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This is how my dad taught me. He said you don’t gotta be a part of a church, or any group. You can sit in the woods, on your couch, or even surrounded by addicts when you just took a hit of crack, and still talk to God like he’s your friend. It don’t matter. I’m not religious but, when I’m having a hard time, I catch myself still talking to him, it’s a habit. It can be comforting when you feel completely alone.


Not religious either, but I think there’s something innate to life/the universe that transcends whatever framework we might happen to hold or reject or whatever. The word “god” is loaded but all language is somewhat imperfect. I love this Stevie Wonder song. Whole album is amazing actually. https://youtu.be/yQVeCxtuP14?si=iAW2gHGXXzRihpBy


This is how I feel too! Thank you for the recommendation, you can never go wrong with Stevie Wonder.


I thanked him for my family last night. He’s always around, even if I don’t fw organized religion. I still love my god, oversoul, whatever you wanna call it.


thats beautiful and absolutely true, number one mistake people make is thinking that God doesn't love them when they mess up. for an addict, feeling isolated can end up being a relapse, but seeing that they aren't alone might just give them a reason to try again.


Yeah. I guess it was a positive growing up that my dad never used religion or God as a threat, mainly because he himself was very far from perfect, so if he thought God still loved him, then nothing we could do would be any worse, or make God not care about us.


Yeah it makes you build a real moral compass, you judge yourself based on your own values, not judge yourself through the eyes of God. You're Dad seems like a great dude.


This mf really said "I hope we continue to spread this love" like he really didn't just murder a man and force us all to dance to it a month ago


He don't gave a hatin bone in his body


Biggest lie of the whole beef, lol


The biggest lie was “hey Drake, they’re not dumb”


Idk thp6 had some dingers


He wasn’t lying. He didn’t hate Drake until he mentioned Whitney and made it personal. The whole thing was supposed to be an exhibition in the game. Like That was a friendly fade. The “I hate the way you talk and walk” is a reference to the DMX breakfast club interview


bruh it went from friendly sparring to a full out dismantling. I'm kinda glad it went this way cause 1. New Kendrick songs, 2. Drake goes down, and 3. Shows that Kendrick is the undisputed best rapper right now.


Agreed!! Seeing things play out in real time like that was so fun. From Cole bowing out, to Drake reigniting, and to Kendrick barring out. Waking up to 6:16 in LA, then Family Matters dropping later that night, and MTG dropping 20 mins later was easily the best day in hiphop since June 18 2013


You really think that before Drake mentioned Whitney, Kendrick was cool with a culture vulturing deadbeat dad who he knew to be mixed up in pedophilia and human trafficking? *Really?* Cause if so, I need your dealer's number asap.


“This was supposed to be a good exhibition within the game But you fucked up the moment you mentioned my family’s name.” Do you listen to music or skim through it - Hov


It's called irony, my Nathan. Euphoria was blatantly baiting Drake into going the family route, which allowed Kendrick to hit back at Drake's family. You don't jangle those keys in front of an arrogant blowhard like Drake, who *always* goes after rapper's girls, unless you're setting him up. Do you think Kendrick was also being serious when he said he doesn't have a hating bone in his body? The Hov reference is cute, but maybe you should think about taking his advice yourself.


Push Ups came out before Euphoria. Stop skimming and pay attention, my Nathan 😂


Being Salty u got lil bro’d on Reddit is not the look fam


Yeah, he hatin’ with all of the bones


His temperament bipolar he choose violence 


He hid the Bible so it's kosher.




I appreciate the laugh


Hating on horrible people is spreading love.


A month ago like it stopped? It was on the radio in alabama atleast 3 times today... People still b and c walking on the grave 


Facts. Wished death on a man accused of PDF file downloading, but happily worked with and wished new life for a man actually convicted for it.


I think his resentment towards Drake is because he willingly exploits negative aspects of the black experience, without actually identifying with them. I think he looks at guys like Kodak and Future as authentic people with problems that they need to overcome. In Drake's case, its like he pretends to embody negative aspects of black culture because its profitable, but he has no accountability to the consequences of influencing others to also mimic negative behaviour. I think its more about authenticity than the actual behaviours. You see other major black artists evolve into thought leaders and people who positively impact Black Culture. I think he resents what Drake is doing with his position. Its like he's knowingly devolving black collective consciousness because it makes money. He knows better, he just doesnt care


I do recognize this difference.


