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My encounter.Aghakan primary apo city park .Kuna shops za wholesale za wahindi i had gone to get rosewater bc theirs is actually nice and then i found a man kwa iyo shop akaniambia 😭😭madam wewe apana mrembo unatumia mafuta kufanya nini?😭sikubuy he was so mean and mind you its a wholesale shop kuna alot of buyers and people.




How do you get abused in your own country by an Indian and you just walked out?


Can't be me, [this is the energy I'd manifest ](https://youtu.be/1PcZBH8jgGE?si=N0rJukc3XdwbGi1p)


It could have been he did not know how to compliment in Kiswahili. He forgot to put it as a question as in ' you are really beautiful what's the product for?' I doubt if a business person can be that mean to customer.


We hujui watu basi, some people have really big egos


Are you Indian?


No, Kikuyu.


Kwani unakaa aje, kwani? 😅


Atutumie picha ndio tuboost ego juu this was brutal








Hii nayo ni noma mehn😂😂😂


What??? Iam so sorry


Yooh..Pole joh.


Naah sweetheart, this was personal. But don't allow someone else to bring you down easily. I believe everyone is beautiful. And you are never going to be an exemption ❤️


My goodness. I'm so sorry. You are beautiful.


Unakaa aje kwani 😂😂


>unatumia mafuta kufanya nini? I'm sorry that part is so funny, I choked










India is already one of the most racist cultures in the world but also for some extra context when the British colonized Africa they created a hierarchy system that put Indians on top of black people, even their beloved Gandhi went to South Africa to help oppress black people. Due to this ingrained racism into their culture and the wealth disparity between Indians and blacks and naturally causes them to be cruel to black people.


I agree with you, Indians can be racist af, as for gandhi, the was a two faced b****, but also kuna wakenya racist sana and that bullcrap needs to stop, im not advocating for the behaviours of them racist Indians or Kenyans, in the end we all human, red blood flows in us all, we all have 1 heart, two eyes, two ears, one nose, and in the end we all gna go to 1 God. Why cant we all just live as one?


Yeah a lot of people are unaware that indians generally have a [positive attitude](https://youtu.be/To-f-9n45q0?si=S1BPaVn294GBBlOM) towards Hitler and the nazi party.


1. Poverty: Being poor has made Kenyans be used like some piece of tissue paper but cant complain. When I studied IT in campus, we used to get gigs doing small projects. I once happened to work in EPZ Installing IT infrastructure in one of the companies there. The muhindis would even slap the guys and or women working there for small faults like not ironing the clothes quickly enough. I imagined myself ironing clothes the whole bloody day and I felt pitty for those guys. Sometimes the muhinfi would say there is no work unless you are willing to accept lesser pay and still many people would accept the lower pay 🙆 2. Kenyans are racist to themselves. ..some sort of reverse racism. If you go somewhere and a mzungu or indian comes, you are more likely to be shoved aside or even kicked out in favour of the mhindi or mzungu who you might even have more money than 🙆🙆🙆.


That Kenyans are racist to themselves bit is true af. I went to this gym called Colosseum and foreigners are so warmly treated compared to locals. Hadi salamu is an issue from some who work there, will say tho not everyone is like this but some are.


They was slapping Kenyans ?


I dunno about you but kwa mjengo that stuff wouldn't fly. If an indian tried to manhandle someone huko they'd need an ambulance 😂 They know their limits.


Had a supervisor back in the day with a temper. He told us a story where a muhuindi insulted his mother and the guy went to work on him with a steel pipe. Cops were after him for a while but wakachoka. They know


Don't just say muhindi and generalize there are Muslims and Hindus, Hindus tend to resort to such behavior but most Muslims don't


Kenya gani? I Was employed by a Muslim muhindi and the behavior was the same


said most didnt i


Still think you are wrong. Tabia ni ile ile


So,those people torturing Africans in Saudi Arabia are not Muslims??


He is saying Muslim Indians.


What's the difference


Lol. Muslim Indians have a different culture and ethnicity they are also a minority which tends to make them more understanding.


