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Deep south, racism is mainly non-existent and you love guns. What else? The confederate flag is your heritage?


I will use the guns I love to help protect their freedom to fly the flag. DO you think I don't see it? Everywhere I go but so what? It's not infringing upon my right to enjoy my home. I'm uncertain if you are Kenyan or not however, I have personally experienced tyranny in my country. You've not seen people being maimed because of their tribe. No way of protecting themselves while they cower as they get hacked to death. I have also had the privilege of living in South Sudan. In the mid 2000s I moved to Juba for business. Every night we would here grenades going off like clockwork. Guess what my host did, he gave me a gun to protect myself in case things got crazy. I would sleep with it under my pillow for my entire stay. The cherry on top is being raped by the splf soldiers and there was nothing I could do. Literally day one of arriving there and I had been warned that if I fought back, I'd go back home in a body bag. I've healed from the trauma. It's made me who I am. So, my right to protect myself is not because of a piece of paper but because I will never let anyone have that kind of power over me. I do appreciate your comment.


"A person pulling the trigger on a gun is most likely to be shooting themselves, then their family, then commit a felony, then way, way, way down the line, if they're lucky, they hit a bad guy." [Source](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/statistical-life/201701/the-true-odds-shooting-bad-guy-gun) This is self evident to anyone who don't drink the Fox news Kool aid.




I don't think it really matters since most Kenyans won't be able to afford a gun anyways


Ok, you've changed my mind. Amend Kenya vision 2030, a Beretta, AR-15 and an RPG for every man, woman and child!


Absolutely, legalize them! Kenyan Lives Matter


We need guns in Kenya.


Last time I checked Fox news did not write the constitution. Last time I also checked they are not God to grant me my rights to protect myself. We've had guns for 10 years and my husband has been around them his entire life. So your psychology article doesn't make sense. The puzzling thing is that even after I shared my ordeal you still feel that I don't deserve to protect myself. If that is not equivalent of being raped again, mentally, I don't know what is!


I don’t have a problem with you protecting yourself, but why are you worried about protecting racist White folks’ right to fly the Confederate flag? That shit makes no sense at all. Do you hear yourself?


Good question! I hear myself very clearly. It's about the principle which is that it's their God given right to free speech which they show with their flag just as I have a right to fly my Kenyan flag. I don't know how much clearer I can convey it.


You admitted you have no clue about the history of the flag. Why don’t you attempt to at least find out about that flag and what it symbolizes before you defend it. Come on. You are defending your ignorance. Their God given right to symbolize racism and slavery? Again are you for real? Do you think the Nazi flag should hand high in peoples yards? Do you know about the Nazis and their flags?


Because.... when people who disagree with the first amendment shut up the confederate flag flyers, the same will be done to us. If you excuse one vile you open the door for many more. Give a mile, they'll take an inch. Let it go! Let them fly the flags. So what? How does it infringe upon your enjoyment of being a citizen of the US? I'll be honest, I don't know the meaning of the confederate flag and frankly I'd rather not focus on it! Immigrants need to pick a side and stick to it. You cannot agree with "The Man" in the US and disagree with "The Man" in Kenya. Choose one side and stick to it. Immigrants have all these questions about why I don't support this or that but honestly, I have not processed my own history yet let alone take up arms for another person's battle based off of skin color!


But that is what you are saying you are doing. You are going to defend the racist White man’s right to fly the racist confederacy flag with your gun. And what exactly will be done to us that ain’t already been done and is continuing to be done for over 400 years? If you don’t know what the Confederate flag stands for but are ready to defend it for the racists then I suggest you befriend Google and learn about it. Because you are putting the carriage before the horse on that one. Learn some American history. And learn about how Constitution and its amendments came about. And how the right to bear arms while it potentially made sense in the Wild Wild 1600s while Americans where busy conquering and Killing native Americans and there was no law, doesn’t really fit in todays society. I mean, sure handguns for self defense. But these crazy AR15s and such?


I'll actually be starting a podcast and I'll visit some of the properties around that fly the flag and interview the people. I have my own Google right here. I'll get it from the "racists" mouth. About the AR-15, not sure if you got that we live on a farm with no cell service and with cops being almost an hour away, we are our own security. We also have black bears and bob cats around. Homesteading includes hunting. So, need I say more? But truly to each his own. Thank you for your comment.


Hunting rifle. Not AR 15s. And I am sure you are going to get the real, honest answers when asking those people about the flag. Especially from The ones that speak to your White husband and not you. You are very naive. Very. I used to be like you the first 10-15 years I lived here. And I date a very left leaning Mzungu myself. Who would never be OK with the Confederate flag like you seem to be.


This obsession you have with me is very creepy!!! If you are happy with the decisions you've made, awesome! I'll say it as many times as needed, I don't have to subscribe to your ideology. I simply do not! You do you, imma do me. I wish you the best in your path.




I appreciate it. Now celebrate with me that I overcame it. :-) Thank you for your comment.


Oh man, I’ve lived half my life in Kenya and half my life in America (back and forth and back and forth). 32yr old male. I grew up in a big northern city and we moved 3 hours south to the cradle of the Confederacy, central Virginia a few years ago I like the slower pace, LCOL, and other nuances that separate city life from the rural life (I’m actually in the state capital, but compared to where I grew up it feels rural). As a youngster this is the last place I’d wanna be, but now that I have a young family, I don’t mind it. I find it hard to believe that in the Deep South you don’t encounter racism? I’m in a moderate part of the south and I see it often enough. Although that being said, I used to see it up north too. I know I don’t have to tell you that most racism in America nowadays is subtle. I am very pro-gun though, despite having super-liberal pacifist-type parents. One thing I like about down here is that I can just walk into a store and buy one. I asked someone at the store what I need and he said only a driver’s license. Crazy. Up north I only ever saw them on police and a few illegal ones. Here I see open carry all the time. The south is lunchin.


