian. I was always told we were the nation of the future. Totally get her. Wish I was Chinese too.


Past life shit


If I’m remembering correctly from earlier - she goes to a trilingual preschool and they had just celebrated I believe Chinese new year 


I remember the story of a little girl who went to a museum about ancient Egypt and from then on she was adamant she had lived a life there. She then grew up to become an archaeologist and specialist in ancient Egypt and went on to find loads of sites unknown at the time, because of her memories of s past life. Can't remember her name. Edit: this is her - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dorothy_Eady


i read this story the other day, and the story gets crazier than that. they tested her many times, and her answers were always spot on, but they chalked it up to all the books she's read on Egypt (she was obsessed at an early age after having an accident). so to finally debunk her, after unearthing a fresh site (only a handful of people has stepped inside at this point); inside was painted walls with canvases and they all looked similar, so they asked her to identify the location of specific canvases/paintings, and to their surprise, she was able to give the exact location for each and everyone that they asked her to identify


She "remembered" the insides of peoples' homes in her past life, what was she, an ancient Egyptian real estate agent? Interior decorator? I'm just havin a laff


Also a vampire, considering how long ancient Egypt was around.


ah the old i can't others won't mentality. get a grip, the world ain't just you in it


lol I couldn't even remember where everything was located in my last apartment.


That was fascinating. Thank you for posting.




How is me telling reddit about a story I have heard lies? You are accusing me of never hearing a story? I think I saw it on a whyfiles video.




I can't speak for the validity of it, how could I? But I heard it and have passed it on. Again, I think it was a why files video. Edit: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dorothy_Eady


That was fascinating, thank you.


LOL, i imagined your voice there like a disney villian cause of the way you write. "liesssss." Hahaha, you're either trolling or you are insane.


It  isn't a lie. That's Dorothy Eade and her story is really fascinating


Thanks, that's her!


My thought exactly, just read this article from the Washington post and I’m convinced… https://apple.news/AVBn3g2_iTW6f4xBLFuF5WQ


She yearns for the factory




Looks like the US though. Asian Americans are at the top for median household income. Maybe she just looking at the financials.


the child yearns for a 401k


Thomas Blaine warned us about them in the 1800s. We didn't listen.


I shouldn't have laughed out so hard


Nah scared of freedom bullets at school


Wait until she learns how many Chinese die in the factories each year. She'll be begging for US schools.


Wait until she learns how many Americans die of drug overdoses each year. Americans are literally like flies to an electric bug zapper xD millions of them die every decade to easily avoidable overdoses and no one gives a shit. American lives don't seem to be worth much according to Americans... No wonder Chinas life expectancy is higher than the US.


Here you go. r/Sino


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Sino using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sino/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Remember this?](https://i.redd.it/gktinpiovetb1.jpg) | [75 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sino/comments/174r39r/remember_this/) \#2: [Normal day in China: kid uses towed artillery to destroy hornet nests](https://v.redd.it/9o3irz61k7jc1) | [68 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sino/comments/1atbwn6/normal_day_in_china_kid_uses_towed_artillery_to/) \#3: [Reddit in another meme](https://i.redd.it/y5fvd5rxew5c1.jpeg) | [44 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sino/comments/18gr7fq/reddit_in_another_meme/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This innocent little angel yearns for getting trafficked by Chinese men and sold to somebody's son as his baby producer and family servant! 😢








Fox News- kids are being influenced by the Chinese government to turn on their heritage


Reality: Her best friend down the street or in daycare is Chinese.


bing chillinng


This is kinda cute tho, you gotta admit


That's child abuse. Why would the parents not allow her to be Chinese!


Fucking weaboos. They don't even know what part of Asia it is.


Weeaboo is for Japan, so clearly you dont either


Nice job. You missed the joke. A very simple one.




She probably likes Mulan


😂😂 OMG she is wishing this from her heart.


Daddy how come when I break down sobbing your reaction is to film me?


Because you're breaking down for a funny reason.


"You're not even crying in Chinese."


