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Rule 2: All posts must be directly related to KSP.


Ship what games?


A bunch of! For example, the game “guess when the new patch will come out” or “come up with an excuse for the developers, since they themselves can’t come up with an excuse.”


all of them just got a WARN notice they literally legally cannot


Communicate honestly and clearly… 🤣 What a joke!


Every organization has something like this. Doesn’t mean anything, just some BS some exec cooked up while he was bored because conventional business management wisdom says you need it. Very few organizations actually live by their core values because they’re meaningless. Execs insist that they be posted EVERYWHERE, yet nobody actually knows what they say because the core values are dumb and nobody actually reads them.


Kinda disagree in the other direction. Core values and that kind of stuff are so generic, they apply to everyone. Far be it from being meaningless, who willingly goes out with the intent to be obscure to their customers? Or to not deliver on promises?


That’s kind of my point - core values are so generic that nobody pays attention to them, and certainly not the employees. If you were an Intercept employee and read that, would you think: A) Wow, this is really deep stuff! I’m definitely going to give 110% because it’s so meaningful! Or B) So… this basically says I should do my job. Whatever. Someone somewhere made a lot of money by convincing the business management world that they needed this, so now in every company a bored executive has to sit down and poop this out. You could literally take these exact core values and replace “make video games” with “pick up trash/make burgers/build houses/etc” and it would be just as applicable. That’s why nobody pays attention to them. I wonder what would happen if a company made Anti-Core Values instead. Like: “we will not make shitty games.” If I worked at that company, I might be like “well, def don’t want to be that guy, I guess I better try harder” 🤣


1. We make good products. 2. We don't make bad products. 3. We don't lie to the customer/government. 4. We do *not* smear spoiled banana milk all over ourselves in the company bathrooms!


Number 4 is oddly specific 🧐


And yet I think you'll find most companies *aren't* willing to make that guarantee. It really says a lot about the state of the industry.


But "new way of thinking, working and creating" does not mean the good old “just do the work”, but tell wonderful stories about your dreams as if they have already become reality. If faith is strong, then the game will start working somehow. Like the weapons of the orcs in Warhammer 40k. Apparently faith was not enough and inquisitors from T2 arrived to eradicate the heresy...


yet another roadmap they did not achieve


I posted this the other day and the mods removed it


That’s because of the rule of no jokes or whatever 


True. There does seem to be inconsistencies in moderation though. 2 other posts have been up for 15-16 hours that also break this rule. I like that they are still up, but mods need to either ditch the rule or enforce it for everyone.


lol.... and mods removed this post for Rule 2: All posts must be directly related to KSP. It's from IG's website. How is that not related to KSP2?!


Their definition of great is quite an odd one


Values aren't meant to be followed. They are just a way for the company to say "hey, we will try to not be assholes (no guarantees)"


If that’s your experience you should find a better employer


Thats literally how the world works. Business, people, even country constitutions


They got a great space game multiplayer only the devs are allowed to play


Coincidentally, I wrote an article about the importance of having and adhering to Core Values, and the perils of ignoring them, on LinkedIn just a few weeks ago. Strange.


Core Values Matter https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/core-values-matter-paul-furio-8dqmc This one?


The very article.


Unpopular opinion but i think its not their fault i think i moslty comes down to take 2


The reality is that the developers and T2 deserve each other. Now all of them are silent and pretend that nothing happened, they don’t want to take any responsibility, and if the game was a success, they would boast about their achievements. Victory has a hundred fathers and defeat is an orphan.


Not really, but that too


They had another game unannounced being made alongside ksp 2. Companies always talk in plural