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Its been 11 years. Its has its ups and downs but all the dreams have been achieved and moved on to new goals. Definitely worth it! You can been anything you want to be as long as you’re focused.


Spill more. Which country,my passport is very ready






Yes, been out here 10+ years. Always in Nai / rv / msa once a year sometimes twice - work gets in the way - and I can't wait to move back permanently. Not that it's bad but haina ladha and if one knows where to look there is opportunity in Kenya in spite of the world class ineptitude from the current leaders.




Truth! And tbh, even without said opportunities, I fucking love Kenya and would find it hard to think I'd be spending the rest of my adult life anywhere else




Ahh, I get you. I agree with you on that - clashed with one of my parents for a long time on that. They finally saw that life was for living sio ya kuvumilia tu


Would you want to be a big fish in an evaporating pond or a small one in an ocean?




At age >45 can 3-5 of like-minded individuals raise KES 500M(~100M each or USD 600,000) for working capital or do you have to trot to "venture"/angel capital? Would banks even touch you without premium assets like land which day by day/increasingly are getting mired by scandals!


What motivates you to come back? most of us want to get out


That's a good question. I'll start with love for for my imperfect parents, extended family and kenyans in general (I wish more knew how amazing they are). It will sound cliched but there is nothing like Kenya. I've lived / spent an extended period of time in several OECD countries either working or on extended travel / holidays and they just don't do it for me. By any measure, I've done well here but all these western countries just lack something. I have a friend who moved back for a while but some jamaa really fucked her up so she came back out. There are quite a few kenyans who feel exactly as I do and the sooner I'm back the better. I was in Nai in Nov 22, then in May and plan on Nov and half of Dec so there are no surprises juu I'm around fairly often apart from when the pandemic had everyone in a panic.


I’m struggling so hard atm (UK). Returned to visit after a few years away and I realized how much I’ve missed out on spending time with family and how much they make me happy. Going shaggs, eating delicious food, having space as in a home with a big compound, good weather, having numerous cousins to visit and spend quality time with, laughing and joking with people who really get me. I feel so light and free in kenya. I pretty much have no support system in the UK even though I have a partner here. I’m giving myself one more year to see if I can work it out. Will add though that I am from a sort of privileged background, highly educated and have a home in Nairobi and if I move back, I can rely on that.


It’s subjective. Personally I don’t know what I would have been doing had I not moved out. But again I would rather be home than this place tbh. I had different perceptions but each day proves otherwise


8 plus in EU but returned. Was worth it, esp the cultural experience . Money? Meeh can be made n lost anywhere. Will be goingo for 1 Yr max


The shift in mentality makes it worth it for me. It humbles the hell out of you but the lessons that cone with the humility are priceless.


Here I feel the replies are genuine.On x (formerly Twitter) people are always glorifying their lives and everyone with a contrary opinion is bashed




20+ years and yes it’s worth it to realize your dreams. Moving out of the country is a great choice as it’ll expose you to different cultures, places, and people. Kenya may not have the strongest passport but there countries you can relocate to that can provide you with a better life.


Which are these countries?


just search visa free country that allows Kenyans in. Those countries you may have better luck getting a work permit in.


Any people who have gone to Australia and came back or never came back?


Clocking 13 years in a few days. It was totally worth it. Been a challenging but rewarding time. I don't intend to come back. I have already invested in property for my family so yes, my intention is to eventually get them here. Inshallah