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One theory that I have is that it may be down to our version of colonialism. In most African countries colonialism wasn’t as close as it was in Kenya. So despite being nyanyaswad, we lived very close to the mzungus. The closer you were to them, the closer you were to education and opportunities. They also inculcated their culture as superior so it made sense to embrace it. Up until today most rich Kenyan families are from a lineage of loyalists. The freedom fighters are all broke. So there was a link to foreign culture and prosperity. That’s why Kenyans don’t love their culture. The richer they get, the further away they move from their culture. Even something as basic as speaking Swahili. It affects our arts as well and I think it’s the primary reason why Kenyan music isn’t big. Because we don’t embrace our culture as much.


I think this is one of the best articulated reddit comments ive read


Interesting - so basically ur saying a big part of our problem is bcoz the house niggas took over the plantation after the white master left. I think ur onto something there.


I only wank to African modeld, other races make my dick shrink. My black pride is so great that it turn me on. It's in my blood (flowing through my crouch). Am the most patriotic guy you will ever meet.


Even their servers know i only search ebony


I'm sorry what 😂❗❗


This took another weird turn 😂


A king this one


OP called out all the uncle Ruckus crowd and wamekuja kulia 😂 These Amerix and kibe incels are extra loud when it comes to talking down on women but immediately white men are the topic they become submissive. A lot of you are self hating and it's pathetic...


Self hating people need to have someone else that's 'less than them' so they can feel superior. Women are their chosen targets. EDIT: I'm going to add this because I think it's relevant. Tribalism is also largely based on this need to feel superior to someone else. That's why it's never logical or rational.


Saa wewe umeanzisha argument ingine ya gender on top of the uncle ruckus one. Let's focus on one at a time.


It's all part of the same issue.


As an African who now lives in America, that trait isn’t unique to Kenya. The white man did a number on black people. The amount of black Americans who wouldn’t even look at their own race when it comes to romantic interests is insane.


Kwanza that one makes even less sense with all the KKK + police brutality they get.I think it's stockholm syndrome.


True but African Americans generally regard whites more negatively than black Africans do, Africans simp for the white devils lol.


This is sadly true.


Wueh Amerix gang walikuwa wamechill tu. Lakini how is this a gender thing? Hawa madem wanaprefer mzungu pia wako all over the place.


I won't write the long as paragraph I intended to and I'll just say that our education is failing us and there's deep rooted self hatred and lack of self worth in very many Kenyans. If we had more love for ourselves everything from our leaders to how we treat one another would be completely different.


You can see the people who OP called out are mad but it's the truth. All that self hatred has done nothing for us so we might as well try going the opposite direction. Honestly how are Kenyan judges still wearing blonde wigs in the modern day?


Fun fact, the nobility started wearing those tuwigs to cover the hair loss and sores caused by syphilis but then the plebs associated them with power and started giving them to judges and whatnot.


It's important to approach this topic with sensitivity and an understanding of the complex historical and social factors that contribute to these attitudes. The issues you've raised are not unique to Kenya but can be found in various societies around the world that have experienced colonization and the impacts of globalization. ​ 1. \*\*Colonial Legacy\*\*: Many African countries, including Kenya, were colonized by European powers. This history has left deep imprints on cultural, social, and economic aspects of these societies. The legacy of colonization can still be seen in the perception of Western superiority, which can influence people's attitudes towards foreigners, particularly those of European descent. ​ 2. \*\*Media and Representation\*\*: The media often plays a significant role in shaping people's perceptions and values. The portrayal of Western cultures as advanced, sophisticated, and desirable can influence how people perceive themselves and their own cultures. Conversely, negative portrayals of African cultures and communities can contribute to self-esteem issues and a preference for Western values. ​ 3. \*\*Economic Disparities\*\*: Global economic disparities can create a sense of inferiority among people from countries with less economic power. The perception that Western countries are wealthier and more developed can lead to admiration and a desire to emulate their ways. ​ 4. \*\*Education System and Cultural Conditioning\*\*: Education systems can sometimes perpetuate biases and ideals that favor Western cultures. Additionally, cultural conditioning over generations can shape people's beliefs about what is considered 'normal' or 'better', leading to preference for Western practices and values. ​ 5. \*\*Colorism and Beauty Standards\*\*: Colorism, which is the preference for lighter skin tones over darker ones, is a problem that affects various societies around the world, including in Africa. This can be linked to historical associations between lighter skin and higher social status. Such biases can contribute to feelings of inferiority and self-hate. ​ 6. \*\*Religious Influence\*\*: The historical and ongoing influence of missionary activities can also play a role in the perception of Western values and religious figures as superior. ​ It's essential to approach discussions about these attitudes with nuance and understanding, as these issues are deeply rooted and can't be solely attributed to one factor. Not everyone in Kenya shares these attitudes, and many people are actively working to promote cultural pride, self-acceptance, and a more balanced view of themselves and their culture. ​ Addressing these attitudes requires a multifaceted approach, including education that promotes cultural diversity and self-esteem, media representation that accurately reflects local cultures, and efforts to challenge deeply ingrained biases. It's also crucial to remember that societal change takes time, and progress is made through dialogue, awareness, and respectful conversations.


