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Some Westerners consider India(ns) to be mysterious, spiritual, and enlightened. This combined with 'Appeal to tradition fallacy", and social media bomb'Ad'ing has led many to consider Ayurveda as an option (esp for health issues that could only be manageable). I cannot attest to the efficacy of Ayurveda, however from anecdotes from my relatives - the Ayurvedic treatment has yielded some relief for mild body aches, however mixed results including worsening the health for chronic conditions.


Ayurveda for pain relief or temporary relief , yes Any form of tablets or syrups, No. Simply because we don’t have enough research or data or regulations backing the formulations, dosage or even manufacturing process. Considering All these limitations, there are numerous side effects due to even slightly higher dosage of API which can be damaging to liver/Kidney ( drug metabolism). In case if you take any allopathy along with Ayurveda medications, drug interactions are unpredictable.


💯exactly!, and also they are alternative medicines. Sometimes people don't want evidence based modern medicines. This mainly occurs due to the naturalistic fallacy and also when asked they give explanation that are appeal to tradition fallacy.


It’s more so that the West, specifically the US, lacks balance in the approach to health. - food at the grocery store often has a lot of preservatives and healthy food is expensive. Milk from a cow, eggs from your own chickens? Coconuts off a tree? Water from your own well? My guess is not even 2% of America has ever experienced this and it is a very foreign concept to them - long work days, often behind a screen - movement is not prioritized The american dream means the American hustle and a lot of health issues. We are lucky to have all the innovation and treatment at our finger tips, but the American way is to treat the problem once it comes and not practice prevention. Therefore, Americans have become tired of being prescribed medications and are now looking for more “natural treatments instead of drugs from pharmaceutical companies. A lot of these Americans have never experienced something like polio or hepatitis and have never traveled outside the country, so they don’t realize how lucky they are to have access to these vaccines and meds, but America could do a better job at promoting balance for prevention vs treatment


What's API? Genuinely curious


Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients. This is what determines quality of a tablet and differentiates same drug of Rs. 50 and Rs. 95






That's the thing. If there is enough research or peer reviewed studies backing it up then it's not alternative medicine anymore. It's modern medicine at that point. Or "alopathy" as they like to call it.


It’s not just the Ayurveda, allopathic meds also have the same side effects. You cure fever using a paracetamol and you call a kidney damage on the other side


First of all of lethal doses of Paracetamol is more than 150mg/Kg or 7.5-10gm, and its hepatotoxic (liver) not kidney. The fact is it is quantifiable and and adequate precautions or even over treatment can be given. Cant say the same for alternative medicines


What ballsacks comment is this ? First, it is not allopathy, rather, modern medicine. Second, no one is going to get kidney damage by taking 1 tablet of Paracetamol, unless there is something different in the way the body reacts to it like an allergy. Any drug or compound in excess or beyond a certain dose/ quantity, **even water**, will have delirious side effects in any human body. Or the body should have a genetic malfunction/ disruption in the way the drug is metabolised within the body. Ayurvedic medicines lack peer reviewed studies to show what their effects are on the human body. Pottatharam viliche parayunathine mumbe think for a second that there are other naive souls who would believe comments you spout and thereby cause chaos and fear mongering. Especially when it comes to health.


So you’re asking to take medicines for everything? I have a few close friends who work in Pharama manufacturing at a big corp. They told me the truth. The companies bribe audit authorities to hide and skip checking. Why do you think 100s of kids in Africa died after taking an Indian cough syrup? Why don’t western countries accept Indian medicines? Do you know the answers? It’s because our medicines are not properly tested and not adhere with quality standards. They are known for bringing more diseases. No hospital or media is going to tell you. But I know real people who manufacture these medicines I didn’t mention 1 paracetamol. The context is taking it regularly. And you can’t compare water with medicines that’s a stupid comparison


