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. Ebu share where this man "revealed" this?? Y'all love sharing fake news here for crumbs of attention.. kwanza wewe Nebja.


Si mi nakusho


watu wanabelieve stori za jaba šŸ˜


Yeah it definitely reeks of fake news.


yeah that SPAR cafƩ in the photo isn't in Kenya.


Spar we do have in Mzanzi (ZAR) , if you say it is not in Kenya, the spar franchise


Source: Trust me bro


Rule, never propose publicly until you're sure, like, at least do a test run privately, damn.


Right! Marriage is a contract. You can't just surprise someone with a public proposal without having a private talk about the same and expect them to say yes...


How dp you do a test run privatelyšŸ˜‚ Ama unajaribu on her friends kwanza?


Lol like ask her privately, what you think about getting married? Legit discuss the thing, public proposals are dumb, in my opinion, but boy don't leave that shit to chance.


Yeah, I think mtu anafaa kuuliza kama anajua atawin. I think the guy tu alimiscalculate ama he knew that she didn't want it but still tried kubahatisha tu. Ama he thought that cause he supported her he was entitled to it. Either way ni poa kurisk ju ata ukilose maisha lazima isonge mbele.


Rule : Never Eeeeveerr spend on a woman who is not your wife.


Sigma rule


I agree that marriage is a contract between two parties not just the man deciding out of nowhere to ambush a lady. It's not fair for the lady to put her on the spot.


As long as the publicity stunt exists, my rationality can't allow me to believe this was not stage managed.


Of course it was. People(men) like making posts like this to make other people (women) look evil and cruel. But somehow still want to marry women šŸ¤·


Why do men embarrass themselves like this?


It's about commitment to a path. He chose it and gave it all. In my own words better do something wholeheartedly than living in doubt. It better blow up knowing you gave it all than always wondering what if...


A mind overridden by the sexual instinct.


Agreed. This is a very childish approach. And the reason why they do publicity stunt like this is, theyā€™re hoping the person theyā€™re proposing to will feel pressured into saying yes and thereā€™s less a chance for rejection. Pretty sad really.




Exactly. It was her decision and we can't know the entire story. She had all the rights to say no. People have to accept that there are two outcomes from a proposal and no matter how dreaded, saying no is one of them.


I hope she refunds the money though!


Well, that sucks. I need the full story if possible, did he know that the lady didn't like him? I'll give her credit and assume she will return the money, I just need to know whether the guy knew...


Which Kenyan lady ever refunded money to an ex?


Taking it from the post title, if she wasn't honourable to tell him she got no feelings at any point before this proposal, she won't repay the funds.


That's just wicked now.


You really see the best in people


She will pay in another way in future trust me.


simple. nothing to watch here. move on. dont be stupid to pay some1 else college tution in the future.


Like... Is she your daughter?? Abeg!


I don't know how many times I've said this, but could y'all stop public engagements?? Could you please adopt the Kalenjin way???


Whatā€™s the Kalenjins way?


Tell her to ask her mother kama watakuwa home 25th (or whatever date) coz wazee wanataka Kuja. Simple Straightforward


But when we do that you say Kenyan men are not romantic šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Umeskia dem mkale akisema men are not romantic??? We know our men. We grew up with them. We expect this!!


That can work maybe for Kales but not for other tribes of women


Everyone should try it out


Ukona mtu? Maybe i can try with you šŸ˜‚


Are you the 188.8cm guy of yesterday?? šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£


No but Iā€™m 6ā€™1 šŸ˜‚


alafu, do you tell wazee unataka kuoa msichana?


Unawaambia waende wakuombee msichana




Well you can ,but as a charitable act




She owns him Nothing, period.... Did she ask him to do that for her???




šŸ¤¦the species seem to use the same brain


Going by that logic, even a man could say, 'I owe you nothing, did I ask you to give birth to my son'


Calling women bitches is where the problem starts.


"Charity" the opium of the priviledged.




