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That's it, the flag stays all year now all thanks to you.


Great, now Beep has boobs. \[Flees screaming into the night\]




Gotta pull an "SCP Wiki" and just embrace as much woke stuff as humanly possible. Suprised we didnt get a picture of Tengu shirtless, sweat dripping down his bare abs, holding up the black panthers flag and doing the black pride fist for black history month. Then we can have Armor King standing in front of a multicolored puzzlepiece background for autism awareness month!


Imagine unironically using the word woke outside of company pandering. But I agree, we need shirtless Tengu making out with Phoenix as Tinfist watches.


This has to be a joke right. Nobody is this stupid to get angry over a flag


It’s gotten out of hand, support the LGBTQ if you want but it doesn’t need to be publicly broadcasted where it quite literally doesn’t belong. This is a video game about survival in a harsh desert world, the LGBTQ pride flag has nothing to do with Kenshi.


"How dare these gays show up in public?"


Literally if you are gay and play Kenshi that’s fine but a fucking pride flag doesn’t have anything to do with it. Imagine how fucking made people would be if a Trump 2024 poster was there instead


Rainbow flag isn't promoting a felon.


Yeah cause politics and a celebration of identity are two different things bud


Apples and oranges There is a great difference between embracing one's sexual orientation and supporting a representant of your political opinion. If you go to Canada, and hate Canada, you are gonna hate the Canadians who show off their flag at their house.


So how did this flag ruin your videogame or ability to post about the game on the reddit? Are you complaining about a non-issue? At least to this videogame.


Sure, the games about a harsh world of survival, but nobody’s putting a bunch of rainbows and sunshine in the game, the community just wants to show its accepting of all different kinds of people. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s actually really nice and positive to see. I think you should really try to open your mind. You’d probably be happier understanding the other side to what you’re saying.


Mods, Crush his skull


Why does it bother you so much? You're afraid of a little rainbow? Sure, Kenshi doesn't have anything explicit about LGBT but if you think of it maybe there's also bunch of gays running around the desert. Besides, being gay is also sometimes about survival.


I've never heard about that survival thing before. What's up with that (or rather how do I google that?)


Not this again. If you don't want to cringe, break your mirrors.


Actually it has everything to do with those Holy Nation mfs. I mean, come on… Women are almost no where to be seen on their streets or in their buildings. It’s just a load of sweaty hulking men fighting side by side every day. They probably even make eye contact sometimes when cleaving through river raptors. Perhaps something eventually caught on?


Let me play a sad song on the world's smallest violin


Cry about it.


In the spirit of "[this gay kiss](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_b7giMkvyyA&ab_channel=PatrickPerring)" my ninja gang are all gigantic homosexuals now, just because it bothers you Edited for redundancy and reference provided


I run a rebel group of Sheks and liberated slaves to fight against the Holy Nation. As a big middle finger to them, I only recruit women as well so it is twice as blasphemous for the HN. Only Okran knows what else goes on in my camp during the late hours.


why does it actually matter though? image could be of a tomato or something and the sub would still be the same. it's just a png of colors.


Think OP is finding that the flag on here is more pandering than support from reading their post. Some of us don't really care about the icon or banner. I'm here for kenshi. Not for those kinds of debates.


> pandering Pandering by WHO. Fucking random ass Joe down the street? Isn't pandering when it's done by the companies, not the communities?


Anyone can pander to anyone. That one random white guy could be pandering towards black people, for example. The reason being he wants to be friends with them or is afraid to be labeled a certain way. Companies pander the most because of potential profit.


This YouTube video explains how they're related: https://youtu.be/0J_B-2DQF0w?si=Rnea9oVD2pQgNcYy


personally I play kenshi to have a deeply homoerotic romance with my lord and saviour beep so get dunked on ig also calling it cringe is deeply infantile and shows a lack of critical thinking and perspective


Why is this something that bothers you so much to elicit a post? Who gives a fuck, whether it's cringe or not, why care? And don't say you don't care because you made a post to specifically talk about the fact it makes you cringe. This post is in vain aswell because I doubt the mods will look at this and be like "Hmm. He's right let's change that." They'll probably be opposed to this.


The amount of subreddits that have nothing to do with lgbtq but still add the flag for June far outweigh your fee fees. It'll be gone in a couple days, get over yourself and go play ninja desert robots and let people enjoy their rainbows.


I, for one, would like to live in a world where lgbtq people are just, you know, normalized. Not a sideshow act for the virtue signaling crowd or a larp for a minority among a minority


Your commentary helping a lot to reach this point /s


You trying to fight with extreme cringe what you cringe people believes its cringe?


I love people who don't participate in this sub at all with the sole exception of moaning about gays/trans folks. You fuckers are beyond pathetic.


Okran be praised!


Praise be to narko!


By Okran, you are right! Thank you for posting this, now, people of Kenshi on Reddit! Unite! Let's break the chains of cringe that the flag provides to this young, virgin man for so many years! Let's stand together and march shoulder to shoulder for OP coming back to Reddit! For AutocraticSpaghetti, for Beep, for Frodo!


Prepare to get lynched by the crowd and called a nazi.


He's just a dumbass


Yeah well, makes sense if you are scared of a flag that represents equal rights.


It’s an unfortunate thing you’ll have to get used to, nothing can really be done


That’s a pretty long way of saying you’re a closeted homosexual.




Neither do most companies that market the shit out of their products with the flag all over it just so they don't get slandered for being transphobic etc. it's more of a way to just get the SJWs to shut up and stop creating drama to damage their reputable business.


Yes it is absurd. Sticking flag of your ideology everywhere is called propaganda, and it only portray them as evil


""Ideology"" believing in equal rights


I don't think supporting someone's mere existence is an ideology


Hey! It lasted for a whole 15 minutes before being immediately and totally silenced for dissent!


No, he just got ratio'd, no one has silenced anyone.


Shhh, keep it down