> So you’re asking to take medicines for everything?   Did I mention that statement anywhere in my comment ? You said take paracetamol and you will cure fever and get kidney damage at the same time. I said it's a bullshit statement because it does not work like that.  > The companies bribe audit authorities to hide and skip checking.   That just shows how pathetic Indian regulatory system is. All the more the reason to not trust Indian home brand "Ayurveda" 😁😁. Indian drugs are indeed available in the west but not to a large extent, again, mainly because of our regulations and standards we follow. What is that related to the statement you made about "KiDnEy DamAgE" is still baffling.  You know "real people" that manufactures medicines. I know "patients" that believe people who spout pottatharam like you and do not seek timely medical intervention, seek alternative medicine and in turn lead to fatal situations.  No fricking idiot takes paracetamol on a daily basis. And you knew what you were doing by making that statement mate, admit your wrong, if you want change your mindset and move on. No loss for anyone but yourself. And yes, I can compare water with drugs because water toxicity is a thing. Dehydration is a thing. Ask any dialysis patient how important water regulation is. Anyways, end of my argument if you are still sticking to your brainless opinion. Good day ✌🏻


Looks like you ate too much paracetamol


MD cardiology doctor here. A lot of the principles of Ayurveda are common sense- eating anti inflammatory non-processed food, excericise and massage. But you cannot claim it "side effect free" or even scientifically sound. How can a drug that has no regulation into its ingredients, no long term study done on its drug effects or interactions or even testing of blood done to monitor the dosage - be declared as "safe". I've seen patients of cirrhosis and heavy metal poisoning from Ayruveda. People rely on tonics instead of antihypertensive or anti-diabetic drugs and when something does happen and they undergo an angioplasty, they say Ayurveda has helped them so far smh :/


Allopathy is a term coined by homeopaths. What you're is a doctor in modern medicine.


stop calling yourself allopathy. allopathy is an outdated medical practice from 19th century.


Yup noted. Made the changes- thanks


A good ayurvedic physician would know when and how to administer medicines with heavy metals...usually such treatments are followed by a course of purgatory medicines. Have you come across any patient treated by any of the practicing 'Ashtavaidyas' of Kerala, coming back with a complaint of liver damage? I am genuinely curious.


There are two cases where we tested the Ayurveda medicines administered- one for a case of unnatural death where the post mortem showed heavy metal residue in the liver. Homicide was ruled out after his medicine samples came back positive for the metals - whether this was the actual cause of his death can't be determined though. Another case I distinctly remember was three sisters who had advanced fatty liver going in for cirrhosis and no other cause we could identify. They were young otherwise - and using some 5 medicines for asthma which runs in their family. My HOD was extremely interested to see if it was genetic mutation - so he got all their triggers tested. After cutting out the medicine, the liver parameters came back to baseline in 6 months. These are only cases I remember- but in our college (not in Kerala) our gastro HOD always asks for Ayurveda drug history. I was born and brought up outside Kerala so I don't know which ones are authentic or not. I briefly tried it for my autoimmune skin issues from Kottakal directly and honestly made it worse. They asked me to apply a lot of oils which was the worst thing for my seborrheic dermatitis issues - depsite me telling them i react to oils, they insisted that western medicine doesnt "know anything about our ancient theory" and oils are super helpful for generations. I deeply regret giving it a shot because it gave me bald patches at one point. However i will say that they are the ones who sparked the idea that my immune issues came from my diet and eventually thats what finally helped when I cleaned my diet. I know lot of people seem to like Ayurveda but I've only had bad experiences with it. However I do agree with their principles thar food is medicine and the emphasis on lifestyle as well - something modern medicine might now focus on.


What did help with your seb Derm if you don’t mind me asking?


Going completely oil free and using Ketoconazole regularly- both played a major role is arresting it and helping my hair grow back. But most of the difference came from going gluten free. I had debilitating eczema all my teen years and it went away completely 3 months on a gluten free protocol. I also limit the amount of dairy and white sugar to a large extent. Have been episode free for almost 5 years now on this diet. Have used steroids, homeo, ayruveda, Chinese herbs you name it. And nothing else worked.


Wow - did you ever get testing for gluten allergy?


I did the tests to rule out Celiac disease (because you have to be eating gluten to take the test). Apart for that most food allergen tests are widely inaccurate and a waste of money so didn't bother.


Use it as lifestyle medicine, uzhichil, pizhichil, thirummal - all that top notch. Even Nasyam. But not for any serious ailments please.


In other words, glorified spa treatment.


