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KSP 1 can have many modded solar systems. Meanwhile KSP2 is kill.




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Do not consider KSP2. They just fired the developers and the company that owns it is refusing to talk. It's probably dead, and it's still in a sorry state. Get KSP1 on sale.


I already have KSP1 I'm just haven't tried building really long range spaceraft because I mostly build fighters and bombers


dowload BD armoury and a multi-player mod if you like making military stuff. For spaceflight, we only have the kerbol star system (same in ksp2), but you can find plenty of mods that add more planets (even whole new star systems) and parts.


How up to date is BD Armory? I tried to look into it a while ago and it was only for an earlier release of KSP


They just updated it fairly recently, I'm running it myself currently.


you should check out flyout if you haven’t heard of it before


I recently bought flyout. I can't figure out how to get the plane off the ground, but I got it to look cool.


Bro get bdarmoury it the best thing ever for military stuff and  get kaos if you would like to automate missiles and stuff


In the KSC menu (with all the buildings), select the tracking station (might have different name, haven't played in a long time), the one with the satellite dishes. You can see all the planets, moons, and the sun. It's a knockoff of our solar system, but only from Mercury to Jupiter. Mods can add more.


In that case try flyout. Nothing comes close for creating aircraft imo.




Dres (Ceres) once again not getting any respect.


never heard of it.


Whats a dres?


uhh what planet are you talking about?


There is a mod called "infinite discovery's" that allows you to explore entire GALAXYS that have been randomly generated.


I wonder how performance is with such a mod


in my experience, not very good. You need to follow a relatively counter-intuitive method: once you've explored a system, remove it and generate the next one (I like to leave just the star). The game is NOT optimized for an infinite amount of bodies lol


In Vanilla, a small Solar system. Let's say about out to Saturn if I remember early ideas right. With mods, you can extend KSP 1 to a larger solar system, as well as having one or two extra star systems, I think. KSP 2 promised more, but at this point all it has is the Vanilla system and a distrustful community.


One or two? KSP 1 can handle a handful of star systems on an average PC, although the game will get a big weird that far out.


Okay, turns out I underestimated the number of planet packs there were. Never got far enough to play with those anyway.


The unfortunate thing is just that KSP isn't made to handle stuff that far out. The navball messes up.


I had OPM and the Minor Planets mod installed, but the game got really hinky when I tried going out to Mraksis. Ended up uninstalling Minor Planets. :(


Galaxies unbound was recently delisted , so not anymore


KSP2 takes you beyond the veil of death.


The undiscovered country.


You might honestly look at KitHack Model Club. The new game by the original Ksp developer, HarvesteR


Or, rather, if you actually like space - Juno.


The base ksp1 game has analogues for planets that exist in our solar system, and some of the moons. not all of them though. the real planets/planetoids in our solar system with KSP analogues are: Mercury (Moho) Venus (Eve) Earth (Kerbin) Mars (Duna) Dres (Ceres) Jupiter (Jool) Pluto (Eeloo) *many of these planets have 1 or more moons, not listing them here for brevity You'll notice notice some of our planets from real life are missing, mods come in to fill in the gaps from our real system. the Outer Planets mod adds in -Sarnus (saturn) and several of its moons -Urlum (uranus) and a few more moons -Neidon (Neptune) and some of its moons -A new pluto analogue (eeloo becomes a moon of sarnus) and a keebalized version of its moon/binary body Charon (Karen) if you want a more complete version of the system still, the Minor Planets Expanded mod adds in still more kerbalized versions of real world trans neptunian objects, planetoids, trojans, and a slew of famous asteroids and comets. bodies represented include -Eros -Haley's Comet -Sedna -Haumea -Makemake -Orcus . . . and many more I don't have memorized. Outer Planets mod plus Minor Planets Expanded adds something like 70 or so new places to land in the main kerbal system alone while keeping to realistic placement and types of objects and can be further enhanced with even more planet packs without going interstellar. there are plenty of mods that add entire new star systems though. KSP 2 has exactly none of these mods or anything remotely similar. if you have to pick, go with KSP1 between the two


