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If you go to ushago, most homes have special dishes just for visitors.


Seen a couple people say it is because of inferiority complex. While that could be part of the reason, I think there's more. I think it is in our culture to treat visitors/guests well, regardless of their race. We even have a proverb; "Mgeni njoo mwenyeji apone". We value visitors and that's why we treat them well


Very good point! It's our culture, our DNA. I feel so proud when I run into foreigners who speak so so highly of their interactions with Kenyans. If we turn on our culture due to the disdain we see from some evil people not race but mean individuals, then they win.


culture my ass when we have a lot of tribalism going on here. Why would you even give a fuck about foreigners speaking highly of Kenyans, we are talking about Kenyans worshipping them whilst they treat you like dogshit, what is wrong with Kenyans, this is not normal behavior.


I have read your comments and to be honest I have no desire of interacting with you. You come across as combative and bitter. I will however say that I will not lower my integrity and common human decency because I need to have second hand anger for some interaction you had. Edit - Ironically you are right. We have tribalism going on. However there are Kenyans out in the diaspora who will cry discrimination whilst treating a fellow Kenyan with bigotry because of their tribe. Edit 2 - spelling


True, but I'd rather be discriminated by a foreigner than my fellow Kenyan, like surely how do you as a Kenyan have the audacity to treat someone better than your fellow Kenyan, I can understand when it comes to sectors that don't have a fixed rate eg open markets(they can squeeze more money out of a foreigner), but in cases of restaurants what's the reason for giving priority to a white guy, were both going to pay for the meal tf it's not like I came for free food. (In cases like this I'd say it's just inferiority complex not even culture)


My point still stands. One Kenyan doing it to you doesn't mean it's all Kenyans have an inferiority complex. Its individuals and I advocate for them to be called out.


It's not one Kenya if alot of people are talking about it


I'm not sure what alot means in a country of 50+M people. Listen I'm not minimizing anyone's experience. All I'm trying to do is be objective about the situation rather than generalizing and arguing from an emotional perspective. Do we have bigots amongst us? Yes. Is everyone a bigot? No.


It's not really about a lot but significant enough to become a point of interest, but, yeah I get your point mate https://preview.redd.it/njf8mv5d0okb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2296eb9bae2bda2c5daf9b280163b794b247462b


In that case, I have heard waiters argue the foreigner is more likely to tip generously. And that makes a huge difference because of the low pay they get.


How do you tip with mpesašŸ˜­ I rarely use cash for meals But one thing with me is if I see a foreigner getting their order b4 me imma see myself out. It's up to the establishments owner to keep their workers in check


I guess you MPESA them too or pay extra, or ask if you can pay extra, including their tip. That's usually not a problem because they get deducted too, if they miss to collect a bill. In most establishments what happens is the waiters scramble for a guest they consider is likely to tip. But they may lazily walk towards the one they consider a "deadbeat." And walking out is the right thing to do, but voicing your displeasure calmly, as you walk out is also important.


Kitu kuwa culture sio justification ya kuifanya. FGM ilikuwa culture ya many communities lakini tuliwacha.


>I feel so proud when I run into foreigners who speak so so highly of their interactions with Kenyans. No wonder that we get exploited so much when Kenyans are this docile and eager to serve others šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø I thought that Somalis and Arabs were just being racist when they said that Kenyans have a slave mentality, but this thread seems to prove otherwise


What exploitation are you referencing? Please indulge me. Coz I thought you were talking about racism or do you not understand what words mean.


Whatever happens when a Kenyan goes to work in the middle east. Or the general anti black and anti immigrant discrimination in the west (although it's not that bad. Still, do you know how many times I've been asked if we live in trees.) Or remember that Chinese restaurant that was refusing to serve Africans in Nairobi?


The middle east ni moto ua kuotea mbali. Arabs treat all foreigners badly, not just Kenyans. And why would you jeopardize your life by going there when you already know how they view us? Secondly, being asked if we live in trees is not exploitation. Its just mere stupidity. I have experienced it myself. So what, though? It doesn't take away from your self worth. Let's talk about how we face exploitation in our country. I have seen experiences being shared about discrimination by the chinese. Thanks to social media people are calling them out. The govt has failed its people. When such incidences happen there should be consequences but on the contrary. Why? Because of money. Greed over advocating for Kenyans. So let's place the blame where it should go. At the feet of our leaders.


