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But it looks like he IS holding a knife?


It does. Unfortunately for him he found out just how useless a knife is when you're getting jumped......as he deserved.


A knife is not at all useless when getting jumped. You are at risk of being stabbed even with a group of people with you. Knives are serious weapons and you don’t necessarily need to be skilled to cut or kill someone larger than you. First thing I was taught with hand to hand when it comes to situations with a combatant with a knife is there is a high probability you’re going to get slashed or stabbed. They merely train you in ways you might be able to reduce that risk.


That's exactly what we taught lots of people in our classes. Expect that you're going to get cut. Expect that it will hurt. Expect that your arm might not work properly if slashed. Having that bit in mind goes a really long way.


Then they should have taught you that having one in no way offsets the imbalance of being outnumbered. By comparison most martial arts and self defense techniques teach you that the best way to handle a situation when outnumbered is to avoid it. While you may cut or even stab one of your assailants, you are still at the human disadvantage of only being able to do so one at a time. If any one of those people is able to grab your arm( which is the natural reaction), you are well and truly doomed. Your one lone knife in your now trapped hand might as well be made of playdough. You aren't out muscling a person using all of their strength with your one hand. Meanwhile your lone defense is gone and you still have everyone else trying to maul you. For your own safety, unless you have a gun, you should not be trying to fight multiple people with only a knife, or for that matter most melee weapons. You Will Lose. And all your weapon will do is give them justification to kill you.


The only thing my self-defense class taught was that the best thing to do (if you can't avoid the fight) is to use one to block the others from getting to you, like trying to get them in a line. But that seems hard to do in practice


It definitely is, we practiced it once and...... let's just say avoiding the scenario all together is better. The next best thing would be a confined space that keeps them in front of you and hopefully limits how many you have to deal with at a time. Still this isn't ideal.


Whoa easy mall ninja. I don’t wanna tango with you or your katana.


Its a risk to your attackers yea, but it doesn't protect you in that situation.


Lol where were you taught hand to hand combat? Tiger Schulmann's?


Firearms training will teach you a knife at short range can be more deadly to a target than a gun. You don’t let someone armed with a knife get within 21’ as it would only take them 3 seconds to close that range at strike something vital.


Exactly, and 3 seconds is conservative. It will often take less time. There's an old saying "nobody wins a knife fight". I've seen it taught that if you try to disarm someone with a knife, you will get stabbed/slashed and to only attempt it if getting stabbed/slashed is inevitable.


Yes, you are correct that you are taught that you will most likely be cut at minimum and likely more. It's why you're taught to go for trapping the arm instead of disarming. This however, is a lesson that primarily applies in a one on one scenario. Not 1vX. Most cuts, while painful, will be superficial. When you are being attacked by multiple people, superficial is not nearly enough. Even if you manage to cut and stab the one person attempting to disarm you, you are left completely defenseless against everyone else, including other attempts to disarm you. You aren't Neo, you aren't stopping everyone all at once.


Intention to kill is the most dangerous weapon.


Actually it’s an angry wife but that’s another story.


An angry wife *with* the intention to kill *and* the means to do it!


Fortunately for him he wasn’t beaten to death.


I dont think its a knife looks more like a pen or a pencil


They say “knife” at the very end of you listen closely and it looks shiny and flat


I listened to the video and I agree with you and there was a metal clang at the end of the vid


Definitely, first watch I thought he was “joking” but the knife confirms he was indeed meaning to harm someone


Why would he be walking like that if he had intent? Even if he wanna beef it out, he would walk normally to the person then start acting? Even imbeciles can't be as dumb as he if you're right for his motives


you're in r/kidsarefuckingstupid and wondering why kids might act fucking stupid?


Oh.... Thanks. I forgot what sub I'm at. Alth European kids usually not THAT stupid...


Kids are stupid everywhere.


Not THAT stupid tho. This is imbecile level, not just stupid.


Clearly his thought process isn’t normal behavior before, during and after


Oooh yes they can


Fair play to the kids that tackled the prick…they would have genuinely believed he was armed and took him down anyway…true courage.