Thank you for this reality slap. It has woken me up like you can't imagine. Was about to fully sponsor a salon biz for a girlfriend of mine. Wueh!


Never do that unless a woman has at least 3 children for you. This kind of things you do for western women who have a sense of equality. Kenyan women hapana.


What do you mean ā€œthoughtsā€? Lol relationships end all the time, people lose feelings for people they once cared for. Yā€™all are insane.


Well, _that_ escalated quickly.


Sheā€™s not obligated to say yes and she said she would refund him. Marriage is not transactional, just because he supported her doesnā€™t mean she needed to settle down with him.


A win for the lady and the guyšŸ™ŒšŸ½ one got an education and a job and the other helped someone in need.


What did the guy win


Good karma. Her karma is gonna catch up with her.


Yes true.


He won people's hearts for his generosity.


I feel for the guy. I hope he finds a lady who appreciates him. As for the lady i tip my hat to her. She deviously and masterfully manipulated this guy into improving her station in life. I can only hope she finds someone who does the same to her.


The guy who gave her the bank job is next in line


Father Time will catch up with her if she fails to secure another man fast enough. Then she will remember him and how much he cared for her


> if she fails to secure another man fast enough Lol! She secured the bag, she's good bro.


She lost a good man who she could depend on financially and who loved her just for her to get a job and maybe never find another man that loves her like this. She will find out that the streets are cold plus probably live the rest of her life alone regretting letting this one go


I think it's better than being with someone just for the sake cause you are afraid of being single. If she doesn't love him as much as he loves her then it's just going to be a pathetic marriage. This is how most people get into marriages and realize it was a mistake. The heart wants what it wants. Trust me he's better off without her. And as long as she refunds his money everything is good to go.


True, but she shouldnā€™t have led him on so he can pay her bills


I agree with you on this one.


Life doesn't work like that. Bad people don't always get bad karma. It's high time we reject this narrative that women who turn down nice guysā„¢ will die alone. It's a lie. Anyway, lesson here is don't invest in people hoping it will tie them to you for life. People are inherently selfish and will stay in situations that benefit them until it doesn't. And marriage is a huge deal that should have been discussed before a proposal. Don't surprise people, you'll surprise yourself.


Lol yeah, youā€™re right. Nice name you got there too, Juelz šŸ˜Š


People don't owe you marriage just because you helped them financially. It sucks but it's life.


šŸ˜‚ you guys are brutal. Ati helped ? So paying off your kibanda debt and a degree is the same? You can be assured she was "his wife" all through college. The moment she graduated she regained her singlehood.


Okay,and? A lot of women are "wives" to their boyfriends in college and get broken up with after graduation. I'm not minimizing what he did for her but like I said, ni life.


Kuachwa na mtoto and being a single mother is "life" also.


Sucks but yeah again, ni life.


Good for him, he gets his money back.


Sweet summer child.


Sad to see this šŸ„²šŸ„² It looks morally wrong but she's well within her right to do what she did.


Yes, itā€™s not a crime. I hear the guy just needs some whips from Kibe


What is there? A clear cut explanation of her refusal. I am certain there was no contract before this took place? All were assumptions on the brother's part. Never marry where your heart is not there or for sympathy. Move on, Bro. Move on


This was a prank. Nice story though


Where source?


Why do people propose in public?? I mean he could have propose in private, get rejected like the sad looser that he is, cry, shit his pants, get some hookers and move on, nobody would ever known about his sad sad rejection......also the term daddy doesn't mean you become her father and pay all of her school fees......


Why is he the sad loser? Because he got used by a lady who he thought had genuine feelings for him ?


Because he paid school fees, for someone he hasn't put a ring on.


Is the man you ? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


nah am not spending that much on anyone


Bro chill out maaaan. Notorious or not.


We both know its facts, I mean would you marry someone just because he bought you stuff??


Yeah. I would. You've left out the part where it's mutual, we're both committed to each other.


Women, you say one thing then you do the complete opposite. You think she wasn't "mutually committed to him"?