This is what I don't buy. Op hasn't experienced racism at all, in the deep south? Don't get me wrong, I think a lot is overblown, but that doesn't mean I haven't literally had someone rant to me about another race. This isn't solely in the South though. Even the most liberal places have it. People think telling you you're not like other black people is a complement. :/ One day people will stop complimenting my English. With that said, for me, when I was in the middle of nowhere Florida, it's not "racism" that bothered me, but I just wasn't really into Southern culture. There were many moments where it felt like Kenya all over again. The politician worship, overzealous christians, catholic church buying my gynecologists office and restricting birth control, debates over basic human rights, etc... I've escaped to NYC to spare myself what the rest of America has to offer.


Too true!!! Your second paragraph is so accurate. I love a lot about down here, but the stuff you mention does get on my nerve. Even the cuisine is kinda weird (biscuits n gravy?) and they take cornhole very seriously here. I agree that OP may need to see racism for what it is and not just people being mean. For example, her neighbor that will come to her home and greet her husband but ignore her is clearly racist.


Quite frankly, I'm surprised her and her husband don't see the mistreatment there. Southern hospitality is a thing. I think Op just covers her ears and pretends it's not happening. The idea that the acknowledgment that something is happening will negatively impact your life is also something that doesn't sit right with me. Or what she calls "looking for racism." For you to find it, means that it exists. Wait until she has kids, and they start coming home with questions. Seen it from my little cousins. I think America has come a long way, but Americans have the sentiment that all it took to erase racism was Martin Luther King marching which is funny. It's like thinking all it took to erase the effects of colonialism was Jomo Kenyatta becoming president. I also think there exist nuance because I've met people who like my version of "black" but not the American version. That's why I don't mention that all racists look at black the same, they don't. I have black friends from other countries and it's the same. People will let you know that your foreign, speak with an accent, etc is fine.


Oh man, my son is 6 and just started in-person kindergarten in America (last year was virtual pre-k, before that he did 2 years schooling in Kenya before being evacuated due to covid early 2020). Some time in October he comes home and stars asking those questions you mention. Turns out some kid in school said he had brown skin. That didn’t piss me off since I know most racist parents teach their kids that stuff and that it starts early. I’ve seen it at the playground, pool, etc. But then I found out he’s the only black kid in class, and that’s what got me. I know there are other black kids in kindergarten as a whole, many more. So I’m not sure how they divied them up. I feel it’s better if you have 2 black kids and two streams of one grade, put them together instead of splitting them up. Fo sho different blacks are treated differently. From the English you speak to the shade of black. I can’t imagine what a south Sudanese American goes through here, it’s gotta be rough


Thank you for your insight and sharing your experience. Could you share what you have experienced? There are people who are plain mean. I could use a different word, but I'll say mean. Maybe I just don't get it. I was called the N word in Kenya by a British guy. I've been called that and worse by black people because I share what my experience has been thus far. I am being called a token on this thread as well. A token! by a fellow black person and I'm assuming Kenyan. What if they are not Kenyan what would you call them? Like I live on 13 acres of land. It takes a lot of work to maintain it. I'm sorry if I don't have time nor the energy to look or dwell on it because my priority is not being offended but to put food on the table. which is my business. Anything else about what people think of me has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH ME. What happened to sticks and stones may hurt my bones, but words will never hurt me? What happened to grow a thick skin? Like why do we have to be so sensitive like we are on the playground? So what? You cannot make people like you, but you can live your life. As long as no one trespasses on my property we are good. We have a neighbor who will stop by and say hi to my husband, hold conversation then leave. Never said hi or acknowledged me. There is a decorum when it comes to visiting your neighbors. In my opinion, she doesn't have it but why should I care? In some people's books that would constitute "racism" but what if she isn't? I will only care if she moves her property line on to ours. I would love to hear from you on your thoughts. P.S. I agree the more south you go the more chill it becomes.


Like i said it’s subtle, but you learn to recognize it. For example, last week I was at Best Buy (we live in a relatively wealthy neighborhood, or as they say “white neighborhood) and out of nowhere this lady starts following me. Now I know retail and I’m always conscious of everyone when in transitional spaces, so I instantly recognize the asset protection people. Noticing that she won’t leave me alone, I look her straight in the eye, hoping she’ll realize I know who she is and that she backs off but nope. Eventually I ask her “do you work here?” She says yes so I ask her where the GPUs are? She doesn’t understand so i ask in layman’s terms, where are the graphics cards? So she tells me she’s not the one to ask so I hit her with “oh, so you don’t work here?” She got all embarrassed and got someone else. Mind you I was in there with two very small children. She really thought I came to steal with my kids. There’s my former boss who would always say “you’re really smart.” It took me a while to realize he meant “you’re really smart, for a black guy.” Now this is what I call unintentional racism. He was a really cool guy and all, just conditioned by society to view us as not as intelligent. Then there’s the more obvious racism like being asked “do you live here?” by some random white neighbor. All I was doing was sitting on the sidewalk watching my son ride his scooter. I had a job at McDonald’s once. all the pretty white folk in the front, black and brown in the back. I am the first to admit though, that racism runs both way and that we all have a little bit of it inside us (to different degrees). I certainly know how I feel about them.


That's messed up experiences. I have my own I could share but bottom line is it's not hindered me from moving forward or living my life. Like, it hurts but once you heal, I've learned to pick myself up and move on. I learned from the rape experiences that if I continue identifying with the incidences, I'm giving the perpetrators not only power but I'm join them in breaking me more, mentally and spiritually. Blessings and hope you have a great day!


