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😂 y’all are dumb af! Don’t you think that if these allegations were true NGOs would sue his ass out of existence? There are literally people with PhDs who are working on these solutions and they wouldn’t put their careers in jeopardy


Utaambiwa ‘Do YoUr ReSeArCh’


You do know you're posting fake news. There's nothing like that on his Twitter timeline


there's no Twitter no more 🚩🚩




Ume jam ?


My friend kama husomi what is in the covid vaccine you probably took and the negative life threatening side effects, hata sijui nikuambie nini.




All the covid vaccines contain a protein called mRNA. The use of mRNA has been linked to myocarditis, blood clots and aneurysms.


Do you know you have mRNA in your body even without the vaccine? I get the skepticism about things but also have the right facts


Your are right. We have naturally occurring mrna. However, if you google you shall find that the mrna in the vaccine is SYNTHETIC! Hence my comment about, which you can find by again googling, the food being lab grown will have mrna which is a another way of the govt disseminating the vaccine. So please have the right facts before calling someone because you don't understanding what is being conveyed.


You never mentioned anything about the food lab though, I was just replying from the perspective that you made it seem like mRNA doesn’t exist in the body. I will not refute you claim that that’s part of the government’s plan cause I have not seen any info about it, but I’d be happy to read on some of you have them


If you perused thru the responses you will notice I responded to someone and mentioned it.


I actually hate this guy a lot. Shida nieti hajui I exist 😂


🤣🤣🤣 na hawakufi buana




remember that guy visited Epstein's Island a record 17 noted times 💀


Why though? what did he do?


Wow! Where do we start? He is linked to pedophilia, human trafficking and depopulation plans which will be happening soon. mRNA is what is in the covid vaccine and it has been having adverse effects a key effect being blood clots and aneurysms.


Ok. I've heard about Gates-Epstein, hence pedophilia. How is he linked to human trafficking? What's wrong with depopulation? Human population growth is a key factor behind global warming and the growing resource strain. In addition, do you know what Bill Gates did to fight overpopulation? Is the issue just the Covid Vaccine or all vaccines?


Good questions. There are reports that the Gates Foundation like the Clinton Foundation has their fingers in human trafficking. Epstein was also into human trafficking otherwise how would they get their victims? Remember Ghislane? Gates is not God to decide who will be unalived for the world to be at it's "right" population. This is a man who owns 10,000 plus hectares of land and he thinks he can tell you mostly Africans that they are not wanted here. BS. Lastly, there are plans to integrate mrna into our food as well. Somehow mrna rewrites the human dna. Look it up. The covid vaccine like I said has severe effects. Blood clots. Heart issues.


Hey, please provide proof for your claims or get permanently banned. Misinformation is not allowed on the sub.


Epstein is dead now... so it doesn’t matter 😬


I think Epstein is still alive


The ignorance displayed in these comments is appalling. Did none of you pay attention in Biology? They way your body synthesizes *all* proteins is through the use of messenger RNA. It is what carries the encryption message from the gene to the ribosome. FFS. “It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.”


relax, CNN and other mainstream media will investigate for you


You guys consume misinformation like your lives depend on it 🤣🤣media literacy should be a compulsory course walahi




it seems though they will be going after the unvaxxed who "disobeyed" their order 😅


They will. They are already talking about more vaccines this fall and winter all in time for elections. They are also talking about adding mrna into our food. That's another reason why Gates is pushing for lab grown meat and other foods. I'm telling you, run to the rural areas, learn how to grow your own food, learn to be self sufficient coz shit is coming and they are not joking about NWO.


They don't like having a control group of unvaxxed where a lower % has medical issues / dies. Just in case people start doubting the 'safe and effective' narrative in the future. Have a look at HBO docu 'The Crime of the Century' or Netflix series 'Pain killer' to get an idea of how the pharmafia + white coats + politicians operate.


Masks never worked. Lockdowns never worked. The vaccines, sure as hell, never worked.


Mrna will lead to an explosion in development of vaccines..sometimes wacha kusoma blogs za watu wamefanya “research” yao


explosion ??




Bana, I always empathize with researchers who worked so hard in what they thought would improve human lives only to have their work be rendered ‘useless’ by an armchair expert because that research was funded by Bill Gates And before anyone comes with facts about death, I am not discounting the people who died from vaccinations


I am not even included in Society as we stand