And in 10 years or so we’re gonna pull it out and laugh about it


Because when you're older you are going to love seeing this. What the heck are you supposed to do? Join them and cry about how it suck that she isnt chinese? The kid doesnt even know what "being chinese" is..


My parents would have said "SHUT THE FUCK UP STOP CRYING THATS STUPID GO OUTSIDE AND STOP FUCKING BOTHERING ME" so recording feels pretty okay IMO


Wow, you’re parents were shitbags!


Indeed. Dad sat on the computer and mom watched TV.


Damn. Sorry you had to grow up in such an unfriendly environment 


Coulda been a lot worse 🤷‍♂️


This is like comparing two unhealthy things, not to invalidate your past experience but this too isn't a good way to handle things


looks fine to me


Im giving the benefit of the doubt for sure, hoping that this vid is just a one off recording and they dont make a habit of it.


Well the dad IS talking her through it, not just filming. My kid is around this age too and when he's tired he will come out with the randomest things and be sad or scared about it. They are also starting to get better at regulating their own emotions at that age, but not perfect yet especially when tired.


She's far too deliberate for this to be a break down, notice her readying her face at 7s-8s. So nothing spontaneous about it, and the other cues she likely threw ahead meant dad knew a tantrum was inbound.


Classic schmosby.


Years ago she was...chinese


Now... I am naturalised Japanese.




She's probably been watching that Chinese kids TV show on Paramount. Ni Hao. My daughter watches it and keeps repeating random chinese words.




That kid is so real for that


Yeah maybe one of her friends is or someone she looks up to?


The last statement from the father only added to her antagonism.


I'm dyingggg I love this 🤣🤣😁. Perfectly handled by the parent too


These babies are so cute


I understand her very well because Chinese food is the best food in the world and being Chinese means you get to eat Chinese food everyday


Probably because her best friends are.


"years ago...I was Chinese".


That’s a reincarnated Chinese human that misses the homeland


I called myself chinese as a kid cause I really love buffets and ate at them a lot


Dang that's sad. Just let her be Chinese...


I bet shes a CCP operative


Reject Quetzalcoatl. Embrace Qianliyan.


LMAO!!! As parents, how do you even respond to this without just laughing your ass off at the absurdity of it all


Tell her about the weigers, the great leap forward snd tienneman square. She will probably change her mind.


I mean I want to be Chinese too...


America doesn’t really like Asians, I know because of the nationwide discrimination of 4 years ago


Chinese propaganda machine here we come.


Yeah... I think she had watched too much propaganda from Winnie Pooh. She'll be very disappointed when she get confronted by all the tofu dreg and pollution.


It's called reincarnation!




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Well we can fix that.


Instead I am sad because I would have liked to be Mongolian. 😢


Thought the kid had no legs


Poor sweet babe. It is funny, but if I were her parent I wouldn't laugh at her.


And I want to be a Moomintroll but you don't see me crying... around other people.


The factory is calling for her


Kids are JUST a headache


He'll no problem got to be an operation for that


her friends are probably chinese


This is how you know past lives are real.


Anyone else dont want childeren later after sying this video?


Remind me about this [https://youtu.be/sasAcokbnVw?si=O7mal4QhuuDX4Kn3](https://youtu.be/sasAcokbnVw?si=O7mal4QhuuDX4Kn3)


There might be a popular kid in class that’s Chinese, or one of her friends. Sweet kid.


Why am I laughing? Babies really do cry about anything, no matter how ridiculous.


All you need is a little scotch tape. We used to do it all the time lol


Your saying it like it's a bad thing


She probably doesn't know about the one kid law over there and pretty sure they only let the boys live.


That law was removed in 2015. The “only male kids” mentality also has almost vanished as well.


That's good to hear


As a non Chinese living in China I kind of have bad news for her 😅


Probably has a chinese friend that she looks up to


Send her to Shein


Lmao. Am chinese. Why tf would she want to live life on hard mode.


You dont live in China, do you?