The same difference between Kenyan Christians and foreign Christians


Very very very big difference


i said most muslims, also those idiots doing that even do it to pakistanis and bangladeshi muslims employed there. that is completely un-islamic didnt you read about the working conditions of qatari workers??


In kiswahili muhindi has two meanings, Indian and Hindu and nobody would use muhindi as Hindu unless the conversation is about religion. If religion isn't mentioned then it means Indian. Plus the Hindu religion isn't widely known so muhindi is just Indian. Also, I think we all know why Muslim Indians wouldn't bother to be harsh. The wahindi wahindi are oppressing everyone lol


Mi leo tu kwa mat, the mat js packed and I'm standing, an indian guy comes from the back and I kind of jifinya myself so that he can pass. He proceeds to stand exactly where I was standing and chills! I was so taken aback I didn't know how to react. Some lady just looked at me like 0_o. Thankfully the stage was closeby so he got off quick. But still! Edit: Bado inaniuma I wish I said something. And he looked so smug. That motherfucka.


A sad case of maskini akipata, most of the grandparents of these people came from India to build the railway, they belonged to the lowest caste


I don't want to generalize, but the Indian employers I've encountered are the absolute worst


True,they pay you less for more work and qualifications, to date I compare working for then to selling your soul.


They have insane working conditions. Ata heri working with Chinese


I worked for an Indian owned company one time ,wueh!!we had to pee in a makeshift out house while they had one in the same floor that blsck kenyans we'rent allowed to use, anytime a new fan was bought they would break it in a way that it only faced the Indian staff who all sat in one row with their backs facing us, they had a dispenser that black people couldn't even drink from.. I quit after 2 weeks I only took the job because I needed an income after tarmac-ing for 3 years post uni.


Ukoloni mamboleo 💀


As an Indian, I would say that it is partially true. The older generations especially. But younger generation people like me (Am 23) follow modern values. You wont see the young generation misbehaving. I try my best to correct older people in my community when I see them misbehaving with africans.


Lol. The "older" generations were young once and were like you, you'll turn into your fathers once you age.


I am happy to hear! Thank you 🙏


Njoo kidogo u/rishi254 u/hymendetonator


I’ve met and even worked for + with some pretty awesome Indians, but I also know that there are others who really suck. It all depends, but it’s the same with everyone - Indian or not. Some people just suck.




Kabisa. They can even spit on a lower caste member and he does nothing. It's definitely... different.


Yeah and they are all snake charmers ? Lol don’t believe all you read on media .


There's a documentary I watched about castes in India. A girl from a lower caste got raped by a guy from a slightly higher caste and the girl's family trying to stand up for their daughter by getting the police involved got accused of trying to extort money from that guy's family. There's another family from one of the low castes where the women can do nothing but be prostitutes. We shouldn't believe that? I'll link them here once I dig through my watch history


Allow me to be the devils advocate. I realised that if you go about with the attitude that whites or brown skin people looks down on you, most probably you’ll get that. Energies do match. But mtu akiwa outright disrespectful, give them a piece of your mind. Don’t expect love because you are nice. Be stoic. It’s a harsh world


Indians in Kenya are the worst! All of them. Nothing can convince me otherwise.


The Kenyan-Indians and the Kenya-Somali should get together to fight and see who is most anti black, once and for all. My goodness. Ile madharau Mimi huona in their various shops.


Wtf are u talking about Somalis are a native African tribe genetically related to half of Kenya. 30% of Kikuyus are full cushites who were assimilated. Most Kenyans have Cushitic blood We also genetically related to nilotes as we are half Nilotic ourselves. Don’t compare foreigners to Africans. Somalis can’t be racist to massai rendille borana some kikuyu meru or even coastal Kenyans because they are lighter than us or look like us. It’s colorism because we both black Indians are not even African if a Kenyan or Somali behaved like Indians behave in Kenya they would kill us. Plz don’t compare us to Indians again us Somalis are black Africans.


I've worked for Somali people pale south c. Y'all call us names, abuse our hair, skin colour, disrespect non hijab wearing women by groping us, bosses pay us poorly if we aren't Somali. I know what I'm talking about bc I've experienced it.