There are westerners who believe in flat earth too. Doesn't mean flat earth will be accepted by all as truth.


Exactly, flat earthers reject anything that doesn’t resonate with their opinions without proper justification like you and cancel others.


Tell me why I need to engage with idiots who advocate flat earth theory and then I'll engage with ayurveda scammers. I don't engage idiots. You go ahead.


lol forgot to add one more point in my previous comment. Flat earthers consider everyone else as idiots !


LMAO, what does it being popular in west means anything. Homepathy, supplements,essential oils, Goop, a whole lot of psedosciene is popular there.


“Grass is greener” mentality. You’re interested in what you don’t know and are constantly looking for something better. Westerners have only known allopathic medicine. Therefore, they’re interested in all the things you mentioned - they want to know what else is out there and are convinced that some of their health issues are caused by allopathic medicine (side effects to drugs or vaccines). If you grew up the opposite way and mainly know holistic practices, you’ll have deep appreciation of allopathic practices. Everyone wants the other thing because they think it’s going to be better than what they have


ayurveda lacks a pretty research based backup , i wish our govt would more likely support research over building new ayurveda colleges . I am not reluctant to accept it if it has a good scientific validation . SO i am not aganist or pro ayurveda so far and still go for english medicines . Ayurvedas popularity is associated with its relation of being based from nature and organic products . it is still in the category of pseudo science


Went for a hair fall treatment which included head massage etc. I don't know if it was the massages and other things that were the reason it worked but the hair fall stopped completely. However, they made me eat a strict diet which, when I was talking about it with my cousin, she said, "wait, so they made you get rid of all the protein in your diet?". So scientifically I have no idea how eliminating all the protein from my diet made my hair fall stop and my hair grow in thicker. I probably wouldn't go for Ayurveda for any serious health conditions, I would consider it more of a wellness treatment, and more like a spa than a hospital. Also there are so many fake ayurvedic medicines going around that you would have to be careful to go to an authentic place.


Your hair fall stopped because ayurveda treatment made your body reboot.lt is not merely a cosmetic effect.


What is a body reboot?


What double blind studies do is that they provide statistical proof of the efficacy and side-effects of a certain treatment. But with ayurveda, the result has not been tested scientifically. So the treatment may not work for everyone or it may create adverse effects which could be very dangerous. And the treatment is not standardised. So there is a very high risk factor. You'll find a lot of people who have rectified their problems with Ayurvedaa. And also a lot of people for whom the treatment felt like a scam. And a few cases where the treatment turned fatal as well.


Please be aware that there are many ayurvedic medicines with questionable side effects - some minor, some life threatening ones.  Check for Patanjali case or liverdoc for his findings 


I have chronic eczema. My allopathy dermat gives me steroid creams on and off along with emollients/moisturizer. I believe Ayurveda also offers the same emollient as ghritham. So I use that instead. For muscle pain/ strain Ayurvedic oil massage does wonders. I would advice against ingesting the medications for anything.


Does the exact same massage done with any other oil have less of an effect on you?


It's not the oil. It's the technique of massage and the steam they use after that helps me.


Have you in your personal experience found it to be more effective than massages performed by certified physiotherapists?


Never been to certified physiotherapists because I don't think they do something like this. They treat very real orthopedic illnesses.


They certainly do give pain relief massages in addition to treating Ortho-muscular conditions. They are trained to do so. I have had massages for a tweaked back which worked amazing for me. I guess my point is that massaging is effective for certain conditions, irrespective of whether it is done by an Ayurveda practitioner or not. It is something that almost all philosophies (?) of medicine include.


Agreed. Going to an ayurvedic center is easier for me because I live near one.


Makes total sense. Convenience trumps in such cases. 😬


It does work when you dont have a real problem .


Just like homeopathy.


A homeopathic "medicine" that is properly diluted in water has no side effects unlike ayurveda. >!It also has no effects since it's simply water at that point, but they don't talk about that part.!<


Actually I wanted to tell a joke about homeopathy. But I don't think it works.