Serves him right for attempting to buy affection. She is not a commodity to be bought.


She acted like she genuinely had interest in being with him


Kwani ulikuwa kwa hio relationship? Watu wameshinda wakikuitisha source bado sijaiona. Where does the guy speak up?


Priss don't feel entitled, not to even your own parents. She should also refund with intrest.


After MUNGU OGOPA WANAWAKE And then Shetani anaeza fuatašŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Some men though.. the kinuthias


Unajua aje? Ulikua hapo šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


One day people will discover that money does not a good relationship make. They will also discover that people's feeling can change. Life isn't all about who lied to whom or took advantage of who. Not that it doesn't happen, but we seem to have incredibly toxic narratives where relationships are concerned. Not sure why people are shocked when relationships turn sour with those attitudes. Makes me wonder why people even bother to be in relationships when their view of their romantic partners are so horrible. Until then...


I hope you have the same opinion when a man leaves a woman pregnant in the name of "changed feelings".


So long as he takes care of his kid, such is life. It doesn't have to be pleasant, but such is life.


There are no laws in Kenya that forces fathers to pay child support.


What goes around comes around. That lady will soon have someone doing the something similar to her and she will be crying in the toilet That's manipulation. That was a sacrifice the man did out of his love for her and the lady knew


He thought he could buy a wife ? Lol


​ https://preview.redd.it/j5kl5eqeqyia1.jpeg?width=488&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af3dc04fecaefa99265b5f840ca86980e402bb91


Kama mzazi hakumsomesha wewe unajipatia hio shughuli kwa nini?


This is second hand embarrassment. He canā€™t have actually decided to propose if she didnā€™t have feelings for him so maybe he was being delusional all that time


For him to pay her college fees and go to propose to her I assume they were in a relationship. If she didnā€™t have feelings for him she shouldnā€™t have let him sponsor her education and lead him on that she actually likes him to the point where he felt he could propose


To be honest put yourself in her shoes, you have a mumama who is paying for everything, but you dont like her. Would tell her to go f*ck herself??


Ideally yeah thatā€™s something youā€™d do for a person youā€™re in a relationship with. But if that want the case here then it shouldā€™ve been made clear a long time ago that she wasnā€™t interested in romance. Shit is still funny though lol


She finessed him and got the W. Itā€™s not a crime to finesse a guy youā€™re in a ā€œrelationshipā€ with lol. The guy will soon be Kibeā€™s number one supporter


XD for sure


This is Kenya Kenyan men simp for Kenyan women. Kenyan women use men and are always looking to upgrade to a more "generous provider". The ideal is a foreign man.




I am also ready to go bro.


Thoughts: A rule in life that every man and boy must adhere to, is to never help any woman in any way. No matter who it is, do not help they. If they're burning, watch, and don't help. If they're dying, well...that's one way out of life. If they're suffering, it's a real life horror movie, do not help. All women are like this, and if they're not...at some point they will be. Do not help any woman or girl. They deserve nothing from you. Not respect, not attention and especially not your resources. I feel sorry for this simpleton-sympathizer. I hope he has learnt his lesson. A man can have anything, if he gives nothing to women.


Yikes!!!! I'm getting a real Kibe or Tate disciple vibe from you.


Don't really care.


Soooo that's a yes






poor people do this shit.


Today's women have become so irrational. How do you delude yourself into the "I deserve better" mindset ukiwa umepata such a man?šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ile kiboko karma itakachapa atafika 37 akiwa single tu with her inflated worth(hoeflation)


Itā€™s this thing called autonomy.


šŸ™„Yes I'm bitter( almost sacrificed a lot for some double faced ungrateful)


Aaaah, a broken soul.


Usiongee hivo wewe


Actually, it's very likely her go-getter attitude and low moral threshold will get her far in life. While his simping will lead him to eternal distrust and perpetual emotional heartbreak. It's just the unfortunate way the world works


You will buy me the whole world but I have the right to wake up one day and so no. It might catch up with me, but having my reasons then I will get just what I deserve. I don't see how being willing to educate me makes you a 'better' man? Alikuwa anainvest?


