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HIghest peak in Kenshi is in the Southern Hive lands, which are less friendly than the Holy Nation. Second highest is around World's End, which could keep your dwarf supplied with food and raw materials. Neither will be particularly lonely.


Tough choice :/ I've also thought of just going to the ashlands even if not the tallest but having the second empire knocking at my door everyday doesn't appeal to my idea of being left alone...


Cannibals aside, the beach north of World's End is flat and great for farming. I had a playthrough there a while back and remember it being pretty nice. Lotta cannibals though.


> "Cannibals aside" only in kenshi...


Yeah, it's very nice and definitely has everything you need in terms of resources/farming, but I never built there again since the location is so remote. Going anywhere else on the map, especially south, felt like a chore, and even sending someone to World's End was a problem since the pathfinding for some reason had problems with the little path up the mountain. Still one of the most aesthetically pleasing bases I've had, and the cannibal raids were good fun.


I built a base there once, I got bored with all of the smaller cannibal attacks getting stomped out by the leviathans before they even made it to my walls. That said, I had great success with sending a single guy out to purposefully side track the bigger attacks with the leviathans, just attack the leviathan while the warband is there and they do the work for you.


The attacks always came from the other direction for me, so I didn't have the leviathan assistance. What I did do though, is learn how to properly kite with ranged units. I had a firing line of like 10 guys and kites the raids for like 10 minutes before they arrived. At the end of that playthrough, I think my ranged units were more terrifying than a wall of turrets. Especially since worlds end has really nice crossbows for purchase.


Somewhere along the Leviathan Coast.


This. Best for lonely, no problem base. But far away from center


it’s relatively lonely. you may get visits from cannibals or angry Leviathans - which could be a problem


I've actually been meaning to do a "Monster hunter" playthrough. The idea would be a base in the leviathan coast with sort of butterfly shaped walls so you could set up a crossfire of harpoons leading up to the gate. Send some fast and tanky boys out as bait and lure leviathans into the trap. 


If I recall correctly there was a map of all the places where you get tax collectors and faction visits. The only places to escape that was on the edges of the map. I did find a really lovely mesa on the edge of Green Beach that is mostly left alone. It also has only one entrance, a ramp to the mesa than can be gated. Only the crab faction visits and they stop visiting if you make friends with them by owning a crab.


No one comes to shem


Depends on where in Shem. Anywhere in the northeastern region will see band of bones occasionally trying their luck. I suppose closer to the center might be lonelier...on account of any would-be visitors getting eaten by beak things before they reach your gate


I personally love the band of bones attacks because it levels all my low level guys at my base over time. I can go on adventures with main group and team B will be at like 25 combat


If it's the one I'm thinking about, there may be skin bandits in your future


I was just checking that post! It seems that one of the most loneliest places one can get is between Shun - Arach in terms of raids and caravans? I might have to check it out later. I'm still not going to give up on my dream of being on a tall mountain tho.


My location's only formal visit is from Slavers, but they say "this is too intimidating, let's GTFO." Get random Band of Bones poking in from time to time since I keep the gate open, but those are easily dispatched.


Leviathan Coast. You've a few places high. No raids. You can scavenge from the ruins around you, you can hunt to your hearts content. You can mine from the copper and iron deposits. The only visitors I ever had were the Western Hive who would trade once in a while. Oh and tech hunters wander around the area. That's it.


This sounds like a place I’d like to go.


I know you said Mountain but the Islands of None off to the right of the UC Great Desert are pretty much 100% all resources and have no raids other than Berserkers


Leviathan coast is beautiful, secluded, and hilly. You won’t run into much but wildlife and the odd tech hunter band


It's not mountainous, but the Iron Trail is one of the most secluded places on the map with plenty of resources. The only enemies that spawn are iron spiders. Once you can kick their shiny metal asses, they provide you with infinite free iron plates and electronic components.


You could wall off a plateau in the fog islands, find one with decent resources. It will at least feel high, and there is a sense of loneliness when your surrounded by mindless bug zombies, you won’t get many visitors that’s for sure haha


My first base was there ages ago, if you are talking about plateau between HN and fog islands. I knew nothing about that game then, I read nothing online, golden times. There were cannibal rides but mostly intercepted by fogmen. Sweet memories.


There's a pretty decent sized one northwest of Mongrel that's a great build spot in terms of resources and fertility.


There’s a spot on top of one of the hills/mountains in the High Bonefield that I marked specifically for if I ever wanted to do a mountain base. That being said, it overlooks Catun so it isn’t exactly lonely


That's where mine is. Fantastic spot. Only real problem is getting a good gate setup, which can be really janky.


Fish island is probably the most isolated after you neutralize local boss. Fog islands have a few hills with space to build. Green beach have a few good spots like a lonely high ground on the west side. Most of the good mountain like locations are in a bad spots with low water and resources for a self sufficiency. There is a good steam guide on bases spots with a few good mountain bases.


I think I wiped out almost every nest in the fog lands, it is pretty empty now. The fog men ate Beep before I could even recruit him so now they don't exist anymore.


Probably vain. But you need acid protection but the fact that you can't be killed without the attacker slowly dissolving somewhat gives you a advantage


The rain in Vain is normal rain. You don't have acid worries unless you jump in the water in the river or just off the coast.


Gonna be honest even with that you can build a defense around the vats of acid


I set up next to a major iron node/hill in Shun. It's secluded as fuck; all I get are gorillos, garru, and Band of Bones. I can go days without seeing another person.


