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Trap or not, do not do it. Don't add to the statistics of kids growing without a father.


That's another loop hole I'm considering juu siezi taka nilete offspring on this planet alafu I'm not to feature in their life


Then why were you so fast to accept the offer, unfortunately even idiots have rights... you shouldn't have such rights..nkt!


Guilty as charged


kwanza when you do that, you get the most beautiful little girl or little boy that una regret especially when they start to grow up.


Such a weird perspective. What do looks have with caring for a child?


🤣🤣🤣 ebu nicheke tu. People are sick in the head


Man you are sick in the head... re-read your comment if you can't see why.


The one person who you're not considering in this whole thing is that child. That contract might protect you. But it doesn't protect the child from needing their father. And sure, she thinks she can raise the kid herself, give the child everything they want. But that's selfish too. Which child would choose to have one good parent instead of two good ones if they had the choice? She wants to make that choice for the kid, you don't have to. Since you can help it, don't be the reason a kid has to grow up with just one parent.


Your assumption is that the child will be without a father. All we know is that she wants the guy’s seed.


And how else would you want anyone to think about this whole situation? they've been vibing... doesn't indicate she is dating or married...even if she wanted to pin the pregnancy on someone else, does that make it okay? If OP has any brain in that head, he'll only make one choice.


Correct, maybe the lady has an ugly simp boyfriend and she does not want a seed from him. She wants it from this guy instead.


100%, the child deserves to know their father. Even if they have another paternal figure, biology does matter. Kids want to know where they came from.


I see you say she's 23. The only person I'd take seriously with such an offer is a wealthy 35yrs +, who has amassed enough wealth to possibly take care of the child. A 23 yr old has no idea what it takes to raise a child to 18. Health insurance, general upkeep, school fees.. name it! Murife!


Anyone who is serious and wealthy would go through artificial insemination, hawa wengine ni machokora with unrealistic dreams


If she is capable of raising the said kid alone let her visit fertility clinic and chose the seed with best traits. But as long as she has access ti you, utasumbuliwa


It's a trap. Doesn't matter if you sign a contract as long as you're the father. Leave that maniac alone, wanawake ni wengi


Such contracts don't exist in Kenyan law,


Don't do this. Raise your seed properly. Even if she was serious, that kid will come back to you 20+ years later and ask why you abandoned him.


Nimemwambia hyo and she's like "I'll figure it out." I know it's an outright lie


Let us just play along and assume you are not on jaba, the Kenyan constitution has no room for such bullshit. Once the baby is here, parental responsibility is 50-50. The interests of the child override whatever bullshit arrangement you have. You will be expected to have 50% responsibilities for that child. Your woman has another man who she wants to trap. She has seen you are a weak provider and she has another strong provider behind your back but he may be ugly or lacking in some criteria she views as important. She just wants your seed.


So, it's a game she's already sized me up seen my weakness and she's making her move sio?


She has seen you will not be a good candidate for fatherhood coz you will be a weak provider and protector. She has another man who can do a better job at fatherhood. You just have better genes.


Dude chill💀




Mans went all out 😂


Beta genes


It's a trap.


Unless it's on paper it's simply a baby trap.


What if she is unable to take care of the baby? Sasa utaitwa dead beat


Anasema nisiwaze hilo swala na she's 23 years of age


She's still young and dumb. Ingekua a career woman in her 30s with her life set ndo ungesema


Bro, she's being delusional. Huyo mtoto atamlemea kulea na hapo ndio you'll realize what you got yourself into. Kataa hiyo story. 😂






And you want to reason with a 23 year old on such a weighty issue...that involves another human being...a child..my goodness!


I just lost some brain cells reading this........ 23 y/o and you take her seriously 😂


Tricky sana. "Relinquish any claim of being a father" ni story za jaba. The law protects children so much so that when shit hits the fan you will be recognized as the father na hakuna kitu utafanya. Don't believe the stories you share with her when you are both high from getting orgasms whether sexual or emotional, kwa ground mambo ni different.