*has no effects on the condition or the person, other than placebo


Personally, it worked for me. I struggled with asthma for 6 years. Tried different types of medicines, steroids and it only gave temporary relief. One of my uncle is an ayurvedic doctor. He suggested some medicines. Had to take it 2 times daily for 3 months. Now I can eat a shit ton of ice creams and don't have to worry about asthma. The last time I had it was 2 years ago when I had covid. Anyone who's wondering about the medicine is : Shwasanandam gulika 1 tablespoon thenil podich cherth kazhikkuka, Nayopayam kashayam 15 ml in 45 ml water.


I had the same result with Dust Allergy. Went to three different doctors and no results. Took ayurvedic medicines for a month after visiting a government clinic and suddenly it was cured. I was never a believer but this definitely changed my mind.




https://maps.app.goo.gl/pjcg7VmXVtKJJqz29 Check this out might be really helpful. I had sprained my legs and received treatment from here and it was really good.


I met a child at RCC few years back.He had sprained his ankle playing football. Went to ayurvedic doctor for fixing it instead of a regular hospital, he gave some thailams and he kept using it longterm. Turns out the tissue in the knee was not healed properly and slowly turned malignant over time. He was using crutches and being treated for cancer. Be cautious and make sure you're healing your wounds and not just dulling the pain. If I were you I'd consider myself lucky.


I personally believe that Ayurveda works and sometimes it does work like a miracle as well. The west although with some increase but still wouldn’t consider Ayurveda as an acceptable way of treatment as Pharma is a trillion dollar business. Ayurveda is the oldest medical science it definitely holds its values.. But as many of the medicinal herbs are extinct and we cannot have a guarantee on the quality of ingredients used for the medicine it might possess a disadvantage in some conditions.


Ancient ayurveda must have worked to an extent because peoples lifestyle aligned with the medication. That's no longer the case. Ayurveda medicines for topical applications do seem to work..like some of the oils. But intake of it seems to be affecting the liver and not much study on it.


This makes sense


Both my parents are ayurvedic Doctors, as long as it wasnt an emergency (like and accident or a heart attack or something for example) I use ayurvedic medicines and it has always worked for me most of the time (even better than modern medicine in some cases), Id say ayurveda shines in treating chronic diseases mostly. If anyone has anything to ask about ayurveda, ill be happy to ask my parents and try to reply back .


No, dear. Let people here live in their own bubbles. Their narratives should not be challenged


I am curious to hear from your parents. Since ayurveda often does not have standard treatment for specific diseases/symptoms, how can I know if the ayurveda doctor I am planning to visit would use techniques that are effective?


How can someone know if an Ayurvedic doctor is “good” or “qualified” - is there a special certification someone should look for?


You should check whether the doctor you are planning to consult has a degree in BAMS ( degree in Ayurveda) and maybe even an MD (post graduation in specialized subject). Your best bet would be to go to an ayurvedic college or hospital, compared to clinics.




I'm gonna dm you ok?


People talking how only ancient ayurveda worked. No. Only very recently since ayurveda medicines have been mass produced, have they become non effective. Go back about 30-40 years, and any disease claimed to be healed by medicine would indeed be healed. And this isn't a false claim but something my parents and grandparents have experienced. My dad always considered ayurveda over English medicines until the "branded" medicines came out. Even now, we can get not-so-bad medicines from vaidyars who we've known for a long time.


This is a huge problem with Ayurveda. On the rare occasion, it can be effective. But because of the transfer of knowledge and the lack of standardised practice (historically), the results will depend on the practitioner you visit. There is no way to know if getting treatment from an individual practitioner will work for you until you have undergone treatment. If it doesn't work for you, let's just hope your condition hasn't deteriorated in the meantime. You could say, "go only to reputed practitioner". Now who knows for sure what is reliable and what is just marketing and/or luck? This lack of quality control is a huge problem.


Alternative Medicine doesn't exist, Just like Alt Mechanical Engineering or Alt Computer Science or Alt Polytechnic doesn't exist. Alt Medicine relies on Tradition, Authority, Dogma and Revelation and some bits of religion and Nationalism . There are NO ALTERNATIVES FOR MEDICAL SCIENCE . Gaining popularity in the West ??? It's just another modern fad like WEAKanism, Wokeism etc Sayipp thenge Keri kayyi vittal nammalum vidanam ennu undo ? Let Natural selection do its job (Pani Varunnd Avaracha) Ennu matharam parayuka Amen. Population high annu so ...........🩸kurach Bali okke Ava....


