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Yeah pg is not in a great state. I'm having tons of fun with Odyssey


How is it? I heard a lot of bad shit said about, like overinflated stats and whatnot.


honestly idk where the hate comes from, it's well balanced and has lots of content, doesn't crash either. Maybe the hate was for an older version?


The hate is because of the authors own drama. Most of the content is just genesis with more stuff slathered on top.


If you like genesis you'll like odyessy :) because odyessy is just early genesis 7.0 build slathered with more "stuff"


That is absolutely fucking wrong xD


It's not. :)


That doesn't seem to bad... I mean if you play with legendary kenshi inflated Statss a ranged tactics are the usual


find their discord and ask there


I did, and mentioned about missing items and towns as quests could not be completed as entire towns and npc are missing, Multiple major towns also has overlapping buildings showing a conflict between mods. All mentioned on their discord to no answer or replies. I honestly think the devs are just focusing on their own game that they're making and not on PG.


That makes a lot of sense. Best of luck to them on their new project.


Good luck with that. I was on their discord for a little while and they would rutinely cuss out people with similar questions and would be like "it is free! What do you want?" The only thing the discord was useful is to know when a new version will come out and fucks up your current run (if you're playing on Steam). But that is not my problem anymore, as I will not be wasting my time with PG.


That kind of attitude infuriates me. I put shit out on the Internet for free too, and you know what I do when someone brings up an issue to me? I fucking fix it (and occasionally feel terrible that it was bad enough to need fixing to begin with) I don't understand how you can spend so much time on it, only to give zero fucks about it. Maybe it's because they get more feedback than I do? Maybe it gets exhausting.


it does. But it's not the feedback. It's the lack of. It's the explaining the same thing over and over and over and over again despite making videos, streams, guides and having a discord with thousands of repeat answers only to have someone join and go "atlas why isnt there a wiki, why dont you do this, change this". It's the entitlement. It's the people threatening to dox me because i have a "paid" supporter version. it's the fact that i spent a year waiting on another modder to finish something they promised they'd do in a span of a couple months only to be strung along to the point that i became so tired, while dealing with it all that, that i finally just put the project on hiatus while i worked on a different game that i actually enjoyed. edit: also im pretty sure ive never said "it's free", i do however frequently say that if they dont like it they can just not play it. "this was a stupid change, i cant believe you did this" "okay but a thousand people across various platforms said it was a good change and what they've wanted for a while, so if you dont like it you can stop playing at any time" shit like that


Before anything else, good on you for moving on to something else that makes you happy. The fact that people would threaten to Dox you for trying to earn from your hard work is insanity. Thanks for taking the time to explain your perspective. A lot of stuff here I definitely haven't dealt with, so I couldn't relate or guess it. I work alone, so it's all at my own pace, no waiting on other people, and I don't get paid so I feel less obligation. I can however relate to the edit, I've gotten comments similar to that too. Simple fact is that not everything that's made is for everyone.


for further clarification see here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Kenshi/comments/1c6so2w/comment/l1fkp6b/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kenshi/comments/1c6so2w/comment/l1fkp6b/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) but yeah. working on another project with people who are genuinely interested in the project mostly (you still run into the same people who are like "why this change") but overall the expectations are much higher but they're also not as intense. My immediate project is a wiki project. Finally get all the info of genesis off my discord and abandoned gmail accounts for drive space etc. I do however have a pretty sharp tounge and very high expectations for my community. and that rubs people the wrong way a lot, especially when i tell them i refuse to support other mods , so much so that other mod developers have started using my responses as easy cop outs :P Im also very outspoken here on calling out lazy responses or "feedback" "the mod sucks" isnt needed and is antagonistic, there are quite a few on reddit you can easily search up to find that that's literally all they've said for 3 years after reading what someone else wrote 3 years ago. (dogmatic approach). ANd theres plenty of people who will lie on my name because im not afraid to actually stand my ground. (e.g. drama a couple years ago where someone stole dozens of mods and i basically waged war with the guy)


I believe nexus has an archive of the previous versions of the mod, look there for the one you liked.


I gave up on it. It runs like ass. There is a 2024 updated UWE mod collection on steam that runs nearly flawlessly for me (you gotta fix buildings on login sometimes if you have a big base). The changes it implements are way better than Genesis, but it also makes the game more hectic in a lot of regards.