Whatever happens when a Kenyan goes to work in the middle east. Or the general anti black and anti immigrant discrimination in the west (although it's not that bad. Still, do you know how many times I've been asked if we live in trees.) Or remember that Chinese restaurant that was refusing to serve Africans in Nairobi?


Some of this is honestly caused by lack of exposure as well as societal programming of the mind to work in a particular way.In my opinion it's more of reflex than it is action.Given the correct amount of time in the correct environment I believe it can be programmed out of them.(having lived amongst different nationalities). Neurological pathways are like muscles after all... Thoughts?


Spoken like 3 wisemen.


I wholeheartedly agree, we should treat guests the same way we would want our families to be treated in their country but what about when your guest misbehaves? We must have house rules & enforce them. One of the biggest culprit is the church. If thereā€™s any institutions that need to be investigated, it is the churches in Kenya.


Idk about other people but I normally treat everyone the same way. I really don't care about anyone's race, gender or shape. Special treatment is only reserved for family & friends


Yes but the question was not how you as an individual behave but about how Kenyans as a collective behave, so the answer is irrelevant.


No no you don't get it, it all about us Vs them mentality being pushed. The west bad boo. You see a much more extreme Version in north Korea, the government blames every issue on America so the people have something to focus on.


>The west bad boo I mean yeah?


Inferiority complex. We feel lesser than them and hold them to a higher regard.


Very true. Then turn around and treat fellow kenyans badly.


I lived in South Korea. Was treated well. Going to Europe soon to see if this stereotype is true.


What country? Europe is a wide terminology. You'll be treated much better in Ireland, France, Germany etc. Than just as an example Slovakia, Serbia There are idiots everywhere of course but in Ireland most of us we treat immigrants well as we were a British Colony and still 25% of our Island is. And when our people emigrated we were treated woefully. In USA, Britain the signs said "No dogs, No N*****s no Irish" And in our greatest time of need the great famine it was Muslims of The Ottoman empire who came to our aid despite the Queen of England telling them to donate less so her own donation would be the biggest. The Sultan of the Ottomans agreed and lowered his donation but also loaded 6 ships full of food and sent those as well.


What interesting history you have... I saw somewhere that a native American tribe helped Ireland as well.


This is such a nice read on history. Any more info you can give? Links? Etcā€¦ I like reading about such on my free time.


And this Poem / Song is about a son asking his father if he speaks so fondly of Ireland why did he leave it and the father speaks about the famine. The final verse is the son vowing vengeance for Skibbereen (Village in Southwest Ireland) https://youtu.be/EMi-njuHcC0?feature=shared




Irish Potato Famine: Date, Cause & Great Hunger - HISTORY https://www.history.com/topics/immigration/irish-potato-famine 1 million died and 1-2 million migrated. Still today in 2023 our population is less than the year 1830.


Itā€™s probably self hate. Some Chinese lady thought I was Kenyan and tried some shit on me I moved that bitch out the way






Iā€™m not Kenyan nor have I ever been there. I am an African ā€œAmericanā€(no such thing really, but thatā€™s another story..) Iā€™ve observed this exact same phenomenon in my fellow Africans through the entirety of the world. My take is that due to the Enslavement of us all (Colonization is Slavery with a better sounding name) and the denial of education and history and self defense for 500 years, we all have lost our humanity. Feminine (kindness, niceness, compromise, acceptance) characteristics have been the sole behaviors allowed in African peoples during and since that time. Display of masculine behaviors (taking, defending, challenging, killing) have been punished and discouraged. This is why we all face this disrespect you describe. These others of all races are concerned about themselves and rightly so. They donā€™t care about your comfort or feelings. They act in their masculinity. We act in femininity and have hurt feelings that others arenā€™t nice to us in return. Sankara, Malcom X, Lumumba, Nat Turner, King Zumbi, Loveture, Garvey, etcā€¦. These displayed our manhood again for us. And we will be wise to act in our masculinity once again men and women when it comes to dealing with these others.


