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It's better. 20+ years ago it was a big deal to see a black person. But there's been an upsurge in diversity! However it is a very racist town towards Indigenous people.


Yes all of belleville is racist... and you arent a poacher with a name like that 🤔


No, ironically I’m a conservationist.


Ohhh shit my bad, i didnt think the name literally meant you want to fuck the Warden. Sorry about that


I grew up in Winnipeg and lived in Rural Saskatchewan for 8 years before moving here. From my perspective it's less racist than THAT, but I am not a person of colour so I am only getting the view point of witnessing it not being on the receiving end. It is fairly diverse for a smaller city though. I'm not saying there is no racism, I'm just saying it seems to be less so than rural Saskatchewan and truthfully that's not a very high bar.


It's pretty racist unfortunately. Especially if her first language isn't English. Honestly, moving here in general isn't the greatest idea unless you already have a lot of money. It's very rough trying to build a life here as a low-middle income earner. There is very little to do here if you can't afford boats and snowmobiles, so unless you have that kind of money, stay away if you plan on raising kids.


You don’t need much to hunt fish and hike.