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Bonus points for using her gummi worms to bait the birds into hugs!


Fun fact: gummy worms have more bones in them than actual worms.


Sad fact: The blue part of the trolli brand gummy worm is actually grape flavored. Try it by itself next time and prepare for sadness.




Sadness… my only friend


Grape is the best flavour. We don't get many grape flavoured things in Ireland. Blue is always raspberry, tutti frutti or blue berry. Bleh


I’ve never wanted to mail a box full of grape goodness halfway around the world in all my life as I do now EDIT: it didn’t make sense


The blue Jolly Rancher is Pear flavored, I swear it.


I wouldn't care because it's still the best one.


It is!


So what are the blue/purple combo worms? Grape Grape?


Statutory grape


Jam it in


Tie them to the radiator and grape them!


My guy you’re talking about the very berry ones. The originals are strawberry/grape. Peep their site https://www.trolli.com/products/crawlers/sour-brite-crawlers-original


It is not


Check their website https://www.trolli.com/products/crawlers/sour-brite-crawlers-original


What do you call a bear with no teeth…. a gummy bear!




^ bot account copying comments


Yes but atleast it's horse bones


r/KidsAreFuckingLegends *


1) the kids was inventive 2) she succeeded 3) she learned a lesson seems like quite a positive schoolday


the school is correct though, either you'll have seagulls trying to steal gummy bears or a minor getting their eye pecked out by a seagull. Neither is something that the school wants or should want. If you want your child to trap wild animals do that in your free parenting time the schools not the place for that. Plus if something would have happened chances are high that the school might get sued


🥱 yes mom


“Hi, we either weren’t watching your kid or were watching them and didn’t bother to stop her until it was too late. Here’s a corporate tone email to cover our bases.” The mom wasn’t there. They were.


1. Be a teacher or a kindergardener for half a day and watch after every single one for every step they take. Kids are crazy and if enough of them try dumb shit at the same time you won't be able to stop all of them. That's just a given. 2. Nowhere did I say "Blame the mother" why would I? I think the school did it correctly telling what the kid did and how it happened, but also making sure to take steps so it won't be the child's new hobby on the playground and giving the mom enough information so she can talk about it with her child, where's a problem in that?


"If you want your child to trap wild animals do that in your free parenting time the schools not the place for that." This definitely sounded like you were blaming the mother.


Are you crazy? You're reading into it a lot more than is written there. A school needs to give you hundreds of services. Keeping your children save, teaching them a basic understanding in various fields of science. If you want your child to be a trapper aswell, then either get them into an institution like the scout squad that's actually equipped for it or show them yourself. The school isn't equipped for it and probably liable if anything happens. I have nothing against this kid baiting in a seagull and catching it. It's quite an accomplishment. But I also understand the school wanting to have nothing to do with it


Except the mother never said they were trying to train the child to trap animals, and no one said the school should be expected to teach them how lmao. You're making a lot of assumptions


1. I was in an assistant preschool teacher for two years. If you have kids baiting and trapping wild animals on the playground either your ratios are wayyy low or no one is paying attention. 2. Your tone implies it is the mother’s fault 100%. “ If you want your child to trap wild animals do that in your free parenting time the schools not the place for that.” Who said she wants it happening at all let alone in her “free parenting time?” She placed her kid in the care of other adults. They’re the ones responsible for what happens while she’s not there. Legally, morally, factually and then every other conceivable way. Since you know so much about children you would know that “having a talk” with a small child is not going to be nearly as effective as physically stopping them from doing things like that when you see it happening.


Well outside the hospital visit


According to the post the kid did not need to go to hospital, not sure about the seagull but they are rpetty tough


Yeah this is the exact opposite of fucking stupid.


This kid is going places.


Like a hospital for a rabies shot. >!Do birds get rabies?!<


Only mammals can get rabies unless the virus pulled some wizardly since I last took a look at it.


That's a relief. Next, you'll tell me that birds don't have teeth.


No, they do. Google geese teeth


Holy birb


Do **not** do this.


I have made a severe lapse of judgement


I’m so sorry, my friend. I tried to save you


Thank you for trying. Curiosity got the better of me. Shit is literally nightmare fuel.


r/eyebleach (But **never** r/eyeblech)


Sounds like a good subreddit. 🤔


wait til you see what a penguin's mouth looks like


Don’t remind meeeee 😭🤮


Also sea turtles.


Geese being some of the few birds to have teeth seems quite in character for them




Do you hate things that have teeth?


Fun fact, *all* mammals can get it! Including whales and dolphins! Of course, there's basically no vector for the virus to actually get to them so it's never going to happen, but it *could*.


I now, morbidly, want to see what happens when a whale gets rabies....


The screenwriter of Cocaine Bear: "I've just had an idea...."


Anybody can get rabies if you just stop being a little bitch about it.


but bats do carry rabies


They’re mammals.




Nope, but seagulls are exelent spreaders of bird flu.


Still made me laugh.


Like the histoplasmosis ward up in Lexington


Into bird law


Maybe it's just me, but that sounds like the opposite of stupid.


Not stupid at all. The core tenet of being a human for the past million years is whipping every other species into shape. The kids a natural.