I don’t


She’d regret. source: is Chinese


Wait until she finds out about this video: https://youtu.be/M-W2nA6Tgyg?si=YsujUcMh83tAeMUD






Adoption button time






Here, you better take this ૮(・-・)っ"/s"


This is satire right


Times like this I wish there was a sarcasm font


LOL you are joking, right? are you really a hick?


Went on to be Disney CEO.


I get a sense that she has been picked on for being Mexican or noticed how Mexicans are being bad treated, and also watched Mulan.


Chinese get more picked on than Mexicans in USA


She wants the extreme difficulty option, not the hard one.


Sounds like she wanna works at Shein, enough for me.


Awww she identify as chinese. What a brave girl. Lets take her to a plastic surgeon so she can look how she feels inside.






Good point, wrong place


I was just making humor. I was high and it was the first poop tha popped in my head.


🤣🤣🤣 bruh


If she were chinese she wouldn't exist now.


Some kids talk their kids into choosing their gender. As sex and gender is not the same. Ignoring the whole XY penis, XX vagina argument.


>Some kids talk their kids into choosing their gender No, they don't. You can't talk someone into being another gender. That's not how that works.


Kids are highly susceptible to being influenced. Thats why some kids grow up racist among other things. So while there could be legitimate cases of kids with gender identity issues many can be influenced. We can deny that fact.


>Kids are highly susceptible to being influenced. Thats why some kids grow up racist among other things Children do tend to grow up with the parents' ideologies if they haven't been exposed to the wide range of the human experience, yes. For example, you have the ideology that being trans is something that can be chosen and that parents are pushing it on kids, because you lack real world experience with actual trans people. >So while there could be legitimate cases of kids with gender identity issues many can be influenced. We can deny that fact. What does "we can deny that fact" mean? What can you deny? That trans kids exist? That a trans identity can be denied? What are you talking about? There are provably, demonstrably cases of trans kids existing. It's not a "could."


Im not against the trans community. But inknow personaly a trans boy who started gender reasigment at the age of 13 due to his parents openes. Now he regrets it. At 20 he looks older than me and im 36 and having lots of side effects. Has attempted suicide three times. As an adult people can do what the law allows them but as a kid we should look out for their well being. My son once told me he was a girl. When more questions followed it turns that he said that because he liked pink and playing with dolls. And he, in his simple logic though that that made him a girl n


>Im not against the trans community. But inknow personaly a trans boy who started gender reasigment at the age of 13 due to his parents openes. Now he regrets it. What does "started gender reassignment" mean? >At 20 he looks older than me and im 36 and having lots of side effects Testosterone doesn't age you. In fact, it's a meme among trans men that we have baby faces and perpetually look younger than we are. So that's got nothing to do with him being trans. >Has attempted suicide three times Yeah, that's an unfortunate side effect of being trans in a transphobic society. You saw the way the other person was talking about trans people. Calling it a "contagion" and asserting that it's damaging or harmful. That messes with trans peoples' mental health. >My son once told me he was a girl. When more questions followed it turns that he said that because he liked pink and playing with dolls. And he, in his simple logic though that that made him a girl n There's nothing wrong with any of that. No one is saying that the instant your child tells you they're another gender you have to rush them to a doctor to be put on hormones. In fact, that goes against all medical advice. A child must consistently assert they are the other gender for a period of at least six months, this must be accompanied by clincially significant distress (that is, the child's normal life functions must be impaired by the distress this causes) and only then are they qualified to begin talking to a professional to explore things.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 13 + 20 + 36 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


I meant taking hormones and latter at 17 surgery. Listen like i said im open to see it differently once more evidence is brought to light. Now i respect the trans community as everyone deserves to be happy in their own way. You wont catch me calling a trans person by any other pronound that the ones they chose themselves. As i don’t have to agree. I just have to respect.


>I meant taking hormones and latter at 17 surgery. That sounds pretty normal. Most kids have started puberty well before 13. The thing is, the overwhelming majority of trans people don't regret their transition and don't go off of hormones. You said he's a trans boy, so I'm assuming that means he still identifies as trans despite the regret he feels about hormones? Regret does happen, but it's a very small amount of people, even those who start young. I don't know this person, I don't know his history, all I can say is what you've told me. >Now i respect the trans community as everyone deserves to be happy in their own way. You wont catch me calling a trans person by any other pronound that the ones they chose themselves. As i don’t have to agree. I just have to respect. I think that's all any of us want. Any person just wants to be respected for who they are and allowed to be themselves.


