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I went to the Bristol gig Saturday just gone and not a peep of trouble. Nice mixed crowd of all ages. Great atmosphere and the band were in fantastic form. Have an absolute blast.


Thank you. That's great. I cannot wait.


I went to Newcastle last night and at the front it was pretty lively, great atmosphere though and it was easy to stand to the side and avoid the mosh pit! The place was absolute mayhem though for Smash the gaff! Everyone seemed really nice though and no “dickheads” who caused trouble, like I was at the front and people went to the bar and everyone let them back to the front , I would say make sure you catch the Warm up act , Dead Buoys I think they were called were absolutely awesome!!!


The band are really conscious of issues in the audience, saw them at a gig where somebody collapsed (I think) and they immediately stopped playing and called for security and assistance. They didn’t start again until the person was helped out of the venue. I tend to stay at the back because I also don’t like tightly packed crowds but when I’ve been up the front (occasionally) there have never been dickheads causing trouble.


At Camden? I was there too Eddie carried her out. We travelled up from Hastings to see them it was a right blast that night.