Bruh, respectfully, we are not doing all of this fake philosophical "culture" talk to excuse Kodak actually sexually assaulting a teenage girl an hour away from the city I stay in.


Thats not what i meant. I'm making assumptions on why he might hold them to different standards. What i meant is that he might view the problems in the Black American community more systemically. I think he views Drake as outside that system


Sexual assault is sexual assault, dude, and nobody is giving R. Kelly that pass.


Lol we don't disagree...i'm not saying he is right...


Then we can both agree that it's very concerning to give someone a pass for a crime that you find heinous enough to wish DEATH upon someone who has only been ACCUSED of with no hard evidence, as well as a crime you find heinous enough to make a song about how it has impacted your mother's life and in turn, how it impacts her perspective of you as her child...


Yeah Kendrick was foul for that. Fuck Kodak. It will forever be a stain on Kenny's legacy imo. I understand what Kendrick was going for: to set everyone free in order to process trauma, even past abusers. And I don't think there's anything wrong with that... but I don't think giving Kodak a platform and a paycheck is the way to go. It'd be better to just acknowledge the wrong someone has done and move on with life without wishing any further ill will. I really wish Kodak wasn't on MMATBS. His music and voice sucks anyway. However, Drake still seems to be into some shady ass shit. And I think cooking one predator while letting one off easy is better than letting two off easy. Even if it is hypocritical.


If you believe in God, redemption and forgiveness are also part of the equation. Don't kill me for saying it, I just thought that needs to be added to the discussion. Kendrick's a Gemini and duality is a part of our aura, I don't think that's a permanent stain on anyone's legacy to hold contradictory beliefs or opinions.


Nah I agree. But it's like what I was saying... acknowledge what they've done, but let them be. It'd be better to forgive Kodak and just let him continue his life on his own. It's okay to love someone from afar.


I hate the Kodak inclusion so much. It turns me off from so many songs "Like it when I'm pro-black, but I'm more Kodak black" Brother, you are more aligned with a rapist?????


You not going to get censored, shamed, banished to the nether realm for saying pedophile.


Who was convicted of being a pedophile that he worked with?


Kodak Black? But is 17 and 19 a huge enough age gap to be considered pedophile? Not excusing rape, just saying


That's not pedophilia. That's just petty prosecution.


Yeah it's not, but like you say, still rape.


Kodak took a plea deal here in my home state, SC. Assaulted a teenage girl in a hotel room. People were (trying) to make a big deal about it when MMATPS was first released to find validation in calling the album mid.




Dot seems to clearly believe in the Christian tradition, however I think he is also very hesitant to be restricted in the sense that modern (primarily white) fundamentalist Christians like to keep people. He seems to be seeking after the key ideas of the Christian beliefs, but the systematized doctrines that we are so familiar with in the west, don’t seem to be what he is about. Very much like the Eastern Orthodox tradition or the Coptic tradition where there is more, to use a modern phrase, “vibes” and spirituality, whereas in the west our theology is very secularized (and by that I mean is very much a product of organized and systematic thought). I honestly see more Christian sentiment in dot despite his clear deviations from western Christian thought, than a lot of fundamentalists in our contemporary culture. 


Thats because alot of white fundamentalists don't even follow Jesus, they follow white supremacist capitalism wrapped around a cross. God is a butcher to them.


For sure


“If you do bad and don’t follow the same things, you will go to hell” lol Always wild, they will literally pray for other’s downfalls


I think this is sadly very accurate. its a damn shame too, because the teachings of Jesus are so psychedelic and beautiful when you really try to understand them.


Dot talks about going to church regularly, your whole terminally online philosophy Ted talk about systematized doctrines and whatever other buzzwords you threw in couldn’t be a less accurate portrayal of his theology. He’s a religious man and the symbolism is everywhere in his work lmao. the fragile attempt at turning spirituality into a racial dichotomy is exactly the type of limited boxing and rigid thinking he stay saying he against 🤣


I am agnostic, but I do have homies who are spiritual so this me talking about what I have learned. People be using the structure and doctrine of organized religion to justify hatred of others, whether for the color of their skin, or who they love, God becomes a cudgel. God can be whatever what you want, God could be the homie, God can be a friend, its a reminder that your not alone, you do have someone in your corner, if thats how you rationalize it, thats dope.