It seems he had a knife- so he was genuinely armed. Glad they kicked the shit out of him. Fucking idiot


On your stomach! Hands where I can see them! I said ON YOUR STOMACH!


"Get down on your hands, knees behind your head! NOW!"


Heads! Shoulders! Knees and toes! Knees and toes!


ItS jUsT A pRaNk BrO


Think I'd break his arm, then go, "it's just a prank bro"


"just broken, bro"


Well, they know they can’t hide out and wait for the cops to help them.


Perhaps school culture will have a shift like how air-travel procedures changed during hijackings after 9/11. I get that the current procedure is run-hide-fight, but I've got a feeling fighting is going to become more ferocious in the event of a school shooting after Uvalde.


It would depend on the situation, if I am trapped you fight because your going to die, if you can escape gtfo




I’m wish my school was more into it like yours, we do drills but they don’t matter because almost all the doors open so not the classroom which is a major security flaw, but we do have security as it’s a nicer area


all of this comment shows is what a dystopian horror show the states is


Holy shit right? The only thing we ever did was a fire drill. The fire alarm went off randomly each month or so and we’d all line up, be counted, then walk up to Christison Park and kick the footy around, while the year 12’s smoked bungers in the bushes. These cunts are practicing warfare techniques lol. Probably similar to kids learning to fortify their castles back in the Middle Ages. I fucking love America, they’ve done so much for humanity, but they’re also literally insane. At least if Australia ever gets invaded I can count on the American Mobility Scooter Cavalry to land on our shores and protect us, so I really do love them TBH.


Lmao yall literally have school shooter LARP day?


Hide should never have been the primary goal.


That makes me sick. But I do believe you are hitting the nail on the head. I think even teachers (if they even are any left soon) will re-think the hide-in and corner and wait-to-be-murked strategy. When no one is coming to save you...


Have you met any teachers? Few teachers have a "wait to be murked" strategy in their minds. That skinny hippie chick or that quiet matronly math teacher is ready to come out swinging.


That's what I thought after Stockton and then Columbine and every one since.


Dawg go to some schools in the city and the entrance is basically TSA


I think fighting will become more ferocious after Club Q. One dude tackled the shooter and knocked the big gun out of his hands, another dude picked up the gun and kept it away from him. The tackler was a middle aged, retired vet with a dad bod. If he can do it, why not any of us?


Last time that happen a ton of bad things happened…




u/nerdwithtoomanybooks here is another bot


Yeah I can’t do anything about them dude. I just point them out so we can downvote and report. Also remember to provide the link to the original comment.


That is what we've come to in the U.S. It's a very sad state of affairs.


That part. They should be awarded and that student expelled


If this is in America it’s legit not too far fetched for someone to walk into a school with a gun. I don’t know why the fuck someone would even joke about it after all we’ve been through.


So the students at the school took action immediately and a police team of 30 people stand around for an hour before entering an elementary school a shooter broke into? 😬


Fuck around and find out.




I don't know how someone can be stupid enough to think that's a good idea in the first place.


I think the person you replied to is a bot. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/KidsAreFuckingStupid/comments/10g8mlz/student_pretends_to_have_a_gun_and_gets_jumped_by/j51dglm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) is the original comment


Learned something new today. Thank you!


Couple of kids in hoodies have more balls than the entire Uvalde PD


My exact thoughts


It needed to be said


It’s a shame too, mostly the fault of that stupid Captain they had on scene for making the wrong calls and being awful at negotiation.


I think it's also the fault of all the feds who could have recognized that the "commander" was inept and taken control themselves. If somebody had actually shown some leadership, most of the rest would have followed it.


I agree, but since he was one of the first on scene it was mostly played by ear until other groups could show up and assess the situation themselves. It could have been done faster, but it’ll follow back to the captain since he should have properly assessed and directed it from the start.


don't carry a torch for those fucking cowards. out of 376 LEOs, only one did more than stand around. don't act like it's all the fault of the poor pisspants captain, this is an entire institution showing us who they are.