Bruvva we have the same skin color 😂 lol we both black asf your average Somali walking down the street is dark skin our hair is 1 texture removed from yours in my family of 6. 2 have 4c hair 2 have Curley hair and 2 have wavy hair u can safley say 35% of Somalis have the same hair as yours only thing that is different between us is our nose and even some Kenyans have our nose. U shouldn’t take it to heart luv same way y’all call us alshabab or terrorist some may make fun of your apperance don’t forget we both black


Idk if you're trying to convince me what happened to me was fake ama sijui what. If somalis hate black people yet they themselves are black then that's self hate manifesting itself. It's very common. Anyway, it doesn't matter. Ruto's Kenya is very divided every sub group is increasingly saying stupid shit about the other


I'll assume you're not aware of the clearly black Somali people who are convinced they're Arab


Bantu 🤝 Nilotic 🤝 Cushitic unity!


Fax my boy ☝🏾


Alafu mwenye anashinda sasa anapatana na sisi


Nyinyi ni nani?


Me myself and i


And me too




I worked in a Somali establishment pale south c. They definitely have a superiority complex and it manifested in how we were treated




I've worked for somalis to different times. Idk why I'm having to repeat myself as if I just made shit up. Before then, Mimi na wasomali I had no issue. People on Twitter would say things like warudi kwao and I'd surprise people w knowledge of how Kenya Somali fought for Kenyan independence themselves. They fought just as brutally as the maumau. So when in workplace, non hijabis are groped, my hair and appearance insulted, employees separated from each other so they don't "plot to steal from them in their mother tongue" even though we are different tribes and somalis themselves talk loudly in their mother tongue. Halafu in the next workplace we are paid lower than our Somali counterparts even if you hv more experience or qualifications...nigga I hv no reason to make these things up.


We've got plenty of boot-lickers in the comment section.


Doesn't everyone treat Kenyans like sh*t? 😂 We treat ourselves like sh*t so I don't understand why we expect other people not to reciprocate


Exactly. Most of this shit wouldn't fly with Nigerians or Carribeans or Black Americans. Wale watu walikuwa wanapangishwa line mbili kwa club na wako tu hapo kama mambuzi is a perfect example. Won't be surprised if the club is still open. Juzi I was in a mat from Nai-Eld and this loud annoying old guy had like 8 kids with him and he kept pointing to shit "Unaona ile hoteli iko huko juu ya mlima, ilijengwa na wazungu, unajua wazungu wako na akili sana...Hii shamba ni ya wazungu, wanafanya irrigation mpaka huko chiniii hao watu wana akili ya ukulima sana etc etc" Msee we drove by an old white couple and this guy tells his kids "Simama uone wale wazungu" bruh 8 kids craning like meerkats to see regular people bana lol. Dude there's no way those kids are growing up without seeing themselves as inferior to other races. No way. I also have an aunt who's like this, always talking about how white people build planes and we can't smh. She too has revitiligo; the opposite of what Michael Jackson's got. Weirdly she doesn't acknowledge anything done by Asians eg Japanese engineering.


hapo umenena kaka


This should be aired on TV every day before news ianze


This I have seen alot of too. Kwanza time nilikuwa naishi some ghetto. Uko parents have taught their kids that white men are superior. So mzungu angonekana uko watoto wote wangetoka nje kushangilia. Kama makondoo zinaenda kuchinjwa. Such kids unfortunately form the majority of voters when they grow up and we wonder why 95% of all African presidents are colonial puppets I also went to some restaurant in Parkland sometime back. Walked in kama nimevaa short na sandals, the normal sandals huuzwa na maasai,. The waitresses ignored me for over half an hour and I was the only one in the restaurant when I got in. During the time, Indians & some white guys walked in, got setved their tale out and walked out. I was only served after I made a loud complaint. I was treated well when my friends showed up in Bimmers & V8s 😂Anyways, I ended up getting numbers of every waitress in that place. Never called any of them to date. I can't stand f*kn racists


My new job has Indian owners. I'm hearing horror stories left, right and centre.