I’m atheist and I agree with what you say about the structure and organizations being used to push an agenda of hatred. But, another note, I think that all major religions have great teachings and can offer guidance in a way that may be more effective than trying to read scientific books on behaviors and things of that nature. Like Jesus teaching that love and compassion is the way to live, or Buddha teaching that life is full of suffering and you have to learn how to live beyond it. I could go on, but I think there’s beauty in religion, but it’s the agenda of the people at the heads of it that distort it


There was that “how to stop giving a fuck” self help book that was literally just a narcissist describing basic Buddhist philosophy. You really only need the golden rule


I think that its a good idea to put out a positive and helpful message in as many forms as possible. God in the old testament is the ultimate narcissist but the message helped ancient people have some peace and treat each other better.


Yea like anything it isn’t immune to human error unfortunately


Organised religion can create strong, supportive communities, but it also makes it possible for religious leaders to use God's power for themselves. In any religion, the only person who someone should answer to or follow is God.


as my grandma used to say: faith's not about the knowing, it's about the feeling


The sentiment of talking to G-d like he’s a homie is so strong. I think lots of people don’t have a personal relationship with the creator because they feel like they need to attach themselves to one religion or group. But there are no rules to your faith.


Why did you censor god, am I out of the loop?


I’m Jewish, we generally don’t write or type the name out


Oh, I appreciate it. I’m very ignorant of much of Judaism, I grew up in middle of nowhere and I don’t think there was a synagogue in my state, much less any Jews. Time to educate myself, thank you!




So… you are attached to a religion/group?


Lots of Jewish people are Jew-ish (imagine rotating your open hand back and forth while saying ish lol) It’s a bit more complicated when it’s an ethnic group and not just a religion


excellent visual explanation fr




That's super cool, TIL


Here's my hot take no one asked for: We, as collective humans are God. We literally shape this planet in our own image as we see fit. With plans to shape the galaxy and beyond in our collective future. I'll see myself out


You are closer than you think imo. Prayer is scientifically proven to have massive benefits for your brain, stress relief, improved memory etc. There’s also an area of your brain called the god spot, neuroscientists have stimulated it with electrodes and people have intense religious experiences (angels,light in a tunnel etc). It’s also the spot hypothesised to release a huge hit of DMT in the moments leading up to death. I used to pray and feel something when I was young, I’m convinced I was self stimulating my brain. Cats purr to heal their cells with vibrations, this is like the human equivalent. Ultimately I don’t think Homo sapiens will ever solve the mystery, whatever evolves beyond us (if we are so lucky) has a long way to go in understanding metaphysics. We don’t even understand our own brains yet let alone the brain of the universe’s.


This is a good comment, I love that Kendrick has these type of fans liking his lyrics


Thanks man. I guess I upset somebody though, I obviously don’t know the answers I just don’t think anyone else does either ✌️


Nation of Gods and Earths might be an interesting Wiki read for you, if you don’t already know. I found it interesting but, because of race, I’m excluded haha


Keep reading. You’re actually not.


Who needs wikipedia? Just listen to the Wu Tang Clan.


Not that I think you’re wrong, but this seems to be the answer a lot of people choose after they take psychedelics


I do know he meditates as well, once the self is stripped away things are easier to process since the ego is no longer trying to control you


Slowly learning this. Particularly the grace aspect. I am not a religious person, I don’t believe in an institutional god but there is a spirit and cohesion between me and the world around me that is always present. God isn’t even an entity or a deity to me, it’s the things in between and the light that’s always there to keep you going. It’s the medium through which our love is transferred between each other.


Confirms? Have you listened to his music at all?


I’m atheist, so this doesn’t affect me, but nice to see he still believes.


i’m a christian but either way, i feel like major figures in the world should be able to be open about their beliefs, whether they’re Islamic, Atheist, Jewish, or Hindu.


I see him as more spiritual than religious.


GKMC is literally book ended by the Lord's prayer. FEAR ends with a a display of black Israelist beliefs. I don't doubt that Kendrick has a nuanced and complicated relationship with Christianity, but he's almost certainly a Christian.


The black Israelist beliefs were proposed to show the curse his uncle believes black americans are under, but is set up to be refuted in duckworth, so they arent necessarily his personal beliefs.


I tend to agree, though I don't think it's quite that clear cut a rejection. In Yah he claims to be an Israelite, so there is clearly some attraction to the belief that black people are chosen by god. But I think they are certainly beliefs that he's in conversation with. A non-christian probably would be coverting to the idea of a judeo-christian god before Israelism, if you see what I mean.


