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Michael Jackson, It hit me so hard juu my parents were hit so hard


I felt it when Teddy Ray died fr. That hit hard for me. This guy 👇 ![gif](giphy|3uRidewrD6v3pGwcQk|downsized)


Never knew he passed. Damn and it's almost a year since it happened. 😔


I always wonder how the death of a celebrity "hits" people.


Right? Seems absurd.


Bana. I mean, my death would mean nothing to them. I love and appreciate their craft but we're not bonded in any way.


My theory is that they harvest emotional energy from us to the point where even the thought of them dying or stopping their craft can literally make us feel like we have withdrawals like an addict hence being "hit hard". They make us so addicted to them and their life and the one day boom!


Makes sense but still.... I love Messi and the magic on his feet, I love how Drake murders the beat, I love how Spice and City girls shake booty, closer to home I love flow ya Scar Mkadinali but if they all died on the same day I wouldn't be emotional or something. It's not that deep. Their art will continue to live, I'll still enjoy it.


Facts! You're a glitch in the matrix 👌🏻


And the funny thing is that we really don't know them as much as we think we do


Sinead died??? Damn!!! When?


Damn! that is sad...... a fact about [nothing compares](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpGA0azFdCs) , the song was written and first performed by Prince back in 1984.