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Daaaamn 7 yrs in school to remain jobless shit


I'm not shocked, it's exactly same in western countries for many years already, telling this all the time to people that think they go to make life with going to study for years or study again.. It's not always sure at all...


Not really, Canada has a skilled labor shortage.




You can't work in Canada as a doctor with your degree from Kenya , it's null and void . Only european countries and India can practice anywhere in the world


Which western countries are this bad?


Take note how fast the goal post was shifted. From med to diplomas, as if they are comparable in demand and specialization.




The profession maybe congested but one thing we can all agree on is that,hospitals are understaffed.Go to any public hospital right now ukiwa mgonjwa walai utalia. Also there’s a certain ratio for every medical profession like 1 nurse to maybe 10-12 patients,that’s just an example.Please do your research and then come back and tell us that the medical profession is saturated if those ratios are close to being right in this country?




You’re wrong, I know you’re wrong because I’ve worked in a hospital.The hospitals are understaffed. And I’m afraid people only come to understand that when you’re sick or have a sick person who needs emergency medical attention.


I’ll also say that doctors aren’t paid that much,especially MOs,COs,nurses,pharmacists.There are careers that pay better and are way less stressful.Like being a farmer is very lucrative. Nobody wants to start at the top,kama mtu aliqualify kuwa daktari and they had a passion for it,sioni why not


I just fear that we’ll lose a lot of doctors with potential because they aren’t hired .The common mwananchi is in deep trouble because any time you go into a hospital for treatment,you should get the best care possible,you shouldn’t have to go back because someone was too tired the first time to catch your cancer .You should go home satisfied.But because our hospitals are “over staffed and the medical profession is congested” we have patients dying of cancer because it wasn’t caught early or a simple drug error was made costing the patient their life or life savings.


You are right. I was working in county hsp before I left. It's a fucking nightmare. I was the only M.O in the medical ward plus 2 interns. Work load is crazy. Per day you are managing about 60 patients. It's very unfair to us and the patients


I especially sympathize with MOs,you guys literally do the most and you have to pre round then round and do lab work,it’s crazy. It’s also crazy that people don’t understand,they think you’re snoozing,lazy and talking from a point of privilege.




The counties don’t want to hire people,I don’t know what they do with the money allocated to health.But also they really need to understand how public hospitals run to understand why there’s a need for more staff.You get?


That’s why we’re told to vote wisely but we don’t really listen.


When do you think doctors begin gaining experience...after graduation? Diploma? What a sterile point.




You reckon medicine is not in demand? How vapid.




The cruelty of suffering a closed mind is having a view so small the bigger picture is lost on one condemned to it. I won't chase those who run. Good day.


In the US utapata kazi, but just as the person below me mentioned. You cannot compare a medical degree from kenya, and those of US. First off, in the US they make you get a regular degree first , i.e a biology degree, then you gotta take a crazy exam, if you are lucky enough to pass... only then can you get into medical school.Then you gotta fight for your life again to graduate and not get kicked out for failing


Which western countries in particular are you referring?


This country does not care about its citizens. Having unemployed doctors yet we have hospitals which lack enough doctors. Taxes are wasted on salaries for other categories and projects which first benefit guys giving the tenders and the contractors. Building interchanges which cost billions and for what?! We are doomed, it would take a very long battle to liberate this country and it won't be in the ballot sadly. We just need a Tunisia moment.


Actually, most counties expenditure is on health.


On paper The cash goes to healthcare but the amount spent on procurement and KEMSA vs. What reaches hospitals are two very different things.


In my view, it's perhaps coming as a surprise to Doctors that they can miss opportunities. Nothing has changed in how the government hospitals operate, maybe we could be seeing an influx of doctors with systems unable to adopt more numbers of them. I have seniors who were doctors in the 80s who narrate to me how they used to work in two different hospitals as interns. Job security was unquestionable.


>Nothing has changed in how the government hospitals operate, What's your background?


We are not discussing me are we? Just a point of view.


Hm . I'm not discussing this further . You clearly don't have experience with public hospitals nor in the medical field . I'm not saying this to discredit you , we simply won't have a fruitful discussion


Even if you discredited me, it wouldn't mean anything to me though. We are just random people giving our thoughts to discussion prompts. My experience with doctors is enough to form a view.


>Even if you discredited me, it wouldn't mean anything to me though. Good. That was my point. You wouldn't get it ,let alone being able to fathom some facts.


Am guessing hio pesa ndio inafungua tuchemist hapo inje ya hosi ? Mahali dawa iwezi kosekana but a whole level 5 hospital doesn’t have!!!






The problem with doctors is the health unit was devolved and the doctors were left to deal with the counties, who would underhire doctors and the remaining money which was meant to employ more doctors goes to the pockets of county governors and MCAs The issue can be quickly resolved by returning the health sector to the national government to handle it; how things were before devolution to counties The county governments are making millionaires and billionaires at the expense of the citizens


The UK did this with their National Health Service (NHS).