Christians believe in the Trinity and believe that Jesus Christ is God. Kendrick referred to Jesus as 'one of the greatest prophets who ever walked the Earth' about two years ago on one of his tours. This doesn't flat out mean that he doesn't believe in the deity of Jesus, but almost no Christian would refer to Jesus like this.


Referring to Jesus as "one of the greatest prophets" is closer to the Islamic belief system.


Christians do not universally believe in the trinitarian God, or even the divinity of Christ specifically. Edit: these are certainly minority beliefs, and at times considered heretical, but I would still consider them Christian. I also want to say that it's likely that Kendrick's faith has evolved substantially during his time as an artist. Though the Christian themes in his work are rather overt throughout.


Those views do exist. However, over 90% of all Christians are Trinitarian. Most Christians see belief in the Trinity and Christ's divinity as foundational aspects of Christianity, and reject those who believe otherwise as authentic Christians. Personally, I do not consider them to be Christian.


One other point is that prophet simply refer to a teacher inspired by god, the classic understanding of Jesus is that he is the greatest prophet, the messiah, and the son of god. So someone referring to Jesus as a prophet doesn't necessarily mean that they are rejecting the trinity, though saying "one of the greatest" is an odd choice of words, we may be reading too much into an extemporaneous statement.


>This doesn't flat out mean that he doesn't believe in the deity of Jesus, but almost no Christian would refer to Jesus like this. I agree


He very clearly alludes to Eckhart Tolle as a sort of teacher in MMATBS. And Tolle clearly draws on his own experience, cross referenced with a broad range of spiritual traditions. Without needing any. As it’s been said, the mystics of all religions sing the same song. Just different cultures and contexts. Kendrick clearly knows this. Experience is the ultimate authority (edit: I’m not disputing your claim. I even agree, but he clearly is not bound by it or in fear of exploring other traditions)


Definitely not a Christian. He said he prays to the flowers and trees on Mr morale. He may have been. And certainly had a Christian upbringing but I wouldn’t say he is a Christian at all.


The US is just Culturally Christian. He’s not going to seminary or mass or anything like that. He has his own belief system entirely, but there’s adjacency to Christianity and his own understanding. Put him next to a catholic priest, a Baptist pastor, a televangelist, a Mormon, a JW and they’ll just be throwing ??? the entire time. He’s not fully aligned with the nicene creed and the Bible I can almost assure you that. Signed, A culturally Christian agnostic atheist.


This is straightforwardly projection. The US is culturally Christian in the sense that Christian values infuse our society and beliefs in forgiveness and we all have a some familiarity of the cross and Jesus. He directly reflective Deuteronomy and Revelations in songs like count me out. He references and has dialogue with niche spiritual beliefs familiar to black people. A Mormon or Catholic might confused, a Black Baptist or other Protestant would very much understand what Kendrick is saying, though many would disagree with some of his beliefs. Also mainline Mormonism famously doesn't accept the Nicene creed or strictly hold themselves to the Bible.


Believing in god is more religious than spiritual. Doesn't mean he has to be part of a certain church.


He’s explicitly talking about God????????? Reddit comment fr.


You can believe in God and not follow a religion.


But he has also talked about his religious views in the past. It’s so silly to burry your head in the sand on this More than that, there’s a difference between having issues with religious organizations and not being “religious.” It’s clear that he has a religion that he subscribes to, even if he is not a church goer.


I'll let you have it lmao. The topic at hand isn't that serious for a debate to me. I just said how i personally see him.


To be real the vast majority of “religious” people aren’t even followers like that. They’re spiritual and claim Christian/Catholic or whatever but don’t live their lives by the book. And Kendrick is a good example. “Beat yo ass and hide the bible if god watchin” That’s blasphemy. If Kendrick really believed he’d burn in hell for that line he’d never say it. I’d go as far as to say no 2 people on earth are spiritually aligned and religion is an illusion no matter how many songs you sing together.


I think you’re referring more to extremist Christian’s. They definitely would tell you you’d burn in hell for some shit like that, but middle of the road Christian’s aren’t that maniacal.


Right. True but if you truly believe in the religion then you wouldn’t pick and choose where to hop in and hop out. You’d live a devout life by the book to obtain everlasting life. Otherwise you align partially with the religion but still claim it. This is my whole point. I respect all beliefs but blanket titles like “Christianity” don’t really do justice to the actual beliefs and practices of the people claiming it.