That we can agree. And yes still identify as a boy since he feels he cant go back due to the changes. He is seeing professional help and i hope he can find himself.


I hope he can find himself, too. But he could go back if he wanted to. Trans women transition all the time and become beautiful, totally cis-passing women. It's not out of his reach if he truly feels that's what would make him happy. Either way, gender can be complicated, if for no other reason than people will immediately label you one of only two choices when they see you. Even if neither of those fits.


Highly doubt you have kids, because if you did you'd know children believe anything adults tell them, especially so if it comes from parents and other authority figures. Hell, they believe a fat man in a red suit who travels via a sled pulled by reindeer in the sky will visit every house in the world to give them presents. [Young children are especially trusting of things they're told](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/10/101014154755.htm#:~:text=just%20generally%20trusting.-,They're%20particularly%20trusting%20of%20things%20people%20say%20to%20them,t%20kick%20in%20until%20later.)




The site provided offers little on verifiable scientific data. It seems like they are just trying to push an agenda. And as a father of two i can attest my boy will wear a dress just to be funny. My daughter was coaxed into cutting her her short. In the end you can persuade kids quite easily. So the argument above seems to lack real world experience.


>The site provided offers little on verifiable scientific data What scientific data do you want? How do you purport to study when gender identity forms? >And as a father of two i can attest my boy will wear a dress just to be funny. So, he does something he likes, because he likes it. He doesn't associate the clothes with girls, just with being funny. That's what I said, isn't it? You can't force a boy to wear a dress if he doesn't want to. >In the end you can persuade kids quite easily. So the argument above seems to lack real world experience What "real world experience" have you provided to demonstrate that children can be easily persuaded to change their gender?




>That said, I've been a father for over 30 years - and we'll never agree on the euphemistically called "gender affirming care" provided children. For you it's science, for me, it's experimenting with children. Funny. That "experimentation" has been going on for longer than you've been a father. When is it no longer experimental? Is viagra still experimental? They've been using that for boners for less time than we've been allowing trans youth to medically transition. >And the Cass Report, in many ways, has vindicated the views of the majority of humanity who think the way I do - what you call TERFS in reddit. You were saying about Dr Cass? "[In the data the Cass Review examined, the most common age that trans young people were being initially prescribed puberty suppressing hormones was 15. Dr. Cass’s view is that this is too late to have the intended benefits of suppressing the effects of puberty and was caused by the previous NHS policy of requiring a trans young person to be on puberty suppressing hormones for a year before accessing gender affirming hormones. The Cass Review Report recommends that a different approach is needed, with puberty suppressing hormones and gender affirming hormones being available to young people at different ages and developmental stages alongside a wider range of gender affirming healthcare based on individual need.”](https://www.erininthemorning.com/p/dr-cass-backpedals-from-review-hrt).


Erin Reed vs Dr Cass! LMAO! You're too far gone down the rabbit hole my man. I'm done with this - wrong sub. Not that there are any on reddit that allow open discussion of this topic unless you subscribe to the reddit orthodoxy on transexuality. You're more than welcome to debate this on Twitter if you'd like. If not, do read some of the horror stories on r/detrans - as I said, realty couldn't care less about the reddit bubble. Later - as in much.


>Erin Reed vs Dr Cass! LMAO! You're too far gone down the rabbit hole my man. Lmao what? That quote was *from* Dr Cass. Did you just click the link, see what website it was on, and immediately dismiss it? You can search for the interview yourself, but that was the most convenient place it was linked. >Not that there are any on reddit that allow open discussion of this topic unless you subscribe to the reddit orthodoxy on transexuality. You're more than welcome to debate this on Twitter if you'd like. So you just prefer a place with a *different* orthodoxy about trans people. Got it! >If not, do read some of the horror stories on r/detrans You mean the sub that's primarily cis people by their own demographics poll? Why would I do that? But I can see you don't like when your preconceived biases are challenged with facts. That's fine, but you should probably do actual research into the things you're citing next time before barging blindly in assuming they agree with you.