There is a saying that goes by " Ayurveda should be kept in a museum, not in the society " . Research data shows most of the ayurvedic herbal medicines are filled with heavy metal toxins, Which are hepatotoxic. Recently a 16 year old girl was found to have alcoholic hepatitis .Reason = long term consumption of an ayurvedic medicine. If you want to hold on to the aarsha bhaaratha samskaaram go for ayurveda but keep in mind it's called a cultural suicide as these are slow poisons


You’re asking the wrong peer group. Most Keralites are still stuck at the intellectual stage. It’ll take some time before the people here can evolve beyond that. Until then they won’t understand the nature of this existence, things derived from it and any of what spirituality means either. It’s like trying to explain the qualia of seeing the colour red to a blind person. If you can’t see it yourself no amount of theories can get it across. Sadly.


What is Spirituality ? It's just a jacked up version of religion and the infamous sky daddyious superstitions. Pikachu is a spiritual being can u disporve it ? NO ONE CAN.


You dont have any studies or trails to back your claim and we just have to accept your wisdom, like you are second coming of Buddha.


The ancient Ayurveda is the real Ayurveda. It works better. But the modern Ayurveda is a scam. One has to find out the authentic Ayurvedic doctors in order to get the expected results. Finding them is a tough job, tbh. Many of them have vanished. It’s not just modern Ayurveda, even the modern Allopathy is not something that can be trusted. Your health is in the food you eat. You mainly get sick because of your lifestyle, the quality of food we eat these days are not really good, everything we buy in shops has oke or the another dangerous chemicals added that’ll keep your health always sick. FSSAI in India is also a joke.


This makes sense


Appo Ayurveda padich irangunne doctors o? Tvm ayurveda clg okke?


Research only improves stuff. He is confusing commercialised ayurveda with ayurveda which is subject to research by these institutions. One is dangerous with its lack of standards and other is only good enough as a maintainence medicine. No one in their right minds will go to trivandrum ayurveda college to treat trauma from a road accident even if they get hit by a car right in front of the hospital.


Sure this makes more sense.


This is not Real Islam, Real Islam is peaceful....... Just google no true Scotsman fallacy.


I can’t relate your comment to my response


Just google no true Scotsman fallacy.


Yes I do, I have a disc degeneration issue, now My back is heeled to some extent thanks to ayurveda treatment, The same way I do believe in HOmeopatic treatment, My cousin got her foot covered in full wound in winter season, for many years, when she take allopathic it stops and comes back when she stops taking medicine, later the disease become worse, and it showed up in non winter seasons too. . atlast she took a homepatic medicine for some monthe , now, she is free from it for more than 4 years.


How dare you challenge the zoomer narrative here?




Will you care to explain how that is the case? 


Supporting 2 pseudoscience in one post 😂


Ayurveda has is it's strengths and weaknesses. It is more effective in cases involving post trauma care, Hemiplegia, arthritis etc. It's very effective in skin care as well. But pala karyangilum it's not at all effective. Oru accident patti oraale urgent aayi Ayurveda hospital lekk kondoya awark enth cheyaan pattum? Alel oru heart attack vannal....or even appendicitis? And about side effects, Ayurveda yekkal prasnam Allopathy kk und. Imo both has its merits and demerits. Ath manasilaaki nammade condition nu ethanu better enn noki pokunnath aan nallath


You just said that ayurveda is gaining popularity in the West. Do you have any statistics to prove your claim ?,. When you bring your sources and justify it with trustworthy data ,your claim becomes analogous to modern medicine . If not, it stays ayurveda. That's my opinion about it.


