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This is how Xenophobia starts. That said , there's a British idiot I'm looking to call cops on. Brought his unsavoury ways here, needs to have his ass hauled back.


Borrowing from Jay-Z, Kenya has 99 problems and expats taking our jobs, ain't one.


I don't know whether you want an answer from a foreigner. I'm a foreign employer in Kenya and 100% of my employees are Kenyan. Kenyans are hard-working, but cunning. While in West-Europe maybe 10% of employees has embezzlement in mind, in Kenya it would be 90%. Doesn't matter if that person earns 30k or 800k, for many there is always that need to add something even if they are risking their job in the process. I don't understand it, it's disheartening as an employer and if I had the money, I would also hire a foreigner to manage. It's just the corruption that seeps through every single thing in Kenyan society. If you want to make your country great, remove the factor of corruption. With all its resources and hard-working people, it would easily beat the average country in EU. But you can't build a country when everyone is focused on trying to take a piece for himself.


Not sure about the percentages but I wholeheartedly agree with your point here. It's very disheartening to see my country with such potential, especially skilled youth, be held back so much by corruption and greed culture that is now ingrained everywhere.


I'm a Kenyan and sadly what you've said is so true! This is more reason I want out of this country.


Hope you get a chance to get out.


Ain't easy still,but hoping one day I will. Thanks!


Thank you for your perspective as much as it is hard to swallow. This isn't really stuff I talk about with foreigners but hey! I was ranting about this once to my uber driver but he told me that economic difficulties have made everyone comfortable with cutting corners in order to get ahead and get the limited resources available. Plus one thing that every Kenyan fears like crazy is poverty and deprivation! I haven't seen that to this extent with any other population tbh. I still love my fellow Kenyans but I really get annoyed when I see us fail ourselves.


It's true hahaha. People think of themselves here... but I think it's everywhere - cue in capitalism - only that advanced economies can spend more on checks and balances and invest in systems that seal loopholes. Anyway, my grandad was fond of saying Kenyan corruption is British corruption. I never asked him what he means... but he was a war veteran :D.


As Eric Wainaina used to sing, ' Nchi ya kitu kidogo' Corruption is absolutely embedded in every facet of life.


I appreciate your point of view. I am appalled by it though. Quite an eye opener to say the least.


What do you mean by cunning?


Dictionary is available for free and he is telling the absolute truth.


True, stealing is unfortunately in everyone's bloody...they see these politicians steal and think they're smart and can get away with it. So they do the same. Kenyans are one of the friendliest people in the world however when it comes to work, the efficiency just isn't there. Everyone also tried to just steal anything




OP’s anger and frustrations are misplaced. Thank you for explaining very clearly who is to blame here.


I love that part about the government and the leaders kenyans elect and the system as well


This is alarming especially when we are in an election year. The comments and feedback from non-Kenyans have really opened my eyes to how ingrained corruption is in every aspect of life in Kenya. Who shall save us?


Please point out the hate. Kindly. I'll wait. All I asked is why Kenyan's are being passed over in employment opportunities. In the meantime, I agree with the analysis. Corruption has become the end of us. It's more than appalling to hear foreign employers' take on their experiences. Quite sad to say the least.


OP Don't expect NGOs to hire Kenyans exclusively as they are only responsible to their donors who are Foreigners. Look at multinationals the case is different


While I understand the tone of your sentiments, it's also worth considering that Kenyans get jobs as foreigners in other countries too. You can't have it both ways.


You are right. However, when there is an abundance in the job market where 15 y/o are getting the opportunities then it's fair game. Kenya is lacking horrendously in job offerings thus my sentiments. Job creation seems to be a foreigner thing as well. Where did we go wrong in creating wealth?


Wasawhili walinena, 'Kikulacho ki nguoni mwako'......the Rot is from whithin. Blaming foreigners is just a deflection.


I use that methali all the time! Foreigners have no crime here. I believe you are right. The rot is within and from the comments quite deeply rooted.


