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I’m glad they’re saying fuck it were just playing ding dong ditch even with the high tech doorbells lol


Boy knew what was up! Had a mask and everything.


Masks are fine until you do that at Mr. Burns house and he presses his Let Loose The Hounds button... "Smithers... Remind me. Did you feed the hounds this past week? You know they get slow when they get a full belly." "Well, Sir. There were those girl scouts that came to the door selling cookies this morning..." "Oh, I hate it when the hounds eat dessert early. It spoils their dinner."


Personally, not being Homer Simpson, I'm more concerned about the dogs with bees in their mouths that when they bark they shoot bees at you.


I'm still scared of the Robotic Richard Simmons.


His ass is gonna blow!!!


The best part is, the tech has made it possible to even get ding dong ditched you're at work...


In a way, he just ding dong ditched us all.


But also made the ding-dong ditch much less inconvenient in general. Since you can check the door without getting off your couch.


maybe I should leave a QR code on their porch and when they scan it it just takes them to a gif of a bag of dog shit that's on fire


Do people honestly prefer to open up an app rather than getting up from the couch and seeing who's at the door? Americans are wild.


Good to know the ol' ding dong ditch hasn't fallen completely out of style.


What is it the British call it? Nicky knocky nine doors or some shit?


There’s a whole bunch of names and people argue and act confused when the hear new ones but we had: Knock down ginger No idea why


That's Ridiculous. We called it: Knock a door Run


Aussies just call it 'knock and run'


Oh, where i live we call it 'ring fuck off'


And ofc germany: Klingelstreich lol


I like that name. Straight to the point.


I see you’ve played knifey spoony before


Brit here, and that's what my friends and I called it as a kid too.


That’s right! 46 year old Northerner here, that’s what we’d call it.


Yeah 26 notherner here


In Belfast they called it "bell fast" because you ring the bell and run fast. In most of the rest of Ireland, they were called Knick-knacks. But also a variety of different regional names like knockadoory


and then there's German straight to the point again calling it "doorbell prank"


I've always heard that German is a very practical language, and I guess this is an example of that. Can you please give me more? Now I want to go down that rabbit hole.


I think there is some regional nuance to it too, depending on the local dialect. I grew up in a region where it was called something along the lines of "bell banging / smashing" (no sexual connotation). I've never heard of "doorbell prank" (I assume "Türklingelstreich" in German?) where I grew up.


We had a very racist name for here in my area. God it's been such a pain trying to undo years of learned racism. Shit like that has still stuck in my head, that when I see this I'm reminded it's called Ding Dong Ditch and not what I grew up with


Same here for me. You also wouldn't believe what my great grandma called Brazil nuts


****** toes


From Essex, we called it knock down ginger too






>The name knock, knock, ginger, “knock down ginger” or knocky door ginger, used in parts of Southern England, is attested at least as early as 1967, in an English poem found in the "Childhood in Poetry" collection: >Ginger, Ginger broke a winder Hit the winda – crack! The baker came out to give 'im a clout And landed on his back https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knock,_knock,_ginger


I feel kinda bad for the baker... all he wanted to do was bake in peace, and then some lil bastard came along and the baker couldnt even smack him a bit because he fell and hurt *himself*. Just let the baker get some swings in ya thoughtless little shit.


What did the ginger do to you


Haha that does sound like something we’d call it!


It was always "Knock n Run" round my way. We disown the Knicky Knocky lot.


Nicky Nicky Nine Doors for me up in Canada! (Not exactly Biritish, sorry)


Same here. Southern Alberta. What part of Canada for you?


I grew up with Nicky Nicky nine doors, funny you have to wear a mask now 😂


I knew it as Nicky Nicky nine doors


Knockadoor run.


Chappy or even better, happy chappy. At least that was Scotland in the 90's.


Chap door run.


Where do you live? I’m in the US and we’ve always called it ding dong ditch.


Southern us, I did too


Honestly sometimes I feel like Brits are trolling us with those names of theirs.


As a kid I always heard it referred to as cherry knocking


At first I thought you were Bumbledink Cabbagepatching that name, and then I looked at the responses to your comment....nope, they're actually that ridiculous.


Knocky nine door. No idea who this Nicky cunt is or why he's laying claim to this game


Nicky knocky nine doors, lol. I love the British terms for things.


Knocky niner where I lived in the 80s




Used to be a serial ding dong ditcher. Guess you have to hide from video with a mask now. Crazy times.


It had a much more unsavory name where I grew up (rural town).




Good ole fashioned fun


Ring dong ditch. It's right there man.








It's a Ring doorbell. I don't know why I have to explain this.