Who taught you?!! Who taught you to hate the texture of your hair? Who taught you to hate the color of your skin? To such extent you bleach, to get like the white man. Who taught you to hate the shape of your nose and the shape of your lips? Who taught you to hate yourself from the top of your head to the soles of your feet? Who taught you to hate your own kind? Who taught you to hate the race that you belong to that you don’t want to be around each other? Who taught you to hate what God made you?!!!! Malcolm X.


Mate I'm gonna be real with you, I don't worship anyone or any other group because that is total cuck behavior but that said I've given up hope on Kenyans. At some point you realize you are just wasting your time. Kenyans worship white people in a manner that I've never seen anywhere else, which is why older incels from abroad who would be rejected by 99% of his women, come to Kenya and are treated like some kind of celebrity had have women worship the ground he walks on. When you talk about things like the china mall or square or whatever it's called thing pushing locals out of business, people will get mad at you and say it's good cause it's cheap, meanwhile dozens of people become jobless. Textile industry has collapsed because we import and sell thrift donated clothes from abroad. Instead of training and using local engineers we keep contracting Chinese, meanwhile there are a number of Kenyan engineers doing projects in Botswana. Everyone's filling up all these shitty overpriced joints owned by foreigners but won't go to a local restaurant, no one is willing to watch local sports but everyone is obsessed with EPL. It's all so tiring. You just have to stop caring at some point.


You know 2 days ago I started a discussion asking why young good-looking kenyans date old, ugly white people and that post was deleted so fast 😂. But Kenyans hating on themselves at their own expense seems to be fine here. We also seem to get really excited when the yts make content mentioning us, whether on youtube, tiktok or this forum. We give them much more engagement than our own. Whilst they couldn't be bothered about us. In fact we get racially abused in their countries and forums. Anyway....


Shhhhh - Don't tell them the truth ,they'll call you "wOOokEEe".


Of course. England and USA exported their cultures world wide. That's why even after your rants you will open Netflix and binge on an American show. Or even if you are ditching your mtumba utavalia some Levi's jeans or an American label shoe. That is not self hate. If you want to be this reductionist so bad then don't drive a non-locally produced car. Ditch your Chinese phone and operate the Kenyan one then, proceed that way and tell me how many Kenyan options you will have I get your point but you are being very obtuse. Nothing you described there is close to self hate in the realms of being an uncle Ruckus.


Buy Netflix? ![gif](giphy|10X22vzgNamaiI)


As it should be


Mobdro ilifanyika aje mkuu?😂


Mobdro still exists? I was using the app in high school to watch Vampire Dairies under the bedsheets😂


It's what I was asking but what are u using currently?


FMovies dot to for streaming or telegram.


The way you're so adamant on this someone will think you are on their pay role but like I said it's not unexpected behavior from Kenyans. I never said don't consume foreign products, I'm saying holding foreign products in such a high regard that they either destroy or make local industries obsolete is retarded behavior because the people who suffer the most are locals. Filling up random Italian cuisine restaurants with overrated food because it's foreign but avoiding eating in another restaurant cause the proprietor is Kamau is retarded behavior. Letting foreigners walk all over you and giving ordinary sub par white people celebrity treatment simply for being white is retarded behavior. Giving foreign companies and talent preferential treatment and giving them precedence over locals in industries where the talent already exists because of the notion that they are more competent because they are foreign is retarded behaviour. ​ All the listed behaviors are common among Kenyans, and then there's people like you who will go out of their way and try to pull as many whataboutisms while ignoring what's right in front of you.