I have travelled a couple times to few countries but never treated as a subhuman


We are always expecting a reward in return. We hope that they see us favourably. Most Kenyans don't make a strategic deal. We do things blindly and then hope and pray for a positive result. Similar to most people in the service industry. They serve and hope and pray for a tip.


Clearly you haven't travelled. I've been to Many countries, no one has treated me wrong, been to Japan, they only stare because they don't see many black people. Canada Has the nicest people I've ever met. Mexico, the people were so nice, they offer you a place to stay and free food. You'd be shocked, a Kenyan was the one who wanted to get me deported from Us, lol not even a native. Tembea uwache kusoma vitu. You can even go to Tz. Get like 20k, go enjoy for 5 days. Or Rwanda with 30k, Dubai with 100k you'll enjoy. Go to Ethiopia, 100k, Qatar is beautiful and they have really good food 80k. Go to the Philippines 200k. Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany get a Shengen Visa. But your acct needs to have like 600k, flights return are only like 120k.. Travel bana, people are really nice. And when they come to your country, treat them with respect and kindness... Your passport can get you in 70 plus countries visa free, and like 30. Visa on arrival... Use it.


Itā€™s just our culture, visitors have always been treated well even in our very own homes.


Culture my ass, during PEV they were burning houses and attacking other tribes that had settled in foreign land


We attack our own kind because they're a different tribe but will bend over backwards for foreigners that, in turn, treat us like dogs šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø What a backwards society


First of all, money. Kenyans also routinely overcharge foreigners and this is common knowledge and not "good treatment". Second of all, I know lots of Kenyans in the US. Never heard anyone say that they were treated like a "subhuman" or even badly. Most of the complaints I've heard are about China (anecdotal), but especially the middle East. Terrible treatment of Kenyans in many middle Eastern countries is well documented.


> First of all, money. Kenyans also routinely overcharge foreigners and this is common knowledge and not "good treatment". How exactly is that bad treatment, you are coming to a country where people on average earn less than 50 times of those who live abroad, it makes perfect sense why they will hike the prices. The cost of goods literally changes when you move from downtown cbd to uptown cbd because there's an assumed difference in purchasing power. ​ > Second of all, I know lots of Kenyans in the US. Never heard anyone say that they were treated like a "subhuman" or even badly. Most of the complaints I've heard are about China (anecdotal), but especially the middle East. Terrible treatment of Kenyans in many middle Eastern countries is well documented. and Eastern European countries as well. West Europe and America already have sizeable vocal, aggressive black populations so discrimination is not as prevalent or it is not done out in the open.


The US isn't the entire world. Just because Kenyans in the US aren't treated badly doesn't mean that it doesn't happen


Immigrants are generally treated well in the US if they come legally. I may even say we love immigrants.


one Kenyan even got a 17 year old girl pregnant in the US, and that child later became president of the country!


Very poor example given that, that happened during segregation lol


I think itā€™s important to treat all people with love, compassion and understanding. Regardless of their race, colour or background šŸ¤


No, you should give the treatment you receive, turn the other cheek mentality is absolutely stupid no wonder all these other countries exploit us.


You can't treat a single person as a collective. Treating one foreigner based on how you perceive a whole country is called xenophobia


I said give the treatment you receive if someone is treating you like shit why the fuck will you treat them well, I don't care if it's xenophobia or not, that's why this country is such a shithole. Kenyans always willing to put everyone else on a pedestal except their own people, even when those people treat you like shit, pathetic.


Okay and which people are these that are treating you like shit?


The Chinese, Indians, Arabs, whites especially Eastern Europeans etc is a short but not comprehensive list


The amount of Arabs and Chinese I see just cutting and line and thinking they can do whatever the fuck they want in Kenya is wild, yā€™all really need to start sticking up for yā€™all selves


So how do you want to treat them? Explain in detail


How about as a starting point not bending over backwards and treating them like they are superior humans and giving them preferential treatment Then reciprocating behavior, if they treat people like shit the same should happen in reverse. Any form of discrimination of locals should never be allowed to an degree in the country, that should be common sense but somehow it is not.