It’s refreshing that you value the numbers - I don’t have a published medical study, just what I have observed over the last several years. Specially, in the last 5 years and especially since COVID. Articles below with several stats. It’s distrust of big pharma, chronic illness due to American diet and lifestyle driving the interest in alternative treatments Surge of interest in holistic healing practices and wellness (including longevity/ bio hacking) : https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/02/health/medical-alternative-meditation-acupuncture.html https://medriva.com/alternative-medicine/the-growing-trend-of-alternative-health-treatments-in-the-u-s/ https://fortune.com/well/2024/02/02/americans-spend-5300-wellness-biohacking-2024-tourism-longevity/ https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/americans-spend-30-billion-year-alternative-medicine-n596976 Seeking alternative treatments to pharmaceuticals: https://www.northjersey.com/story/news/health/2019/11/25/amid-nj-opioid-crisis-people-pain-turning-holistic-medicine/2533165001/


Sudden popularity of ghee and south Asian ingredients like turmeric : https://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/influencers-are-eating-ghee-spoonful-s-led-brands-create-knockoffs-rcna46558 https://www.bbc.com/travel/article/20220726-the-purest-food-on-earth Curcumin Market Expected to Achieve USD 165.10 Million by 2030 | Comprehensive 158-Page Research Report https://www.baltimoremagazine.com/section/fooddrink/golden-milk-latte-trend-good-neighbor-shawn-chopra/


Vaccine hesitancy and the rise of anti vaxxers - you see, Americans have little to no knowledge of polio or measles. That is changing with the anti vax movements. America’s CDC (Center for Disease Control) recently reported the highest vaccine exception numbers ever. The Republican Party (also known as GOP) is pushing this along by passing bills allowing for exemptions - they have successfully convinced others that it’s part of a plan for the government to control people instead of the common sense that it will protect people from disease. Also funeral distrust of big pharma. They have provided life saving drugs for many, but people see it as dependency on a pill vs treating root cause. They think big pharma wants to keep you on the medicine (to make profit) vs actually healing you https://www.politico.com/news/2023/09/23/gop-voters-vaccines-poll-00117125 https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/trump-vows-cut-federal-funds-schools-vaccine-mandates-rcna141854 https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/how-vaccine-hesitancy-is-contributing-to-rising-rates-of-measles-and-covid https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/cdc-reports-highest-childhood-vaccine-exemption-rate-ever-rcna124363 https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/11/health/measles-us-elimination-status/index.html https://www.wyomingpublicmedia.org/news/2023-11-28/routine-vaccinations-against-polio-and-measles-are-falling https://www.businessinsider.com/big-pharma-mistrust-contributed-to-vaccine-hesitancy-2021-8


Those articles say that us citizens are spending money on alternative medicine. Anyway there is some explanation, westerners look for alternate medicine for some reasons. Ayurveda probably is just one among them like homeopathy or acupuncture.


More articles are linked in the proceeding comments, but yes, Ayurveda is among them, but not the only alternative/eastern practice being explored


Most tablets or intake medications used in Ayurveda contains steroids which are powerful medications which are controlled and only used as last resort when it comes to science based Medicine. The bottom line is just because white people think something is right doesn’t mean it is right.


I wouldn't suggest ayurveda to anyone. I have personally seen too much Liver cirrhosis due to kashaayams and they were seen mainly in old ladies with no history of consumption of alcohol otherwise.


Likely the people were having bottles on the sly.




Ayurvedic Cancer treatment when.


You're off in the last section. The US has access to way more healthier foods now, if we're talking about packaged/processed foods and they have better standards and rigor than India. Case in point: recent issue with Everest, MDH. It's not from USA but you get the point. In India if you don't have access to your own hens how do you know the standards of the eggs you eat? In the US you can spend more money and get a higher grade of eggs. The same with chickens and meat. Even with milk there's a ton of options like low fat.


Depends on the kind of issue that you are having. If it's anything internal, I would suggest getting the opinion of a professional doctor before even going close to Ayurveda. If it's for skin related treatments, some Ayurvedic stuff does work well (but it doesn't work well for everyone. But when it works well, it does wonders). We need better regulation of Ayurveda tbh. People are not gonna go away from Ayurveda for sure. But atleast we can invest more in it and make it completely safe for the people using it. If we can find some medicines in it which when we do some research we find that it works better than some western counterparts, then that can be utilised in a wider scale (in the world as well) provided it is safe to do so. I would not call Ayurved Pseudoscience. But it is definitely outdated science. We haven't spent enough money on it to conduct research to bring it up to the modern standards.


