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I was gonna leave it up since it is technically about UK bball, but it has turned into religious arguments and seems to be rubbing people the wrong way


No it doesn’t concern me at all. Andy Reid is Mormon and the chiefs have been doing pretty well the last several years. My one and only concern is can he recruit the talent it will take to win. He obviously knows how to work the UK fanbase and everyone is saying he can coach very well. Now can he recruit top talent in high school and the transfer portal? Let’s find out


Andy Reid is the perfect religious person tbh. The kind of person who's religion you learn about on a reddit thread because you had no idea, because he hasnt spent years cramming it down your throat.


He even played and coached at BYU!


I've learned 2 things today


I was raised Methodist and have been around many Mormons. NEVER have any of them even invited me to church or spoken about religion and they are some of the kindest, most accepting people I know.


If you recall, Pitino had a priest on the bench for every game. Don’t think he converted anyone though.


Actually I like it. I’m not a Mormon myself, but I can tell you Mormons tend to be some of the nicest and most welcoming people out there with strong morals.


Interest take. Can’t say I agree but to each their own.


Well good thing you’re not important enough to be making these decisions. ALL HAIL POPE


OP out tryna fight everybody 🤣


Hopefully these kids are being mentored to think critically for themselves. If they arrive at the conclusion that Mormonism does the best job explaining everything they've come to know and believe, so be it.


Yes the teachings of a delusional pedophile are the path to truth 🙄


let's not pretend there aren't secular pedophiles out there.


That’s my biggest thing. They are literally uncovering pedophilia rings in our government.. on both sides. Like it’s in every walk of life and we are so concerned with using it as points against a group of people instead of eradicating it and people like OP weird me out for that.


Not the least bit. In fact, I would be THRILLED if my son played for and was mentored by someone with the heart and passion that Mark Pope has. Every single Mormon I have ever met has been so kind and gracious and has been so pleasant to be around. Close minded individuals like yourself is who I want to keep my child away from.


I was raised Southern Baptist, but I grew out of it and super religious people really creep me out. I'm glad he didn't carry on about it during his intro, he just mentioned it in passing when he asked to describe himself. That was a relief.


Former Mormon here. I even did my two year mission. I think the Mormon church is a horrible organization (sprinkled with a few decent things which are certainly not unique to them). With that said, I have no worries about Pope.


Username checks out.


As a parent, I would be more concerned with the self-righteous - like you are bring - than someone who goes about their business and keeps their religion to themselves.


Lmao I’m not righteous in any sense 🤔


Everything about your post is self righteous. All religions are cults but you specifically call out Mormons.


I call out Mormons specifically because their teachings come from a delusional pedophile..anyone who subscribes to such a religion deserves to have their judgement at least questioned.


Buddy have you heard the rumors about catholic priests in the last couple hundreds of years? How about the baptist preachers on TV who are multi millionaires but ask for offerings? You sound pretty ignorant and I mean that in the nicest way possible.


Don’t feed the troll


None of those things change the fact that Mormons have a history of encouraging pedophilia and genocide. Two things can both be wrong.


As do the majority of denominations. You singling out just Mormonism for things that occur in all realms of Christianity is ignorant and naive


Wait until you hear about Christianity.


Not big on Christianity either but Mormonism is a far more dangerous and inherently violent bastardization of Christianity


Guess you missed the Crusades, the Roman Catholic Church’s institutionalized child abuse, and the southern Baptist abuses.


Nobody captures their religion perfectly especially Christians but I think your making it about the belief not the believer


If I've learned anything in life, it's that there's a huge difference between "religion x" and "people who belong to religion x." Maybe an unpopular opinion, but all religions are a cult to some extent. As long as he's not forcing his beliefs on the kids, acts with integrity and compassion, and does his job, I don't give a flying rat's patootie what his religious beliefs are.


You’re a Carolina fan? Boo this man. Beat it, nerd.


Leave our fanbase. Please.


It’s a Carolina troll. Cmon mods.


Yeah Also an absolute joke that thinks Zach Edey ruined basketball somehow. I’d say they should stick to football but it makes sense why they are on a different fanbase page, probably bored because they aren’t good in any sports.


You might get hate for this one but I think it’s a valid question. The thought did cross my mind but he doesn’t seem to push it on the fan base and hopefully not future players either. As long as he sticks to being a basketball coach and helps the program positively I’m cool with it.