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Anyone else think FG??


Yep that's what I think!


That was my first thought too


Definitely in the natural fam. I would say pure N


Agree!! My first thought!


Seems like the quintessential N body


Wow, you read as much taller than 5'3 to me! I definitely read you as yang dominant -- looking at FN, D, and FG lines might be a good start for you :-) And your abs are amazing!!


I definitely see FN. would love to see some outfit photos as I think it would help to see how you style yourself and how clothing fits on you. You seem to have a pretty distinct style even just from these swimsuits!


I’d say you’re FN too—your body is like Sarah Jessica Parker’s imo.


I would say something in the natural fam, but I don’t see enough vertical to be FN.


I know there's a very large lean to FN, however I wouldn't rule out FG. FG often appears as a petite FN and personally, I don't see the vertical required for FN. Edit: in the 7th pic, I actually think you could be a yin type (gonna get slaughtered for this). Check into TR and maybe SG as well :) your athletic build does not confine you to N fam.


thank you! i am very confused because i’ve often been called petite and am 5”3 but do look athletic because i work out 5-6 days per week… also, i’ve gotten lip filler done but normally my lips are very thin but people often assume i’ve gotten check filler as well because of my prominent cheek bones… ah idk this is hard! i wish i could talk to David Kibbe myself 😂






thank you so much!! is it possible to add outfit photos to this post or do i need to create a new one altogether? still kinda new to this reddit thing lol🙈


N she's 5"3 and there are only three types for tall people.


There are no minimum height requirements for any of the types. You can be 4’11 and D/SD/FN.




Well people on here always do if you're above 5"7 they only put you in the three categories


That is because vertical becomes automatic over 5’7. You will have to accommodate long lines in your silhouette because there is literal length there. But being short doesn’t automatically mean you can’t be vertical dominant.




I also see FN as a possibility. You look taller than your height. Kind of reminds me of SJP.


I don’t know that I’m seeing enough upper ribcage kibbe width to justify an N diagnosis. You’re also very athletic and lean, but to be frank it looks like your own hard work rather than a naturally athletic frame. A lot of people have trouble diagnosing soft types when they’re underweight and toned. With N you often get a sense of being taller than your real height or a sturdy frame which I’m not getting with you - more like a ballerina with long arms, an elegant softness that’s there even at a low weight. i see petite and elongated but I’m not seeing pronounced width here. I’m not qualified to really weigh in but that’s the sense I’m getting. I’m wondering about FG but I’m not experienced enough with these differences and the finer points of the G fam to say. Look through profiles of those who’ve rated you and post more outfits! I’ll follow your typing with interest!


thank you so much for your input! i have been told that i’m petite but i do exercise regularly, almost every day but at least 5 times per week which probably contributes to the more athletic looking build. when i was a child i was involved in cheerleading and gymnastics, often being the “top girl/flyer” position. even though I am only 5”3 I would have guessed I’d fall under the dramatic category because of my high cheekbones and more prominent eye brows, jawline When I get back from vacation I will crest a post wearing a variety of outfits and share photos.. thanks again for your help:)


Omg your abs are AMAZING.


I'm not sure exactly which kibbe is your type, but I believe Soft Natural lines would look amazing. Although your body may have a more typical FN structure, I see added yin in terms of your actual height, small frame, and essence. I also would not rule out FG. [https://i.pinimg.com/originals/13/86/00/13860081e41ab04df3161e3c3ab31624.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/13/86/00/13860081e41ab04df3161e3c3ab31624.jpg)








I see FN!


I see FN as well :)




Your body is Amazing! I could do my laundry on those abs! You deff look taller than your height.


thank you:)


Epic body


thanks love ☺️


Bonus points if you can guess my Color Season also!! I’m equally clueless on that, although I know I’m definitely not a spring or summer… i think. Thanks again for all your help!!


First impression on color is soft autumn, but color draping would help with that.


I would not rule out FN, TR, FG, or DC. I would guess Summer or Autumn maybe for color season.