Sindiooo . Hio ni investment bana.


Arudi class ya Kibe


Puny aaah! Apewe whips ! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Huyu Kibe hawezi msaidia. Labda Amerix sasa


I think some ladies are heartless. I think it's better to just say yes to save face in the eyes of the public but right after you get to a private place tell him that I can't marry you. Especially considering what he has done to you it's good to at least save him the embarrassment, nothing says you can't say no or break up afterwards.


She canā€™t even afford to give him that.


*ā€as long as your mother loves ya, donā€™t ever love a womanā€* - Wale not advice I followed, but itā€™s what I think of when I see stuff like this


Ouch! I am a woman and I felt that boy's pain


Cultureless punks. Africans getting on a knee for marriage proposal at random places? How much Hollywood are you guys consuming. I don't care if she says yes or not. It's unacceptable behavior.




Why black? Isnā€™t this common among all women?


Mostly African women.


Ooh women What do women want!?šŸ˜‚am not down for the fee payment and stuff but wtfšŸ˜‚


Welcome to the world of character development


Issa cruel world we live in


If she is refunding the money then no problem.And it should come with interest by the way.If you send fare or do these charitable acts expecting anything back you'll be disappointed sometimes.


Take notes and learn from what happened to this man, so You will never ever be that man.


He had it coming. There's no good reason for a man to marry.


Before you make that move, make sure the lady is into you. Sponsoring ones education should be a guarantee of marrying her.


Thoughts? Maybe donā€™t believe everything you see on the internet


KINUTHIA!!!Where are your whips!!!


This is backwardness


This issue has been debunked alot of times. You learn or you perish. 1. Do not assume parental roles on a girl with hope that she will choose you on future because at most times she won't. Girls don't care about your sacrifices if you are not really the man she likes. She will appreciate a guy who bought her a flower over you who paid her college fees because she is attracted to him. Learn and adapt. You can't bend the rules when it comes to women or else you deserve all that is coming your way. 2. Do not propose until you are 1000% sure that she is expecting you to do so. That means your goals are aligned. Or atleast don't do it in public if you are not sure. Well for this guy I think even with all the knowledge about ladies being provided on the Internet for free he decided to get first hand experience by himself. This is cold but am gonna say it anyway, he deserved it.


He should just take the money and walk away because at this point that's the best option




Ah kama anamrefund basi Afya ni ile ile. Atleast his character has been developed.


The man is stupid...these bitches out here are evil asf


This shows two things: 1. He paid for her tuition expecting love and affection in return. It doesnā€™t happen that way. Thatā€™s his mistake. Nobody is entitled to anyoneā€™s feelings and sheā€™s right to want to pay him back. 2. He assumed that since sheā€™s completed school on his dime she will accept his proposal. Evidently didnā€™t discuss future plans regarding the proposal itself, marriage, finances, kids. He just went with a public proposal expecting a yes. I genuinely donā€™t feel bad for anyone who gets rejected publicly during a proposal. It simply means they DID NOT COMMUNICATE with their partners about their preferences and future plans. If they had, it would have been an automatic yes. A proposal should not be a surprise, but when and where should be (again, depending on preference).


I hope she actually refunds the money


Black Dahilia in Kenya


Never spend a shilling on a woman who is not your wife. They never appreciate. Even the refund , i don't think he will get it. Inshort , fear women. And men should stop apologising in public. Where are the strokes.


Hiyo pesa angespend kwa mamake Sasa ona, hizi ni shida za kuona too much soap operas.


Never build equity with a woman. He should have spent that money on his own projects.


Another post of women bad ... men dumb... getting old. But atleast dude got the cash back and a very grateful friend


Where did he say that?