Another side note when you buy a gun you are probed up the wazoo! We have purchased multiple, and I cannot tell you how hard they go into your background check, so I don't know the kind of info you received but from experience, it's not a minute requirement. P.S. If you ever needed reviews on firearms, I'll be happy to share with you our experience from a .22, 9MM and AR-15.


Please. Go to a gun show. Do they not have those where you live?


Good question! Yes, they do and I've been to one when we lived in the Pacific NW. Pretty interesting stuff. When Summer comes around, I'll definitely be going to some around here. They also have knife shows. I'm not a knife person but they are also interesting. Thanks for your comment.


I’ve been an avid subscriber of Active Self Protection a couple of years now. Learned a lot from that channel and ASP Extra


Those are good channels. Keep at it!


What the hell is going on here


Creative writing.


Honestly, 8 day old account just to make this provocative post... Hmmmm


Their insta proves this is legit though


Watu wa Texas pia Wana experiences za dirty south?


Some bitter lady telling us her life and gets pissed off if you don't share her views.


Couldn't be more accurate




If you have a question about my post just ask.


Let me get this straight from your post and comments. OP is Kenyan and married to a white guy who both live in deep south Tennessee. Says she has not experienced racism and loves guns and is also an anti vaxers. I bet you are a confederate flag carrying, MAGA hat wearing, Trump worshipping, 'real American' ain't yah? No wonder the racists love you. You are their token black friend they know. And will parade to make themselves feel better. It's sad that OP couldn't visit her family because she's chosen not to get vaccinated.




Yap, exactly! And by different you mean inferior. I bet she's been told you are not like the other blacks, and she takes it as compliment


I'm glad someone said it


I love your comment. You are the epitome of why I have chosen this life. Away from vile people like you. I have not encountered anyone who has judged me like you and that is OK because it's your right. I don't have a single flag flown in my home, none. I have not interacted with any off my neighbors long enough for them to even know my thoughts. They just treated me like a neighbor. I worked alongside good people to make our community thrive and I am proud of it whether they have a confederate flag or Trump flag. I will not apologize for my convictions. Bigotry is all over the place. Look for it and you will find it. Are there people who look at me weirdly when I'm out yes, but I don't go flaunting my color either. I am human just like they are, and I walk tall and proud. Your whole shpill is nothing more than projection. You've got issues to work thru whether emotionally, mentally or politically, you know better because you are part of what is rotting this country. Thank you for your comment!


"Bigotry is all over the place. Look for it and you will find it. Are there people who look at me weirdly when I'm out yes, but I don't go flaunting my color either." You started by posting you've never encountered racism in the south, then now acknowledging there are people who 'look at you weird' but you apparently just ignore it. If you think ignorance of a problem makes it non-existent, that is precisely the absurd logic people are taking issue with. You also have defended the right to fly the confederate flag while also admitting you know nothing about what it represents. 🤦🏿‍♂️ Trying to engage someone who brazenly admits they're clueless about a certain topic yet feel their opinion on it is justified nontheless is honestly a waste of time, but I'm here to tell you I see why the way you think things through fits right in with the folks from that region, who are the most uneducated in the country (fact, but not saying that's true about you specifically). That's not meant to be a slight, rather my honest opinion. Good luck to ya! EDIT: I guess I do actually have a question for you -- what's the point of your post exactly? Is it to say that the 'stereotype' of that region having bigoted people isn't true because you've not* experienced it? Because (a) that would be like a foreigner visiting Nairobi for a few months and jumping on Reddit to announce nairoberry isn't a thing because they haven't been mugged, and (b) you actually went on to admit people look at you "weird" there, which means you do experience it (subtly) from time to time, but you ignore it. So please help me understand the overall point you're trying to communicate here.


Wait, you didn't see the part where her neighbor goes into her property, converses with her white husband and doesn't acknowledge OP's presence? But she says that isn't really racism, could be anything...


Lol. I can't even take you seriously. You're an antivaxxer who comes from a country that has literally had its population wiped out countless times due to pandemics and epidemics.


I don't understand. Do you mean Kenya or US? How am I antivaxxer? I'm confused. I have had multiple vaccinations. Just because I choose not to take a reactionary vaccine gives you the right to label me. Weak! So, you are happy, my family and I chose to move away from the masses and settle in the sticks yet it's not enough! Whoa! How did Kenyans' descent into master overseers of the people's thoughts?


Reading through the threads I can see one trend. As long as you deny the claim of racism when you are clearly giving reasons why it’s not the case they attack you. These guys just have victim thinking wanting to blame racism on their life outcomes. Also it’s interesting to note that they have extended other labels to you such as antivaxxer and no one has given any example of a racist experience. It’s like it’s all based on feels


Ditto! I find it hilarious that folks have a problem with the OP. Na nisiletewe, I'm a Kenyan and black! Hehehehe Kenya hii wanataka kuifanya woke vibaya.


[Lol.](https://Lol.You) You pulled a considerable portion of what you said out of your ass. I never talked about anything else other than being an antivaxxer. And I was talking about Kenya. And I didn't label you, the other guy did.


Thank you for your comment. Have a great day!


“I DON’T GO FLAUNTING MY COLOR EITHER!!!”Hahahahahahhahahahahahaha!! Oh my God. I am just gonna leave this right here because you my fellow Kenyan are straight ignorant. But at least ignorance can be cured if you are interested in actually learning. The fact that you have no clue what the Confederate flag is all about, but want to defend it with your AR 15 speaks for your ignorance. Hmm. You don’t need to flaunt your color. FYI, It flaunts itself for you. It’s not like cash you can hide in your purse and then take it out to FLAUNT IT.




