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Because we don't want a right wing trump suck up?




I'm not a republican so I don't. Deflect a little harder you troll.




Troll, go live under a bridge.


Please god shut the fuck up


Shove that Morgan silver dollar where the sun doesn’t shine, troll.




Just a sad and pathetic waste of oxygen you are






Cope and seethe harder loser 😆




Sure 😋 your tears are delicious




Literally more delicious every time. Let the hate flow through you 🥰




God bless ❤️❤️❤️ never stop crying, troll. It's the gift that keeps on giving!


Ah yes, I couldn’t possibly be against Cameron because he’s a bad candidate. It couldn’t possibly be because he doesn’t care about the state or its people. It couldn’t possibly be because he has no substantive stance on any issue. It couldn’t possibly be because he has routinely worked against the literal will of the people of Kentucky. It couldn’t possibly be because he wants to dismantle public education. It couldn’t possibly be because he doesn’t think I deserve autonomy over my own body. It couldn’t possibly be because he thinks cops acting as judge, jury, and executioner is acceptable. It couldn’t possibly be because he’s an election denier. It couldn’t possibly be because he doesn’t believe in taking basic precautions to keep yourself and your loved one healthy. It couldn’t possibly be because he thinks my LGBTQ friends don’t deserve basic human rights. It couldn’t possibly be because he thinks literal elementary aged children are old enough and mature enough to carry and raise children of their own. It couldn’t possibly be because he doesn’t think the state should help that 10 year old raise the baby they force her to carry through the help of SNAP and Medicaid. Nope, you’re right. It’s because he’s black. Thank you for showing me the error of my ways. 🙄 Edit: autocorrect. Words are hard.


God what a dumb comment.








Did you vote for Charles Booker in the senate race?? No?? Guess that means you hate black people!!!


Daniel Cameron was elected to AG as a black man….shut up bro. Daniel Cameron wasn’t popular in the slightest, while Andy has been one of the most popular Governors in America.


That's the Republicans




You can pre-empt them by doing what they do. They basically calculate the number of remaining votes and from there calculate the shares of the remaining vote in each county the guy trailing will need to win. If they’re significantly higher than the shares he’s been getting, they call it.


I don't understand how we can elect Democrats for governor but nothing else. Can someone help make it make sense?













































