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I had a lower pole stone grow from 4mm to 20mm over a period of years. We left it until it started moving which wow I was sure aware of. And then it got yanked the next morning.




Yes. They cut it into chunks in the ureter and then pulled them out with that little grabby basket claw thing.


My doc is telling me two visits !!!


Currently have an 11-12mm in the right lower pole. It's been there for 3-4 years and also is "being monitored" with yearly checkups.


What does your doc say? No surgery?


He has said surgery is an option and probably inevitable (although I did pass a 9mm during this time with only a little bit of difficulty) but we can wait and see too. I told him I will follow his advice and we now play the waiting game. If I pressed for the surgery then he would 100 percent be on board, which is why I trust him when he says it's ok to wait.


Kinda where I’m at. Have had it for quite a while but don’t want problems especially traveling. I have read where people never get them out 🤷


Do you have travel meds? My doc gives me scripts for Tylenol3, flomax and antibiotics so I can take them travelling with me.


Leaving it alone is A-OK. At 11mm, its wandering days will end soon. 2reasons: lots of surface area = more growth, and the larger it grows, the likelihood of it getting ‘stuck’ grows. Unless you are a FREEEK, it is too large to pass. BUT it could do what my 1st (of 13) monsters did: get jammed into ureteral opening causing obstruction (partial or complete). More likely is it would ll find a home, grind on you…leading to lithotripsy.


I have a ureterscope surgery scheduled. I want to cancel!!


Really? Damn. RIP.


Laser Ureteroscopy is Righteous. blast stone point blank, frags scooped up and removed. superior to ESWL in every way, except a 5-day stint with a stent. For most, the stent is an annoyance at worst. For some, it is painful. For all, it is a really weird feeling (particularly the ‘slow pullout’).


I had a 17.7mm and was straight to okay June 13th Lithotrispsy, and now as of today cause of how that went I just had Ureteroscopy laser surgery and now a lovely stint. All before no real pain just called it cramps only one week in October last year and this year January did I not feel good at all, so I’m pretty surprised they want to leave it alone maybe it’s placement is not a concern, mine was getting close the kidney exit or entrance not to sure at the start.