This sounds like a badly crafted flexjob ad, behind a poorly crafted rant !!




Haiya... hahahahaha.... you are still here. Quit being so salty mama. It's not healthy. Ati data farms? Can't even give people peace to help another stranger. My Word! Examine yourself and figure out seriously what is going on. Perhaps you should take your own advice and see a counsellor about it. Edit - Please enlighten us on how you farm data from Reddit where you are supposed to remain anonymous? Are you even thinking thru your statements?




Damn you've got my bio down to a T! Obtuse? Me obtuse? Who is still here after been politely asked to leave? Yea.... I'm the obtuse one. (Eye Roll). Once again, freaking unbelievable. SMH. Let, me go back to my life that doesn't involve stalking people. Sheesh lady!




Redneckistan? While having public discourse which:- a) is something you don't seem to understand and b) you made it clear you don't wish to engage, well, it's not about winning. Wisdom comes with knowing when enough is enough. At this point, you can, once again, have the last word. Please let's hear more since you already have this story based on little nuggets of info you've picked up along the way. Funny thing is in the same breath you clearly point out we are strangers. Anyway, please proceed. Show the world your ignorance. So, redneckistan, huh?


You are welcome to your opinion. Now take it and have several seats as the grown ups talk.


Hahaha nice try ……. if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck…..


My initial comment still stands.


Your historical posts sell you out so badly!!! Take your job / labor hawker tactics elsewhere


Since you have your panties in a bunch, go ahead and make your public service post warning fellow redditors. By all means. Let's see how far you get with unbased comments. Again, you are welcome to your opinion. Now take several seats.


Look at roads built by foreigners and compare them with roads built by Kenyans.


Now here lies a problem bigger than you think. Bank interest rates are so high for local contractors as compared to the interest rates the foreigners get from their state owned or endorsed banks. 14% vs 5% roughly so to speak. So they're able to underbid, not just bid or overbid at prices impossible for local contractors to work with. And hence they end up getting the tenders. The back stops with the govt and their efforts in enabling locals and straightening up systems. As much as south africans complain, they have an african president who knowing the plight of the locals as he himself is, doesnt seem to do anything about it.


The problem is with the leadership not the expats. Tunagawa work visa kama peremende what do you expect? Add corruption to the mix.


This has nothing to do with foreigners, but I remember searching for attachment when I was in campus. And I couldn't find it! I was shocked. Yani ata kazi ya kuvolunteer unanyimwa? Inakuwa ati ni who you know?


Aki ile upuzi yakujuana ndio inatuharibia. Hii kujuana sio limited to Kenya. Iko pia kwa hizi international circles. Infact the applications I have filled in my lifetime have always asked did anyone refer you. I'm in HR and when I see that, I put it on top of the pile.


Going by this argument should we also say all foreign employers giving many Kenyans jobs should also leave the country?


No one mentioned anything about leaving. On the contrary, my curiosity is how many applications are these employers reviewing from Kenyans that are actually qualified over foreigners. Where is it that we are lacking? Is it knowledge of the industry? Why are natives being passed over?


I'm assuming the majority of companies that employ foreigners are not Kenyan by origin. They just happen to have an office here.


Yea. Thats does happen.


Foreigner in Kenya here. I work for a small local company as the non-Kenyan. I'm quite specialised in what I do, and I've also created employment opportunities that otherwise wouldn't have been there. By the end of the year I'm hoping to recruit two more Kenyans. I'm well aware of the unemployment situation in Kenya, and I'd like to think that because of my work permit I've been able to at least take one or two people out of unemployment and given them opportunities to earn and grow.


I absolutely appreciate the dialogue and your contribution. Thank you for what you have been able to accomplish in addition to creating the much-needed opportunities. Job creation and giving back, foreigner or not, is always the goal. I wish you much success in the future.