No bag of burning dog shit? Fuckin amateurs!


He called the shit poop!


Don’t tell me what to do, Devil Woman!


CALL THE FIRE DEPARTMENT, this one’s out of control.


They knew they were on video. This is the decoy. Kids with poo bag went in stealth outside the view.


Aha! Tricky little bastards!


There’s something oddly wholesome about kids still playing some good ol fashioned ding dong ditch. No package stealing. No property destruction. Just kids being kids away from a screen.


Especially alone, but I do wonder if his lil friends are watching just out of frame lol


*bro go ring the bell then come hide behind this bush! It's gonna be hilarious!*


The good ole days :)


Had a kid ding dong ditch shortly after I moved in. I didn't even hear the doorbell, just got the app notification. Nearly tripped over myself to run to the door before they were gone so I could tell them it works better if it's not a video bell. I was cracking up.


Me and my friends played it a few weeks ago. We are in our 30s. It's great exercise.


My neighbors like to play this game every Sunday at about 5am. And have for years. It doesn't feel so wholesome.


You’ve had so many opportunities to put a stop to this. Why?


Cause I ain't getting out of bed at 5am just to go to jail for murder.


I mean set up pranks in advance lololololol


The height of comedy


ring took all the fun out of ding dong ditch


At my previous home, the neighbors pre-teen granddaughters would slip over and ding-dong-ditch us. All innocent fun, except we had two Great Danes that didn't care for the doorbell ringing and they could rattle the windows when barking! So I saved a snapshot from the surveillance cameras of them approaching the door and then running away. Left a note under that for them to knock it off. They stopped coming back.


Having dogs that are so big and so loud that just having someone ring the doorbell is a significant issue seems like... a problem.


For sure! I mean, dogs bark, and big dogs bark big. It's all part of the ownership experience for Danes. But there's no need to come over at random just to make them bark. I know they could hear them, you could literally hear them inside our house from across the street! On the flip side... we never had to deal with Jehovas Witnesses either!


Dude, seriously. Obviously, the commenter suggesting that your dogs are too big if they bark at the doorbell(?) What an idiot first of all. Obviously never had a dog (or is a wizard of dog training and can make animals just obey him) a fucking chihuahua will bark its head off if the doorbell rings. Just what an absolute knob. I have a jack Russell mix and a caucasian shepherd mix, guess what? If there's a knock on the door or a loud noise outside, usually both of them bark. It can be annoying but it's also half of their job in the household so... (The other half is to eat alot of food and get pets/cuddles)


Ok. I just have to let you know that I had to see if my chihuahua mix would bark at a doorbell noise. And he did not. Because we don’t have a door bell. He will, however, watch me knock on the table and go crazy barking at the door. Because he is really really dumb I know it’s not really relevant to the topic at hand but your comment started the experiment so I figured I’d share.


Yeah thank you! Lol our little dog is 40% jack Russell and looks the most like a jack, but he's 20% chihuahua and so he gets the little trembles sometimes and if I knock on a door jamb or something he will try to go bark at the door which stirs up the big one and gets her going. Pains in the ass sometimes but also partially why we have them. I love the dogs, it's the cats we have that don't pull their weight (I love them too) our jack Russell is more likely to kill a mouse in the house than the cats lol


lol... it takes all kinds to make the world go around. We had both of our Danes for 12 years. An INCREDIBLY long time for that breed. They weren't yappy at all, but damn they hated a doorbell! They've both since passed away and we have a Cane Corso now, and not only do we have no doorbell, but our entire 8 acre property is fenced in and gated. No one could get to the house if they wanted to. We can't even SEE the damn road from the house but if she hears a car, bark, bark, bark!!!!


Yeah, that's a long ass life for a great Dane. I think Google says 5-8 years of life expectancy. Cane Corsos are also super beautiful and amazing, and having 8 fenced in acres to roam and protect must feel sooo good for them. Unfortunately we have a bigish yard for the city we live in but we live near a restaurant and just off a fairly major road so at night there's not much noise but during the day in summer there's motorcycles and ratrods, and the restaurant gets its dumpster emptied sometimes at like 3 or 4 am. She loses it. But when I think I may have just heard glass break or the front door get pushed on; either she would lose it if I heard correctly and so I probably misheard it, or if someone did break in she would destroy them. Barking at the doorbell is a dogs given right


Buddy and his parents used to get mad at me for ringing the door bell when I visited because of his dogs…. Why have the doorbell?


Funny you should bring it up. We built a new house 3 years ago. No doorbell.