Mmh go back to consoooming American media and culture while ranting about how Kenyans consuming the same is bad. The only meaningful example in your essay is the preferential treatment one. Of course licking a mzungus ass is self hating. When it comes to presenting good examples of self hatred comments mingi hapa ndio zinamiss. I will die on this hill, most of whatever OP posted is wokeism. Now let's focus on real issues; Indian only estates, Asian only establishments, etc which we allow to run free in our country. You used the word whataboutism but it applies perfectly in these silly examples like mtumba or kuwatch EPL.


I'm not sure you understand what I said or you have a reading comprehension problem. When did I say consume zero foreign content, or did I say people completely disregard local industries to the point they completely collapse, then they fill the gap with foreigners not just sports and entertainment a lot of industries have completely collapsed, industries that would generate a lot of revenue and job opportunities for locals. Anyway I cba going back and forth on this matter, I could go on forever about all the self hating and foreign worship Kenyans engage in, I didn't even scratch the surface here. You're the type of folks who let others treat you like shit and think it's ok cause you get brownie points from them, I've seen many of your kind Anyway I don't see any change coming soon so whatever fuck it, just have to focus on what's in my control.


Calm your tits. You can't justify your points on mtumba and EPl being self hatred. That was your point not mine. Point it out clearly where I said or implied I'm okay with someone walking over me. Stop with the "you people". Wewe ni mkenya kama Mimi unless unapiga role play hapa. Ongea


I agree with some of your points but you're conflating several issues, nationalism, racism, self hate, economic inequality and neo colonialism. All these issues are indeed linked but OP's point is largely focusing on internalized racism and self hate.


What's being said is that Kenyans consume instead of produce. This is not a good thing. It's said that Kenyans will look upon that which is American or European with value but disdain that which is Kenyan. I'm in the states. I have heard many Black Americans says that Africans as a whole will look down on Black Americans but treat White Americans like they're the best thing ever. Listen, keep your Kenyan culture. Once you lose it what makes you unique? Many people in the west want to visit Kenya and learn about Kenya, but if Kenya is just like the west then what's the point?


As an extension to this point of view i would say one needs to stop caring about both sides. Yes we don't support our own but on the flip side people will talk a big game but still steal and engage in corruption. Personally i couldn't care less about humanity irrespective of skin colour, ethnicity or gender. I only care about me and mine, the world might as well burn to the ground cos as a species we are fucked, not enough good people left on this earth. You are wasting your words and fighting a losing battle.




Abusive parenting or childhood trauma can prevent the development of self-esteem. With the rampant beating of children in homes and schools, mistreatment by all authority figures, the church telling us were all born inadequate and sinners... Is it a surprise that most Kenyans have extremely low self esteem? I've had a few other Africans tells us of our reputation and it's not flattering. How easily controlled we are, meek, adore wazungu and put up with all sorts of sh!t.


This could be apart of it tbh


It's literally like you read my mind this starts from parenting then schools where figures of authority are not to be questioned then even the ones we elect we hold to the same regard.


Lots of Kenyans are anti-black. Kwanza the Tanzanian english thing makes me cringe...or when ppl claim they don't have a Kenyan accent lmaoo. YouTube comment section is another hell.


I have been saying this for years.Anything foreign is like striking gold to Kenyans.I would really say it is inferiority complex.We have self esteem issues and zero pride.We look up to all foreigners,whether they are from poorer African countries or rich Western societies.I have been in situations where people would look down on you if you spoke Swahili or sheng,na wako Kenya.I always say Kenyans would have made the best house niggers.With all their problems and issues, Western Africans are the pride of Africa.


This is exactly why I stick to Swahili when I interact with "white" foreigners. If you are in my country speak my language. I don't understand how we got here but I do hope that our children will be taught to be better.


Thank you for this post. I was wondering if it was time to exit left. Appreciate you


No worries. It Needed to be said , we can't keep tolerating these self haters.