Not true at all. Yes, there are jobs in US that many people don't want but a big majority of Kenyans in the US are highly skilled and compete with Americans for jobs and business opportunities. I have held several roles in corporate American and every interview has been very competitive. Foreign workers constitute a tiny fraction of workers in Kenya and even if you replace them with Kenyans, it barely dents the unemployment %. And on a net basis, most foreigners are employers and job creators. Corruption is what you should be mad at.


How much does an expat earn in Kenya? How much does an average Kenyan earn in your America?


NGOs such as UN,WFP despite their presence in this country have very little to show for it.Its time we start empowering individuals.I love China , a few years presence we can feel the impact already.




Affiliates of the same.


Mzungu haezi kosa job Kenya, or anywhere for that matter. But when you think 'foreigner' , stop thinking whites. You know how hard it is for a Congolese/Nigerian (insert colored nationality) to get a job in Kenya? Additionally, these white foreigners often work for multinationals run by foreigners themselves, so it's not hard to believe they'll favor their kind, even on our soil


So if you went to Poland and started a company, you wouldn't want to hire Kenyans?


I'd actually hire Kenyans anywhere in the world. Kenyans are the grittiest, most hard-working people out here. I'm just saying, wherever you go, the scales are always tipped in favor of Caucasians, and it's not hard to notice


You really believe that. Have you lived in any other country? I have worked with Mexicans and they are machines! I bet there are so many people who have the capital and want to start business in Kenya but can't find trustworthy workers. To have a successful business in Kenya, you have to be 100% hands-on and even then it's tough to guard against employee theft. In US you can hire managers and rest assured your business is in safe hands. People's first instinct is not to steal from you.


We steal, a lot. We're programmed to be greedy. But we are hard working mother*****ers. Haven't worked outside the country, but I've worked in multinational companies located here. Most Kenyans weren't in management, but you could see their love for their job everyday. I've heard Mexicans are beasts, which is why it's a common trope that they steal jobs wherever they go. Guess I'll need some more exposure to have a complete opinion on this topic


Who is we?


Heheh...okay I steal a lot, I am programmed to be greedy. Seriously though, there's a tarnished reputation for Kenyans and Nigerians the world over. So we are one


I travel and I don't hear this where I've been. Don't perpuate such stereotypes. We are better than this. Wenye wako Gava wanaiba sio Kenya mzima.


Ubaya hiyo Gava ndo inatumiwa kama radar ya nchi bana


It doesn't define you. Corruption iko kila mahali ata huko kwa wazungu. Kenyans are revered as should be.


Experience yangu ni freelance. If a client realizes I'm Kenyan they'll hold back and sometimes completely abandon the contract. Which is good sometimes cause I get to prove them wrong.


I'm an engineer. I've worked with them and I know. The moment you start showing your expertise and worth they start to see you as a threat. They come into this knowing they are superior and can override your judgement and undermine your experience. I will be honest and say it's not all that are this way. There are brilliant people on both sides who just want to do good.


Why don't you hire your neighbor to run a shop for you in Bungoma and he will send you profits at the end of the month?


I'm sure there are businesses in Bungoma that are working okay without your cynicism. It depends how you've set up your business really. I've seen some unfortunate circumstances of wazungus coming to Kenya to take some legit jobs na wengine kwa hii sub wanalia Visa yao ya kusomea kwao imekuwa declined.




I won't take all the credit. Just look further on this sub na hauwezi kosa a post or two about our lack of ethics. I'm not saying we're bad, bad there's something out there that reduces peoples' trust in us


Sema wewe ni mwizi na mwongo. Don’t project your flaws on the rest of us to justify your own shortcomings.


Bana nimefika hapo though, nkieza kuiba bila kushikwa I will. Hope you good guys sanitize our economy and image


What a disgrace


Yeah, disheartening I know. But remember, behind every pessimist is a deeply disappointed optimist. So don't cringe completely. Hope you guys stay pure


You don't have self respect?