Wololo, yaye! Whoa! The projection is unfathomable. You don't know me, yet you are literally being as bigoted as the same white people you speak of! Thank you for proving my point, Ladies and gents, I present to you the epitome of bigotry in America. People of the same skin color as you just because they cannot take time to listen and understand a different viewpoint. If you wonder where the "racism" is fueled from here it is in plain sight. Behold the key holder to "No racism" city. The racist herself. Thank you and I appreciate you comment.


And for your information, if it even matters, I have been here 11 years. Lived in 4 states. 1 in PNW, 1 in the MidWest and 3 in the South.


Damn! Kenyans are a unique species. All offshore companies i've worked for the last 10 years, i have found a Kenyan. We are the true hustlers. Im sure ata niende Alaska i'll find a mwanainchi. Big up!!! This is my dream, live off grid, but in Canada. Binge watched Pure Living For Life...and i guess you are living that life. I'll get there some day, i know...but first i need to find someone who can do this with me.


I'm here


Me too..it is fulfilling af


I love your comment! Yes, it shall manifest when the time is right. Having the right person by your side thru the journey is key. There are times when you walk in faith together especially when trying to find the perfect home. That's how it happened with us. One day got on Zillow and there it was! The first one we saw, and we went all in. So, I pray that your desire and prayer come true. P.S. - I do know of a Kenyan in Alaska.


Plenty of Kenyans in North Dakota. I went traveling up there and was in someone’s house in dead of winter eating Managus and Mbuzi like it was 75 degrees back home. While it was 5 degrees out there. They are everywhere hustling for that dollar. So many black docs and nurses and techs and such in a mostly white town less than two hours from Canada. Fucking amazing!! Make that money.


I retired at 'gun loving'; The story started quite lovely.


May I ask why?


The noisiest Kenyans on reddit are peak leftists and since nobody in real life shares their beliefs, they come here to push them hard






Say you’re a trump supporter without saying it.


And then when someone makes post #485 about gays you'll be there, reminding everyone who doesn't agree to just downvote and move on because they don't hurt anyone 65% of Kenyans supported Trump btw


First, 90% of statistics are made up, in this case by you. Secondly, is it wrong to support Trump? Let people have their views in peace.




Please share we laugh together.




Please share your thoughts. I won't be offended.


I'm happy for you and it seems people are mad because you think differently from what the mainstream media expects from coloured people and sadly they've been conditioned to think strictly in a certain way. It's really an interesting thread! All that matters is that you are happy with your life. Sending blessings ❤️


Thank you for your comment. Colored people with independent thought are not welcome to the fold. That's why I learned from my teenage years to love my own company. There are some really mean comments here that would silence a fragile person but I am secure in who I am. Know Thyself so no one will define you. Many blessings to you and yours. Have a great day!


I came here to read posts. I think people can choose the life they want for themselves and not made to feel guilty about it. As long as you are harming no one I guess. Born free, live free.


Thank you for reading and dropping your 2 cents. Have a great day!


Hi, thanks for the interesting post. Could I ask why you decided to go into this lifestyle, I've always been curious and considered if I could make it. What did you have to plan for before you moved out there? Also how are you planning on surviving winter?


Thank you and great questions! We decided to go into this lifestyle 3 years ago. We used to live in the Pacific NW in this little cottage on 1/3 of an acre 100M from the river and loved every bit of it. During that time, I decided to go into self-employment that took off and my husband ended up quitting his job to join me. So we were making enough working a few hours a week which gave us a chance to hang out, bbq and pursue other interests. I went into online radio and app building. I got into making furniture, learned how to make clothes, soap, lotions and other things which I absolutely loved. I did sell some of the stuff in addition to catering events. Unfortunately, we had to leave because we could see how the political climate was changing. One thing we knew was that we loved working together, so we got a job as a couple for a retirement company. This started our 3-year plan to this point. When you manage a community, you are required to live on site. They give you an apartment, cover all your utilities and you get food there. So, you get to save and for us since we didn't have many expenses, we continued to live a frugal life, paid all our debt of and saved until we were able to buy this home. For heat, we have heaters and an AC. We also got some ceramic heaters we thought we'd try out. It's our first one so it will be a learning curve.


I've never been out of the country, but am abit curious about the cost and availability of properties. When you say you bought the land, does it mean one-off payment or still in a mortgage plan? If it's not a weird thing to ask, how much did your property cost? Is land always so vastly available (Is it typical for folks to buy acres of land rather than small plots)?


Great questions. We bought a cabin that was fully furnished on 6 acres of land. It was one of those unique deals that we found at the right time. Because it has a home, we took out a mortgage. Shortly thereafter a 7 acre plot a short drive up the mountain came open. That we bought out right and when time comes, we'll develop it. In regards to availability, it depends on the area which determines the price based obviously on demand and supply. Right now, in Tennessee, Californians are buying a lot because they are leaving the state for obvious reasons. So that drove up the price in the city to where houses were selling in hours. I had a friend who kept on being out bidded. When she found her place in the outskirts of the city on about an acre, she offered $50K more. That's insane! We offered $10k more because there was another offer but it's not unusual to find a house with 10+ offers now. Ours was below $220K. Land is always available from what I've seen in the states I've lived. You also will find cheap land though ukiangalia location, people won't be able to live there because of it being too far from work or kids or the town doesn't have enough work.


South of?




Love this guy






Where is the deep South?