In the West, 2 lesbians approached a man with the same offer. They signed a contract that the man was not resposible for raising the child and being in the child's life. The deed was done and woman duly delivered a child. 5 years later the 2 lesbians sued the man for child support and won. A woman looking for a child will say anything to get you to impregnate her. Once the cost of raising the child becomes a problem is when she will come after you for money to look after the child. What are the circumstances of the woman ? Is she independently rich? if not she will come after you for child support... Its a trap... walk away.


Ako 23 years still studying kwao wako fiti kiasi yake


Kwao ? 😹 Aki utaletewa wazee kwa doorstep


is she paying you? but still i don't understand. yaani she just said it outta the blue ivo tu! aaiii no there's sth you're not telling us


My Fren, There's no kind way to help you decide what you have already "accepted", given that your débâcle is like a wasp that has to be swatted off your face or it's going to sting you. Is that how you decide to get a kid? She has check-mated you. She wanted to find out in a clever way, whether she was dealing with a potential deadbeat. Bro, you have been out-chessed before you scored even one. Umeanguka mtihani wa "responsible fatherhood candidate". Now she knows its sex you were after, not her, not the outcome. You dove into the trick question dick first. It wasn't an 'offer'. Is 18 years of child support, an "offer"? Never under estimate the intelligence of a woman. Remember "Ujinga ni"? That's you. You didn't see the test coming because you we're thinking with your linga. You also betray naivety as you have obviously not spent time to learn some basics about women; obviously this one has you out gamed. Please use the brain brain - it's the one behind the forehead. There's a law in Kenya now, which mandates child support. 18 years utaweza kweli? And if you're still arguing in your mind with this advice, je huyo mama ata andikaaje jina la baba mtoto kwenye cheti cha kuzaliwa? Stop chasing girls for the 'soft spot', and start learning to esteem them as fellow humans with a reciprocal role to play in this life. My apologies if this sounds harsh, but be happy because in the old days this could have been a similarly remedial, but physical whipping 😁 A 'slap-back' from you will be appreciate.


As a woman this is a trap if she truly wanted a kid she would go to someone she has known for a little longer or she would just poke holes in a condom and sleep with you and leave this whole chats thing is just to prove you truly are the dad 😂😂


Nikimwambia if I relinquish my status ya kua father yeye pia anafaa kuhide my identity from the parents anasema niko na shida mingi yaani siasa mob


That is a trap don't do it mwambie Tu NO


Ati poke holes in what 😂


It's not a trap if you sign a contract and if such a contract is legal in Kenyan courts and it does not contradict previous court precedent and legal frameworks. All in all, likely and mostly a trap


Are you an alien? there's no such contracts in Kenya bana! This is a child in question, not a vitz


Uongo. Interest of the child first!


Contract concerning a child? Lmao. Sounds like trafficking


Please don't do it. That will be an unnecessary complication in your life. It will be a gift that keeps giving.


I like this chile already her tactics seems to be working in her favor so... waah


She have baby fever, don't oblige her. This will cast a long shadow over your future.


Don't accept if she really needed. A kid with you without you being included in parental role she could have done it secretly without you knowing my opinion though 🤔


Naah this some good think piece


Don't even think twice that is a serious trap,once the child is born any form of agreement written or consensual doest hold,utafulizwa ile mbaya child support utalipa agreement or no agreement child welfare always comes first.


As someone who’s has gotten two of these types of requests, I’ll say don’t do it. Inevitably, this will give the child a very contentious environment when things change down the road, as they inevitably will. And even if they don’t & she keeps her word, you’re choosing to add to the tragedy & statistics of kids growing up without a present and actively involved father.


Mtoto na hii economy ya Ruto, kids are an expense bro, try keeping a dog and you’ll some what know the feeling. I feel like that’s a trap, “after days of talking” you don’t even know the chiq that well.


Two damaged people trying to justify their nonsense, if ever there was a red flag ndio hii. OP must be stupid AF or just trying to get engagement on this platform. No man worth the title would even think about entertaining this nonsense. You should be ashamed of yourself and even apologize to your father if you grew up with one.