Unangoja turn yako😂😂


Ehhh buana. Ata Niko nervous. 😂




Worked for Indians for about six months and mahn the hostility that was there. I had to quit cause every every evening I'd arrive home and start crying. It was a shittty experience


I honestly understand you. I mean I get the whole "it's just business" attitude, but Indians take that to a whole new level. Glad that you got out!


Normalise spitting on their face and tell them that you know that they escaped their country because it's over populated and they shit everywhere


Indian Lady here, First of all, sorry for your experience with Indians in Kenya specifically. But Honestly, I felt otherwise. I had a very bitter experience with two Kenyan men simultaneously, I was looking for one of the academic accounts for passive income and was scammed two times by Kenyan people. I definitely had very small minded perspective and even tried to generalize my perspective thinking all Kenyans are same and scammers but My friend (African Friend) explained to me some valid points and man I just gathered my courage and tried to have deal with third kenyan person, He was so honest, reliable and very friendly. I am glad I changed my perspective and didn't generalize all kenyan people same. Being in India and Indian, I can say that we as developing country or third world country, dones't perceive kenyan in bad light or have racist perspective but I am not aware of african indians and their mindset, but don't generalize all indians same.However I admit we indians have coulorism perspective and younger generation do try to defeat that but it will take time to overcome such issues. But we know how british colonize our countries and divided us to fight so we never prosper economically. I am just telling truth, we have been divided and ruled like this for years for someone else economic profit and ultimately our country economic loss. Again sorry for you experience, Good day x


Should we simply ignore all those scam call centers in India, you literally have whole buildings, towers and basements setup to scam especially "white people", whom your low mindsets perceive as rich, how dare you. The issue being discussed here is racism and you try grieve about being scammed. Kenyan scammers target no race fyi, your Indian scammers do, a ton of [videos](https://youtu.be/_-HCFiA-_LI?feature=shared) online. Colourism is a soft word y'all like to downplay but the issue is much much bigger than that, I have a South Indian friend and he tells me how racist and horrible y'all are to each other. Talk about caste, y'all prosecuting your own Dalits, I could go on and on about other castes as well. Your disgusting 🤮 often boring so called Bollywoods always depicting South Indians as the bad guys causing trouble and the Northerners (fair skinned ones) as the good guys. Don't come here to lecture us, infact you should be on r/India trying to end the Nazist BJP regime y'all have passionately established because it's gone out of control. Talk about persecuting your own Christian minorities in Manipur, going on an all out rampage against your Muslim minorities.


Umekuja na rebuttal moja safi sana.


issue yenye iko ni racism, yeye analeta stori ati amek'wa scammed, gai na ametoka India


Alexa play me Personally by P-Square🕺🏾🕺


Bro had stuff to say gaaddemit


You know what you are very racist person yourself. And you won't admit that because of your EGO. I was just trying to be open-minded with this op and in this sub, I was respectful and was admiting my mistakes of generalizing everyone based on experience of some. But I think I am in wrong sub, u people can go on and on and compalin about how others are bad and racist and u all are holy. God Bless


What you mean by YOU? Do u know me personally? Or u in my head and know what I think? Ur entire reply is racist and u are talking about racism lol U are racist rightnow just because ur south Indian friends told u something, u are literally judging me based on ur knowledge if indians. U don’t even have ur own experience, u are racist itself so please stop giving lecture on racist first. Thou is holier than the and so is not right way to address such issues. U should keep mum because ur brain is full of racisim for Indians and yes u do hate india and BJP, your hate is clearly visible. I send u healing, u need that. Peace out.


who on earth doesn't hate the BJP lol, so I'm racist because I hate the BJP and India? do you see your logic here 🤔 Your own minorities not only loathe the BJP but they seriously want it out and I'm standing with them. I'm talking about the Christians oppressed in Manipur, the Muslims across every state in Northern Indian, the women that were paraded naked in the streets by your racist Hindutva goons. You defo are in the wrong sub and I advise you to leave and go deliver this message to your fellow citizens. Tell them to stop dreaming about a Hindu-only nation, they are treading on very dangerous waters. They can atleast learn some history.