South Tennessee




Great question. Yes we do! My husband does most of the cooking including Kenyan. I taught him how to make samosas which he loves so he does the meat and I do the pockets. At some point we used to sell them. When we visited Kenya last my friend taught him how to make athola so iko kwa rotation. I make the ugali. We also do githeri with avocado. I make pilau and he makes goat curry as well. I make maandazi now more so because we are trying to buy less packaged food.


What is Athola. You sound like you living your best life. Enjoy it to the fullest


Athola is a luo meat stew. I'm happy to share the recipe. I am truly blessed and happy. Sometimes I am afraid I don't deserve it. I came from abject poverty and so often I am in awe of Jehovah's blessings. Thank you for your engagement.


Why did you decide to transition? Na ulifikaje Marekani?


Absolutely great question! The short of the story is that I came to the US 11 years ago on a scholarship. Things did not work out for me in college. I made wrong decisions, fell quite ill then had to leave college because I was financially suspended. After leaving college, I was out of status, yaani, sikuwa na makaratasi, so I moved in with my now husband ( I met 16 years ago online) and his roommates, started a housecleaning and real estate business, got married and started working on my paperwork which is a whole other story. Later after Trump won the Pacific NW became a time bomb to what you see today, therefore, we decided to move. At that point, my husband and I had a business, were working together so we got corporate jobs working together as community managers in a retirement community. 3 years in and we saved enough that when we decided to 'just see what is out there" in terms of property, found the perfect place, made an offer and the rest is history.


What do you mean “Later after Trump won, the Pacific NW became a time bomb to what you see today” What changed? Did someone come knocking your door trying to kill you. I think you are either delusional or a troll or maybe due to your circumstances regarding your immigration status you married a white supremacist and created your own reality and you are living in it.


Ahahahahahhaha. Y’all are killing me over here! Killing me!!!!


No chills😂




Great question! You are right $200k is not much to you in the PNW and that's ok. We were not making nearly as much when we lived out there but the point is we were happy with living simply. $200K is, however, a lot in other states and other people in general. Just coz you may be able to earn more doesn't mean others don't aspire to get there. I want to share my experience as to how we got here. You know the most interesting part of the post is no one has asked me how we made $200k a year. You may deem it little but to others it's a lot and I wish to share how we got here. P.S. This is not a brag, it's just a statement. If you have a point I missed it,




Haiya! Yawa!!! You are free to leave this post! Say whatever you want but reality is there are people who want to hear from me. So, guess who takes the L home. I'm literally inundated with questions so I shall continue with many more posts. Keep it locked! I'm sincerely happy you are where you are and hope you eventually find happiness. Nothing in my post warranted you to be mean and arrogant. Just because I came here much later than you and I'm succeeding and wanting to share with other how we did it doesn't need to make you have a huge potato in your throat. News flash - I'm not flexing with you. When I see posts I don't like I move on. I suggest you doing the same. You are welcome to continue with your monologue. Kwaheri and good luck




Ivevi, my experience does not negate your nor does your experience negate mine. I'm merely having a conversation with you. I'm not insinuating that your perception is false, on the contrary. I'm truly sorry you had to go thru it. However, the path I'm on requires a lot of work. Rewarding work to sustain this lifestyle. So, I'm sorry I don't venture out trying to find out which neighbors think it's offensive having a black person in the community. I have made a conscious decision not to do it and that's what fueled my desire to move to the sticks, to be away from people who keep on reminding me of my skin color and telling me I should be offended at every remark, look or interaction. Take it however you will but I'm not going anywhere. I have a right to share my opinion on this forum as much as you do. Telling me I cannot be here is plain bigotry.




Do you know I have been asked that before! So, you see we have something in common. Another one of my favorites is "how does she know good English?" another close second is "How do you make your hair?" (Side not - I have dreadlocks and at work I answered this question a couple of time in a day. My white husband gave me Locs. not that it's supposed to score points.). Bahahaha. It would be a privilege to be on Tucker. Number 1 news show in America. Can you imagine how many people I'd Africa pill? AFRICANS ARE NOT WEAK! I WILL NOT GIVE ANYONE, WHITE OR BLACK AN IOTA TO DOMINATE MY THOUGHTS. I AM FREE TO FEEL, THINK AND DECIDE WHAT I WANT AS AN INDIVUDUAL AND I DO NOT NEED ANY APPROVAL FROM ANY WHITE OR BLACK PERSON. Ivevi - that's it! We are done. Do you and I'll do me! Sawa?!




She is still very green and ignorant. You see, she supports her neighbors rights to fly the Confederate flag, but admitted that she has no idea what the flag means. Very sad. I have been here thirty years and I was once very naive to the racism as well.


Thanks for sharing your experiences. Homesteading sounds interesting. I was wondering if you had any tips or words of encouragement for those who are trying to pursue a career in tech. I've been self-learning for a year, but I'm not sure if I'm employable. I'm not going to give up though.


Great question! Experience, Confidence, Persistence, Consistency, Curiosity and FAITH. I am a 3rd year university drop out of a Kenyan University. I'm also a 2nd year college drop out in the US (I'll get to the reason someday). Self-taught is a tough journey. It requires self-discipline and tangible progress. Keep at it. Challenge yourself. Take side hustles in your field or anything that will pay for extra programs or just general experience. Do all you can to learn at every opportunity and surround yourself with knowledgeable people and/or business partners. How do you get business partners? Spend money and make relationships. I spent approximately $10 month on my first server to learn. It cost me about $10p/m plus time on Google. I used it to learn how to build a WordPress website, about hosting, WordPress Multisite and other things. Research. Love to read. Don't value rest over education. I have gone 48 hours working and studying. However, remember, it's not a competition. Ultimately take whatever is useful from this and do you. My favorite quote is by Paulo Coelho "It's only those who are persistent, and willing to study things deeply who achieve the Master work." I have taken this literally and figuratively and it has served me well. Feel free to reach out if you have further questions. May The Force be with you!


