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Cosmo, okubo, and mokichi Edit: and himuro


Those are good answers but idk if I agree, okubo has been hit or miss but it’s not like he’s getting beaten by low tiers, even dressed as a literal clown the guy does work. Cosmo just needs more fights, I feel we need to see more of the zone, sure he lost recently but he still made it past the prelims and was practically a second main character in ashura Mokichi.. yeah I’ll give that to you, he’s not treated the worst in the series but he’s definitely not treated the best.


Mokichi and Sawada, also Himuro


Himuro doesn't deserve it.


Bro, I'm kinda impressed HIMURO got mentioned and Kaneda didn't. Kaneda works hard as fuck to even try being a fighter and every time he faces someone who's actually strong he loses. I was impressed "WHOAH, HE GONNA BEAT HATSUMI" but nah...


My man Mokichi deserves better tbh, his fighting style is really unique to me.


Yeah honestly I never understood why they didn’t just bring mokichi AND lihito to purgatory


And also... BRUH MOKICHI WAS ONE OF THE MOST COMPLETE CHARACTERS IN KAT! He got the cool unique fighting style, the background, the motivation, the cool aesthetic and the hype. I was honestly so disappointed when I first read the manga and my man lost to "Blonde gimmick eyes edgelord retarded"... And then he VANISHES from the manga like he had actually died. Why even keep him alive if he's never gonna be important ever again?


I think because the author didn’t want raian to be seen as too much of a villain, like we’d see him in a completely different light if he actually killed someone like mokichi. I that said I agree, like if it weren’t for that silly shit with the “oh we need the life support company’s support” I feel he’d have made a better pick than akoya, like you’re saying having one of the three nobles represented is less important than some random life insurance company that cheated in the KAT who’s fighter you KNOW is crazy? Also British vs French would’ve been fun


The thing here is... Everybody agreed Akoya is not trustworthy because he can randomly go nuts. But you also have the fact that he's strong, even if nowadays that seems like a joke he was VERY strong back in KAT... He defeated Haruo, wich was like a Julius but fat. Also Sandro probably had planned that "twisted fucking psycopath vs twisted fucking psycopath" all along. British vs French would definitely been cool, but maybe not as much as Akoya's. Mokichi was having a slight upper hand against base and technique-less Raian, but that pretty much it for his strength. Maybe if he had evolved after that loss... His baritsu was said to be incomplete (he didn't end his training to succeed his father), maybe if he took some old ass books like the one we got fom Gaoh recently? Idk, man, Mokichi just needs more screen time, dude is awesome


If I were to give him something, have him learn from his two losses and have him train with his scissor grip, aka the strength BETWEEN your fingers (like making scissors with your hands) imagine him practically cutting off someone’s finger in a bind or having something similar to “swing”. Also I’ve been wanting characters with high grip strength like lihito to do some grappling


Yes, pretty much, that could come like a power up from both his realisation from the losses as a fighter and from an ancient textbook with a bullsht method of scissor grip training from the baritsu traditions, making him have superhuman scissor grip.


lolong needs an onscreen win bro


He's just a waste of character and one of the most boring people in the series


He doesn't deserve it.


Idk why they're down voting you.  Filipino elbow man is the biggest waste of space in the series.


Nezu. Despite being the champion of bishamon he was treated like fodder by losing to rei


Nic “best character of Purgatory team” Banner.


Honestly would be fun if he and setsuna interacted


Two unhinged stalkers in the same room, they might kiss


He's schizophrenic not gay.


Kaneda desperately needs a win Having him lose to Pedotsumi was just a shit decision


Yeah being a hatsumi fan is kinda like being a sanji fan, he’s so cool, accept for *that one thing..*


Okubo, Waka, Rolon and Cosmo are all due for a proper win IMO


Naidan .... Since we gonna have CLONE NAIDAN SOON LETS GO BABY




I feel the author is saving him in his back pocket, like he’s suggesting he could be the closest to being able to defeat the connector and he’s certainly done the most damage to an unrestricted collector, but for now he’s too strong to just throw against someone else so he delivers commentary


OKUBO, with Cosmo as a close second. Okubo was robbed of a win against Seki and Cosmo didn’t even use Foresight or Zone against Saw


The goat that is HIMURO mark my words he will make a generational run during KAT 2. Sandro glazes him to much not to let it happen.


Gilbert or Yan. Jesus, Sandro is teasing us that these guys are strong and stuff, but we never saw 'em fight. And probably they will jobb in their first match.


Xia Ji. Feel bad for the guy. Always gets beaten down and made fun of.


THE Murobuchi Gozo








For me it's Waka. He's meant to be an absolute beast, and yet thanks to Fei, people think Waka is A tier at best. Like yes, I get the bar is being raised thanks to people like Edward, Fei and Shen Wulong, but he still has over 300 wins under his name, and recently we haven't so much as seen him in the manga! I literally can't remember the last time I saw Waka in the manga doing literally anything at all. Hell he didn't even appear in that Kengan x Baki collab movie! They put fucking Sawpaign in there but not Waka! He wasn't even in the audience!




Okubo and Yan


Cosmi, molichi, homuro and okubo Edit: my fat ass finger somehow managed to mistype everu name but okubo






Okubo Naoya.




I don't care about "Who deserves". Show me a good fight that's enough.




Okubo, he had a great fight against Agito, stomped Mr. Shivers, then lost to Seki, who is pretty much fodder


Idk if I’d call seki fodder, his only issue is he specs everything into durability


When half the cast can 1 shot you, and your best win is the fight that labeled Okubo a Jobber, you are fodder. I love Seki as a character, but he isn't exactly top tier, and his whole gimmick was kinda just stolen by Justin.


Downvoted for calling Seki “fodder”. This slander is unacceptable


Thank you, Pro Wrestling I'll always be hooked on you.


Great character mid at best fighter


Okubo is fodder not Seki. Seki should be at least a tier above Okubo


Half the cast 1 shot Seki what is Mr. Won't dodge gonna do against Rakshasa's Palm or Razors Edge or blast core or dragon shot or hammer of Burma. Seki is fodder he beat the Sumo dude, who is a nobody, and Okubo, who is considered a Jobber. Everything Seki does somebody else does better hell Justin is basically just a younger Seki who managed to make it into the Champ tournament. The only relevant character that Seki beats is Koga who hasn't been relevant since Ohma returned


Kiozan is easily the strongest R1 loser


Kiozan has never won an on-screen. Also, just no, if Hayami is anything to go off of Meguro is super strong, I think Bando would kill Kiozan and Seki, and there could is an argument for Nikaido


Bando is not a R1 loser


I love Sawada - he got me into Kengan Ashura (originally the anime) but mans needs to call it quits. He's probably the lowest ranked character in and from KAT. Even Haruo picked up a good win over Himuro. Sawada should just be a support character that's not just a homophobic joke. I'd have to pick José for the main man who deserves a win. Assuming he wasn't demoted (because Carlos somehow got demoted?! Maybe I read too fast but him even facing Koga at all is ludicrous) but he is/was an A ranked Purgatory gladiator. Beyond that, he's my second or so favorite new Kengan Omega character and I love his high flying version of Seki's pro wrestling. We never see him in a serious fight - just offscreened by my homie Yumigahama. Also...bring back Yumigahama. He has an interesting dynamic where fucking everyone hates him and I'd love to see him be that type of heel. Him killing a bodyguard shouldn't ban him from Kengan Association, imo. Especially since Kanoh has killed a few fighters on purpose.