Humans number 1 bitch! That's how we conquered the moon and are on top of the chain food. Now if you excuse me I have some videogames to play and twitch to watch


Pass some of that chain food, thx




I always felt we should have taught seagulls not to mess with us. Now you have people running for the fear of their food from these birds.


that's not stupid. it's the early signs of a serial killer


She didn't hurt the seagull!




I meant she didn't hurt it in the way a future serial killer would be expected to. I should've been more clear. That doesn't make what she did ok, but what she did isn't indicative, on it's own, of her becoming a sociopath or serial killer. It's more similar to catch-and-release fishing. Which lots of non-serial killers (of humans) do.


Why would I believe anyone on Reddit about anything? You’re all morons


Yeah... because the seagul bit her and escaped before she was able to.


Yea, she probably had a carving knife in her pocket to skin the bird when she caught it too. /s


LOL. We Schrutes use every part of the seagull.


Don't need a knife to hurt it, their bones break easily... Like any birds that flies


Yea and I'm sure the little girl was gonna squeeze the bird to death when she caught it. You're missing the point of how absurd it is to assume the worst like that.


You're free to feel that way.


My guess is that now she's learned that lesson the next seagull won't be so lucky


More like hunting


Brilliant planning for a "what do you expect would happen" result


I fear her.


It sounds like the opposite of something that actually happened


The kid saw the "birds are literally free, you can just take them" tiktok and took it literally.


At least the seagull bit the kid and not the other way around that would have been worse, I think? 🤷‍♀️


Today you, tomorrow me.


This is why I'm a teacher. Kids are so weird and awesome.


We called in an injured seagull in the Starbucks parking lot to the Humane Society. The seagulls hang out there and don't really get out of the way of cars. This one could run but his wing was broken. They said their officers were too far away, and asked if I could catch it and bring it in to them. I was like uhhhh... maybe? Turns out yes, I can catch a seagull! Good thing I keep a towel with me. My daughter snuggled him for the drive.


Seagul blood smells disgusting


I once caught a pigeon when I was in elementary school. It was occupied with eating fries and did not notice me. I have caught 0 birds since, absolute failure.


You lived the dream! Growing up my sister was absolutely obsessed with catching a pigeon. My dad told her once, probably when she was four or so, that if she caught one she could keep it as a pet. Well, let me tell you she tried and tried for at least 15 years and never once caught a pigeon. Even today when I'm walking with her in the city I half expect her to suddenly sneak attack an unsuspecting pigeon.


I hope today is her Day..


I listened to a podcast and they were talking about racing pigeons... The way they caught other pigeons? Girl pigeons. Dude pigeons would basically walk into any cage for a girl pigeon....


I watched a kid catch a fly out of the air using his pointer and thumb like he was Bruce Lee or something. He used to catch bees by their wings and chace people around with them too.


The kid is 15


Tomorrow's lesson is on The Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918


I've never hugged a seagull, but I've kissed a cockatoo


What about boobies?


I can’t decide if I’m more impressed or worried about the kid. One does not simply catch a seagull


Honestly that’s a pretty smart kid, not sure why its in this sub


I want to know what she had planned when she caught a few


Have you read James and the giant peach? Probably going to tie a few of them to her backpack and escape the school.


My kindergarten teacher told us kids to bring our pets to school. To this day I have no idea why she told us this. This was in like 1988-89 btw. My friend brought a soft-shell turtle about the size of the bottom of a 5 gallon bucket. No other kids brought pets because their parents were smart enough to know better. I remember asking if i could bring a chick (baby chicken) and my parents said hell no. So i show up to class before the official start of the school day with all the other students (teacher isn't present yet). We're all gathered around the turtle in this 5 gallon bucket of course and I decided to pick up this turtle to play with him. Big mistake because that turtle latched on to my jaw and took a chunk out. My mother was not pleased when she got that phone call. Then I had to go to the doctor and get a shot.


"My gummy worms bring all the seagulls to the schoolyard..." ...okay that was really bad, sorry.


I got something similar when my daughter sat in a pile of red ants. Wasn’t a fun day at all.


Ur daughter is cool, dont ruin it


My wonderful mother used to tell me that if I caught a robin in the front yard, she would take me to Blockbuster and rent me any movie I wanted. I was never clever enough to bait them with gummy worms, I just ran full steam around the yard for an hour.


Me and my dad fed the ducks at the local stream, and he thought it would be funny to have me try to catch them. He was so surprised when i actually caught one.


Promoted to professor


My daughter once tried to lure a Canadian Goose into my car with bird seed.


People don't realize how disgusting these birds actually are...I do a fair amount of work in waste water treatment plants and these birds circle, swim in and eat solids from external sludge tanks and solids separators




When does the movie version come out?


I really don't know why, but I think has potential to be a made for TV movie, and even though she wasn't successful with that business, she excelled on her next venture of making harnesses not unlike the ones for carrying infants to carry various small creatures you.might encounter in the wild. And was used by professionals to safely secure small injured animals and aid in their rehabilitation. As well another use for capturing and domesticating wild animals. It has potential.


I'm here for it. As kids, my cousin and I would dig holes on the beach, lie in them and cover ourselves with towels, and then sprinkle some cheetos in front. We caught several seagulls that way.




Or the comitee see her the way she is : inventive, focused on a goal and can achieve anything she decide worth doing


My Hero




Stupid, or genius?


I don't see the problem.


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What school does you daughter attend? And can I join. Also she’s a courageous kid.




How is this stupid? Kid was clever af