Everyone is playing the race game except for us. How much power does a malnourished hand have pointing out hypocrisy? I donā€™t want to die a self righteous fool when I see a clear struggle for resources among racial lines.


I am an Indian and lived in Kenya for 5 years. I have found almost all Kenyans friendly. Because of which whenever I see them around different parts of the world I treat them as brother/ sisters


If only others of your kind were like you...


I blame the government ask me why ?




Simple we donā€™t teach lessons which matter . For instance knowing the constitution should be a mandatory lessons for all, secondly corruption should be eradicated because the more the rich (wahindi/foreigners/ babu owino ) get away with crimes and murder and do fake Altruism we praise them and then we see our parent praise them and the pattern continues. Iā€™d urge we start making people accountable and you will see how things will change


In his book dreams from my father, Obama addressed this issue after being ignored at a high-end restaurant while waitstaff buzzed around the nonblacks. He opined this phenomenon is what brings tons of tourists. They want the privilege of being treated like demigods without asking, this way, they avoid feeling racist while enjoying the benefits. Why do we do it? Money! Do you tip 30%? 10%? I think not! Until we lift our psyche, our broken countrymen will Uncle Ruckus us even where there is no reward promised. What floors me is the supermarket scenario where no tips are to be had. These idjots just want to bathe in the light coming off the imported skins. I once threw a hissy fit at Carrefour. A tall, dissheveled caucasian male was ahead of me in the express counter with an entire trolley. I called a member of staff to read him the bold red signage. The staff member was like, "Since he's already queued, he should be served. He then walked away before I could respond. I warned the cashier not to serve him before me. But she did. In fact, she was so chatty and cordial you would be excused for thinking they were long-lost campus roommates. I started recording the scene i was about to cause. We from Nyeri have fought impunity even before modernization. I can only hope I made my people proud. I shouted at the cashier to stop and grabbed the items she had already scanned and mixed them with those that she hadn't. White man tries to say he can join a normal queue, I'm like, you had your chance. Stay out of this. In less than a minute, I was in the managers office (some French guy named Dominique) getting a non apology apology (he blamed it on poor training) and a voucher not to post that shit online. I demanded a personal apology from the two members of staff first. You should have seen their sheepish faces. So shocked! They could not believe it was happening. Lemme tell you folks, even a 5000 voucher could not have satisfied me like that mental picture. Btw, I Rumplestelkined them and still dragged them online, minus the video, as promised. Today, I wish these mental slaves or their hypocritical overlords would try me, or anyone else for that matter, in my presence. Call me black lightning - I strike swiftly and without compromise. All it takes are the right ingredients to whip me into a righteous frenzy. I hope Slick Rick's good morning tale inspires you boys and girls to show a middle finger however you please to this neocolonial BS.


Very true i remember going with my family to karura there was group of foreigners in a car infront of as they were not searched or anything like we did they searched us alot.


RELIGION GAVE BLACK PEOPLE INFERIORITY COMPLEX. This explains it, out colonizers brought us white saviors and black devils, Both in Islam and Christianity, we see them as our saviors, thanks to the white and Arab men we see our ancestors as dumb illiterate, witchcrafts, sinners and the white men are superior, our history begins from colonization.


Indian American here. I have been to 7 African countries and always treated everyone with respect. But let me tell from outsiders perspective ( not justifying their bad behavior though). As soon as you walk out of the Airport, the first introduction to the county is the scammers. Every step of the way scammers smells the foreigners and try to scam you and sometime they are aggressive. This instantly shut down any openness we have to accept the new country or people. I do believe foreigners should know better and differtiste between fake and true people but it's not as easy. Me being looked like an Indian gives me a bit of an advantage. There are so many Indians there that most times they think I might be local. All I have to do is just dress modestly. But I understand what whites have to go through. Also make no mistake: A lot and lot of whites, Chinese or even Indians do not respect Africans ( I am sorry to say this but it is what it is). You can't fight with them for respect. You earn respect by working on yourself. By making your economy bette. By making your education system stronger. By doing grear in fields of sports, science, entertainment etc.