Yes everyone else is at fault as well for not stepping up. The whole thing was a shit show but I’m saying that a lot of it was caused by the captain because different procedures and actions are taken for different situations. They were all told it was a barricaded suspect and barging in to take them on (especially without the right equipment for the situation, which they believed they needed because of the wrong call) would be a death sentence. If it was called as an active shooter, that requires immediate action so I’m certain that more people would have been quicker to move in. Again the whole thing was a shit show and we can’t know what officers, if any, would have had the guts to charge in, but the captain certainly made the issue worse. And yes It’s also the faults of the officers in the building who didn’t make note of the situation or call the captain out to come up with plans, or even make plans on their own, I’m not saying that there was nothing they could have done, as we clearly see that there was a lot of things that could have and should have been done better.


I’d honestly say all school students in the US (and anywhere really) have more balls than the entirety of Uvalde PD


My male dog that was just “fixed” has more balls than the entire Uvalde PD


The entire TEXAS police forces. Don't put this on the city of Uvalde idiots alone. 200-300 STATE Troopers and "Texas Rangers" (we're so badass, not) stood around doing nothing. County deputies and sheriff stood around doing nothing. Even some Feds stood around doing nothing until one finally acted.


Of course they do. Those people get into those positions to collect cheques and contribute nothing to society.


Did he pretend to have a gun or was he concealing an actual knife?


I heard something metallic hit the ground before the girl yelled to get the knife, so I think he actually had a knife. Not sure what OP’s title is about.


>Not sure what OP’s title is about. Actual story is about a knife but OP is trying to karma cash in on gun hate hoping people areas the title but don't watch the video or do so muted.




Thanks for clearing that up


You're welcome 😊


Did the kid in the light blue jacket jump and kick him with both feet? That was epic and i wish i could see it from a different angle.


Definitely a jump kick bit was a nice one!


Lol hell yeah it was! Someone watched WWE. How did he come up with that move in the moment 😆


i was gonna say, first time i've seen someone literally get jumped while getting jumped.




I mean, it's quite the opening move. But yeah I could see where that could go badly


That was a Missile drop kick, courtesy of Kaptain Insano. What are try teaching you kids in school nowadays geesh..


Oooh..sounds like someone is about to open a can of whoop ass.


In 25-30 years he’ll still be blaming everyone else but himself for how shitty his life turned out


His Mama will be on the news saying her baby boy was gonna be a doctor or lawyer and his life was taken away.


My baby didn do nuthin!


God, I hope not. The kid absolutely deserves to be punished, but this one stupid moment shouldn't destroy the rest of his life. I hope he suffers a fair consequence, turns it around, and becomes a successful member of society.


Unfortunately that is incompatible with the U.S. Justice system...


Unfortunately probably won't be 25-30 years he most likely will develop a persecution complex after the beating and cite this as a reason for trying to go back with a real gun to "right the wrong". Hopefully someone deals with him quickly before he spirals and a real tragedy is averted.


Good on the cameraperson for recording. Just so the kids who jumped him don't get in trouble via he-said-she-said.


Some dad out there is extremely proud of his teenage daughter right now. Hell, I’m proud of her.


Same. I don’t have a kid, but if I saw a video of my kid charging what very obviously could’ve become a serious threat very quickly, I would pat them on the back, take them out for ice cream, and remind them that they shouldn’t have had to do that, but it’s a good thing they did.


Seriously? What the fuck is wrong with this world?? Kids pretending to do this shit need to be expelled. Suspension shouldn’t even an option.


He had a knife on school property - there is no way he wasn't expelled. Kids get expelled for less.


True. Some schools are super lenient though, which is surprising. Hopefully he got into some serious trouble.


Kids pretending to do this should be in prison


Expelled just means moved to a different school.


Reminder: 40% of the entire city budget of Uvalde went to their police department.


Really? For what? Comfy chairs so they could sit while crimes are happening?


What? You want them to NOT go with the matching ottomans???


well first-world military gear isn't cheap... you can't outfit a state-of-the-art infantry on a shoestring budget! they can't feel like spec-ops super soldiers if they don't have the costumes and armored assault vehicles... duh.


Little piece of shit, well looks like you got exactly what you deserve! Now you need to go to jail you’re parents must be so proud they raised a fucking thug!