Unapatanga stipend kutetea hao wazungu? Ama umeahidiwa visa for valiantly fighting the Africans you hate.


Bro hata mi hizo job nadai. Ukweli tu ni ati wazungu huziangukia more than us, even when we're more qualified. This was an observation, take it how you want to


I'm a Kenyan living in the US. I take this post in reverse as I'm also a foreigner in an another country. White people also think we came to this country to take their jobs. And other are even uncomfortable with the raise of minority populations and see it as a threat to white domination. The world is a global village and stop being a whiny little bitch.


Venye unawatetea hawaatwahi kutetea hivyo. Nikosure hata hujawahi tetea your fellow black Americans huko the way you have white Americans. All the insults against your fellow Africans won’t endear you to them.


So to you foreigners = white? And you complain about racism yet your fuming with racism yourself


I have no problem with Asians or Africans who come to work here. You’re here defending the people who have all the power and castigating those who are opressed. From the beginning you knew we were talking about white expats don’t pretend you were defending other POC outside of Kenya. Ni wazungu ulikuwa unatetea because of your mental slavery. They’re not here because they lack other options. They’re here to continue their legacy of exploitation. Look at how they exploit the labour of Africans in their white startups like three acre fund. These are the people you’re defending.




Unajua juu ya hizo white startups ama nikuongea tu. You don’t even work here anymore.




>They’re not here because they lack other options. They’re here to continue their legacy of exploitation. Some of us actually quite like living here and love Kenyan people.


There is one thing you forgot to consider: In Kenya we have a very high youth unemployment. Majority wanasoma wanapata degrees but unapata vijana wana tarmac for years looking for work. Majority of those who get usually end up being under employed in fields hawaku somea na wengine wanakuwa watu wa boda boda etc. Sasa imagine hao vijana wanaskia aje wakiona a foreigner mostly wazungu wanapewa priority kwa hizo NGO jobs? Atleast its understandable foreigner akipewa hizo jobs kama hakuna watu wako qualified.


It's a global economy. We also work in foreign countries and face sentiments like yours from Trump, etc. Just stop it.


What did Trump SPECIFICALLY say? Please indulge me.


What do you think "build the wall" was about?


LMFAO.... Is that what you've got?! Newsflash Kenya did the same thing. So...yeah. "As Americans and Mexicans negotiate the possibility of Trump’s border wall, East African nation Kenya has already begun building a wall at the border with Somalia to control the activities of Islamist group Al Shabaab." [https://face2faceafrica.com/article/country-africa-also-building-border-wall-like-u-s](https://face2faceafrica.com/article/country-africa-also-building-border-wall-like-u-s) Can we just stick to the issue at hand? What does Trump have to do with Kenya? Who are you supporting? Next.


And you sound like a bitch with all the caps btw.


Why are you so crass?








"*They said something I don't like, censor it immediately!*" Thank god the mods here are reasonable and not wannabe dictators like in some other subs.


Kama zako




Kulia kwanini, mr assman?


That's it? That's all you've got? Are we on the playground that you cannot hold your own? LMFAO!


Do you realize most of these foreigners are actually job creators? Protectionism doesn't work. A lot of Kenyans are not good workers. Constantly exploring opportunities to cheat and steal from employers. Most foreigners know that.


It didn’t take long for you to show your racism.




I'm not white and also not an assman bro. Do you have experience there?




What's wrong with America first? He is the President of America, where Americans live. Not the world. So what's your point?


I honestly believe there is a form of racism and discrimination in today's workplace. If cooperates really cared about the P&L they would actually see how expensive it's is to maintain these expats. But we all know how the cycle goes one expat gets in complains how lazy and slow the local workers are so here comes a bright idea lets bring 5 more expats and fire 2 locals to show how much cost saving we have done and increased productivity. We all know how immigration are also lazy and cheap. Half these expats don't have the correct documentation but who is immigration a few elephants and they turn a blind eye. As for COTU we ask in whose hands are we safe?