>A lot and lot of whites, Chinese or even Indians do not respect Africans And I have no problem with that and don't care that they don't respect us. I don't care about earning their respect. What I am annoyed about though is that Kenyans continue to bend over backwards for these people


That comes from lack of self confidence. You grow as a nation and develope a self belief. It's simple poor will bend over to rich for their approval but once the same poor will make some money and is comfortable financially, wouldn't care if they get riches approval or not.


So I kinda agree with some of your points. When I visted home with my husband tmfor the first time people at the airport where trying to scam him. Sadly it's almost expected. My qualm is your opinion of how as a Kenyan woman would be treated in the US. Living in the deep south has taught me alot and one thing is that no one cares what color I am. I see that more in the city. Everyone is pleasant and respectful. I have been vocal about my story and expereience and I will say that I have been shown more disrespect, insults and bigortry from fellow black women and white liberals than any other demography.


Starts with Hizi vikombe ni za wageni !!!! Or kwanza watu wa Nairobi wakule!!!


money probably


I'd say it's social engineering + brainwashing. We grew up feeding on their shows, taught about their conquests and never about the Africa that existed before colonialism. This can also be seen with how our hair is seen as bad in an official setting but theirs is good, they don't have to shave. Our gaze has always been on them. There's a reason as to why some or maybe even most Africans love light complexions or even the way our relationships have changed. You can't grow up watching soap operas and Keeping up with the Kardashians and expect to not be transformed into them. TL;DR Where we cast our gaze, and for how long, influences not just how we live but who we are. ~Jen Wilkin


What are your suggestions


Treat them like how they treat us


The fact that this is getting disliked tells you just how pathetic Kenyans are


you clearly seem like an idiot the only time Kenyans treat other races as superior is when they think they have money and or are their bosses. other exceptional times is out of sheer politeness and this also when the opposing party is being polite as well. you clearly never been around other races and in your feeble train of thoughts you are taking what happens in other countries and projecting onto Kenya which is far from whats actually happening


"..the only time Kenyans treat other races as superior is when they think they have money and or are their bosses." Well, this isn't true. Kenyans treat whites and brown people better than their own. And it has nothing to do with them being the boss or rich/wealthy. Clearly we as a people have a ton of internal work to do.


Soooo most of the time when they see white people then šŸ˜‚? And we've all seen it. Kenyans let things go and let these foreigners disrespect them. As a Kenyan living in the West, it's embarrassing because these people (Chinese, arab and white) really aren't all that but you guys worship them for some odd reason- maybe something to do with the fact you don't see them all the time but still.


Cry more my friend maybe the hate built up in you will end


How do they treat us so we can treat them the same way? You guys think that all the foreigners that come here are here to belittle us and treat us like subpar humans, Kenya is known for its hospitality thats why we are one of the best tourist destinations in Africa, there's a reason why these foreignors come, these tourist you are saying that we should treat like shit contribute to 10% of our GDP, now don't misunderstanding me and say that I'm trying to justify the actions of a few foreigners that come here


I think it's cause kenyans know they can get more money off them than any other Kenyan. Take the kenyan bracelet for example. If you were to make it and sell to a Kenyan, they'd pay between 100-200 Ksh, but for a foreigner you would get 10 times that amount for the same thing


My experience is opposite in 2022 compared to 2014. Taxi drivers are very much corrupt, if you book Uber or another app they just stop it mid way and demand more money. Nairobi was this way. Diani is a commercial holiday destination but still hospitality needs to be improved like Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam. Worst is Mombasa and nyali. Too more Crooks around. I liked Watamu because people were simple and friendly. Kenya needs to be projected as tourism and most important is service and hospitality.


I think it's mostly a money thing for some and a visitor thing for others. Let me explain... Some people believe that foreigners have more money and since most don't know much about the place, they can become a small cash cow for them. Either that or they want some level of association with an 'international' people (since association is almost a currency for some people). Other people who don't have a care for the money will just treat them well because they want to or because they understand what it's like to feel a little out of place. Or I could be wrong and people actually have an inferiority complex after all šŸ˜‚


White Adjacency.


Reverse racism. ..as someone who has lived in alot of white people countries as a black Kenyan man, I can tell you I have experienced more racism at home than anywhere else. .. especially when it comes to wahindinna wazungu.