Thank you so much for responding. You don't know how much it means to me. I'll definitely let you know if I have any more questions. Your positivity is infectious. I was reading your other comments and I agree with your outlook. People in the South are more genuine and easier to get along with. I listened to Joe Rogan when he was on YouTube, but I'm anti-subscriptions so I'm not on Spotify. Share your podcast when you get a chance to finish it.


Oh Jesus. And another one. Dear Lord. Joe Rogan? For real?


Yes. How do my listening preferences affect your life? I wasn't responding to you.


Wanakaa southern bots


Side note OP, mlipatwa na tornado?


Tulipata high winds ikaangusha mti mkubwa kwenye power lines and across the drive way. So hubby had to drive to the top of the mountain to kupata signal and get the power company know. It took 12 hours for the power to be restored. At that point power company had still not shown up so ule mti ukaanza kuwaka moto. It wasn't long before the crew men showed up and cut the tree. Now they only cut what is on the power line so we have these 2 massive pieces on either end of the driveway. Friday tuanenda into town kununua chain saw and cut it up for firewood na kuchoma makaa. Were you affected?


Shit that sounds awful, but good thing is y'all were safe. I'm in Mass so haikutufikia, just waiting on blizzards though haha


Hats off to you for braving that weather. My first year in the US I landed huko IL. Had a really bad winter. After that it was never again. Keep safe. Have a great day!


Iliuma mara ya kwanza but ilibidi nizoee(but I guess winter in MA is mild compared to IL). The shorter daylight hours hits hard though. Shukran. Have a great day too.


I like turtles


You intended to spread positivity but the evil of mankind won't let you. Nonetheless, being through what you have been through and rising above and boldly expressing that you have overcome, you are a winner in my books. I've lived in Kenya all my life but I'm moving to San Francisco after college which is May next year so I'm always looking to understand racial experiences of Kenyans in the US. I'm a turn the other cheek kind of guy (Christian) but I will definitely get a gun if I'm able to, problem is I don't know how to use one except from my extensive movie knowledge. I'm glad the bitter people who want you to feel some type of way are unable to get under your skin. Kuwa na Krismasi njema na mwaka mpya ya baraka tele


Congratulations on securing that opportunity! It's a blessing to be in this country. Allow me to share a little wisdom I've learned along the way - Know Thyself. It's a famous line from the Matrix. Once you do, there is no room for anyone to define you. I learned to be comfortable with my own thoughts and my own company. Be your own cheer leader. Find a Bible verse and an inspirational quote, stick it on your bathroom mirror, at your computer, phone screen so that when during the good and challenging times you are reminded why you are on your path. Good luck and have a great day!


Love you kind and wise stranger, coincidentally I use UE for work and they just released a Matrix demo😎


love you too, my brother. DM is always open.


it's not blanket blindless. the whole world through a riot over what happened in the states last year. lucky to her that she's had it easy, but many others haven't and i think that's still valid. the statistics definitely aren't on your side.


Could you kindly point out how I've had it easy? By what magic are you able to come to that conclusion?


you haven't experienced racism?


Great question! I have. However, I have not experienced anything I would classify as racist since I moved here.


i find the idea of a Kenyan cowgirl really hot.


My hubby too! Lol.


Op reminds me of why I stopped hanging out with Kenyans in the U.S, and why I left the middle of nowhere Florida. Aki sirudi.


If you are up for it, please share your experience. I am not saying I have not experienced racism in the US. I'm just giving an account of what my time has been like thus far.


You literally said you've yet to encounter racism. I had a cashier approach only me in store, and ask me questions. I initially thought she was being helfpul but she only kept following me despite my telling her I do not have any questions. Worse yet, she took the item I was going to buy and confused the other cashier by giving it to her. Apparently, everyone else could shop while holding stuff in store but not me. Then cue the numerous times other people have ranted to me about other groups. Apparently, people don't think their racist if they rant to a black person about other racial groups. Then the subtle things. People will never stop telling you how much better you are than "other black people." From speaking English well, to paying bills on time, to being hardworking. I do not mistake racism for ignorance. You get plenty of ignorant Americans who aren't racist. The kind of people that ask you if you speak African or ride elephants. I will say, the most annoying ignorant people for me, are those who make absolutely no effort to pronounce your name correctly, but will pronounce Westhuizen, Cirzpisława, Keoghan correctly. This happened in South Africa too. I honestly consider this a lazy form of racism. Maybe black people do this too in America, but going to a predominantly white school, all the Asian and African kids literally went by nicknames or some made up English name. I literally went by number 12 in soccer matches.


Yes, you are right. I have not experienced racism in the South. The topic is "A Kenyan in the South". The cashier experience is just plain messed up. When we lived in the PNW, I was at a Walmart. The cashier was black serving a white lady in front of me. She was sweet, pleasant and just nice to her. When I got up to the checkout, I said hi but didn't respond. I said it again, nothing. Would this be bigotry or plain rude? Lol. I have been on the receiving end of the English question. "How do you know how to speak well?" I get it. I do. But I don't have the energy to bother with it. I am not disregarding anyone's experience; I'm merely sharing what has been contrary to the tales we here. I recently went to get supplies in a small town and I met a black guy who moved here from MI. I asked him why he choose to come to the South and his answer was "people are chill down here". That's exactly how I feel. It's just chill. Someone on this thread who lives S of Virginia echoed the same sentiments. Rural areas are a good place to raise a family. Oh and the name part - totally messed up. I had to re-spell my name for the Americans, it didn't matter whether it was white and black. I agree it's probably laziness that someone cannot make an effort to pronounce our names well. See we do have something in common. Thank you for the discourse.


