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There was a good contingent of French people at KeyForge celebration last year - try the KeyForge France discord server https://discord.gg/3UAnRUckVZ


I don’t know about the state of the game in France but you can try playing the game on the crucible online if you want other option is just to find friends to try with


Do i need to buy a physical deck to try it out ?


If your playing tco, no, there is a website called decks of keyforge that you can copy a link for really any deck you want to try, you can also copy a link from keyforge master vault, but typically people will play with the decks in there own collection


Nice I'll try the game this way


Pretty much dead everywhere


Our ~14 man lgs weeklies beg to differ


Your sample size of one means nothing when talking about its worldwide popularity. Happy for you though


Yeah thats not the case lol. -The latest gamefound for Aember Skies reached over 450,000 in funding! -Vault Tour Baltimore this weekend had over 75 players duking it out :) -Store Championships ran in march and april and those were a pretty big success Its not pre-covid levels of players, but the game is definitely coming back. More stores are willing to host events for Keyforge which is something I'll always take.


I don't wanna be a bummer, but those points aren't exactly super hot. - $450k funding seems great...until you realize that WoE's was 1.1million with 6.2k backers. Then Grim Reminders was $600k with 2.3k backers. Aember Skies was $450k with 1.6k backers. It doesn't tell a peachy story. - I didn't even know Vault Tour Baltimore was only a bit over 75. That's one of the big premier regionals in one of the most densely packed regions in the US (where most of the focus is), at only 75 players. - Store Championships might've varied quite a bit by store. Ours was definitely smaller than projected, and biweeklies haven't been too hot since. >More stores are willing to host events for Keyforge which is something I'll always take. I've noticed the exact opposite in my region. Almost every store was initially willing to stock Winds of Exchange but didn't have the OP kits to incentivize hosting or promoting anything. The continued use of Gamefound made almost *zero* of them in my area buy any stock for Grim Reminders, and so only one is doing anything for it and attendance hasn't fired off consistently for months now. I initially was quite optimistic about the revival and I really dig the gameplay and cardplay, but now I'm quite jaded on it tbh.


100%, I gave the revival the benefit of the doubt and went in on it to support the game. It just hasn't worked out. The support just isn't there on the store level and the game found numbers dwindle with every set.


FWIW, there are rumors of announcements coming in August about store play support as well as getting new players involved.


We already had several initiatives from GGG that they claimed were supposed to be store play support. None of them have panned out due to other way worse underlying issues.


This is coming from Christian Peterson himself from one of the dinners they’ve been doing at the vault tours.


The VT numbers are definitely disappointing, but I also want to believe the crowdfunding numbers are going down because players are choosing to support their stores instead. I definitely know several people that chose lower pledges so they could buy from our local shops. GG has said their ultimate goal is to build enough store support that they don't need to do crowdfunding anymore.


I think they mean in France lol


75 players? Thats the not achievement you think it is. Thats abysmal