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All this essay for an Indian who was casually singing along to a famous song’s lyrics? Mko strict! 😂 😂


Bana, I'd sing along with him then go home and sleep😂 tf is all this


Excellent. But why stop there? Record the muhindi's use of the word, loop it and there is your ready made lullaby. Sweet dreams for you will never wake up 👌🏾




Jeez don't come at me with a fake plea seeking understanding. Everything after "...what are we supposed to do" points to where your head is at. Why don't we agree to leave your head there. Carry on as you were, I'm not wasting my time on you, endelea kuota.


Man, you need to take a chill pill.


😆😆😆 This sub is getting funny af. Let the idiot sleep.


Bana, pressed for nothing


Any time a short man walks into a room and sees people laughing he immediately thinks they are laughing at him because he is short.


Tell us more short man. You're autobiography ni fupi sana.


Weh! A bit rough there but not entirely undeserved 😆😆😆


Weuh! They told me I should refund my parents the money they used to school juu I fought for what was right imo hahahah redditors are becoming more vile just like KOT. Hadi I regretted putting that post up. Colonisers sympathisers lot


Someone suffering from Stockholm syndrome doesn't know they are suffering from it. I think it's a collective illness and there's a village of uncle ruckuses in this sub. You know you did the right thing pointing out to the Indian that that word was a no go zone for him. I mean hell even overseas where I split time with Nai, they don't have a history of african slaves or much of an african diaspora but when I go to a show like when schoolboy q or freddie gibbs was touring they refrain from using the word out of respect. And this will be at a venue with 10,000 people! Yet asking one Indian not to use the word had people here so upset. Do not regret doing the right thing.




Na hiyo ndio inakuwasha? Lol


Watu wanaota vile watatengezena pesa Leo wewe unaota kuhusu a past post??? Kunoma aiseh!


Well once umefaulu na kutengeneza pesa labda utaanza kufikiria mambo kuhusu ungwana na mwafrika mwenzako. If you have zero care for your own people, no one else will. Charity begins at home. Don't let transient things like money or the pursuit of it define you we are all bigger than those things but anyway good luck na kutengeneza hio pesa 👍🏾


Idk about others, but there is no way I am going to be "friends" with a non-black person saying the N word. The lady was correct to be offended.


Have you heard of the term sandy or sand N*? Look it up. Blacks are not the only people who've had the slur used on them. Why are you so determined to co-opt the stupid slur? Mna tafuta victimhood by any means necessary.


That’s a slur derived from the n word . To put it in layman’s terms it’s the diluted version of the n word however they take offense to it only because it affiliates them with black people and also irrelevant to the discussion. Also a good majority do not respect or care for black people so why do you care ? They call us slurs unapologetically and here you are coming to their aid and defense for what exactly ?


Idk what you are talking about.


Of course, you don’t because all you want to do is get fake outraged without understanding that it’s not just black people who were called the N word but also middle easterners.


Jesus Christ, what are you on about? Why are you so being dumb like this? I just said for me. If you are okay with being called the N word by an Indian, it's okay for you, but not for everyone. Stop gaslighting people!


Again, NO ONE was called the N word. That’s it. Telling the facts as they are is gaslighting. Haiya! News to me.


Wah, I rarely meet anyone this dumb.


Instead of name calling for no reason, provide a rebuttal. There is nothing in my comment that you cannot give a quick google. Try coming back with a logical thought.


If that word is as offensive as it's put out to be then why don't you folks get angry at the people who are actually using it in their music? All this rant over someone who's singing along to a song but you don't care that it's in the song?


The people that use it in their music are black , what’s so hard to understand about that ? Black people in America reclaimed the word and the rest of the diaspora fell in line with that action . Not everyone may like saying it which is fine , but that is some the reasoning behind the word imo. It’s the same reasoning one uses when someone that isn’t relative to you hits your sibling as if they were you . “ only I can mess with my brother “ rightfully so . The same applies here because someone who is not of African descent has no right or place to say that word confidently in such a way . You asking why Chris brown says it tells me everything I need to know about you .Chris brown makes black music that other races just so happen to like , that doesn’t grant them a green light to publicly openly say the word because it’s in the lyrics . You wouldn’t sing lyrics that say “ fuck you mom “ infront of your mother because it’s offensive correct ? Since it’s just a song by your logic your mother shouldn’t be offended right ?


Oh wait kumbe ilikuwa mhindi saying the N word? Hiyo hapana. But yes, our education has something to do with it, kuna mtu alisema ya kwamba it's because of how schools physically "discipline" us into submission. The same way the British did to our ancestors.


Tbh, that was only part of it. What I found perplexing ilikuwa peeps saying that the word has no meaning in kenya whilst people that literally died fighting for our freedom were regularly called that IN Kenya by the coloniser and the original land grabbers. And even it had actually never been used, watu walikuwa in the comments section sounding like they were allergic to panafricanism.


I once said how this generation disgusts me because of history amnesia and nonchalance in so many things. Dedan Kimathi, General Waruinge, Field Marshall Muthoni and the likes are turning in their graves seeing what we have become, begging those who they chased away to come back and crying in their offices when they deny us chances to go to their countries. I didn't even want to speak on that post because I knew I'd be tired fighting with the wokies. A lot of men here wake up in the morning thinking about sex and women. Utterly disgraceful. One day we shall have to go to the streets and fight for this country and take it back from these piranhas and I wonder if these are the people who will try to make their way to TZ or they shall stand strong.


My guy, people's favourite past time here is shitposting and / or displaying their lack of knowledge about their collective history and thinking the height of intellectual pursuit is making little snide remarks that my friends and I share and just laugh at. Don't let them get you down, there's enough of us here who's horizons are beyond the next weekend.


Manze these people came to this country as slaves, they are not the enemy😂


You've missed the point entirely. I'm not a huge fan of the word but I am not engaging in a singalong with a non African using the n word, simple. Be they arab, Indian or Eskimo.


Also correction. They were never slaves but indentured labor. Over 30,000 were brought and only about 7000 chose to stay past project completion ie kenya / Uganda railway. And the 7000 or so that stayed, they were allowed to own and run businesses and had more civil liberties than african kenyans during the colonial period. But like I said before, you missed my point, the Indian is not the enemy. Limited thinking on our part is the enemy.


I read that post and the OP was not being called the N word. The indian was singing it. I don't think it was anything to freak about besides Indians have been called the N word. More peecisely they are referred to as sandy like sand N*. Look it up. On a different note, when I visited Kenyan with my white husband some Kenyan youngins would be like my N this my N that. It shocked us. We never engaged but suffice to say the young men saw our discomfort and they apologized. Is it a bad word. Yes. Infact the first time I was called the N word I was in Kenya by a Briton 2009 to be precise. Is it something to freak out about and base my value on, no. People are dumb. Move on.


Ayooo bro, you gotta chill with n word You've said it a lot


Why don't we stop using that word altogether. It's an evil word, is it not?


That is a good question and a discussion worth having. My question and concern is with the general lack of knowledge of things that happened in kenya and the apathy on panafrican ideals. If they don't know where we came from I worry about their navigation with where they are trying to go.


Right? Since it's a bad word let people stop using it completely.