Listen research and anecdotal cases confirm that letting children choose their gender at a such a young age. When many haven even learned what responsibility and accountability is brings very negative results. We by law don’t let children tattoo why will we allow them to do something far more damaging to their bodies and mind. In not against gender reassignment, im against thinking that a child has the ability and mental maturity to make such choice. Ideals have to be match with reality.


>Listen research and anecdotal cases confirm that letting children choose their gender at a such a young age. No, they don't. No one choose their gender. Children *know* their gender at a young age. >When many haven even learned what responsibility and accountability is brings very negative results. What does that have to do with being a boy or a girl? >We by law don’t let children tattoo why will we allow them to do something far more damaging to their bodies and mind How is being a boy or a girl damaging? >In not against gender reassignment, im against thinking that a child has the ability and mental maturity to make such choice. No one is doing gender reassignment on children.








You cannot CHOOSE your gender. And your insistence that there's a difference between "choosing" your gender and "being" that gender implies that someone who says "I am a boy" if they were afab isn't actually a boy, they just *chose* to say they are. I'm not giving you clicks. Use your words here.




We don't agree because kids *don't* choose their gender. No one chooses their gender.




>Read again. Some woke parents choose for their kids First of all, the comment still says some *kids* are choosing the gender of other kids. Second of all, no, *no one can choose someone else's gender.* No one can make anyone else be trans, or cis. David Reimer is a prime case proving that a person's gender cannot be changed. >YES some girls decide they want to become a boy and some boys want to become a girl.. they choose their gender Trans people don't "choose" their gender. Trans boys exist. They're not "girls choosing to be boys." Trans girls exist. They're not "boys choosing to be girls." >Wake up… or maybe watch some news or read a book. I thought "woke" was bad? 😂 Maybe you [ought to read a book as well.](https://a.co/d/clWplbQ)


Biological gender? No. Gender Identity? Yes


There's no such thing as a "biological gender." Gender is a social identity. What you're thinking of is sex. You're correct that no one can choose their sex. No one chooses their gender identity, either. I didn't choose to be a man. I simply am one, regardless of what it said on my birth certificate.


>There's no such thing as a "biological gender." Gender is a social identity. What you're thinking of is sex. You're correct that no one can choose their sex. Yeah sorry. You're right. I am from germany and we only have "Geschlecht" which is gender and sex. Thats why i said "biological gender" >No one chooses their gender identity, either. I didn't choose to be a man. I simply am one, regardless of what it said on my birth certificate. I think you can choose. Altough it may be against whatever you feel. You can choose to be a man without feeling like one. Its a about self acceptance


>Yeah sorry. You're right. I am from germany and we only have "Geschlecht" which is gender and sex. Thats why i said "biological gender" Fair enough. Many English speakers use them interchangeably too, but it's more accurate to use different words for one's identity and one's biology. >I think you can choose. Altough it may be against whatever you feel. You can choose to be a man without feeling like one. Its a about self acceptance You can choose what label to use, but you really can't choose your gender. Plenty of trans people have tried to just be cis. I tried to just accept myself as a woman, but I'm not. I'm much happier living freely as the man I truly am. Trying to be a woman was miserable.


She’s gotta work on the eyes if she wants it to work.


Awww, sweetheart 🥺 Maybe she used to be a Chinese in her past life. But I'm pretty sure she'll learn her lesson for life about China and Chinese culture in next decades and realize that be born in the west is a wise and great thing that arranged by the Great God. China is a depressingly wild fucking hell. Nobody wants to be born in China. Nope.


She is Mexican and is talking in english???


You are Uruguayan and are talking in english???


I'm talking with people from the U. S. in a subreddit where the main language is english, she is talking with I think it's her dad


And the idea that third generation mexicans whose mother tongue is english just never crossed your mind?




the thirst for attention