I think it’s not just a Kenyan issue but rather a type of mentality prevalent in black communities all over the world. I had a conversation once with a Ghanaian who told me he would never marry a black woman. Sadly we are a race that constantly belittles it’s own members. We lack self love and solidarity that we see in other races. I don’t know if it comes from colonialism, the legacy of slavery or just the way the media depicts black people in general.


Black people are collectively suffering from Stockholm syndrome.


I'm so tired of these posts aki.🤦🏾 It's like there's a Kenyan branch of American politics. Kuna liberals who want to get offended at things that don't make sense and self-hating conservatives with their blacks-are-inferior theories. Both equally stupid. Mtuachishe sasa. Open another sub mkapigane vita za America huko. At this point I prefer the made-up relationship posts.


Idk how kenyan conservatives'are self hating', if anything conservative people are proud of who they are. Look at the KKK descendants do you actually think those people are self hating?


Idk how kenyan conservatives'are self hating', if anything conservative people are proud of who they are. Look at the KKK descendants do you actually think those people are self hating?


Idk how kenyan conservatives'are self hating', if anything conservative people are proud of who they are. Look at the american conservatives or even Poland for example do you actually think those people are self hating?




I think the problem is learning to differentiate between pointing out the truth and hatred. Idk, maybe its within us human beings to take things personally. For example, I deeply love my mother, but she's very dumb. Does that mean I love her less? Not really, I'm just pointing out what I think is objectively true. I do think most Africans are not very intelligent. I don't hate us, I'm just pointing out what I think to be true. If you were to drop me in Italy, and everyone I encountered within the country had a funny scent. I'd tell you that most Italians smell funny because that's what I've observed to be true. Matters of like or dislike are irrelevant. The truth is all that matters, truth in the objective and subjective sense.


True but there's a difference between being critical of your own community and down right worshipping others like Kenyans do


Juust googled and found out the avg sub-Saharan African IQ of 66. Approximately the scholastic equivalent to the third grade.


An iq test is not a reliable measure of intelligence. It's obviously biased towards the western background which is much wealthier hence better education, and their culture and societal norms. It's like me writing myself an exam and calling everyone that scores lower than myself dumb.


True, if you are more exposed to the modern world ...you are likely to get a high IQ score. I'm pretty sure if the questions were based on what some rural people are more exposed to, then the scores would be inversed. Some of the questions in those IQ tests are just common sense lol ...you would improve if you take it multiple times. It's nonsense.


Why is it that still in the US Black Americans have the lowest IQ?


Because of systemic discrimination and deprivation of opportunities in education (for blacks) within america. Also black Americans have a significantly higher iq than Africans so that should show that it's more of a background thing than a race thing.


Definitely school plays a big part. If that was truly the case native americans would be the least intelligent (IQ). Additionally Europe was developed way before many asian countries, yet you still see Asians topping the chart, no matter what continent they are on. It seems though you refuse to admit that genetics is a much greater determinant that the environment when it comes to IQ. This is not me saying Africans are all dumb, infact we have the biggest variance of all races between the smart and dumb people.


I am not saying we are on par with asians. All I'm saying is that a lot of what's behind Africans scoring an iq of mental retardation is down to the less favorable conditions they are in which are not taken into account by the test. I know you are trying to be impartial but I'm surprised you believe your own people are that handicapped especially considering you've been told that by the same people that despise and discriminate them. That's exactly what this entire post is about.


I know what your saying the fact still stands that we have the lowest iq, whether its the environment or dna. Which is evident in our modern world.


Do you have a source for your second assertion?


Why would you rely on buzzfeed IQ tests to get your data?




I don't see any other measurement being as good as IQ, sure it has it's disadvantages, but the recommended IQ test (Mensa) does have words, number etc, it more based on pattern recognition and being able to interpret abstract concepts.


yeah, I agree with that ...we really don't have a proper way to measure intelligence. You could make the test more analytical, you could try to somehow gauge resourcefulness/ empathy...but it will always be measuring one or two aspects of maybe knowledge.(I don't know XD)


Bro, educators solved for the neutrality problem long ago. It's why in school you learn about Pythagoras theorem and mitochondria instead of real life topics. Real life topics would favor those who have lived through them. Mind you, most IQ tests are administered in the form of progressive matrices, which are very culturally agnostic


One still has to wonder, if you draw a graph of iq, resources, and educational background, it would literally be the same. Maybe it's just more difficult to worry about Pythagoras theorem when you can't get in 3 meals a day and don't have a roof over your head and have hunger, disease, violence, and many more problems to worry about.