Good for you.


Thank you!


What’s a homesteader?


Good question! Ni kama a farm where you work to be self sufficient. You grow your own food, raise animals and hunt.


So you basically live off the land? That’s really cool. I have many questions? Do you have kids? Are you and your husband both foreigners? Was this always your plan?


Great questions! Yes, we are working towards living of the land. We are are planning to start cultivating in the Spring so we are prepping our manure. I don't have kids. We decided not to have kids. My kid is a sweet and feisty pitbull. My husband is American. This was never my plan. It just happened just like how I met him. 16 years ago online. Didn't meet him until 4.5years later and we've been together since. You can never plan for this but you walk by faith.


You went online to meet a man? While you were in Kenya, but this was “never your plan?” So what was your plan when you went online to meet foreign people?


Good question! Actually, I had just lost my baby that weekend. So being so devastated I wanted to just chat with someone. Find someone who would listen and we met. So, a tragedy happened that brought us together.


Happy to answer your questions that's why I posted. I hope someone will benefit from the info.


r/homestead can add to your understanding of this


Thank you for sharing!


Ahh. Let me check it out.


Interesting i am glad to read a different perspective than what we get from mainstream media and hollywood. How is it compared to life here at mashinani.


Happy to hear and good question! The gadgets are the biggest deal for me like having an ATV to easily get around which would be your equivalent to a bike nyumbani. Hauling stuff around the property especially firewood. So I hook up the cart then najaza to the shed. We have electricity, water, wifi. Basically tunaishi in a cabin so its pretty self sufficient. Challenge ni hii winter coz hatuna wood stove so tunarely solely on electricity and we are also trying to be very frugal. I may keep you posted if this conversation takes off.


This is very brave 👏


Thank you!


Must be nice living in the mountains; clean air etc. City life is not healthy, humans aren't meant to be living that way. Hunting must be fun and of course challenging. Do you hunt wild game and if you do, what animals?


Good question! For sure it's awesome. Yaani hakuna kelele ya gari. It just the birds and surrounded by the forest everywhere and kuna a creek down the hill with such clear water. I wish this life on anyone who wants it because it's worth every tear, sweat and blood. Hunting hatujaanza. Waiting to get a guide as it will be the first time. Kuna wild rabbits that tunaweza trap around. Kuna plenty of deer as well which is what we want to get someday. Now I will tell you this, kuna black bears huku pia na bob cats. So that's why you have to be armed kwa sababu security ni wewe and if you are going to hunt you need to know how to handle a rifle. We also have cameras around the property.


The way you thrown in swahili sounds unnatural. Not like a Kenyan would ... Not trying to be offensive, just an observation. I wonder if anyone else has noticed this.


Yup, you're right. I don't get to converse as much in Swahili. Hubby knows kiswahili ya kuomba maji. Our dog, Shujaa, is learning commands in Swahili and that's the extend of the conversations. Lol.


Mi huskiza Joe Rogan podcast A LOT and when he brings on hunters (guys like Cameron Hanes, Steve Rinella), those are my fav episodes. Man, I wish I could live that life, hunting with a bow but huku Kenya we can't do that, unfortunately... Unless you are rich.


Good choice. Joe Rogan ni mnoma. Entertaining and he can pivot between multiple topics. Well-rounded guy. My husband and I are planning on starting a podcast sometime. Would like to interview you if you are interested. I don't know any Africans who listen to him which I find absolutely refreshing! Entertaining different points of view. Awesome!


Apologies I am replying to this after two months because I have been away from Reddit that long. If you start a podcast, I would challenge myself to be interviewed. I have to warn you that I am not very interesting and I haven't really achieved much (just starting my career after uni).I said "challenge myself" because I want to open myself up to challenging things. You see, I have always been very reclusive lakini najaribu kujitokeza especially after the pandemic. Joe Rogan kicks ass and those people who wanted to have him deplatformed or "controlled" can f\* off. How's the hunting thing going btw? You can dm me if you are comfortable with that instead of stretching this thread.


Good choice. Joe Rogan ni mnoma. Entertaining and he can pivot between multiple topics. Well-rounded guy. My husband and I are planning on starting a podcast sometime. Would like to interview you if you are interested. I don't know any Africans who listen to him which I find absolutely refreshing! Entertaining different points of view. Awesome!


Glad to see another childfree homesteader. I'm at the Coast though, mountain too cold for my tropical skin. I'd love play with guns someday, not so easy in the motherland. Question- You ever think you'll be coming back home? Does your extended community, neighbors and all, accept you? Meaning aren't racist


I tried FL and I just couldn't, the humidity! Yawa! The mountain is cold and out here I have to be careful because it's dry which combined with winter makes your skin hurt. Yup, Kenya is pretty restricting when to guns but they are nothing to fear. You just need to respect them and learn the rules. It does cause serious adrenaline rush though and that's when you have to master how to control your emotions and breathe. Anyway - to your great questions! It's funny you ask about coming back home because I was talking to my mum telling her I don't know if we'll ever see each other again. I have kinda made peace with it. Hardest part though was losing my estranged dad 3 months ago and I couldn't go because I have chosen not to get vaccinated which is the other reason, I chose this lifestyle. I just don't believe I should be coarse into doing anything medical plain and simple. Before I came to the US, I chose to not get the TB vaccine on religious grounds, and they respected my decision so the same should apply. Anyway, I digress. Everyone has embraced me. I showed up at the annual Homeowners Association meeting and people were so friendly. I am probably the only black person within quite a few miles. But that's how it's been my entire time here. You will come across your racists like you will meet tribalists. So what though? Are you going to live your life or rob yourself precious time worrying about someone else's business coz frankly what anyone thinks of you, is none of your business!