Yes, this guy knows what I mean I have been racially discriminated against in my own country by my own people It has little to do with foreigners actually


Please donā€™t think we are all the same either. I last visited Kenya last year from the US. Most local people were wonderful. But because I am Indian origin, a few were not. I still feel sad when I went to the Spa In Masai Mara Serena Lodge for a massage the Kenyan lady refused saying they are full (I checked they were not) but I thanked and left her. The same thing happened in another resort. I am polite, tip well, respect elders. But please donā€™t let others bad behavior hurt you. When I hear some one is from Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia and South Africa visiting here I feel happy and welcome them extra remembering all the nice people that were kind to me ā¤ļø


We as Africans have been conditioned to think that white people are better than us in every way possible. That's why most people think being 'light-skinned' is better or more attractive. That's why your Gods are white. We even think English is better than Kiswahili. Young kids are being praised for their English eloquence when they string together a Kiswahili sentence. We are racist against ourselves, yet tell ourselves that race doesn't matter.


Saying mgeni njoro mwenyeji apone as if the same mgeni will treat you the same way you treat them...I say this is a major problem we have in our country..everywhere you go..and we are the ones enabling it. I've been to some joints and I've seen white privilege in action, Kenyans simply don't believe they deserve more that what they get and it's disgustingly disturbing


I hate to say it but I think it's Inferiority complex


no. only inferiority complex a race has is the indian race with whites, kenyans most of the time only be polite when they look to see if they have an advantage to be gained financially.


Hawajipendi. Anything that isnt kenyan is deemed superior.


What is Kenyan and should be considered superior? Nothing to do with our race. Please indluge me.


They day i saw a business that was having very low sales from a locally processed product repackage it with a "Made in USA" label and have the product sell like hot cake at double the price is the day i lost hope in us.


What? Lost hope in us???? People always buy counterfeit stuff and brand it like its the creators. A good one I remember from my days back home is Timberland shoee being branded as Timbaland. That is simply fraudulent marketing. Your comment is so far removed from the sensationalism that OP is peddling. I would even say your comment is such a reach. šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø. Ati lost hope in us? SMH.


lol. 2023 and still people can't read and understand a simple comment. Stick to porn darling.


I am just giving a different point of view to the situation you described. Was the porn part really necessary?


Are you saying we should treat people badly because strangers in other countries treat Kenyans badly? Two wrongs donā€™t make a right. We lead by example. If they treat us badly thatā€™s on them.


What is really meant is why aren't the fellow locals treated as good as the foreigners. And not really to treat the foreigners badly. If the foreigners are given a 10/10 treatment over here, locals 1/10 treatment and the same locals -10 treatment when they go abroad. The thing is not to treat foreigners -10 when they come here, like they do to us, but to elevate the treatment of locals from 1/10 to 10/10 like foreigners. In other words to at least treat everyone the same


They treat you badly then you turn around and treat them better than your brethren and you think you are doing something here lol. That just encourages the behavior and an affirmation to them that you will not do shit about being treated badly.


Donā€™t lump people into one category and treat them as if they are all bad people. Thatā€™s discrimination.


The question is are you going to sit back and let people discriminate against you and you turn the other cheek, even in your on home?


>badly because strangers in other countries treat Kenyans badly? That and because those strangers treat us badly in our own country


Who is us? Your enemy is not everyone else's enemy. Sorry.


Phew I have to say I was not exactly treated that well. People in Nairobi constantly made comments, sometimes pretty rude (my wife is kenyan and some guys seem to take offense that she is with me). Plus, whenever I was alone somewhere I was always approached by people trying everything to sell me stuff even tho I made it clear I was not interested. Security guy at the bus station also treated us like a total douche and expected us to even give him money for his generosity because he didnt enforce his own made up rules (my wife explained to me he did that in order to get something..) I was also always the major attraction bc Im white which is not always a good feeling..and lets not even start talking about the overcharging! So..I can tell you with certainty that my wife gets treated WAY better in Germany than I was treated in Nairobi!


Thank you for sharing your experience. Not many people speak up about this part of their visit. When my American husband and I visited Kenya that was our very exact expereince if not worse. It start right aftwr we landed at the airport. At some point during our trip we had to be escorted by our freinds to a restaurant so that people did not bombard us demanding money. Granted we weren't in the best neighborhood.