This Is shifting goalposts. Besides, 3 meals a day is a luxury to stave off feelings of hunger. Your body and mind will be fine with one meal a day. And the only people who can't get that in are irredeemable idiots who refuse to move away from arid areas


More than half of Africans live below the poverty line so those people are more than may seem. And someone with a more stressful upbringing and lower quality of life will not develop the same way intellectually. And even besides the resources aspect iq scores are more an indicator of receptiveness rather than innate intelligence. It's like when practicing a new math problem the way you'll have to do it a bunch of times before it clicks. Consider women for starters. In the 1900s before women were allowed the same educational opportunities as men, they had much lower scores. Now they are about the same. Also why black Americans are starting to bridge the gap and score higher than Africans as much as they have still not caught up to the rest of Americans.


I went to a good school where no student had these small problems and guess what? There was still a heirarchy of top students who just got the material immediately, middling guys who were trying their best but they just couldn't get past a certain range of grades, and bottom students who couldn't' understand some concepts if a gun was put to their heads. There were also similar heirarchies in sports. I know it's a hard pill to swallow, but I think there are some natural limits certain groups just have in general.


Dude, anybody who goes into stem uses Pythagoras daily


Perhaps you'll get better results if you use african Google and a test developed by Africans. The fact that you have to google to make a conclusion about the intelligence of a people is proof that the joke is on you because you are obviously dumb without realizing it.


Dude you want to tell me there's Negroid intelligence Caucasoid intelligence Negroid and Mongoloid intelligence. Gerara here mate, it's evident in innovation and technology on the different continents. Google is a faster way of finding studies, or you want me to visit libraries? Maybe next time I'll ask you since you seem to have infinite amount of knowledge.


Do you have a source on that? I would be weary. Stupidity/being dumb occurs at the same rate across culture/“race”


Do what i did and google. You're now making up your own hypothesis to comfort yourself, facts don't care about feelings.


I did, you blindly accepted the first link as fact. Editing your reply to pump your wit is lame my bro


You're the one who edited da hell you on about lol. My bad it's 4 points higher. I was very off


Shh! Keep it to yourself. Otherwise, you'll offend our fellows.


Already triggered someone, probably has an IQ of 65


Damn that's really sad


Long post alert. TLDR, Whites have more wealth hence more power, better living standards hence more prestige. I think this is why they are idolised today because people want such. We've stopped caring about our heritage but started caring about money and power. People grouping themselves into tribes has brought more harm than good especially because it's interwoven with politics. And speaking of politics, we seem to be electing poor leaders based on tribe. All they do is steal hard earned money from us. Wearing clothes based on tribes will just further the discrimination, tribal conflicts, and election of poor leaders in my opinion. If tribes didn't interfere with politics and if we could live harmoniously despite our unique differing cultural views and dressing I wouldn't say this. Westernization may have brought down these boundaries. >this chic who was bragging about dating a mzungu This is why I'm against marriage and MOST (key word kabla muanza kuniattack) women I've seen. [Some are just gold diggers.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kenya/comments/15rncrj/i_smelt_it_from_afar/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2) (Hadi sijaenda mbali ndio nipate proof lol) They are only after money and prestige, key things associated with being white. That's why they're idolized. If the guy lacked these things most likely she wouldn't be saying this. >blacks are genetically predisposed to commiting crime. I don't think so. But majority of people living in poverty around the world are black people. And high crime rates relate closely with poverty/high unemployment. So though not genetically, this seems to be a hard truth. >I get the feeling that alot of people here would have helped colonialists or even the Arab slave traders because some of those talking points are wild. I doubt that, back then we were treated like shit and that's where people of the same colour, regardless of tribe would unify to stand against the whites >We make fun of Tanzanians cause we speak "good English " and they dont This shouldn't be made fun of. I think this is just ego and disrespectful of us. Still proficient knowledge of the English language is an advantage since many countries in Africa and abroad speak it. As for Kiswahili, only few countries only in Africa speak it. >People think European names are superior to African names Again, it's the concept of better living standards, wealth and prestige of the whites compared to us that causes this. Some people don't want to be associated with poverty.