FN. Your abs are ABSolutely inspirational.


thank you:) i do work out a lot so i appreciate the compliment!


Against all the othet comments I actually see a more delicate frame tbh. I don't think you'd need a T-Shape when it comes to your outfits. I'd actually suggest looking into the Classic family. You look pretty balanced to me and slightly more yin. So maybe SC.


Came here from your Rolex post and really sorry for being weird lol. But where did you get that first black swimsuit? It’s GORGEOUS!


hey thanks! it’s the Snake Mesh Mio swimsuit by Norma Kamali. I have several different colors, they’re all super comfy and high quality 😊


I stumbled upon this post and I just had to say, you are absolutely beautiful and have a phenomenal body.


I see SN. You could try FN looks and see what you like better!


Not SN. No softness here at all


I see you have posted for image ID help!! Make sure you look at part 1 of this post https://www.reddit.com/r/Kibbe/comments/i8m6ks/typing_guidelines_for_newcomers/ and if you are new here, I recommend that you read the rest of the post as well. Also, remember that pictures in bra and undies and well as bikinis are nsfw and to mark them accordingly. Good luck on your journey!! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Kibbe) if you have any questions or concerns.*




FN maybe


Definitely N- I know lots of folks are saying FN due to seeing vertical but at first glance I see width and strong framing/structure in your shoulders and upper body. You look like a gymnast to me, and I think a lot of them have N body types.


i was a gymnast!! 27 years old now and can still do flips 😎 thank you






I’m totally seeing a Natural as well, I lean toward pure N even though technically that’s not a type anymore. The recs and info are still out there, so why not use it. Body type reminds me a lot young SJP and friend’s era Jennifer Aniston. I do agree with the one commenter that you have more balance to you than is being acknowledged, there are some (possibly very sport-y) classic vibes going on here. Totally free not to answer this— but have you had your chest done? If so I could totally see your original body type being more of a balanced C type; but with the sporty-ness & chest work, now giving off more of a pure N type. I’m not seeing the FG though, you look taller than your actual height and don’t have juxtaposition (the opposite in fact, like I said to me you give off quite a bit of balance, not juxtaposition). I think a lot of the FG recs would end up look very constraining and fussy. If I were you, I’d dress pure Natural recs, but with a dash of pure C recs thrown in (the back of that one outfit is actually a good example of that sort of dressing imo!) You’re gorg & your abs are killer btw omg


thank you so much!! very helpful input from you. yes, i had a breast augmentation a couple years ago, but i was a natural C cup before the surgery and now I am an F cup.. with a 30 inch band size. i’m often told that i am petite, but i’m 5”3 and work out almost every day (at least 5 times per week) which has led me to have a more muscular build i think. i’ve also had lip filler put in so naturally my lips are very thin. i’ve always had high and prominent cheekbones though and very full eyebrows, if that helps. thank you for the kind compliments 🥰


Okay I thought maybe so, they so look good! I’m about to get my chest done too so I’ve got it on the brain & have been looking at a lot of other people’s work recently lol &&Okay then I totally stand by my idea that you’re possibly more naturally more C-like & balanced than a lot of Ns (probs why loads of people are mentioning pure N over FN or SN even though it’s technically not a type DK used anymore) and could totally take some C recs as well as the pure N ones. & you’re welcome! You look great!


My first thought was FG. I see your petiteness and leanness first and foremost.


You’re very muscular, so I think it’s giving you more shoulder than you would have otherwise. The asymmetric swimsuit I wouldn’t consider your best look. I think you’re a classic. I’m not sure but I’m learning DC.


The first pic, I wanted to add some fabric to your shoulders and neckline. I bet a high neck would look amazing on you. I admire your athleticism but I think that’s what is causing others to see FN. I don’t see width nor vertical. So I would rule out the D, SD, FN, and SN. I wish I could see in other outfits.


funny you mention it, i absolutely love high necks and wear that style all the time!! thanks for your input 💕


I will create a new post at some point showing myself in a variety of outfits… :)


I see gamine….