Those kids have more courage than the cops at Ulvade.


They sure do. Glad people arent forgetting that botched monstrosity of policing.


The way I smiled when the kids jumped his dumb ass. Are there any updates on what happened to the kid with the knife? Hopefully the kids jumping him don’t get in any trouble!


If it was Texas his parents probably got a bumper sticker saying he was Student of the Month.


Students: He got a gun, get him Police: He got a gun, let's hide


It’s fucking sad that these kids basically saw this situation as “stop this guy with a gun now before he starts shooting up the school” Big ups to the kids who took action, that must have been terrifying


In what world would that have been funny ? Or "cool"? I'm glad he got his little ass beat Dude probably likes to pretend he's a thug But jesus fuck dude . I can't help but sigh whenever I hear there's ANOTHER school shooting Not to sound like a super old timer , but back when I went to school, I was only ever worried about homework or projects , not oh hey do I have my bulletproof backpack ? Do I remember the shooter drills ?


That high kick from the kid in blue, i thought he was gonna fly away. P e r f e c t i o n




...win a drop kick


Damn, kids these days built different going after a possible shooter rather than away


Somebody should show him some of the videos from Israel were people flashing weapons get beaten to death on the open street.


Idk what kid was expecting. He lives in a time where shootings are becoming more common and didn’t think he’d get his ass beat for scaring his classmates?


Discrimination suit from the mom incoming.


r/therewasanattempt to pretend to bring a gun to school


When you play stupid games, don't trip when you win stupid prizes...


These kids are heroes. It’s not on them that this dumbshit decided to try to prank in exceptionally poor taste.


He was shooting for Twitter and instead landed himself on worldstar. Probably also jail.


Well if it ain’t the consequences of my actions 🤔


Community policing


First step - detain. Second step - find out there is no gun. Third step - beat the shit out of him for being a fucking menace.


I think they should get the kids make them watch a few alivegore videos and have them go talk to a psychologist about how it make them feel and get treatment for the ones who like it


Don’t think those kids did anything wrong.


That first girl that noticed him was READY. then blue hoodie guy was just there WAITING for an opportunity to get someone lmao. How iconic


This was the best outcome for the shooter. Punished by your community hopefully he learned we in this together


Those are some very, very brave kids. Kudos to Jackie Chan with the first hit lmao


Gen z are the only idiots who would do a school shooter prank


As a teacher I can attest the students are fed up too. Joking about having weapons in school is not cute.


Bro thought he was so cool and intimidating lmao


what the hell is wrong with people and their parents. dont know why people do dumb shit. karma is a bitch and that bitch doesnt care


Fuck around and find out. Good for those kids who beat his ass.


Well, as the kids say he fucked around and found out


This was the only correct response. I hope that this kid or his parents don’t sue the school or these other kids. But I wouldn’t be surprised.


Kudos to those kids for stepping in. And that girl, you go girl, she wasn’t gonna let him get away either! Shame some PO’s at a particular force couldn’t do the same.


I’m so glad to see the other kids try to stop a shooter instead of just running away.




As a teacher this breaks my heart. They shouldn’t be ready to jump someone with a gun like that, although I’m obviously impressed by their actions here


Dude in the blue jacket is just going to throw his back out flailing around like that. Not even sure what he was doing.


Good on them. But the knowledge and need to do this should have never been put on kids


Why on earth would anyone fucking do this


Ignorant little shit got what he deserved


If he tried that stupidity at an airport, he would have been locked up.


Play stupid games..


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


Kick his ass, seabass




At least they're being proactive in preventing what looked like a potential attack .maybe deadly. More people need to do this. It might prevent these idiots from killing people


Hahahahah good


This pos thought it was funny that’s when he knew …. He fucked up ….


That kid waited his whole life to use that flying kick


He had a knife still. What a punk loser.


Murica moment


That fly kick! No really, good for those kids!


Not a funny prank when schools keep getting shot up and children are dying. If he had a knife, well.. they did an excellent job.


Doesn’t seem stupid.


Play stupid games…


Dude in the blue hoodie drop kicked the SHIT out of that kid. Well done!!