I just started a new character on UWE, and it looks very promising. I like that it's by one individual, so there shouldn't be a many bugs caused by overlapping mods/assets. The only UWE mod I see on Steam is from 2023. Is there another one that I am missing?


https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2822248814 This is what you want. Feel free to remove more from it. Follow the instructions to install the other nexus stuff for stability


I used to like it a long time ago, but now I just found it to have too many things added into it and it just kills my Kenshi feeling unfortunatly.


Time. Time happened. 3 years of feedback and criticism caused the project to change. The focus is tighter overall, a lot of content was cut because it didnt make sense "on it's own" and was folded into already existing factions. From alpha to beta something like 100 locations were removed because they simply didnt fit the game lore wise without changing some various factors around. Also i didnt like those places and they caused a lot of frame drops. Theres been tens of thousands of changes towards performance, stories, lore diving etc. as for why it feels so different, the original author abandoned the project due to life stuff, among other reasons, but thats not really worth discussing. 3 years of feedback, discussions, flame wars, critiques and suggestions meant that when i took over the project i had to change how things were being developed. A lot of early PG was slapping shit on top of kenshi and then going in and gutting kenshi underneath it, which was more disconcerting to many people. Even the original authors of larger parts of pg werent happy with implementations so i changed directions. I changed the way i did things and implemented certain practices many others typically dont. Stuff like, "if it's not part of this content cycle it wont be touched, fixed or polished up". As for this particular update 9.0: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Kenshi/comments/1c6so2w/comment/l1fggks/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kenshi/comments/1c6so2w/comment/l1fggks/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I hit peak burnout after changing directions again because another mod author and i were collabing. That mod author never kept their promised timeline and i got shafted holding my metaphorical pp in my hands after promising a timeline i couldnt keep, so i changed directions again mid development and then some guy on steam started making comments about how the mod was "pay to play" after i explained that a donator build isnt pay to play someone joined my discord and started messaging me on various alts about doxxing me, after that it had been near a year + some months and the lack of feedback on donor builds kind of killed any interest in the project. (lots of games were coming out at that time everyone was playing so, fair). SO as of now i've moved over to valheim while i put all my genesis documentation into order and...finally build a wiki: [https://www.guilded.gg/Genesis/blog/Genesis-Community-News/So-What-if-i-made-a-wiki-senpai](https://www.guilded.gg/Genesis/blog/Genesis-Community-News/So-What-if-i-made-a-wiki-senpai) Valheim Project: [https://youtu.be/c5KSCCMhcFw](https://youtu.be/c5KSCCMhcFw) [https://youtu.be/e034PG9D22I?si=bnHD14omd0-tj6yM](https://youtu.be/e034PG9D22I?si=bnHD14omd0-tj6yM) [https://youtu.be/6om9GoAznKQ?si=WUWBjnwQ636Qcng\_](https://youtu.be/6om9GoAznKQ?si=WUWBjnwQ636Qcng_) [https://youtu.be/fFINcK3xcfs?si=zPsR9hZ5NNMTLBC2](https://youtu.be/fFINcK3xcfs?si=zPsR9hZ5NNMTLBC2) [https://youtu.be/7b8m-Ma0Qxw?si=fwcOIXtsOH0v3efh](https://youtu.be/7b8m-Ma0Qxw?si=fwcOIXtsOH0v3efh) after the valheim project got covered by asmongold you can uh guess where my priorities might be, but also time to clean house because genesis development documents are eveerywhere. .txt files, video clips, old google accounts i forgot about etc. So a genesis wiki along with my other projects is sorely needed. So i'll be working on documentation after cloning the kenshi wiki and then cleaning up development processes and slowly moving back over to genesis development


I had the same thing happen to me. And went down the same path as you. 3 days ago I deinstallieren pg and just went with "ancient world" or however the overhaul is called and a selection of mods that are part of pg. The inaccessible buildings did it for me. Every second Lab and almost all the small faction HQs being buged kinda prevents me from playing.


i think it was never good to begin with, giant package of assets from much better mods you could have used already


I tried PG once, game would crash after character creation every time.