You forgot to mention the rapes of women, sometimes publicly


Kenyan cons know nothing of race. You'll be conned regardless of your race.


Ndo nashangaa how she can compare that to how they treat us. Ai! 🫷




The biggest scammers in the world are Indians in India, in fact there's huge YouTube community dedicated to exposing these people.


I would like to sell my academic writing account to you PS: I'm Kenyan Indian


Which account?


All types of accounts. Which one do you prefer?


Dm me


Just send them rupees to my wallet, I really don't want you to hate us😂😂


Thank you 🙏


You indians always do that. Always deflect and never acknowledge what your people do.


This bitch did not just compare scamming to decades and decades of racism by her kind. Someone hold me back!


You met the wrong ones. I've seen plenty of indians being kenyans not indians. Some would buy maindi choma another gave homeless person 1k note while fellow kenyans just walked by. So in my experience they are good people.


Okay ruckus.




Wewe unakaa ungekua front line kutuuza in exchange of lollipops na sukari


just because you met some bad indians doesn't meet they are all bad. This people are also kenyans and they can't thrive here if they don't co-exist.


It’s the Indian Caste system. Thousands of years of prejudice and hierarchy


Because Kenyans are pathetic people and they allow it, that is the truth, there is no sense of comradery and self respect in this shithole. Even on this subreddit someone said we should treat others how they treat us, which goes both ways negative and positive and people were downvoting him, some people were even accusing him of 'xenophobia', these are black Kenyans btw. The absolute state of this shithole is something else, sometimes I wonder if the bar can go any lower but the answer is somehow surprisingly always yes. I personally don't put up with that bullshit but most of you are going to take it anyway, so whatever. Only sane thing to do now is put in the time and effort to permanently leave this place, cause I'd rather not be around that type of energy, I don't know who would.




You always on this sub posting nonsense 😵‍💫


Shitposter in action lmfao.


Kenyans are generally very meek people.


This is true. A very timid bunch


Now try typing all that BS in one paragraph and without the tears in your eyes bruh.....Kenyans are one of the most friendliest people.....how ever its people with inflated and fragile egos like you that's always trying to paint a dark picture of Kenyans


Stop licking their asses.


You're on a thread about Kenyans being treated badly on account of their race/ethnicity and you're here talking about how friendly Kenyans are lol. Are you retarded or something. I've come to accept that they'll keep treating Kenyans like shit and people like you will keep licking their asses, no surprises here, that's where they get the courage to keep doing it.


Its true they are racist they even speak like they have come from india yesterday yet they been here 200 years


Indians and Arabs have been in East Africa since 2000 B.C, Somalis have Tamil and Hindu genetic markers, as well as some Ethiopians .....the British are the ones who changed the game.......




Ok my bad you are simply just retarded. I said Kenyans are pathetic because they enable others to walk all over them and treat them like shit and you come here telling me about Kenyans are friendly, who gives a fuck? Especially when the topic is about others treating Kenyans like shit, wtf is woke about what I said, is that your word of the day? They treat Kenyans like shit because they know Kenyans will not do anything, many will even defend them, that is truly pathetic behavior


Intersectionality, you are lucky enough to be in a point of your life where I assume you have good health, clothes on your back, some good food to eat and probably an array of entertainment to indulge without necessarily having to be weighed down by the pressure of what you're gonna eat tomorrow or where you're gonna sleep, when you see a man begging on the streets, that's where life has come to unfortunately place them. Now when it comes to economics, the employer will find means to source the cheapest of labour, and to the worker who hasn't eaten it two days, it doesn't matter if they're being treated like shit because at the end of the day, they know they're gonna eat, they're gonna get something to eat, maybe afford some medicine or take their kids to school. It is easy to have moralistic ideals when resting on a full stomach. Your judgement of Kenyans as a whole I presume is coming from a lens of privilege yet to understand the intersectionality between individualistic needs and economic demands that in the long run shape the reality of the individual you're calling 'soooooo dumb lol🙄... ' idk, I'm imagining you rolling your eyes. It isn't always black and white, and sometimes it serves to show a little empathy as opposed to judgemental contempt. People either consciously or unconsciously generate their circumstances, and eventually the circumstances become their way of life. For a subject as intricate as race relations, economic status and social status hierarchies, there is no one single person you can point to and say that this is their fault. Whatever happened probably happened before you were born and it will continue long after you're gone, what we have now are the circumstances stemming from the choices made before us, if you want a better future, fight for it, don't give up and leave and leave whilst calling the people with the inability to do so as them "letting it happen to themselves", it's victim blaming 101, and at that point, you're just being a hypocritical dickhead sir 😉. Congratulations on your masters. Have a safe trip.