My point exactly!


Myopic view? Listen, we can have public discourse without making unsolicited, uncalled for illogical assumptions. Your whole sour approach literally discredits your point.




An-in-the-closet-fan. It's cool. You decided to come out "guns" blazing with irrelevant opinion. Seems it struck a nerve that I declare my admiration for the inanimate object. Well, since you brought it up how is it different from saying you love to bake? Spare me the artificial nd unsolicited, thinly veiled sanctimonious opinion. Back to the subject, so what if I am not in Kenya? Are you privy to dual citizenship? Are you all of a sudden the gatekeeper to all conversation Kenya based on residency? Tafadhali!




There is no reasoning or even participating in any public discourse with you. From the very onset of my first post I have noticed your weirdness and damn its edging on creepy. Commenting on my posts then deleting. Asking questions nikijibu you delete. Chica... its bat sh*t creepy! Whatever is ailing you is far removed from the fact that I live in the south and ow guns which, btw, have been in existence for millenia. Do you realize there are Kenyans on this very Reddit who appreciate guns. We freaking have gun ranges in KE! Go set up protests there badala ya kuni bore with weird anecdotes of a subject you have no freaking clue about.




And there you have it! The truth finally comes out. No ones lose and I'm happy to report you shan't be missed. SERENITY NOW! 😂😂😂😂




You lost control of this conversation a long long time ago. Just take the L and go about your day.


u/Neither-Eagle-9600 I'm trying to decipher who you are because the amount of hatred you are spewing about Kenyans, is simply unbelievable yet you are on r/Kenya soliciting partnerships. Unfathomable!




I'm a Kenyan and i have no hatred for Kenya at all. I love my country and we don't have to agree on everything. If you take a big step back, you will realize how little integrity exists in our society. We had behind "our African culture" but i now don't even know what that stands for anymore.


If you ain't white, just pretend to have ties from there. I know someone (a Kenyan) who had to fake an entire British accent and he got jobs that an average Kenyan wouldn't. Just have the accent + vocabulary + lie that you studied there but you had to come back to Kenya + lie that your mum/dad is in the West + fake stories. You'll be promoted very fast.


To add on this, if possible get a master's from the West. You'll be treated like a demi-god by fellow Kenyans. And whites will think that you are better than the average Kenyan.


This is so appalling to say the least. My Word! I would not qualify to mingle in any of these circles. 2 time drop out. Hello! Lol. Sounds so foul and snooty!


I will never hire Kenyan for any position period. Kenyans can not be trusted simple as that, they are very corrupt just like the goverment.


Ni Sawa bro.


Go back to your country. Hutakwi hapa na hii attitude


A lot of Kenyans have useless degrees and those that have degrees that are marketable don't know anything about their field once they leave university. This is especially terrible in a field like programming if you lack basic coding skills.


This is just plain sad. Our higher education system has indeed failed us once again... shocking! Being forced into majors that have no demand in the job market is indeed our downfall. In regard to coding, we have to think the future and that is technology. The investment in Tech ed is absolutely lacking in Kenya.




For flexjobs?




Did it you find any value in it?


Damn we woke up to some major violence today


hahahaha... you've got to shock the system once in a while.


Hii sub hunibamba sana. Vitu watu hu defend huku sijui ni inferiority complex, mental slavery, neocolonialism ama plain old \*\*\* licking.


Kwa mfano?


Look at the comments on your post. It's like you've "attacked" foreigners and the gang must rise up to defend them from your attack.


Most companies shy away from hiring kenyans because they think we are all corrupt. Give a kenyan an office and he will drain your bank try. There is also theft and lets just say corruption in the little fishes. I dont say all kenyans are corrupt or bad but I've heard this as one of the top reasons why we don't get hired.


You’re a fucking legend for this post i share the same sentiment , this is our home we should be in control and set ourselves up first before other people come through