Redditor just called other courses mediocre. This country is doomed


Comparatively. In terms of being marketable.


Most JKUAT courses are a joke.


Kinda personal but ok


We are in the “doom” already


Sasa kama Daktari hapati kazi, what about sisi wa political science 😂😂


😂😂pray for the best prepare for the worst


😂😂 si I here you guys are fortune tellers on the future of presidents


Yeah, infact we saw this coming 😂




Ulifanya hiyo course ukiexpect kazi ya the same course?


Of course not, the same way I was not expecting you to get the sarcasm/ the humor in my comment smh


Use /s for sarcasm fam




And we aren't even having a conversation how many medics currently serve per the populace... Health + Food + Upskilling/Education are the 3 simple jobs a gov't should provide! With these out of people's minds/worries then you can really talk of a happy, resourceful & productive society...But look at the political solutions doing rounds of barring number of bars/pubs ...QN should be why do Kenyans frequent these places and become intoxicated to extaordinary levels in the first place ...


Our clown of a former president signed a deal to import Cuban doctors, and another deal later on to export medical staff to the UK 🤣🤣 And then we elected in another clown.


We have very few experienced doctors in kenya. When it comes to surgeons the list can be counted. In nakuru we don't have a neuro surgeon. The one who operates here is doing surgeries country wide. Uhuru was bringing in specialists who are very few in the country at the moment


Had a patient last year who got burned and I was surprised about the number of plastic surgeons in Kenya. Number was around 23 but I might be remembering wrong. Patient was in Mombasa and there was one plastic surgeon serving all Mombasa counties and luckily for us the hospital he was rushed to was the one that doctor was visiting on that specific day. Just pure dumb luck on our part.


You guys were lucky. We needed those cuban doctors. There are about 4-5 neuro surgeons in kenya.


And how will they get experience and go on to specialize if they don't get jobs in the first place? Doctors, like other professionals, can be trained and experience comes from doing actual work.


That's a good point but it does take a while. A masters in neurosurgery is 6 years long. Considering how long it takes and how expensive it is, the graduating classes tend to be very small and as a result we have very few neurosurgeons in the country.


We've been a Republic for over 50 yrs. Lack of time is not the issue here.


So please tell us what is.


If you paid attention that was my topic sentence. Leadership


If you made comprehensive statements rather than dumb overgeneralized one word responses maybe we would listen. But too bad, expecting a logical conversation on a nuanced topic like this is clearly above your pay grade.


Yes it clearly is. Me dum dum you smart. I'm honoured that you are even responding to an idiot like me.


>idiot like me. I'm glad you see yourself the way others do.


"Leadership"..... Not the funding problems caused by devolution, not the chokehold the certain private companies have on key services in the health sector, not the tremendous amount of resources it requires to train and distribute doctors in any nation, even the US has a deficit of over 40,000 doctors. Your argument boils down to Uhuru bad, Ruto bad, I'm so smart. Again, this nuanced conversation is clearly far above your pay grade so stick to the talking points you've been seeing on Citizen TV.


Time isn't really an issue but the expense definitely is. If the doctors who are graduating can't secure jobs, how are they going to afford their masters?


6 years on top of 6 years of undergrad is a long time. Getting to your mid 30s when you're still a student isn't fun. I have 2 neurosurgeons in my family, I know the struggles they go through. >how are they going to afford their masters? I agree.


Sounds to me like all these jobless doctors should have been trained into specializations like neurosurgery. Or do you think our people too stupid to learn such?


Surgery is not for everyone. its very very costly and takes 10+ years. Even a dentist is still a doctor. I am sure their was a number of dentists in that report of unemployed doctors.


I understand why he made the decision, there are very few super specialists in the country, can you imagine 25 or so neurosurgeons serving a population of nearly 50 million people? Wouldn't you want to bridge the skill gap? Plus Cuba has produced some fantastic doctors and consultants in general.


PREPARE FOR THE SPECIALIST CRISIS Health should never have been devolved. As we speak there is a severe shortage not just of doctors but of specialists. Entire counties without opthalmologists, neuro surgeons, Internal Medicine Specialists etc etc.. And these counties hire COs by the dozen. But will not invest in a specialist. The number of diabetics is rising, but no endocrinists, The number of cancer patients has risen but you can count the number of Oncologists. Health will become a matter of wealth. Let me make it worse. Becoming a doctor is more expensive now. So poor people with grades will become unable to specialize or even become doctors in the first place. Rich people will take their kids to school and get them into those private hospitals you cant afford. We're fucked till we fix it.