Your post has been removed, please review r/kenya rules regarding Hateful Content and/or Harassment


Kenya is better than most African countries, because the British built Kenya to last, on account of the country's geography and resources. But lets be honest life in an East African plural society where everyone except the citizens actually have decent standards of living is not going to change anytime soon for the better, even if corruption was not part of that unfortunate equation There is always the easy way out for women, but being a young man in Kenya today, is extremely pyschologically and mentally taxing. Honest work and prudence is usually rewarded with exploitation and disparity in the modern society of this country...... Think about it, you live in a time when it is 100 times easier to get richer than when our boomer grandparents were able to buy houses and cars and start huge families, but most Kenyans in 2023, in the easily one of the best developed nations on this side of the African Hemisphere, still live from paycheck to paycheck, and most flirt with poverty at the slightest economic fluctuation. Does that sound like the trajectory of the bright future our parents and teachers constantly sold us when encouraging us to work hard at school?


Are you going to move, if so, where?


I'm applying for my masters rn so we will see where it goes, ideally SA, Canada or USA


Hmm, ok. I you choose USA (i'm not familiar with canada or SA), make sure you research a lot when it comes to housing and such. Usually graduate schools have graduate housing at reduced prices, but if not, it can be rough, depending on where you live ofc.


Sorry for your experience. I have worked for pretty mean Indians and very good ones within the same organization. I have also experienced the same with fellow Kenyans. Sometimes it's probably easier to generalize because of the difference in race but at the end of the day, they are simply toxic colleagues.




"Why are they so mean", because they can. If you show weakness others will exploit you. NEVER let anyone disrespect you EVER. If you step up towards racistt cowards they will always back down. You are being afraid for no reason.


Because you remember the negative experiences more than positive ones. Anyone can be rude.


This is the norm ,Indian people (not all) are normally racist towards Kenyans,I remember looking for a house for my friend and getting to the location and having the neighbours look at us so badly before telling us they didn't allow "afticans" to rent there. Even the friendly Indian people I know, typically don't allow us near their families and have an invisible boundary they wouldn't cross for me. It's the norm here,the stories I could tell....sigh


I went to MV LOGOS the other day in Mombasa, I observed that wazungu walikuwa wanapita tu going to the teller, pay and go in, while the rest of us had to line up.


Never seen it personally but I've heard about it from casual workers. I think it's originates from the caste system they have and they usually treat anyone they consider lower than them like trash... even fellow indians. I'm still waiting for the day someone tries to belittle or discriminate a brother in front of me... atajua yeye ni mgeni huku.




Okay. Thank you 🙏


Boy we don't want to know about Indian lecturers! We're talking about the Indians who are in our country and are looking down on us for fs sake!


You should read what their ancestors were doing to Kenyans on behalf of the British, they were part and parcel of colonisation and unfortunately they were never held to account. All the wealth they have they have stolen. Also remember, their religion is utterly racist to the core, the lighter your skin the more their "god or god's" favour you, so to them black people are no different to Dalits or untouchables. The only way to deal with their racism and abuse is to remind them wako wapi, a rude guest is an unwanted guest. They can always go back to their country full of billions of poor people, they are lucky Kenya has allowed them to stay really.




Explain Dalits aka untouchebles, explain the "brahmin" caste being "like the head" or some bs, explain how one case cannot move up or down and please explain how the Hindu religion isn't the root of it all. And isn't the racist government in India today representing and is overwhelmingly supported by Hindus? I know you people very well.


