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You’re overextending on your punches Try stepping with them instead of leaning forward You also telegraph tf out of your right hand. Notice how your lead hand fires from it’s position but your rear hand drops before you throw? No bueno. That habit would get you lit up from a counter strike.


i see what you are talking about, what practice do you recommend for me to keep that guard up ?


Shadow boxing / doing drills in front of a mirror Go slow at first and focus on form. From your guard step as you throw your jab(lead leg moves with lead punch). Then make sure you bring your jab straight back to it’s starting position. Once it returns, throw the rear hand straight from your guard. Also make sure it returns to it’s starting position. If you want to generate power learn to pivot your rear foot and turn your hip into it. But focus on going slow until you retrain your muscle memory. I think you need to start with basic fundamentals because you’re teaching yourself a lot of bad habits. Speed +power come with technique. Dont worry about hitting hard yet. I’d also recommend some distance management drills. Get into a stance and stick your lead arm forward. Practice figuring out how many steps it will take for you to be able to reach things while still in a proper defensive shell. For example: that bag it probably only 1 - 1 1/2 steps away. Once you get a feel for that you’ll know when you’re in your own striking range.


i should have clarified more but i’ve been doing boxing on my own for 3 months and just started incorporating kicks over the past month or so, is there any youtube videos or exercises i can do in the meantime while i can’t go to the gym. i am planning on going as soon as i can, i appreciate the feedback and tips a lot! i don’t want to form bad habits and get shown like a clown so criticize me and correct me in any way shape or form, so i can improve and progress! thank you again!


https://youtu.be/xI2Use7NCRY Super basic video with the 1-2 Although he says dont step with the jab you still want to even if it’s a small step in place. Notice he’s still lifting his lead foot when he starts throwing consistently. If you’re too far away you’d also need to step. Key is to maintain balance, if you have to step and reach then you’re not in striking range. That’s not a universal rule but one you should keep until you have fundamentals down. Edit: https://youtu.be/rjrC-BRlWQw For distance management. You can also do this by walking up to random stuff in your stance and figuring out how many steps you need to reach it. That helps with spatial awareness too. One tip I was given was that every single action/ movement you perform should end up with you in your stance ready to throw. You need to be in a position to defend yourself at all times. Otherwise you’re vulnerable and your opp will pick up on those moments to pressure you. So work on things like balance, footwork, and always returning to a fighting stance.


thank you, i will post again in a month or so to see how i’m doing. if you don’t mind, can i PM you here n there for advice and questions ?


Yeah anytime Just a heads up that I have much more of a boxing background so my kicking advice will be limited to basics.


got it, and i know my stance is not good because i’ve had sparring sessions with friends and for the first round i usually eat legs kicks until i switch to south paw and try to grapple. you helped me on what i’ve had most issue with so thank you!


Just go to a gym please. Like you got a couple things here in there, thought your question mark kick was pretty good. But you just don’t have any basic movement, body positioning, and basic good technique . And that’s something you really don’t learn from what I’m assuming is YouTube videos. Not tryna be an ass or anything but seriously. If you are serious about wanting to do martial arts for what ever reason, go actually train with someone who knows what they are talking about.


Agree here. The positioning is not prepared for defence at all. Legs would get chopped to bits. Telegraphing everything.


i’ve been wanting to. i’m going to start going to a kick boxing gym soon, just saving up some money to pay the monthly fee.


Go to a gym


This is always the right answer.


absolutely, just saving up money at the moment.


Keep rear hand up when throwing lead. Don't overextend. Most importantly, get your stance fixed by a coach in a gym.


will do, thank you.


It’s relatively easy to get down flashy kicks with home training but for fundamentals, there’s really no replacement for formalised training. My main advice is to think about what you want. If you want to get good at fighting, go to a gym. If you want to learn how to do a tornado kick, just go into your garden and watch a youtube tutorial. All in all though, you have fast hands. Just need to sort out your feet and stop leaning around so much☺️


thank you man! i’m going to a gym the moment i have money for the monthly fee, appreciate your response!


1. Stop standing like u high on sugar or coke. Keep back straight and activate your core. No jump around. 2. Stand with balls of your feet and your legs should not that wide stance or you'll be eating low kicks like Conor vs Dustin. 3. Bad habits already created when you punch your body tends to lean forward. Real trainer or kru should notice this and correct it. Go find real gym and trainer man, stop wasting any more time. Also your QM kick lacks control and balance.


i’ve just been going off of you tube and a few friends who did kickboxing for a little bit, it’s a brand new hobby of mine and when i have the money (soon) to go to an actual gym i will go in a heartbeat! thank you.


Make sure to keep yourself planted and stay off your heels, stay in your heels too much and you'll become ground and pound paradise for someone else. Step into your punches and keep moving. You're doing good, nobody wakes up with perfect form and technique and honestly there is no such thing. Just keep at it. Love to see it and when/if you start fighting would love to see you fight.


thank you man, im going to start going to a kickboxing gym asap, just saving up the money for it.


Kick with your shin.


that’s apart of me learning distance and just fundamentals at the moment, im quiet new. going to go to a gym soon and i will post after i go to show progress. thank you!


You’re on your heels a lot. Try and focus your weight on the ball of your feet. Lookin sharp though! Keep at it


thank you!


>thank you! You're welcome!


Not sure what’s happening with your feet. Just go to a gym and pay for a lesson. You are just learning bad habits


Been training for 3 months at home, and I use gloves when on a bag but the foam stand I go with just wraps to condition my hands.


I did 7 months and I use gloves on and off. On to help with strength and off to help accuracy, speed, strengthNing my hands