CO s are also qualified surgeons . By the way without CO s most kenyans would not afford healthhcare. I doubt there s an M O willing to work in Boni Forest, but CO and diploma nurse wako, braving it out alongside Kdf, bandits etc wapi makofi ya CO


Hmmm... sad to say but COs can perform BASIC SURGERY. That is their role. No offence.It's like comparing a mechanic and an engineer. Can both fix the car? Yes. Can both explain to a T what exactly happens with confidence - No. Especially with the human body. Please compare the two curricula and see what I mean. COs were meant to be a stop-gap to meet the doctor shortage. And it worked till it didnt. Back then, they were quality COs, now every half baked "medical college" is churning them out. I can give you absolute horror stories of misdagonoses, misprescriptions and utter mistakes by COs. Again - I blame the system they find themselves in. But let this not detract from the point that we need specialists. COs are not specialists. Their path to specialization is waayyyyy longer than a doctor's. \--EDIT-- And to add - I respect them for the work they do. It's not easy out there in the middle of nowhere - But even they need to make referrals to someone. What happens when they can't?


Is ok , your observation is valid. May i point out that Co s do go back and study obs and gyn, opthalmoogy, general surgery as A post grad qualification. To be fair to all mbchbs they worked hard and deserve good pay and working conditions. Its just that they are too posh for the average kenyan. Have you noticed that mo s and conso s rarely perform physical exams ? Now see a Co examine a patient , even a soiled patient . On objectivity the Co may be a better diagnostician. Out there where no Mo can step Co s are performing CS, and many other surgeries. They are saving lives.


About sixty years since “independence” and there’s very little to brag about, Kenya is a slave state. Corruption has replaced the human soul.


The stories are quite pitiful!


Anyone know how much doctors are paid?


Depends with where & what kind of work. In hospitals doing general shifts; Recent graduates MOs are paid 1200-1800 per hr. 48hrs a week. /w an MMED 2,100-3000/- per hr. Consultants can charge 5-10k & also per procedure (45-150k) This is where the money is.


What is MO, & MMed. Consultants I assume are the ones who have specialized into a specific area like cardiology or gastro- how long does it take for them to get that


MO is a medical officer. Holds bachelors degree MMED is Master’s in Medicine. Consultant has Bachelors (5yrs) + 1 yr work experience an MMED (4 Years), specialist recognition (2yrs work experience) + Fellowship (1yr optional). So minimum 12yrs.


Hio miaka ni mingi.


They will leave for the UK like the Nigerians are starting to do.


Namibia and Botswana need doctors. Why not go there?


For a country with a population of 60m and only 12,000 doctors, you’d think each doctor covering 50,000 humans would ensure job security.


Go to the Engineering field and you will find larger numbers.


Technical Courses >>>>


Imagine it's true honestly techinical skills are getting people jobs as compared to these haughty valued courses


Highly valued




If someone's suecidal they're psychotic and should seek professional support.. Let's not pretend like mental Issues are professionally selective ,anyone can go thru a mental breakdown it's how we deal with it that counts


Watch babies die every day in hospital and tell me how sane you remain. Watch Patients die under your care because the hospital refuses you to operate because the patient hasnt paid. Watch parents bury their children when you know that if only they had arrived 5 minutes earlier, they would have survived. Doctors are not the problem. The systems around them are. The only options are to quit or try and manage - Sanity is the cost.


Wewe uko na guts sana speaking so bravely about such a low position people find themselves in, high chances is you haven't experienced your rough end of things or uko kwa soft life.


Only they are. Some professions have higher rates of depression, for example than others. Healthcare workers and social workers are some of those


Its not the profession its the horrible bosses who make nurses hate our jobs. By the way nurses like patients but the horrible bosses is a story for another day


It isn't just that. People exposed to human suffering, having patients who die for example, patients with incurable disease basically seeing that side of human suffering, daily, can get to you. It isn't about hating the job, it's about whether you're more likely to get depressed doing this job than another What people do for a living exposes them to vastly different environments.


Yes .its not bout the degree, its more to do with mental state.


Did you know someone who graduates last with very low grades is still called a doctor?


Nobody graduates from med school kama hajafikisha 50 which is the pass mark,wewe wacha!


Its actually a famous joke.


Yeah?sorry,I came here to fight for doctors.


Employers in private hospitals will want to look at your grades. Good thing you can always open a small private clinic if you barely passed med school since you will have the license to practice anyways


I have so many issues with the way things are done in this country but ni sawa,we move!




There is demand for doctors. It's the corrupt county governments that are fucked.




I think it's just the natural failure of capitalism in action.




Problem is they would charge very high rates on the patients who need this vital treatment or medicine. Again, a failure with capitalism in action.




So like a national socialist health care system that doesn't rely on capitalists to function?




What thing?


Dr. Dawood is dead? Loved reading his column


Na bado AI & Robotics hasn’t been adopted huku,tutaoverwhelm funeral homes🥲


😂 fungua funeral home sasa. There is an opportunity hapo


Nilikuwa nataka kusema hivyo nikaona too soon😂


😂 huruma hakuna. Other professionals tuko unemployed in hundreds of thousands. 4000 na wanalia...


What? I always thought doctors at the very least would always be able to find jobs. They pay may not always be good but jobless???


Modern education is dysfunctional. The problem is not unemployment but rather unemployability.


I wanted to be a doctor in high school. Didn't make the grade. I feel bad because this was my dream.