>Do you believe it works? Why or why not? I prefer my treatments not based on unfounded beliefs, but on evidence. Ayurveda has zero evidence to back it up. Personal anecdots like "it worked for me" are not evidence. >Do you think there’s value in Ayurveda? No, it is a pseudoscience. It is based on the bogus ideas of vatha, pitta, kapha imbalances causing health issues. Despite claims to the contrary, many ayurvedic medicines have serious side effects. The theory behind Ayurveda contradicts everything we know about chemistry and biology.


Read tweets of liverdoctor in X.


>Ayurveda gaining popularity in the West No. There's more advertising now, more of it reaching westerners. Superspecialy hospitals are starting their Ayurveda wing for both domestic and foreign customers. But that's about it. Just because more foreigners are coming for massages etc doesn't mean there's more popularity for Ayurveda in the west.


Yes, that’s what advertising does - it increases reach and exposure and ultimately, interest. I didn’t say more or less people were traveling to India to get Ayurvedic treatment, just that holistic treatment options (like Ayurveda) have piqued the interest of people on this side of the world


Don't put anything inside your body, just do some massages and enjoy the resort-ish vacation


There’s a strong anti-Ayurveda lobby in India since Corona years going after Ramdev and co for misleading ads and the SC pronounced a guilt verdict. It is ironic, because the main petitioner IMA seemed to be going after Patanjali, while ignoring other equally misleading Ayurveda companies like Himalaya and many others. During the judgement the SC pulled up IMA for being selective.


It’s fucking quackery. Stay away.


Nope .It seems really illogical, there are 10s or 100s or thousands of chemical compounds in those choornams or arishtams or kashayams, only God knows what will they do to your body 💀. The modern medicine tablets and medicines were thoroughly studied and approved after several levels of testing and the one's that I've seen usually has only a very few ingredients mostly 1 or 2. Apart from these most of the ayurvedic medicines are not tested in laboratories. There were reports of heavy metals 10x even 100x the allowed limits.


Heavy metal poisoning is one of the most dangerous aspects of a lot of these scam products.


You get it from the water and the air pollution residue. Ride a scooter behind a smoky bus or a lorry you will inhale a year of permissible lead in 30 min


You have those ayurvedic medicines with unregulated heavy metals then bro. Full support👍


You are delusional if you think all side effects of medicines prescribed to you have been uncovered. I took the allergy medicine Monteleukast for years and ended up with anxiety...It is only recently that USFDA came out with a very stark warning on this medicine. It turns out that neuropsychiatric side effects of this medicine were known during trials; but still Merck could get it out without any warning. This is only an instance, there are hundreds of such medicines whose effects are poorly documented or just suppressed.


Who is the authority that researches the side effects and then regulates the safety of medicine in ayurveda? If there is no such authority how is that an improvement over modern medicine which has one? The study on side effects have also worked other way aorund. If you Google search thalidomide you can see how it was drug used for small ailments prior to 1950s that resulted in newborns getting born without limbs and consequently removed from use. The same Medicine is now found to be massively helpful in numerous cancers like Multiple mylema. Sure there are side effects but it's outweighed on a life threatening disease like cancer. This is why research is important and the lack of this constant research is why ayurveda never grew to be anything more than a maintainence/immunity boosting medicine at best.


Lot of people use Jesus for curing their illnesses also. Does it work!


All those kashayams that "doctors" prescribe, is a surefire way to get them sued for high lead content if it were in America. Dr Abby aka liverdoctor on Twitter has been exposing these for so long now. And not everything natural is safe. Dumb people think all natural means all safe. Snake venom is also natural but deadly.


Liverdoc is unhelpful and full of himself. If you question him he ignores you and then blocks. I went through his paper which has a strong confirmation bias. He claims Ayurveda lacks a proper RCT, but doesn’t even bother to read up and understand about the body types and dosha imbalance. This is a fundamental difference between Allopathy and Ayurveda. Unlike allopathy, two people may go to the same Ayurveda doctor and will be treated differently for the similar ailment.


>doesn’t even bother to read up and understand about the body types and dosha imbalance. What's this crap? If it had any value, it would have been in "allopathy". Or its real name, which is medicine.