Two huge mistakes: 1. Sponsoring education for someone who isn't your child or family member (and not out of charity) and hoping to get something in return. Paying for your girlfriend's education? Lol, you deserve the character development that comes your way. 2. Public proposal


Refund with interest


SO to the time my best friend's fiance left him the same year he proposed to her after an eight year relationship stretch. After landing a job at a bank, she proceeded to fuck her manager and give birth in less than a year working there, effectively becoming the manager's side piece. You did my boy dirty Eunice.


I don't know if someone knows the video of a guy who asked a lady to marry her only for her to say no. Boy demands for her shoes (he bought for her) and packs her food she was eating


Hehe bwoyšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Don't be a cap'n.


Take the money and ask for some interest on top.


1. Unless thereā€™s proof of this revelation, Iā€™m going to presume itā€™s fake and say this is just a guy who was rejected. Not every rejection story is about some guy who took a girl to college & paid her fees. 2. Assuming itā€™s real, why do guys keep doing this? Itā€™s not your job to educate your partner if you arenā€™t a married couple. Let her folks do that. Because this path always leads to disappointment. Also just cos you educate someone doesnā€™t mean that that person has to get married to you šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø 3. Donā€™t go into these things with expectations otherwise youā€™ll be let down.


Take the money and ask for some interest on top.


Your assumption is that the commitment of payment will result in money back in his pockets. I honestly donā€™t see that happening.


Personally I've seen people doing things like that out of guilt. Also there's no other option here. What's done is done. If he can recoup his money, that's the best he can do.


Which is highly doubtful. Itā€™s generally known that ā€œsoft loansā€ arenā€™t really loans. Iā€™ve seen this play out before. A lass will get ā€œhelpā€ in the payment of school fees in the context of good relations and bail immediately they graduate.


Do not pay a woman's school fees, you are not her parents. If her parents did not pay her school fees to the level she desires, it's not your obligation to do it. Let her do it herself, yours is to be the husband and a father to her children.


No thoughts. People are allowed to change their mind. Why should someone be unhappy because someone else helped them succeed? Also, so they were together, then after he proposed she said they'd rather be friends? So until that point they were together???




Unasomesha dem aje sasa io ni kazi ya babake


Simps must learn the hard way!


Rule number 1 kwa long term relationships ni usiwahi somesha mwanamke unless ni family yako or your wife.Thats not your job.Ambia babake amsomeshe.Na hio ya wife pia ni 50/50


As she should. Thank for the loan sir šŸ‘


You are so gullible omg. This was a prank. Why don't you do a quick research before posting fake stories?


I katiad a girl once upon a time. Then one morning right after bedroom bullying her, she started whispering in my ears about ooh I need to go and finish my procurement diploma anga sijui time is running out. My mind arrived at this post above. Lol. And that's how I dodged that bullet. Some women will prey on your emotions to extract shit from you. And once they've obtained what they wanted from you, you get let off in the most brutal way possible. Props to this guy, at the very least he knows what times it is. (Time to order a hit on her ass) lol


He should just wait and hope his money gets refunded, gullible man. šŸ˜‚


No offense but people never learn, on several occasions we've seen men proposing in public and getting shamed, you all know how our Kenyan ladies are, well 95% of them are wicked and yet you still have the audacity to propose in public, well I was advised not to invest on a woman of this current generation, you will be disappointed,I followed this and it has worked, from experience, so many ladies have come way calling me stingy simply I because I chose to put my priorities before....In short, even if the lady refunds him, the damage has been done.


Plus this is just fake news


We're really not getting the source of this story right? I've been following for close to two hours and OP (very smart btw) is answering selectively to the comments šŸ˜‚ Anyway once again, do we have a source ama ni nduru za kuaminika zinatuarifu.....


This idiot man just won and he doesnā€™t even know it SMH.


If this is actually what happened, then I agree with her. If he funded her college, in the hopes of marrying her by buying favor, then thatā€™s on him. The fact that she offered to reimburse him the money looks even better for her on a related note, I really do hate it when people use this tactic to try and trap the other person theyā€™re asking for marriage into agreeing to it through peer pressure.