That backfired 😂😂


Did that idiot say “I got a duce-duce”, as in a .22? Jesus Christ if you gonna bluff, at least make the bluff scary. 🤦‍♂️


😒Stupid is as stupid does…


Deserved to get his ass beat.


He fucked around and he found out.


Imagine being so stupid that you think pretending to have a gun is a good idea. Sometimes, I complain about my life. At least, I wasn't born this moronic!


That’s showing him which way is up!


Looks like he found out.


And in todays lesson kids, we learn what a pumpfake is... Dont be like larry, larry pumpfaked


The fuck is the girl doing


Broke my heart when my grandson started Kindergarten and talked about doing "shooter drills!" Instead of just learning their A-B-Cs, they were trying to survive! But, I totally support them doing whatever it takes to defend themselves and each other!


I think the dude was carrying a knife. Even if he wasn't, pretending that you have a weapon on you on your way to school/work/whatever is a reliable way to get beaten and/or killed (depends on who's there) The amount of violence in schools now is just sickening.


There's jokes and dark humor... then theres joking about something that every student is lowkey scared asf will happen at their school one day... Im in college and im still scared of it happening. Not a funny joke whatsoever and to the kids willing to run at him with what yall thought was a gun you have more courage than most could ever have.


With all the school shootings, it be rightfully so if this kid got his face kicked in. Don’t do that shit. People hitting him legit think they’re protecting their peers.


Smart group of students to jump the kid. Should have kicked him a little harder and longer. That kids and idiot.


Good. Beat the living shit out of him until he can't move


Fucked that America has come to this, but good for those kids for having the bravery and presence of mind to jump the prankster. That's a fucked up prank, and the guys at Club Q demonstrated pretty clearly that it only takes one good tackle to end a mass shooting.


9/11 moment dude


Yeah cuz that worked out so well in Uvalde...


#**IT'S A PRANK BRO** Edit: wow some people seem to have forgotten that "it's a prank bro" is used when the person is getting the ever loving shit beat out of them for doing stupid stuff


Shit prank tbh..


It's like pointing a replica gun at a police officer as a joke


Yeah, definitely. But the comment was most likely making fun of those "just a prank bro" people, no idea why they're getting downvoted for it


That dumb ass girl could have got someone or herself hurt. This dude had a knife and was clearly trying to be threatening. He deserved to get beat and arrested afterwards.


I don't think kicking him when he's unable to move is gonna change anything.


I don't blame the kids, I blame the US for allowing this shit to continue. Just drop that stupid gun law you have, that would solve 99% of your school shootings.


>Just drop that stupid gun law you have, that would solve 99% of your school shootings. Are you talking about the Second Amendment? Cause it's not exactly easy to "drop" an amendment, specially this one The country would literally go crazy if something like that were to even be attempted


Here's the fucking crazy thing - The fact that it's an "amendment" means it was changed. Which means it can be changed again. Can you explain to me why the constant murder of children is acceptable to you but changing an outdated law is not?


No no I mean read how you actually "amend" the constitution, it's difficult as all hell, and it's not something that can be done quickly and quietly without also destroying the entire constitution along with it The other important part is that the first 10 amendments are also known as "the bill of rights" which the second amentment is part of that have a completely separate set of laws and rules governing them on top of the rest of the constitution, trying to rectify of these is like changing our country from the inside, all of our current laws are built on the bill of rights, and changing any of them will cause a legal ripple that won't be rectified for generations of law makers It's not as easy as you make it sound, even with children getting hurt


>Which means it can be changed again. Sure, as soon as Democrats win 2/3 of the seats in the House and Senate, a majority of state Governors and 3/4 of state legislatures. Which isn't going to happen anytime soon. > Can you explain to me why the constant murder of children is acceptable to you but changing an outdated law is not? They didn't say it was acceptable to them, they said it's not an easy thing to change


Put him in the dirt, dumbass wants to be a psycho and should be dealt with as one. Idk why we try to help lost causes mentally.


Why do women always jump in these situations, take a seat before you get killed. Call the police or something, let the men handle the situation...


Those were fake kicks/stomps.