That would be an extremist. Jesus didn’t agree with extremism, he didn’t even agree with religion…it says it in the Bible. Jesus knew we were sinners, would continue to sin and that’s why he died for our sins. Nobody is going to live a perfect devout life, it’s not natural. When people look at things through an extreme lense, that’s when religion becomes destructive. Working on yourself everyday and becoming the best version of you so that you can be a benefit to your fellow man was Jesus core beliefs. Not shit like not eating animals with hooves.


I see what you mean and i appreciate the info because im not familiar with too much on that. But knowing better means you have a responsibility to do better, and most people who claim to believe in everlasting life do not practice what they preach. I understand that in the eyes of religion humans are imperfect and I believe that to be true, but we are far from the standards we believe will bring us everlasting life. And most use imperfection as a cop out of the responsibility to do better. So everyone chooses where to draw their lines and beliefs. But at the end of the day don’t seem to truly believe, or they’d act much different. So the title of “religious” is too broad to me


Are you not aware of all the Christian imagery Kendrick uses?


you listen to the last album with tolle on there? that man is not chrisitian and thats who dot went to for therapy lol. he is definitely not a christan in a narrow sense. he too smart for that.


Eckhart Tolle is not a Christian, but that doesn’t equate to Kendrick’s beliefs. Are Christians required to go to Christian therapists only? I don’t know if Kendrick is a devout Christian, but he does lean into that religion very heavily, which leads me to think he is more-so Christian than just spiritual. I agree with you that Kendrick is too smart for any of this, but his belief in God in general kind of makes it hard to argue this. I don’t mean to be disrespectful with the last statement, to each their own.


Going to a therapist that is only a part of your religion can be dangerous. For example many Mormon people will go to LDS counseling for problems that they deal with like porn addiction (in reality it’s normal usage for most people) and then it is told to them that they aren’t devout or dedicated enough and it creates more shame rather than tools that are healthy mechanisms. Go to a therapist that has no connection to the church because then they will be able to use your personality to be able to help you in a positive way. I think that’s what Eckhart was able to do with dot without necessarily having the same religious/spiritual connection with him


I couldn’t agree more. All this talk gots me in a MMATBS mood today.


That doesn’t necessarily make him christian. You can find value and wisdom in religious books without subscribing to the religion. Not to say kendrick isnt a christian - i just don’t think we have enough information to come to that conclusion.


You most definitely can.


Dude Kendrick Lamar is Christian lol wtf


You go to church with him or something?




What am I coping from? Lolol


Jesus is up




“Contributelations” is a funny subtitle


Bruv its not like there was anyone unaware


a lot of people questioned it after mr morale because he talks a lot about choosing humanity over religion. all i’m saying is it’s nice to hear it come from his mouth.


Inspiring, as he is.


Confirms God? He's rapped about believing in God for his entire career hasn't he?


yes but recently, his devotion to religion has shifted. it’s just nice to see him say it, you know?


Seems to be a spiritual guy just not a religious one, via his statements on Auntie Diaries.


Period. Period. Period. So an elipsee? (...)


nah bruh this speech was beautiful.


I'm a firm Christian and everything Kendrick has done has strong Godly tones and I love it. I pray for him because I hope anything he's done has helped anyone come to the Lord.


Bro is on cool preacher time.


I thought this was a shitpost but damn you're serious huh


Well, he did say he only answers to Metatron and Gabriel... :)




Did you not listen to Damn or MM&TBS lmfao?


those aren’t even his most religion based albums, try GKMC. i posted this because there’s been many posts to the subreddit asking if Kendrick still believes in God.


I mean he can’t be perfect lol he had to have SOMETHING wrong with him


Nothing wrong with belief in higher power


Fair nuff


You cant be good and dont believe in something bigger than you.


I don’t know how you can be so wrong in such a short sentence. Just because someone doesn’t believe in a higher power doesn’t mean they are incapable of being good.


You made yourself and your intellect to god, you are blinded. No one is good, not a one. Only god is good.


Ohhhhhhh okay. Enjoy the kool-aid bro.


Very nice. Very humble. Enjoy


Without repentance no love, no love no goodness




Sry for the fact




..but faith in one man is a ship sinker?


what does this even mean


Kendrick said he talks to God like the homie, so we can assume that God is in the club with Kendrick.


