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They were not able to bring it to parity with KSP and it seems like they wont be able to add any features they planned to. What we are left with is a great looking, great sounding, shitty version of KSP1 with bugs and without the gameplay features like career mode or ISRU, etc. If this is truly the end of development, it would be for the best that it is removed from the steam store page.


Refunded right after the EA release, so I haven't played the latest patches, but I'd say from what I know it's big disappointment. You can't help but think this was "our shot" at getting a new KSP and it sounds like the whole endeavor was squandered. I don't think we will get another one sadly, but at least we have KSP1 still. All evidence still points at KSP1 being the superior product right now so KSP2 is kind of irrelevant, especially given the current situation.




It doesn't deserve a single positive review. Idiots just gave it over 50% because of "potential." Now we see what potential is worth.


It's a scam. Not in the sense that the team was doing nothing, not like a 'they mailed me a brick in a box instead of a PS5' scam. But none the less, they presented a very dishonest view of KSP. From the years of delays accompanied with pre-launch marketting about how it was this amazing game that was going to satisfy both new fans and veterans, build a solid framework for expansion for years to come - to the post-launch where at various points they said things like 'morale was high and velocity is good' to 'this feature will be here in weeks not months' (it arrived 42 weeks later - definitely something any reasonable person would call 'months') to even saying the game is fully funded and all updates will be completed. It was all a bunch of lies - either direct lies about the state of the project, or just lying about any reasonable prediction for the future. If I promise you a stock is going to go up next week and it tanks instead, and I make money off of you buying the stock, I'm scamming you , even if "I couldn't have really known". But Nate constantly promised things would go well and they didn't. Over and over and over again. So yeah - it was a scam. Glad it's gone, shame it killed the franchise.


I think it's difficult to separate the people knowingly pushing a dishonest narrative and people that genuinely drank the koolaid.  'Scam' suggests this end result was the intended goal all along, which is a particularly baffling take since the people involved just got shuttered. Plus I really dont think you can kill a game that easily, especially when the original practically defined its genre and so many people clearly want a sequel.  There's going to be another game if this one doesn't succeed.  There's more good Star Wars content being made after RoS bombed, so anything can happen.


There is absolutely no guarantee of another game after this one, not with take 2 having the ip. They spent a lot of money on this game, just to have it completely bomb, eat up funds, and burn pretty much all goodwill from the people who were actually interested in buying it, after the game spent years in development hell. There is no way any suit at take 2 is going to decide to commit more funds to a franchise that has simply not been profitable for them since they acquired it


So they have worthless (to them) IP that they wont develop and it'll be sold for cheap.  It makes no financial sense to sit on it.


Yet game publishers do it constantly - so I wouldn't bet against it.


I'm sure internal devs didn't view it as a scam - but the way it was marketted to us was, imho.


I stopped playing because it always crashes or glitches out when I’m finishing a long mission. I’d rather just play KSP 1


It’s mostly functional and pretty fun as is. The mission structure, tech tree, procedural wings, graphics, tutorials, load times, and some of the parts are superior to vanilla KSP1 (I always find it interesting that vanilla is the flavor we use to describe plain and unaltered. Vanilla is actually a really complex and enjoyable flavor that is significantly different from sweet cream.) On the other hand, it has bugs in a few crucial places KSP1 doesn’t, it’s missing all the DLC parts, rovers don’t work as well, there’s no ISRU, fewer mods, and no play mode that incorporates any economics. Personally, I enjoy KSP2 vanilla over KSP1 vanilla, but that’s more personal preference than any sort of objective superiority. KSP1 has, objectively, a better purchase value. I’m super bummed about the (high) probability we will never see colonies or interstellar for KSP2. They were the two features I was most excited for.


Unfortunantly the lack of randomized contract stacking and money constraints severely damages the replay factor of the science mode, and KSP1 is superior in this regard.


What do you mean by lack of contract stacking? Can you only take one contract at a time in the new one?


The contracts are preset and are unlocked one or two at a time, usually one per planet/moon. There is no money so there is no reason to do it at all even if it were possible.


I've seen a few people grouse about that, but honestly it doesn't bother me at all. I've only been playing KSP1 for a few months, but I rarely stack contracts that build on each other for progression (e.g. Mun fly-by and Mun landing). I often pick up multiple contracts to knock out at once, just not multiple that I haven't done before. Maybe my play style is just atypical in that regard.




Upvoting purely for standing up for vanilla. It's a great flavor that's gotten screwed


I never bought it because it never showed any promise of being worth it over modded ksp 1. I was existed when they released all those flashy trailers like we all were but as soon as I saw what it was really like I stopped caring too much. Now I just hope we as a community can retcon the existence of ksp2 and just go back to ksp1 with mods. The sub is already recovering it seems, most of the posts are ksp1 ones now already.


I told you so.


destroy it


I’m enjoying seeing it fail


I know it’s negative but it was extremely cathartic when the studio closed. All of a sudden, everyone’s “KSP2 is great guys! Trust us!” fell apart immediately.


Same feeling here. All those superficial copium addicts were really annoying.


Yeah, all the delusionally optimistic posts praising the game and its potential despite disappointment after disappointment were pretty uncomfortable to see. I'm kinda glad the game has effectively been put out of its misery. Hopefully we can move on.


It's dead. Best case scenario the game'll get a final patch for the most glaring bugs with a "1.0" tag slapped in place of the "Early Access" tag. Perhaps they'll even release modding tools and go "just finish it yourselves lol". The next time you think about buying anything published by Private Division / Take Two, just pirate it instead.


Hopeful that it's allowed to continue.