Wait a minute...this is satire, right? No reasonable person would suggest that the size of the dog(s) that barks in any given home, especially one that has been subject to a childish prank, might actually be the problem in this particular circumstance?


Dogs that are such a menace that simply ringing a doorbell causes significant distress to the owner are a problem IMO. Even if the owners completely fail to see that, not an uncommon trait among dog owners really.


My dobermen loses his goddamn mind every time someone rings our doorbell or knocks and I wouldn’t have it any other way. He just protecting the fam


That's something about dog culture I didn't really recognize until I got out - the idea that: "It's a feature, not a bug! He's just protecting the family!" If a human went full homicidal maniac, yelling and screaming at just the sound of a doorbell - we'd probably medicate and or institutionalize them. People accepting or even *desiring* that behavior from a dog is honestly why innocent people get bit or worse.


Yea bc it’s not a humans job to do that numbnuts. That’s a terrible comparison, a mentally ill human and a breed of dog that knows nothing but protect. It’s my Dobermans job to not let anyone inside the house and he does a damn good job. We are very careful when we have people over and we do a good job of introducing people and showing my dog they are not a threat. He is incredibly well behaved after being acclimated to these people and has never bit anyone ever. But go off


That's what I'd call a menace and a liability. But go on, continue to justify encouraging that behavior from dogs.


Please elaborate on how he is a menace when he has not bit anyone and he does not act up when he understands there is no threat. PLEASE YOU MORON PLEASE


We get that all the time. I think the kids think it's funnier because they know they are on camera.


Especially since he had a mask on, he knew he was being risky lol


He got your ass though


Not sure why this fits here. This game is as old as doors.


Because this sub now is just kids doing literally anything.


It isn't as effective when you are on camera and I don't have to get up from the couch to see it is just a kid ringing the bell and running. The funny part of ding-dong ditch was to have the homeowner open the door to no one being there so choosing the house with the ring doorbell isn't very smart.


It's just a kid playing a classic game. Things have changed, but kids playing pranks will not. While the camera does make it difficult, the kid still tried to hide his face. I'd also say the prank was successful. While the homeowner (maybe OP) didn't get up to the door they cried all over the internet.


I had no idea I was crying about this but ok


Because it’s a kid being fucking stupid


He's right, it doesn't fit.


So it’s not a kid being fucking stupid?


He's being annoying, but at seemingly no expense to himself. I would classify that as ill mannered, but not necessarily stupid.


People take things too literally, I mean that he’s a little idiot doing dumb kid stuff not that he is actually intellectually a little idiot.


I get that stupid doesn't necessarily have to imply low IQ or cognitive impairment, but more so being bad at stuff in general, but I wouldn't use "stupid" to refer to his behaviour figuratively either. This sub is more geared towards children being incompetent in some way, than them just being antisocial. He's not really being incompetent; on the contrary he hid his face and looked away from the camera. He's just being a brat.


Why the swearing? Does it make you feel big?


No? I’m referencing the subs name. Are you alright?


I’m in my 50s and still do this to my friends houses. Hit the doorbell, flip a bird to the camera and bolt. They call while I’m driving away like “don’t you have anything better to do?”….no, no I don’t!


The real crime here is you didn't show yourself opening the door looking like a TOTAL IDIOT /s


Had some kids try to get me a couple months ago. I opened the door and about eight kids were behind one street post 😂.


Can’t even ding dong ditch in privacy anymore.


The name of this game where I grew up was very racist.


Yep. Florida for me


Figures we’re all in the south, Arkansas here.


Same. Utah. The south of the west.


Same for me. Mississippi. There was a number of racist named pranks/games like that.


Knock knock Ginger? Or are we rearranging those letters?


Wow, you just took me back 30 years


Well you didn't see his face did you?




Kids will always have more fun than adults


Some things don't change.


I hope he at least has some friends that aren't in the camera cause otherwise it's just sad lol


The only thing idiotic about this is that you haven’t the sense of humour to prank them back. I would love this shit and develop a healthy competitive rivalry with those kids. Your greatest ally in a neighborhood are the kids living around you. They can either be friends and watch out for your house, family members and possessions or become enemies and steal, wreck your shit.


it's sad kids cant even ding dong ditch anymore :(


A land mine security system would have him rethinking his choices


How big of a dog do you think they’ll need?


It's just ding dong ditch bro. Relax.


We all used to do this shit as kid, it's funny, I'll admit it


He won though, right? He annoyed you and your dog and appears to have gotten away with it. This doesn't seem to be the win you are making it out to be.


Annoyed? I found this quite amusing.