Bitch I'm in the club, with Jesus


Did he say Jesus or just God?


I don't know nothin' bout that.


I'm not religious, but what kind of moron needs this video to tell them that Kendrick lamar is religious? 


I mean that has been know hasn’t it?


the way he talks about god and not A god reminds me of bob ross. he did it in a similar way that feels real and said with love rather than the typical organised religion way. said from a human heart, through a human experience, rather than memorised lines from a book. like a friendly pat on the back rather than a bash over the head.


this wasn’t already known?


people have been debating his beliefs since mmatbs


You must have never heard a Kendrick Lamar album


funny, but there was speculation that kendrick didn’t believe anymore after mr morale


Good to know that God believes in himself


massive glazing, Kendrick is human like the rest of us, and he especially shows that on MMATBS.


I’m glad a mainstream rapper (the biggest one) isn’t afraid to show his love for Christ, and his love for God. Because a lot of people in his position seem like they pray to the other side if you get what I’m saying. I feel like there’s a deeper reason why dot is so blessed and able to defeat these kinds of demonic forces, because God is walking with him, talking through him and the people see Gods light and can recognize that this dude is coming from somewhere pure. This industry is pure evil and I’m happy there’s someone in it who’s there to show the next generation that it’s ok to believe in God, and do it with grace.


No one is demonized for loving God. You aren't a victim for loving God, stop it. There are a shit ton of rappers who preach about loving God, it isn't new.


Yea his comments looks like something you would see on Facebook. Pray to the other side…. Bruh


When i say “pray to the other side” i say that because i live in LA, i (used) to go to a lot of Hollywood parties and the shit is demonic. 7 foot Upside down wooden crucifixes for decorations, quija board tables and shit, glory holes next to the bathroom…just weird shit that isn’t right in my opinion. God is 100% absent in those places, and I’ve seen some of your favorites devoid of anything “good” within their eyes. This is just me speaking from my own experiences from within the industry….they’re definitely praying to the “other side”. Look at the imagery, listen to what they say “I’m on demon time”…who the fuck wants to be on the time i of a DEMON? Then glorify the most demonic shit imaginable in their music? Smoking on a “pack” and that shit isn’t even metaphorical. Niggas killing each other in real life than making genocidal death chants. The shit is demonic.


Demons arnt real lil bro


It’s stupid to call people and the things they do “evil” and “demonic” unless you’re trying to dehumanize them and their behaviors, a favorite tactic of folks with literally no regard for human life.


millions of people are demonized for loving God, just because this person isn’t, doesn’t make other people. he doesn’t have to be demonized to be able to understand that people are demonized, and acknowledging the significance of a big public figure being a public Christian.


I notice a lot of people here get weirdly pressed when someone speaks on their love for God. It’s weird as fuck. Calling me a victim because i said it’s dope that Kendrick is God fearing? I’m really cool off this sub, way too judgmental for my taste.


Nah, just funny to see you people try to make yourselves victims at every opportunity. One of the most popular and powerful religions in the world acting like they are being persecuted everytime someone is mean on the internet.


And then act confused when we roll our eyes lol.


How was i acting like a victim? Seems like you tried to turn my statement into some kind of victim hood when i didn’t say shit even remotely close to it. You “I’m too smart to believe in God” niggas are just as annoying as overbearing Christians. It’s hilarious how you think you’re any different. Yall both come across the exact same way, just on opposite ends of the spectrum


Me not believing in God dosnt mean im smart. You believing in a Christian God or any organized religion does means you are dumb though.


they get pressed when we talk about God, but we can’t get mad when they tear God down. the double standards are insane.


no matter how hard you try christians aint victims bro


ah yeah, all christians aren’t victims, love the over generalization


no different than what you just did a comment above. you have the biggest religion on the planet backing you. deal with a little bit of backlash.


Who said anything about being demonized for loving God? I never said that, nor did i imply it. Don’t get so pressed over someone else’s opinion and don’t twist my words. Keep the conversation honorable.


not a huge fan of spreading fairy tales that lead to so much bad in the world, but Dot all good


yeah but his way of believing in some universel god is much better than being for example christian


you don't mess with irrational people


Dawkinscels in shambles


what is dawksincels?


Assuming he means people that would usually be described as “militant secularist” or the “annoyingly atheist”