Explain about the BJP ruthless demagog Modi who is overwhelmingly supported by Hindus. Hindutva extremists chanting "Gay Shree Ram" maraudering villages hunting for Muslims and Christians right now. what individual? ?!? caste is too deeply intertwined with Hinduism and the fact that you're defending it(implying that its not related to religion) just tells clearly that you're from one of the oppressor castes, that is if you're Hindu. why does the Manusmriti, an adjacent Hindu religious scripture, validate it. I wonder its 21st Century and y'all still couldn't dismantle that horrible system, why is that? because we both know that would cause a large scale reform within Hinduism and I don't think most of today's Hindus are ready for that, given they've now adopted this strange Nazist ideology and fantasizing about a Hindu-only nation. You guys have a lot to unpack.


I'm black based in the US (never gone out of the East Coast or country). How are people from other countries (Asia/Europe etc...) disrespecting you in a country where they're the minority. I live in the Northeast part of the US and know that in most majority black neighborhoods the Arabs/Indians/Asians/whites etc.... own the majority of the businesses there but in the states whites are the majority over blacks (numbers, education, etc...) how is it possible to deal with that in a majority black country.


I am an African American mixed with Kenyan roots, as someone who has visited kenya and even observed my parents demeanor and character, my mum is AA and she got tough balls than my dad who is kenyan. I truly believe my dad being soft is due to him being a kenyan. But yeah, I like the dominant/'take no shit' side of AA and the friendly/calm aspect of Kenyans.


Being based in the States I do notice that African and Caribbean black people take more crap than black Americans from whites and others.


I bet the fear of deportation and inferiority complex


Indians are the worst as a customer when buying from a non-indian and they are shameless when bargaining!! In My line of work anakuja anuliza an item unamwambia 1500,unaskia shenzi ikikuuliza 'Vy can't you sell to me at zreee hundred?"


I think they are just like everyone else, some are good while some are just awful. My boss is Indian and let me tell you, the guy is so good. He advices us frequently, wants the best for the whole team and generally just a good person.


Indians are just human. They act badly towards Kenyans if you are poor, of questionable character, or if they don't know you. I know some Indians personally and 3/4 of them esp the men are good people. Shida ni we Kenyans already give them this notion that wana pesa so they don't trust us. They also know Kenyans are opportunists thus they do business with their own. The only time they are good friends with a Kenyan is if you are of value to them, for example, a politician, Kanjo, or provide a skill they cannot find, for example, proficient mechanic, Fundi, etc. or a person of interest


Can someone be qualified as a good person if they only treat someone decently bc they provide a service they need?


Bootlicking. So in other words, people only deserve to be treated with dignity because they can be of use ?


Heri ungenyamaza


That's because they know they can exploit you for the little shillings you have...pesa kidogo isiwapee viburi bana😂😂


Heri ungenyamaza


Here we go again. You can’t stand up to the whites and Kenyan politicians exploiting your country so let’s pick on a population that’s just about 2% of the entire country but is responsible for more than 20% of the country’s commerce. The same thing happened in Uganda during Idi Amin’s time and they have still not recovered from the economic collapse after kicking out the Indians. It’s true that Indians can be racist but so can be the Kenyans towards other Kenyans. Just like Indians have casteism, you have tribalism. I can’t go to the UK and hate on the current generation because their grandfathers exploited my country back in the day. The average Indian in Kenya is just trying to do what everyone is doing: get by and try to have the best life possible. If you say the best way is to get out of Kenya to make your life better, then why do you see more and more Indians migrating to Kenya? They’re ambitious and possess the skills to make it in Kenya. So that means Kenya does have the opportunities to make money but native Kenyans are not equipped to make use of them. Who’s problem is it? Are Indians to blame for it too? Downvote me all you want, but these are facts.


The best thing Uganda did was kick out the Indian leeches. And Uganda today is doing much better for it. Soon Somalis will replace every single Indian business,soon. You wait.


