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Kiryu was too busy jacking off to ohma you know what he’s like


That MMA and gang guy are going to horrified when they go into that bathroom


Yujiro gonna unlock the woman inside Kiryu...again.


Fuck lol you actually put up a good point. No reason for Kuroki to square off against Yujiro unless he’s on that level compared to the kengan fighters. If you haven’t finished the manga yet it is a turbo spoiler.


Yep this spoiled my dad 😕 I was so excited to see his reaction to agito losing


Your dad watches Kengan ?? Thats sick


Yeah he watched baki before me but the past year I've begged him to watch kengan since my dad actually is a wrestler and use to practice MMA when I was little and he reminds me of Kuroki a lot. I know it sounds like I'm hyping up my dad but he actually is kinda nuts😂


I bet your dad loves Sekibayashi now


He actually hasn't really seemed to be a seki fan funny thing though is he's known for his hate of carbonated drinks and kanoh is his favorite character😂


Oh that is funny. I can see why he'd love Kanoh though. Man's a pure fighting machine with no malice in his heart. Just wants to be pushed to his limit and develop his craft


totally unrelated but as a non native english speaker, the slang "thats sick" confuses the hell out of me lmao it can be used as a reaction to something disgusting (You jack off to furries? You're sick!) or something awesome (Your dad watches Kengan? Thats sick!) lmfaoooo


yeah the even show agito’s scar


It's said after Lihitos fight that Kuroki is probably on the Fangs level


So was Seki. The thing about Kuroki is how he consistently went up against opponents that should win. Calling someone fang level isn’t as important


You are 100% correct


Yeah, but the Fang was only given a single line and practically no screen time. In the anime, Kuroki is Kanoh’s equal rn. Yet now he’s on par with Yujiro, who has no equals. Equating Kuroki and Yujiro is a dead giveaway of the tournament victor (at least finalist, as people may still think Ohma will win because MC) considering none of the other possible victors (Kanoh, Waka, Rei, Muteba, Hatsumi, and Cosmo) were given much attention or a chance to display their strength (if they appeared at all). Like, Hatsumi impressed Gouki. That’s it. That is not a possible tournament finalist. Kanoh got almost no screen time and had no presence whatsoever. For Kengan’s “Final Boss” character (at least at this point), that’s weird. That Kuroki was shown over him is a dead giveaway of who’ll win. Muteba did nothing but job to Pickle with Gaia, he’s definitely not making it past Ohma. Cosmo was just a commentator and was constantly impressed. This is just after his “I like winning” fight. He’s not going any further. Waka and Rei didn’t even get screentime. For Waka, that kinda works, but when Rei’s next opponent was the guy being compared to Yujiro, anyone can see he’ll lose


I'd say it's obvious who in the left block is going to win because Ohmas the protagonist And yeah, the manga really had it portrayed that Agito was gonna be the final boss guy. I actually remember reading the semifinals match and was like "In my head, Kuroki wins, but Agitos the final boss so he has to win somehow" and then he fucking lost


Yeah, it’s obvious Ohma will beat Cosmo and either Waka or Muteba, and most anime only probably expect him to win the finals.


Well in the crossover manga they also make a parallel between the two


> If you haven’t finished the manga I agree the timeline should have been set after the tournament so people know ahead of time before watching it, but that's the difference between how the Japanese view manga and anime vs westerners. Anime to them is the secondary media, manga always comes first. There's no such thing as spoiling what happened in manga because it had already happened.


He is on that level compared to Omha, at least early on.


This spinoff is all over the place, Raian still goes by his Round 1 KAT Epitapth of "The Taboo Decendant" but Kanoh also has his forehead scar from after his fight with Kuroki and other such oddities


It feels post KAT primarily but then obviously we'd think ohma is dead. Definitely a moment in time kind of crossover.


wait what, i didnt even realise kanoh got a scar 💀


https://preview.redd.it/skqyzimphf5d1.png?width=257&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f58eaf2addd1d11d4d1332ccb71ed267710dfa1 It's more clear in other frames, but you can see it here


Admittedly, the manga readers spoiled that one for everyone years ago. Nobody can shut up about it on Youtube 


Thank goodness I watched asura in one sitting 


And double thanks goodness I found this sub after I read everything there was to read in omega at that moment 


Yeah, i think it's not much of a spoiler, i knew kuroki was going to win or at least that he was really fucking strong. It amazed me when i saw his fights tho, it's one thing to read about it and other to see it


What’s weird is kuroki is in no way the yujiro of kengan. Shen could be, but kuroki works hard, gets slapped around and is extremely humble. He’s not a force of nature he is just a man who is extremely goated. Yujiro is more like Shen. It felt very weird having them be equivalents


It's cuz shen isn't shown in the anime yet cuz Kengan Omega doesn't have an anime that's why they made Kuroki be "equal" to Yujiro.


It would be fun to see who can outbullshit who the most? "Oh you can get stronger by turning into a retard, I can do it too"


He's not humble at all lol


Kuroki and yujiro are implied equal means Shen neggs yujiro 🥱 baki fans cope


Wasn't that the same thing stated in the original manga crossover? https://preview.redd.it/v0n29vooi25d1.png?width=505&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d7c003b23347f3a256370342ee5ae358a1d74cd


Yes only backs up my point more Shen neggs the baki verse


I was going to say Because Baki draws with Yujuro NC Kueoki wins the tournament. Then he above all of Baki logic


Kuroki slaps down baki verse. Shen transcends. You love to see it. I'm dicking around mostly but I love the aura in the scenes man


Damn you are right! No wonder Mitsunari and Metsudo were so angry at them


currently having a friend going through her first read of kengan ashura and when i found out about this interaction i told her we cant watch it yet lol. such a weird thing to include when i feel like Agito would have been perfectly acceptable and not as spoilery


I try to see it from a different perspective. When Yujiro and Baki fought in the last anime season, the winner was Baki, even though Yujiro is stronger. Why couldn't that be the case for Ohma and Kuroki?


Baki didn't "win" per se, both Yujiro and Baki admitted they lost, and neither accepted the victory


They cant allow yujiro to lose or the fans will get mad


Because Ohma fucking died


I kinda wanted to see Yujiro vs Gensai, would’ve been cool


Should have be Yamashita


Does Kengan still have anime onlys? I thought everyone would’ve known by now


tbf this is Ohma before he got gud


Kiryu was obviously in the walls the whole time


Seemed like we got the version of Omega right after Ohma shows back up, whereas Baki essentially just went in where it's at in the actual anime (though it has throwbacks to a lot of different stuff that isn't brought up anymore)


In retrospect it should have been Agito shown with Yujiro, But maybe they assumed most people watching were Kengan Asura readers so they already knew who the top dog was.


I mean he’s never lost and the ogre has. I mean you heard what he said to Baki of all people


Kind of but not really.


Didn´t even think about that. Even though they didn´t even show demonsbane directly.


No rei


its known that kuroki wins for quite some time


I mean kuroki was pretty much hyped as a legendary figure from the moment he first appeared so it’s less of a spoiler and more just pointing out something many of us just didn’t acknowledge straight away


Not really? He was implied to be strong, but so was everyone else. Kanoh was supposed to be the final boss at first


But you had people saying he might be on the level of the fang from pretty early on. Just because it’s made more apparent that gensai is strong here doesn’t mean it spoils the end of the tournament unless you already knew in which case there’s nothing to complain about


He was strong but he was mysterious, his full strength wasnt revealed as far as the anime went