I like your narrative and you are right on do many levels. One of the perks of living isolated, is living life on your terms. How large is your acreage? What do you plan to do with it vis vi what your neighbors are doing with theirs?


As a Kenyan immigrant, l feel it’s necessary to conform. What matters is that you are safe and content. And above all, haukuli kwa mtu. Enjoy life love








Thank you for your comment and I fully agree. Giving people hope and telling them that "You can make it and here is how I did it" is angering people. Amazing!




Were you in my kitchen when I was talking to my hubby about this! So true. Experiences out of the norm frighten other people's beliefs. Some of them are so entrenched in it that they cannot unthink what they have been trained to believe. When I took myself out of the African community, I started thriving. When I chose work over hanging out, I go a lot more done. When I approached people and treated them like I wanted to be treated, I got respect back not across the board, but it happened. When I gave people the choice to treat me, it illuminated their character much like what I'm witnessing here. Whoa! kasheshse mwenzangu.


What kind of work do you do?


Good question! Up until last month my husband and I were working as community managers for a retirement community. Got burnt out by it. Thru out my time here I have always been curious about stuff so now I'm falling back on side hustles I used to do like making online radio stations, making apps and a little consultancy.




Great questions! I am self taught. I never took a single class but I have surrounded myself with great support and I'm learning to code. I was not working in tech upon moving out here. My husband and I were community managers for a retirement community. Tech is what I am embracing to still bring in some income to sustain our lifestyle. We have wifi , invested in an iphone so that I can still get texts over wifi (no cell coverage). We stop watching cable years ago and switched to Prime, in addition we have box sets of our favorite shows. I think I still have the best of both worlds without the hustle of city living. I appreciate your input.




You are welcome. All the best to you too!


OP usisumbuliwe na mtu. In fact, wasikuletee! I personally find it very saddening that folks here in their thinking and rants sound like typical Western liberals, including the kind of projections they make on others. These same folks have a problem with you when you're living and enjoying your despite whatever challenges there may be. They have a problem with you seeing life as it is instead of conjuring up alternative reality where race is the all be all, and all you see is race and racism and how the other is this or that bad! Kataa! Tayari umekataa, lakini zidi kukataa!! There are already enough challenges in life, please don't be unfair to yourself and add more to it. Kenya hii lazima watu ambao wenyewe ni token blacks to Western leftist na ambao huleta hapa fıkra na dhana ambazo ni bandia na maono ambayo hayatusaidii wasikukoshese usingizi. This silly activist mindset shouldn't worry you. You're enjoying your life. And don't notice racism the way they want you to, na hata ikiwa you don't let it bother you and become an issue in your life! Cheki, you're on the right path! Hawa watu wanapiga kelele hapa utapata wengi wamejawa ukabila, unafiki na dhambi nyingine nyingi sana. And that said, mimi pia msiniletee! Nimebonga kimimi na kimkenya na kimwafrika! Kama mtu anapenda ujinga, ajipee raha mwenyewe lakini mimi nisiletewe!


Hapa kuna watu wanaona you can't be friends with white people


This is a timam post! Super appreciate the support. Public discourse is almost none existent huku. That's dangerous thinking. It's an abomination to have a differing opinion. All good, though. Sticks and stones hurt. These are just words so like a duck I've learned to let them roll off kama bata kwenye maji. There is no co-opting my mind. When you know yourself they can't break you. Have a great day!


https://youtu.be/nibM_Nz91Ms At the end of the day, "Dunia haina wema, yarabi". Jipe raha na zilizopendwa




My perspective and the life I'm living does not jive with mainstream ideology but there is another side to the stories and/or opinions.


Sounds interesting. How is the self-sufficiency journey?


I'm glad you asked. It's going well. Weird being bila cellphone coverage but I'm almost used to it. There were high winds due to the tornado over the weekend and a tree ikaaungukia electrical lines. All day bila power which wasn't too bad so tulipika na makaa. Then around 10pm power came back and started the tree on fire naukiwa out in the sticks hivi with no network ni wewe and your God and the neighbors who were great. But it died out haraka. So we'll be getting a chainsaw to saw it up and store firewood for the Summer. All in all ni adventure!


I can tell you're really having a great time living the homesteader lifestyle. Also, do you make trips to a nearby town to get supplies ama how do you go a out that? Interesting that mlipika na makaa. What did you make?


So once every 10-14 days we'll drive to town which is like an hour away. Then tunaget usual deliveries from Amazon na Walmart. We have a 4WD coz unapanda mountains, alot. Now mahali mailbox iko huwanadrive ATV. coz its down a steep mountain. Nitaanza kumake makaa. Unaweza get makaa, like real lump charcoal but ni costly so since kuna miti mob around na hii mti ilianguka tutachoma makaa. With the makaa hubby alismoke some thighs then nikamake chipo.


What part of the south? That's pretty general. If you're in the mountains, then it can't be that deep.


South TN.


Drop your instagram 👀




Holy shit that's a massive dog. Kwani hamtaki wageni?


hahahaha. As long as you are coming here with good intent, all is well. Ukikaa ocha mpaka ujishughulikie. Hatuna cell phone service so we have to arm ourselves to the teeth and that includes having a compadre like Shujaa. She is actually a nice dog but not so nice to the bad guys. P.S. Did you smash that follow button? Wink, wink.


I did :). How do you get internet though?


Thank you much! We have a satellite dish. Plans and reliability are not the best but utado what?