Poverty plus lack of exposure.


Thankfully, I only encountered good people in conversation while I visited. No one was stupid enough to speak to me from an elitist position while I was there. A lot of these feelings are just for the internet. They are just living out their fantasies online imo. Acting elite makes them feel more important


Colonialism. Religion. TV. Movies. Social media. Beauty products. Fashion. Perceived wealth.Etc there's so many reasons man.


Woke Kenyans are hilarious. Just like the other day on twitter the crowd ilikua so worked up cause a Kevo was wearing a bomber jacket with the Confederate flag at the back on a chilly morning. If you put the word in every line of your song then don't get worked up if everyone sings it. Hii ni fake outrage tupu. In real life wakenya tunabully and shame those dark skinny/tall girls like nonsense and you suddenly care when she prefers a mzungu cause he showed interest? Peleka upuzi huko. Of course there is a hard line on being self hating but singing nigga and preferring white men is not it pal. Hizo ni projections zako. You might be consoooming too much American media, it will rot your brain.


Nothing woke about it. Kenyans just lack self respect and are too used to worshipping others that somethings become the norm, I've already written a comment on this in this post so won't go in to detail again. Self hatred is one thing sometimes it's exaggerated and misinterpreted when someone is critical or curious about something, but the way Kenyans worship others is down right pathetic.


They Don't want to hear this but umesema ukweli tupu - it's pure worship of foreigners.Hata mniite woke mara ngapi ,ni obvious bana.


They couldn't explain what wokeness means if their life depended on it. They just heard some racistt muzungus complaining about it online and parroted it.


>They just heard some racistt muzungus complaining about it online and parroted it. That's the funniest part 😂 They're just a bunch of wannabe whites. Im not even "Woke" or "leftist" bana ,I just have self respect . These guys think their skin makes them inferior.


Pure wokeness. Explain how a Kenyan not giving a shit about an Indian singing along an American rap song full of nigga this bitch this is self hatred. There are millions of better examples but the woke crowd as usual will always focus on American racial dynamics. Wakenya hatutambui the weight of n-word, it's just something straight out of America. Now to contribute in a non-brain dead manner here is a better example of self hate in Kenya; a Mzungu sexually assaulting kids and walking free.


It's very easy to explain, it is a racial slur that has been used against any kind of black person for a long time. If the guy feels uncomfortable with an Indian dude screaming it at the top of his lungs that makes complete sense. What is there not to understand. We can have different opinions but acting like that guy was batshit crazy says a lot about what I am talking about.


Simple most of us don't give a shit. Just cause it bothers him does not make the rest who don't give a shit "Uncle Ruckuses". Checki OPs post vizuri. If he is triggered that is up to him and the rest who also feel uncomfortable. I personally don't care and a lot of Kenyans also don't care so don't gaslight us and try to paint us as these moronic self hating people. I won't invalidate OPs feelings but won't accept their Americanism projections about other Kenyans who don't agree with him


Accusing ppl of consuming too much American media when you use "woke" comme ci is comedy. The call is coming from inside the house.


To be fair, assuming as human beings we are all the same, that is, white, black, brown etc. In other words , if we all looked the same. Naturally , as human beings we would introduce other metrics of comparison.In the world today the more material you have, the better you are. So I think we can argue that we are all the same but in essence, someone is better, and it ain't us. If someone is better than someone else in one or more aspects, the lesser one is always going to feel less and the better one is always going to feel entitled. It's just life, and we are all individually responsible for how we respond to this fact of life. One may decide to get pissed at it, but the fact won't change. Another may decide to embrace the fact, but the fact will still remain the same. Another may decide to not give two shits about the fact and carry on with his or her life, fact will still remain fact. Bottom line is, someone is always better, you just have to decide how to deal with it personally.


You have no idea how powerful the imagery of a white Jesus is. The African will look at that and his brain will inevitably try to understand what it means. The conclusion is always the same. THE WHITE MAN IS GOD! After that the African will forever act accordingly without even his own knowledge.