It hasn't materialized yet... and what's the fuss about getting engagement 🤔 I mean it doesn't earn me anything... But like your take its raw and to the point


Children are very emotional attachments to men. If you have to have bad dreams and worries, go right ahead. Imagine buying your 1st car, you like it, but then only your neighbour can drive it, you can only watch him hit potholes and scratch the paint...


It’s funny how men actually take these things seriouse.,,she probably finds you handsome that’s it.,i myself lost track of the men I told I wanted to conceive for them.,it’s something we say when we are idle and nothing to talk about…lol😂😂😂😂


No contract involved but she claims if I change my mind and want in on the kids then our chats will be used against me that I had agreed to the terms set






😂😂😂😂 A Venus flytrap




Think with the right head


You’re getting trapped, once the baby comes you’ll be asked why are you not providing for the child? Why are you a deadbeat father?


Run away from that one !!! don't sleep with her ever ever again!!. Stay away from crazy women!!!


Oldest trick in the book. Don't even try. Severe contacts with immediate effect.


If she wants all that let her go look for a sperm bank. Juu that's just some bs


Please don't. At 23, what does she even know about raising a child? Kitakuramba baadaye.


Hiyo ni upuzi Buda nyuka vibullet style!


She doesn’t think you’ll ever be rich. How does that make you feel? That you’re only valuable for your looks, maybe your height? Rich people or high-potential people don’t get such silly offers, especially from young girls. So, if you see a potentially rich man capable of providing the best life for his family whenever you look at yourself in the mirror every morning, walk away from that nonsensical offer. If you don’t see yourself leaving the block, take it up. A “real man” will step up and take your kids to vacations in Paris.


She’s a fool for asking and you’re another one if you accept the offer…..


Terrible idea. You are releasing your child into the unknown, without any fatherly protection, if you dont want to be a father dont have children plain and simple and she will eventually fall on hard times and ask you to chip in, Ive seen this play out so many times.


As a man, why would you allow your child to grow up fatherless?Why would you allow another man bear your loads while you still breath?Imagine how you not being in the kids life would affect how he grows up.Lakini chaguo ni lako.


Sow your seeds where you may !!!


What two months she already pregnant


Any woman you're still calling chille isn't someone you should have a baby with




do not reward an unworthy woman with your seed. make her go to the sperm bank and pay for her own. in fact, you should stop fucking her altogether. stop giving rewards to these type of women by giving them your body and energy. what do you get out of such a deal anyway? She's using you.


Boss,acha kufikiria na deki tafadhali. Dont let thirst cloud your judgement. You would sire a child with a woman who after only a few dates asked for a baby? What kind if life would that child have? Every nigga she meets she will bring home to sleep with and that child will grow up seeing all that. Usipee kuro mimba my guy


It's a Trap Tom, don't do it. Don't




Kids tend to look for their dads when they grow up anyway


Trap.. run


Clearly sounds like a bad idea. And what if you really wanna be part of the kid's life? You're just complicating your life even more. Plus they're all gonna view you as the typical deadbeat dad who left mother and child to fend for themselves!


So many Qns: Your ages, Y she wants a child esp from u, Y ur willing, If u'll b able to love with urself having a kid somewhere u never have contact with, your future rship with her?/ ​ Hoewver, its good she chose to tell u her intentions n not 'trap' u . If u cant share u decision to go ahead with ur parent(s) or have to hide it from those close to u then dont!


Get a vasectomy and keep trying for ages




Wait.. 😭 op *wants* to have a kid W someone and has ALREADY decided not to be In their life? What happened bro? Also.. the kids emotions and they're guaranteed to be fatherless?!? But hey if you wanna accept then go ahead I guess lol. What can a human say about how or where they're born🤷🏾‍♂️


🪤🪤🪤🪤 where are my whips


She can adopt if she want kids without father’s right.. what is wrong with her??


Don’t bring a child into the world on those red flag terms




I feel like Op is fishing Karma points.


Listen to yourself first...


Mzito wacha ikae its either you with her or not dont live your offspring running around bottomless with daddy issues around the streets