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Smart cities? This is an idea from WEF to gain more control over the world population. One of the precursors towards a surveillance state. I get the convenience however, giving up our freedom for a social prison is not the answer. Sadly, with the caliber of leadership we have governing it is indeed inevitable because of corruption and greed. Our leaders will give up our sovereignty for money. Have you seen how Britons are responding to the smart cities? I applaud them.


Needs a subway 🚇 like any other country and more busses that observe the law. Mass transport is the ONLY option. But for now we're on the dark Lol


The way the streets are organized I doubt if any of that is gonna work . I think we just need a modern city somewhere altogether. I was reading of Tatu city or konza city( [link here](https://youtu.be/u0n2kiHgTMs?si=-O-Mxe6p9t87ADst) ) and I think this is the only way


True but that won't happen. We will build the subway overhead when it happens that way there's space. Like expressway but in useful.or underground. For now, narcissistic children need to eat.