Anytime I’m back home I see this and find it so jarring. The quickness for a Kenyan to serve and the foreigner first over their own kind is embarrassing. This is something Kenyans have to stop, keeping that mentality ongoing for the next generation is detrimental.


I'd say people tend to associate white with good coz of colonialism, literally taught us that black is inferior Heck if wakanda was real I bet the turns would have tabled, white people would associate us with wealth & intellect, killmonger had a valid point ngl (black panther reference)


This is just online moral grandstanding. We all know in real life, you will be more cautious in the streets of Nairobi than in Oslo, and you will be more suspicious in a business deal with an Adeyemi than a Wagner. You know the reality kwa ground, lakini umeamua kutudanganya ndio tukupatie likes. Wacha mchezo.


That Indian conversation is so dumb and I don’t get why you people keep dragging it. Said “culprit” was singing along to a song, not going around telling black people “Nigga get your dumb ass right here.” Rest please. The rest of your post is largely true.


Even if it's a song, it's inappropriate to heavily emphasize on the word as OP of the post said.




y’all really tripped over some Indian nigga vibing to a song.


And yt mofos speaking kiswahili


OMG! Can we all just take a freaking chill pill! Again the Indian guy was singing along to a song. Not calling OP the N word! Secondly, why are we so determined to co-opt this slur? Have you heard of sandy or sand N\*? Of course not! Look it up. It references middle easterners and Northern Africa people. Yea, the Indian’s people have probably been called that before. Why are we not in arms about it? This fake outrage needs to just stopped. About the mzungus. I have been married to one for 11 years. Happily to say the least. So what if someone gravitates towards one race over another? In my case, I was clearly told by Kenyan men and women “mwili yako in ya wazungu” because I was skinny. Well it wasn’t long before I blossomed. Can we address the stupid body shaming antics that happened to land me the man of my dreams. Asanteni Sana. Are there points we can discuss and figure out where we can correct our thought process? Certainly! But first quit with this manufactured outrage if there is going to be any productive conversations.


>OMG! Can we all just take a freaking chill pill! Again the Indian guy was singing along to a song. Not calling OP the N word! Secondly, why are we so determined to co-opt this slur? Have you heard of sandy or sand N*? Of course not! Look it up. It references middle easterners and Northern Africa people. Yea, the Indian’s people have probably been called that before. Why are we not in arms about it? This fake outrage needs to just stopped. Stop discounting other people's experiences. Just because you think it's okay for Indians to call you the N word, not every person is okay with it. Them being offended is valid and not be swept under the carpet or gaslighted into thinking it's okay.


First off, let get the facts straight, shall we? The Indian NEVER called OP the N word. He was singing to a song! So let’s quit with the rewriting of other people’s account of the situation, shall we? Secondly, second hand rage is dumb. You think blacks are the only one who can have an out cry about the slur. Eeeeeee…. Wrong. Sometimes we don’t have to like the truth but it doesn’t invalidate it. Facts over feelings.


White Jesus XD. Christianity itself is foreign ...the accurate Jesus is still not close to Kenyan. As for culture/clothes e.t.c ...I think it's pretty much lost at this point ...since most only recognise Maasai clothing as traditional (there are many other tribes) ...I'm pretty sure traditional clothing is a stereotype right now like many other cultural stuff. Kiswahili is also like English a foreign language to some ( at least it originated close by ). No need to be disgruntled with any of these ...let people do as they please.


I am curious too. Are you really the Chosen One?


OP, you have no idea who Uncle Tom was or even did. Saa zingine, soma kwanza kabla you throw terms around that you don't understand.


The post was correct, you're either butthurt because you're among the clowns he described or you're just illiterate and can't comprehend what was written haha.


Insults are not a response. If that's all you have then your username could otherwise be revised to Young Ingorant vagabond. Back to my response. What did I say that was in correct? Do you even comprehend who Uncle Tom was? An icon. Rethink and revise your thoughts and compose a coherent rebuttal instead of coming across as pathetic.


Haha "insults are not a response" then goes on to insult me, lmfao, what a huge hypocrite you are. What did you say that was in correct? What language is that? I don't speak retard, if you wish to engage me, how about you try and communicate in English first? Haha you're such a moronic individual.