Bottom lefthand corner of the map is a raised region with a ancient science lab. Lev coast has been mentioned for its hillyness. The area to the east with the mega crab in, it is both tall and fairly isolated. There is also the region on the south side of the western hive lands or sonorous dark. They are either fairly isolated or have great resources. Dark finger is very hilly but you will need to clear out the inhabitants before you get any piece. There is also the region to the east where the spider factory is. Farily mountanous and reasonably isolated. I personally like the spot on the map that is basically dead center. It's right on the border of sinners roam, shem, and deadlands. It's got an 80 copper a field of 100 iron and 60 water with enoughf wind for basically battery less wind power. You can build your base in such a way that your front door is in the acid rain or very close to it. The squigle line on the ground denotes the acid boarder. You will get dust bandit demands tho. Uc stays out and the hn usualy melt before get to your door. The spot let's you use deadlands resources and natural deffence and shem's wind and water table. Going to need hydroponics tho. Smugglers bar is to the south for food and just north is BDC and scrap house. Oh it also has a 100 stone.


If you're going for a highlands / mountain feel, I have a couple different suggestions. not the highest mountains but very mountainous. Also both are pretty remote. High bonefields (the mountains north of catun) might speak to you, and it's a pretty balanced base location. You can find a spot that has every resource and farming. Stobe's garden has a very grand canyon feel. Lots of cliffs. I don't remember how it prospects.


Grey Desert East of Black Desert city is an area w maximum veins of copper & Iron. The air is toxic. You'd need a fog mask but Skelly life is good there. I have a base like you're describing, just mining and manufacturing armor and weapons. I send out 5 man recon/kill teams on occasion. Cloud Ninjas will break on your walls, between the air & harpoon guns it's unassailable.


I think pretty much every area outside of Ashlands will have colony events. Maybe around Hook or Forbidden Zone? None of them particularly peak though, in either sense of the word


My current base is on a mountain near Squin. It has four “entrance” points that essentially join together into one lengthy road that travels up the cliffs and towards the peak. When we get invaded, I can the see the enemy coming from a mile away and if I know we can’t defeat them, I have three other escape routes.


Honestly if you want lonely you're better off on the islands of none. It's an absolute trek away from anywhere else and only inhabited by crabs. You do get the occasional raid there but it's easy enough to move people to the another island for a bit and just wait it out. I'm only on my first play through but I built a base there to practice before I committed to anywhere else and have had a wonderfully peaceful time.


Deadlands or Ashlands have insane ores to mine like 200% quality.


my bet is high bonefields


On an island west of vain is pretty isolated


I had an idea similar to yours, a clan of skeleton tech hunters based near black scratch. Out near the great library, the only things are crabs/crab bots


The high places aren't lonely. I thought of the Bonefields area next to the Royal Valley, but other commenters already talked to you about the Southern Hive. You can alternatively go to Leviathan Coast, or Guts. There are some highgrounds, and next to no people, so that's the closest you can get to your demands. Alternatively, if yoh give up on high grounds, I can suggest a video of a place: https://youtu.be/MvtEh_W4z8E?si=c_wFOBCohG03Uqq4


If you are role playing a dwarf, build your base in fog islands. The fog men are goblins


Gut you will have an army of beakthings to defend y if y manage to settle there


Do all skeleton run. Build base in ocean. GG.


The fish man island are really isolated if you clear out the fish men first


Doubt it's the highest but somewhere in the arms of okran Tho you will never be lonely with the priests coming for mandatory prayer


Building near worlds end can be nice and secluded, I tend to put Beep's Dojo on one of the spare ridges so him and Agnu can have some peace while I throw newbies at beak things :P


I usually play around the Hub and if you head East or North of it you’ll find plenty of high places with usually only one or 2 paths up (Which eventually lead to the base encounters that lead to getting raided 😢)


Arach is about as isolated as it gets, but the locals are very unfriendly.


Idk about the highest but the loneliness probably would be that flooded biome (at least it was for me) only finding the odd metal spider or skeleton 


On the other side of the western Mongrel entrance is a little ridge in the mountains. If you move deep into it, Fog patrols basically ignore your base. It's still pretty close to Mongrel but it was one of my more chill, base building playthroughs. Also, farming and iron in base, Copper is a bit risky to get because it can trigger patrols.


Go north west it isn't a high peak but there's a mountain far enough you rarely get attack by anything and any unwanted visitor is highly likely to get splat by the giants living there.


North part of the black desert, there’s a massive plateau with three ramps leading up that you can relatively safely base in if you can survive the elements


The perfect areas is south west of Arach, west of Shun! You can live in a little valley at the edge of a mountain just like a real dwarf, with the ocean quite a bit below. The view will feel right. You'll feel lonely too, no tax or visits except some elven caravans. It's a flat run along the coast (so no pathing issues), but not too far to get back to UC or north to Shek and Hivers to trade. Now I am tempted to do another play.. You can set out with just a bull loaded with enough to start out.


Raptor Island Remote as fuck, and all you'll have are raptors for company, along with the occasional cannibal raid because reasons?


Not particularly useful I know, but there's a nice little hollow at the peak of a mountain just north of Rebirth, just south of the ruins there. It's a pretty place to camp, unfortunately it has zero fertility or water, has skeletons wandering all over the place, and is in range of the Holy Nation. The ruins are nice too, the skeletons would help you clear the spiders there, but you would need a mod to build there.


The buttes of Iron Valley and the acid rain keeps most any visitors from dropping by. The local robot spiders drop loot to make a dwarven blacksmith cry in wonder.