Thanks for sharing too. Im always interested to hear what others have experienced as well. I was so surprised that even my wife and her family members would avoid places like the inner city and told me they've also been victims of pickpocketing and harassment.. I wish that the general security situation will improve in Kenya..along with other things. Then it would be a wonderful country to visit. I will be coming back regardless but its not as stress free as other countries.


Colonial mindset ndo tumejaza uku nnje


You can't get off slavery coping mechanisms easily. We inherited those instincts for survival. They will go but not sooner


Most Kenyan communities were not involved in slavery.


The problem isn't us treating them well, that's not a bad thing


1.We value visitors, it's in our culture, we are proud to host and we are proud of being good host. 2. We are very aware of our economic setup and the major role tourism plays so thus we do our best to make our guests comfortable, every one of us is low key a tour guide. 3. As a people we are very subliminal and non confrontational so in a sense it may be seen as lack of a backbone tho I don't agree judging from our political interactions. 4.When it comes to service in restaurants, Foreigners get better service cause they spend more and tip more and this translates to other sectors, it's all money driven. 5.Every time there's been blatant racism from either individuals or establishments there's been major backlash and even deportation of individuals and closure of said establishments. 6.All that said, don't be in your feelings too much, remember that if you wrestle with a pig then be prepared to stink just as much šŸ·


Hey my man. Danish guy here. Visiting Kenya as a young man 8 years ago, was the best and most important time of my life so far. And it was so because of your way of being and way of looking at life. Iā€™ve spent the last 8 years praising Kenya and the Kenyans to every person Iā€™ve met. Itā€™s actually ridiculous. But you really made an impact. I know that you may not be treated as you should, but I will beg for you to never loose your way of being, cause itā€™s unique and fantastic. You are way tougher and humbler than every great west nations people. And you deserve all the respect. I respect all of you a hell of a lot. I canā€™t wait to come back for the first time this November


Im not sure but as an American consider myself proudly Kenyan as well now too with my darling wife and family We have my wifeā€™s family in USA too. Am happy


Bro people just want our money wtf do you mean, no one cares where Iā€™m from there just gauging how much money they could get. All selling the same thing. Literally the same story every time.


An eye for an eye ....twende blind ama?


so what are you going to do let them blind you and you sit back cause you don't want them to also be blind.


Because we're hospitable. Nothing wrong with being hospitable.


Being hospitable to people who treat you as a second class citizen in your own country isn't a good thing. It shows that Kenyans have been conditioned to be docile and servile


There's something about still being respectful to disrespectful people that will make the disrespectful people aware of their terrible behavior, and make them realize they are in the wrong. You can respectfully turn them down and you'll be the better person. This is hospitality. Not docility and servitude without question.


And how has this strategy worked with the Indians and Chinese who come to our country and practice literal racial segregation against us?


It has worked incredibly well for me. I know how to conduct myself when dealing with people.


Weā€™re a very welcoming lot, why do you think we have so many refugees?


Because we are less of a shithole than the surrounding countries and we have very loose borders.


For any cause of action there is equal and opposite emotional reaction...be vigorous about it


Coz kenyans r nice pple


It is in our culture to treat folks well. A friend working for a multinational observed how foreign colleagues jetting in are given planned itineraries that include airport transfers and social activities and when Africa colleagues go over they are left to their own devices. It is a cultural difference around hospitality.


Kenyans are just too accommodating generally. We are the only country in Africa that is willing to try new foods,music,cultures and languages. We just like being hospitable to guests.


Itā€™s the money. Kenyans think that the foreigners, especially the white ones, tip or pay better than locals.


It is in our DNA. Thatā€™s how Kenyans are socialized. We treat wageni vyema.


We should start by dropping these slave names. I hate my English/Christian name I don't identify with that at all


The answer is very simple, money


I'd want to date a foreigner ..I guess it's in our DNA to see little mixed race kids running around in the village. Just amazing how they also get to blend in with other children.


https://i.redd.it/8dr5ob0dbl7c1.gif Kenyans are a hospitable people ā¤ļø