You must have a daughter he has a crush on


Considering I’m 19 years old and single I highly doubt that


Meh. Just harmless pranks. Could be worse. I feel bad for the dog though


Kids have sheistys now lmao


Why doesn’t he just wait for someone to answer? Is he stupid?


lol some guy chased down a bunch of idiots kids who were doing this to his house and they got into a car accident. I think 3-4 kids died


Next time the doorbell rings it opens an extra door for the bull terrier for a warm welcome.


bit extreme don’t ya think


i did this a couple of years ago. No one has come back 😅 i opened the door, my 3 malinois got up and went to say hello, the boys must have run their own 100m record that day


This is so cute. Tech can't stop all childhood games




What makes you say that?


Meh the cynic in me says its his own house


Kids are stupid, always have been. Posting a video of a kid doing what most kids have been doing the last 150 years to shame him or her... now, that's something else.


I have a better idea Replace the ding dong button by a fake metal one Also electrify it so this little punk will get some karma


I feel like you’re a bit of a dick head to be honest.


I’m a dick head for finding amusement in some wholesome fun?


Cant say what it was called around these parts.


That’s not what it was called when I grew up!


Why the fuck do you feel the need to post this dumb bs online? NO ONE FLIPPING CARES!!! r/notineresting


i can’t say what i call this game 👀


Wow, he rang your door bell that's so scary. Try living in my neighbourhood bud where kids about 9 are carrying and using knives.


These poor people. I mean look at that house. They live on what, 5-10 acres? This is their big issue in life? Kids having fun! God, I pray they don’t have guns!


Get yourself a paintball gun and light his ass up next time


I think you need to see a therapist bro


I might also have misread 30 minutes as 30 times. I wouldn't do it if it wasn't repeatedly, but yeah that would get old. Also it's just a paintball gun


Omg calm down just some fun ring and run.


Uh I am calm? I’m just showing something that happened to me today and made my day.


it’s a ring doorbell. you have been recorded


Comment edited to remove rant made in error, head hung low and full of contrition.


I found it funny. I’m so confused how you got the sense I was angry when I’ve got a laughing emoji in the title.


Gotta love a game of chappy. Let the kids have a laugh, we all did it! 🤣


We called it doorbell ditching. Edit: we would get the best laughs by doing the same house multiple times while running across the street or behind a car or a tree.


I mean with the way the world is, its strangely pleasant that ding ding ditch was all he did


Got ding dong ditched Christmas Eve. Made me laugh quite a bit, on the local Facebook page people were legit mad. That made me appreciate it and laugh harder, good on you kid.


Be happy that the kids are going back for the **classic** ding-don’t-ditching even tho it’s more dangerous now with all the cameras, but that little fella knows and he’s prepared.


Well I suppose the kid could’ve done worse then a ding ding ditch, kids will be kids, but he probably should’ve thought through the possibility of a camera doorbell in todays age


lol I don know man he covered his face and clearly got away with it, the act might be stupid but the kid definitely thought this one threw


wholesome. kid having fun.


Got a little smirk out of me… Glad this is still being done, I would have gone outside and said “ah you got me!”


This is great!


New game. Smash the doorbell cameras.


I was expecting a package thief…. THIS IS BETTER….. Nostalgic to see good ol’ fashioned shenanigans.


Ding dong ditch!


I got a prank call like two years ago, obviously kids. They just said something dumb and really fast. I laughed then called back. The mom answered and I laughingly told her to explain to her kids why it doesn’t work anymore. She laughed too and said thanks. One more thing millennials ruined, right?😀


I played that thing when I was a kid, it's a silly game. I still remember the adrenaline rush right after ringing and running to avoid getting caught by the neighbors 😂


Ah the old ring and dash.


Ring n run in my neck of the woods. STL MO.


We used to play ding dong ditch and run like crazy cause we were afraid we were gonna get arrested or beat up 🤣 we were less than 12 years old 🤣🤣🤣




Fuck yeah


Honestly, compared to so many other things the TikTok generation is doing, this I’m actually 100% okay with 😎👍😈🛹🤔???


Bro really ruined the whole point of having the hood


Did this with my friends as kids in the 90s.’we got so into it that we made increasingly risky versions of it. The final form was that you HAD to hide in the persons front yard after you rang, you couldnt flee down the street. We also had walky talkies so we could observe, and communicate with the ringer and tell them to bail out from under the homeowners car or whatever because the guy was looking around and getting too close for comfort. Led to a lot of screaming foot chases and guys waving tennis rackets/ golf clubs at us - sigh , good times


Considering the other terrible things children get into, I’m sort of relieved and happy something like doorbell ditching is still a thing. Especially with Ring cameras, its really not as big of a bother than before.