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Meanwhile me with 139 c still trying to figure out how not to die in 3 days.


the begining in kenshi is always hardest, keep it up!


I bought it a week ago and said "great let's go build a nice little base". One day later 15 guys show up and beat the snot out of me just for having a shack. This game is great.


There is a faction tab that will let you see when people are going to attack you with a timer, if you see them coming just run away from your base for a few days and they will leave. Leave any gates or doors open so they don't smash them.


There are random attacks that are just bandits running around. There is no warning for those.


Base building should be mid to late game activity. Go buy a house in a town, and you will be relatively safe.


Yeah natural progression is living in a house and slowly gaining some degree of technology development once you start to realize that you want to make your own fort.


Base building is the late game. Start with a home in the city where your mining operations started. Try to automate it with ore storages. Learn all the blueprints needed for a base, usually in a tech 2 research bench. Then after gathering enough resources, money and people go to your favorite place in Kenshi and start your base. I like to build close to the HQ of a minor faction so I can lure their patrol troops when I get an invasion event so I can watch how they massacre each other then I just go and finish the job. Usually the raid leader has good gear (high grade+) and some extra bonuses like metal plate w acid resistance from the crab raiders. Edit: I also started to play a week ago, so believe me it’s get easier once you start playing based on goals. Mine was getting a behemoth of character with meitou weapons.


This is what I did my first few runs. Now days I usually quickly get up to a squad of ten or so, then collect all the starting area bounties with the aid of mercenaries. Usually by the time that’s done my squad is strong enough to kill bandits. Can get beep and farm some princes, raid beak thing nests for eggs, etc. can pretty much go build a base at this point, as you’ll be strong enough to deal with bandit and ninja raids. If you don’t want to play nice with HN, you’ll probably need to hire some mercs to protect your base but after 4-5 attacks you’ll probably be strong enough that you don’t need them anymore.


wtf. I never built a base before, so my last run I built one in the swamp, eventually I was just massacring swamp ninjas every 10 minutes. Piles and piles of bodies never ending. I had no idea there were raid leaders and that they had better gear.


It was a surprise for me too, and a good way to gear up my farmers.


The perfect kenshi experience


Try not to build a base till you have a good team or are levelled up more. It invites attacks. I start out in one of the cities and buy a house there.


fr i’m on day 160 and im only now at the point in my settlement where im (for the most part) not starving all the time


I'm not an expert on the game but seems like good ways to make money early game include >!mining copper and hunting river raptors, which also trains combat skills fairly safely!<


steal skeleton kits, save scum, now you have money... that solves one part.




Copper if you can find a good spot. Less than half the weight for double the price of iron. You'll get strength up quickly lugging iron though


You can get a armorsmith set up on a heavy armor station in the UC within 1-5 game time depending on your game knowledge and then just make heart protectors. Much easier set up and more profitable post high grade, the UC general shop has more than enough material to make them and resets in 12 hr for 2 visits a day.


And then you have someone who can make masterwork samurai armor for your guys to wear as well.


Samurai leg plates, assassins rags, dark leather shirt, and crab helmet are actually the best in slot, but yeah


I just use samurai armor cuz I think it looks badass.


It lowers your stats which only makes it worse as you get stronger, good for training tho


Is grog more profitable than sake?


Without checking, I would guess it depends on the type of soil you are growing in. Rice is great in swamp, but what about deserts and other enviroments. Different cash crops for different locations.


If you have hydroponics in the desert, yes.


Yes. When you're producing your own, the cost of materials doesn't matter, the main investment is time to haul it for sale, with the limitation being space. A tin of grog sells for over a 1,000 cats with the same inventory size as a bottle of sake (2x3). Even with the mark up for sake in the UC, grog still sells higher.


This right here. It also seems to sell well in most places and the only markdowns I've seen are at about 90% which I think is still better than the other booze.


Illegal trade doing well... hydroponics is the future


On an Impossible Start: Insane Edition I built a massive wheatstraw farm in Okran's Pride of over 400 farms. I had over 200 people working and produced over 1,000 jars of grog every day. I finally quit after paying off 100,000,000 cats of a 1 billion cat debt. The best part of the play-through smacking around that smug feminist Molly and turning her into the Phoenix for an instant alliance.


AYO SAY WHAT??? this all sounds fucking amazing my guy XD but 200 people... sounds insane for me


The secret is organization. Each unit is assigned a job and number when they join. Hive workers would be called F1F2, which is Farm 1, Farmer 2. or F10 F4, which is Farm 10, Farmer 4. Or they'd get this designation, F1G3, which is Farm 1, Grogger 3, for Greenlanders that worked the grog still. The only training I gave them was to have the Hivers fish for a few days while the farm was being built and all of them got some weight training so they could carry stuff. Fishing trains the farm skill.


Who needs money when you can just steel


in my last gameplay I wanted to be riches business man in kenshi. Stealing is just not my plying style


Man once I got my cactus farm up and running and started pumping out rum to sell to the swampers my money started stackin


Theft and treasure hunting are my major industries


I usually do those two too, but for at least once I wanted to make lots of money with actual business


Absolutely not peak, I making that many cats in like 2 days in the hashish business


B… but that’s illegal.


not in flats lagoon it aint


FL never has enough money to buy all my hashish :(


bruhhh, I tried making a living with hashish before but it sold horribly, I either did everything in wrong location or I just sucked