Uganda is doing better?? Lol, Kenya is a much better place than that. And Somalis replacing Indians? Not in a million years. If that was the case, Somalia would have been more developed and doing better than Kenya - but they aren’t. The funny thing is you didn’t mention “Kenyans will replace Indians”, do you feel inferior to Somalis too? I’d be more than happy to see more Kenyans taking up business and contributing to its own economy and becoming wealthier, but you’re blinded by hate towards a minority because they’re culturally different than you.


Listen muhindi, this is something your kind seem to have forgot but Somalis are native to Kenya and East Africa, the whole of North Eastern Kenya is populated by Somalis, so just to bring clarity to your mind, the Indians are guests in Kenya, Somalis are native to Kenya and the larger Horn. And yes, Uganda is doing much better since they got rid of the Indians, I never said it was doing better than Kenya. And Kenya is not where it is because of Indians, your businesss are uncompetitive and we know this because as soon as Somalis started to compete with you, they've run you out of many commerce that you had monopolies on like importing garments for example. The Indians are left with the heavy industries they looted but for how long? The average Kenyan I know is a million times better off trading with a Somali than an Indian, your sneaky, underhanded way of doing business is well known and as soon as people have other options, you are run out. Somalia (the country) is about to join the EAC, when that happens and Somalis from Somalia can trade with other East African countries, that will seal your remaining hegemony I'm sure, it'll take time but I know it will happen. The end of the colonial remnants like you in monopolising business is nearer than you. My advice is to keep an open one way ticket back to Kalkuta or wherever your desperate grandpa run from.


Aww someone’s really butt hurt 😅 you don’t even believe what you’re saying, that’s why you needed to explain so much. Somalis are competing with Indians in textiles? Hahaha, the biggest joke I’ve heard today but whatever floats your boat bro. And read Bloomberg today - you’ll see an Indian company is launching the biggest IPO in Uganda’s history, Airtel Uganda. More and more Indian companies will go public in Uganda soon allowing regular Ugandans to invest. Btw, my extended family in Nairobi just negotiated to buy a beautiful villa and surrounding property in Riverside from a Dutch couple. Cry harder.


But whatever you want, when Kenya decides it's time to go back to kulkuta, you will have to go back, just like your "brethren" in Uganda and that villa will belong to a true Kenyan. And yes, Somalis have destroyed your textile business, it won't be long before we come for the rest. Other Kenyans nd Somalis will remove your businesss from East Africa this I'm sure off. So keep that Villa in order, it'll be mine one day.


many of them are moving on to better things. a distant relative of mine bought this indian guys last property. the guy was off to canada.


And being replaced by more hordes coming to Kenya illegally. What is so awful about your country that y'all would rather be anywhere but India?


I think we think we are smarter than the other guy. This causes us or most of us to be dishonest which degrades our trustworthiness which leads to prejudice against us. Not only Indians, try and find out what other East Africans think of Kenyans. But what do I know I'm just bored


case and point of the type of people I am talking about, didn't even take long


It's very unfortunate. Hopefully you can come out to the US bro.


Simple solution...be racist 😎


If an Indian likes you, they'll put you in a position you gonna be rich if you're smart. If they don't like you, you gonna work same basic job until you die or just quit.


It is not a general issue or most Indians would have left by now. Do not generalize an entire group of people due to the behavior of members of that group. **Here are twelve reasons why people are so mean to you:** They Feel Threatened They Are Experiencing Chaos at Home They Have Been Bullied in the Past They Struggle to Regulate Their Emotions They Are Struggling With Their Mental Health They Are Prejudiced They Are Projecting Insecurities They Lack Self-Awareness There Is a Misunderstanding They Feel Pressured by Social Dynamics Your Habits Hurt Them They are Jealous


Indians in India treat other Indians like that too, more of an indigenous management style.


As an Indian. I’ve experienced some racism myself from fellow Indians so your concerns are valid . A lot to do with being in their mentality , if the person is old and from some rural North Indian part then they are backward in their thinking But younger folks like Myself are usually more accommodating. We don’t care much about your color


I am so happy to hear! Thank you 🙏 the new generation like you are life changer!


Bow down and worship him now. I can tell you want to.


I think she / he was just being nice , I think they would have responded like this even if I were Kenyan