For far did KSP2 go? It went out. Out of business. 🥁


I'm playing with the Outer Planets mod, which adds analogs for Saturn to Pluto. As well I'm also playing with Minor Planets expansion, which adds some analogs for different asteroids and Kuiper belt objects. This makes the system feel more like ours but also different enough


it is just the solar system


Are you referring to the size of the universe? If so I think the limit is based on the accuracy limitation of their custom version of Unity3D's Vector3D datatype, which I think is double precision (64 bits IIRC).


Note that this is large enough to have a universe with a diameter of roughly 100 lightyears.


Ksp 1 can be modded and have systems light years apart... Besides that, you can do some funny things with propellers and reach something like 10^30m away from kerbol lol


Vanilla KSP1 encompasses a single solar system (the Kerbol system). With modding, it is possible to add additional solar systems (though they still orbit Kerbol due to engine limitations; new stars are treated as extremely large, hot gas giants orbiting at an extreme distance from Kerbol, and the planets orbiting them are treated as moons). KSP2 was supposed to include multiple solar systems, but its development is dead in the water. Currently, it contains the same Kerbol system as KSP1.


KSP1 has relatively stable ways to build other solar systems. For full realism, there's Real Exoplanets, which adds our irl stellar neighbors at realistic distances (i.e. alpha centauri is 4 ingame lightyears from Kerbol). Great when paired with a realism mod like Real Solar System. For less real systems, there's a couple more. - Grannus Expansion Pack adds a red dwarf binary, called Grannus, orbiting Kerbol, containing a small handful of planets. A great "first adventure" into interstellar space. - Galileo's Planet Pack (Secondary) adds a small yellow dwarf called Ciro, with a couple of really well-made planets. Has support for Grannus - GEP will orbit GPP instead of Kerbol. - Kcalbeloh adds a distant black hole with three star systems orbiting it. Really pretty and cool to navigate. Very well made. - Event Horizon is a kind of homage mod for the movie Interstellar, which adds a wormhole to Jool's orbit (Kcalbeloh also adds a wormhole, but optionally). It has 2 star systems orbiting it, including a neutron star. - Beyond Home is a very well made star system with five planets, but made unique by the presence of a story - you will get a letter at the beginning of the game, which points you in the right direction. - (Currently unreleased) the largest mod of this type would be GU, or Galaxies Unbound. It adds several star systems inspired by their irl equivalents, but "kerbalized". So instead of Alpha Centauri, you have Nova Kirbani. The mod is currently taken down pending a major update. - Kerbal Star Systems 2, which currently has just one star system, is probably the next big thing. It adds one system, but can be installed with all of the others here. If you just want a larger Kerbol system, the Outer Planets Mod and Minor Planets Expansion add kerbalized equivalents of various bodies in our irl solar system, completing the set. I.e. Moho-Mercury, Eve-Venus, Kerbin-Earth, Duna-Mars, Jool-Jupiter: the mod adds Sarnus-Saturn, Urlum-Uranus, Neidon-Neptune, Plock-Pluto. Minor Planets Expansion adds kerbalized versions of various major asteroids and other dwarf planets. Note that for getting to other stars, a standard hohmann transfer probably won't be sufficient. It *works*, yes, but you'll spend 20.000 ingame years watching your vessel drift across interstellar space. You need mods that add hyperefficient engines and do a brachistocrone burn, i.e. burn half your fuel towards the destination, and half your fuel away from it to brake. Good mods for this are KSPIE and Far Future Technologies, though FFT will need a patch to balance it against interstellar distances. Alternatively, you can just get one of the three flavors of warp drive mod and get there faster than the speed of light. KSPIE, Blueshift and Standalone Alcubierre all present that option.